OS X :: Metallic Click Sound - Is Brand New 13 Defective

Nov 20, 2009

I just bought one yesterday, and noticed that everytime i pick it up the inside "clicks".. like a metallic click sound.. Is this normal? or should i return it

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MacBook Pro :: Faint Metallic Click Noise Whenever Move Unit

Jul 24, 2010

Whenever I move my MacBook Pro, I get this weird faint metallic click noise. Is this normal? I have seen some videos on YouTube with this problem: [URL]

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MacBook :: Keeps Producing A Metallic Clicking Sound?

Apr 14, 2012

My 2008 Macbook keeps producing a metallic clicking sound from the bottom right of the computer.  This happens more frequently when it's resting on a surface other than a desktop (ie my legs).  Is it a serious hardware problem or just a warning sound so I don't hold the computer a certain way?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Right Click Noise Supposed To Sound Different To The Left Click?

Jan 16, 2010

Is the right click noise supposed to sound different to the left click? Mine does, is that normal?

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MacBook Air :: Brand New Super-drive Not Working With Brand New 11-inch Mid 2012?

Jul 2, 2012

just came home from Apple Store today with new computer and superdrive, which is not showing up when plugged in. When I put a CD in it reads it for a few seconds then spits it out. I am on the road so getting to an Apple Store will not be easy for the  next week.

MacBook Air (11-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: 2010 13 Inch Metallic Noise?

Aug 9, 2010

I have used Mroogle but everything that i found had something to do with the clicking the hard drive makes when it is moved. The noise my computer is making seems to be coming from the front of the computer near the trackpad. It is metallic-y and rather annoying when browsing the web or streaming movies or playing games.Is this something that i should be concerned about?

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Mac Pro :: Keep Hearing A Wierd Click Sound Once A Day Or 1,1 ?

Mar 18, 2010

I have a Mac Pro 1,1 and every day or at least twice a day I hear a clicking sound.
It is not hard drive style click of death sound. For the life of me I cannot tell where its coming fromDo you guys think it might be the power supply? Everything works perfectly on the machine but that sound worries me.

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MacBook Pro :: HDD Click Sound When Picking Up Laptop

Sep 27, 2010

About 90% of the time, I am using the MBP on the couch while watching TV. When I pick up the MBP to move it around, the HDD makes a quiet "CLICK" sound... It does it more when the base is slightly vertical if that helps. Is this by design? The first thing I thought it might be doing is preparing for a drop by stopping the read/write. Then again, it may be the ugly sound of a dying HDD. I should probably tell you what I have. Spring 2010 MBP. Specs are in signature.

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MacBook :: No Sound Click When Pressing Volume?

May 6, 2009

out of the blue something weird started happening. When i would press the up and down volume keys on the keyboard, no sound is coming out. When i raise or lower the volume from the top status bar, that little click is audible, but when i press the up and down keys from the keyboard, no sound comes out. is this a hardware problem? will apple replace/fix this? could i have muted it or something or is this like i said, a hardware problem?

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MacBook :: Speakers Click When The Sound Is Muted?

Aug 2, 2009

When the sound on my MacBook is muted, and there should be a sound playing (FOR EXAMPLE: EMPTY TRASH), the speakers click. It is almost like the sound wants to play, but does not, instead with a click. This happens every time.

EDIT: It also clicks before it plays a sound too. This happens only when the speakers are not used for a long time. Like a few hours.

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MacBook Pro :: Makes A Click Sound - How To Stop It

Dec 30, 2009

I recently bought a Macbook Pro and it starts worrying me that it makes a 'click' sound.

It's done it all the time but now I start worrying whether or not it's normal. It doesn't do it all the time. It comes now and then. It's not loud.

I've tried to record it and you can hear it by clicking here.

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MacBook Pro :: Why Is Laptop Making A Click Sound

Jun 26, 2014

I've only brought it about 4 or 5 weeks ago and today I've just heard a like a really faint rattle like click sound? if i put my ear to it it sounds like its coming from the fan? i haven't dropped it or damaged it so what could it be?

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MacBook Pro :: 15" 250 Gig Hard Drive Click No Sound

Aug 8, 2009

Iv seen forums on hard drives that click and make sound, but my new macbook pro 15" 2.5 ghz, i hear a very quiet click every 5-6 seconds from the bottom right. is that normal?

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Software :: IMac Makes Click Sound And Not Starting

Jul 22, 2009

I just got back home and I move my iMac's mouse to turn the screen back on. It turns back on and I notice the whole computer is frozen except for the mouse pointer (the dock wont zoom or anything). I hold the back power button to force it to shut down, but the machinery inside doesn't quite seem 100% settled yet, I can just barely hear a little fan moving, but then it too stops. Upon turning it back on with the backbutton, it makes a clicking sound over and over again (sounds like it could be the HD?)

It keeps making this sound then pauses, and does it again. It freezes on the white screen where the grey apple would usually appear. It's stuck on this white screen and keeps clicking, until I'm forced to shut it off from the back again. I've tried shutting it down from the back, then unplugging the power, but that hasn't done anything either. I'm using... Vista. (the specs of the iMac are in my sig.)

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MacBook Air :: Random Click Noise / Sound Coming Out Under Power Button

Feb 9, 2008

I got my MBA for 2 days now. Everything works fine except I heard these randomly Click noise coming out from under the power button place every once a while . It only does it once everytime when it happens and the click sound goes less than a second. Is this suppose to be normal?

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Hardware :: Lacie Big Disk Extreme Make A Repetitive Click Sound?

Jan 6, 2010

My Big Disk Extreme (1TB) was working great, until the other day, while on it started making a repetitive "Click" sound. Im assuming this is somehow related to the drive spinning and whatnot, but the problem is it wont mount on the desktop, nor can i find any way to "reset" the hdd.When on, the blue light works just fine, it does not turn Orange or anything. The drive just clicks and wont do anything...

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MacBook Pro :: 13 - No Click/beep Sound Associated - Hear Noises When It Loads Web Pages Applications

Sep 17, 2009

I got a 13" Unibody MBP, lower-end model, in July. Since then I've noticed various issues.

First of all, I have the common beachball problem. There's no click/beep sound associated with it like some have, and I've noticed clearing out my cache and occasional restarts have helped that. But in general things seem to be much slower than when I first got it... But of course I have many more programs installed, but very few are actually running.

I remember it being nearly completely silent when I first got it. Now I can hear noises when it loads web pages, applications, etc. that reminds me of the noise you'd head from an old desktop. Was I just imagining that it was silent before? The fans seem to run more often, as well.

Also, my audio jack is more and more often not detecting when something is plugged in to it. Usually putting it in to sleep and waking it back up helps.

Anyway, all of these together make me wonder if I should be paying a visit to the Apple store, and if so, what should I ask?

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MacBook :: Having A Defective LCD?

Apr 23, 2009

Short version:If you have an Early 2009 white Macbook (with the nVidia 9400M integrated video), you may have a defective LCD. I'm collecting serial numbers to establish a pattern of which notebooks have the defective LCD and which are usable. Please post the first 5 characters of your serial number, which model LCD you have, and if you notice lines/pinstriping (see below for how to find out all three of these easily)

Build Week : LCD Model : Lines present

03 : 9C5F : No
03 : 9C5F : No
04 : 9C5F : No
04 : 9C5F : No
08 : 9C5B : Yes
08 : 9C5B : Yes
11 : 9C5B : Yes
12 : 9C5B : Yes
13 : 9C5B : Yes
13 : 9C5B : Yes
15 : 9C5B : Yes
The fun stuff:
I recently picked up an Early 2009 white Macbook after owning a Late 2006 Macbook for the past two years. The performance has been great, but the LCD is another story.

I noticed faint horizontal lines on the LCD when viewed at a normal 90 degree angle, typically where solid light colors are displayed.

The effect is similar to pinstripes, and appears regardless of color profiling, calibration, OS, application, displaying 2D or 3D graphics modes, full screen video, or if booted from the hard drive or install DVD. Menus are a good example - faint lines where there are none on the Late '06 version, or on two 2007 Macbooks I'd initially checked side by side. If watching videos or playing games, any solid light colored region would exhibit the same issue - sky/clouds are a good example. From past experience, this looked like banding due to poor dithering in the LCD itself.

Example image: These menus should be translucent and uniform. The defective LCDs render the menu with pinstripes and bands.Thinking this was a single bad LCD, I proceeded to check 22 other 2009 white Macbooks on display at Apple stores and other retailers. Approximately half of the notebooks exhibited the exact issue, while others had the same clean display as I'd had on my original system.

Several past threads mention issues with Samsung LCDs - sure enough, this notebook and all that display the pinstriping have a display model of 9C5B (associated with Samsung). The notebooks that had clean displays without the pinstriping have a display model of 9C5F (associated with LG).

After pointing out the pinstriping to the lead genius at a local Apple store, he immediately noticed the issue as well and agreed that it was not normal (he described it as something that would drive him crazy. My sentiments exactly). Out of the 5 white Macbooks on display at the store, 3 had the issue and 2 were usable. After further digging, he discovered that Apple engineering is aware of the issue and states that no hardware should be replaced. As the system was new, he offered to exchange the notebook, with the caveat that if the replacement had the same LCD, they wouldn't be able to exchange the notebook again. The other option given was to pay for upgrading to the Unibody Macbook which doesn't appear to have the same issue (at least, not to the same degree).

Having originally purchased the notebook at Microcenter, I returned to the same store and pointed out the issue to the Microcenter sales rep. Kudos to Microcenter, their support is fantastic - he offered to check several more systems prior to my leaving the store. We proceeded to open and check 3 other Macbooks hoping to find one that was usable - all had the same LCD, and same issue (all from build weeks 12 and 13).

The goal:
Collect as many date codes from serial numbers as possible and determine which weeks shipped with defective LCDs. Personally I would like to increase my chances of exchanging this notebook for one with a usable LCD, and if you're looking to purchase, you may want to avoid particular build weeks. The build week from the serial number is the only identifier that can be checked without opening the box and starting up the system to check the LCD directly.

How to check your serial number/build week and LCD model:Serial#: Launch System Profiler. In "Hardware Overview", pull the first 5 characters of the serial number. For example: W8913 (W8 = Shanghai, 9 = 2009, 13 = Week 13)
LCD model: System Preferences -> Displays -> Color -> Open Profile -> #13 'mmod' -> Model. For example: 00009C5B

How to detect the lines:
The default Leopard wallpaper is great for detecting this issue - set this wallpaper (System Preferences -> Desktop -> Nature -> Aurora). Pull down the Finder menu. If you don't notice anything, tilt the screen back and the lines will be more prominent (but is perfectly visible at standard viewing angles).

Macro shot - if functioning properly, the LCD should display this entire menu without lines. The top half of this image is fine, the lower half has lines running through it. The graphic below this menu has a region of light solid color underneath "Show Original" and "Add to Sidebar": post your system information here so we can get a good idea of which weeks are affected. If your LCD is displaying the same issues, please contact Applecare and open a support case, or work with your local Apple store to see if you can locate a notebook with a usable LCD.

Ultimately, this is unacceptable given the typical quality standards for Apple products if the issue is widespread. Hopefully with enough information we can get some changes made to the replacement policy to recognize this as the defect that it is, rather than something that is "functioning normally".

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Mac Pro :: Defective RAM Module In It?

Apr 19, 2012

I installed 8 x 4Gb RAM in my Mac Pro (2.2.4GHz Quad-core Intel xeon). When I check, slot 8 shows up as empty and that I only have 28 Gb of RAm and not 32.  Can I leave things alone and run it on 28Gb of RAM or should I remove the defective module in slot 8 as well as the RAM in Slot 4 to balance it? Alternatively I have 2 x 1 Gb RAm modules I could put in slot 4 and 8. 

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MacBook Pro :: Trackpad Rattling Click Weird Noise "link To Recording Of Sound"

Dec 22, 2009

I am not sure how to describe it properly, but since 10 minutes ago, my trackpad on my 13"mbp has been making a weird clicking sound. Normally, it makes a click which is regular, just like the store units/how it should be, however for the last 10 minutes the BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER ONLY makes a weird longer noise which I cannot properly describe. its almost like a rattling noise, or something that sounds like its breaking. had this mbp since july this year, and i do have apple care (got it on student discount price!!

Just wondering if you know what the problem is, Or if it is going to be a problem/if trackpad may be breaking Or if I rang apple/took instore what would they do. Reason why I havent immediately took it in is because if MBP could get new processors soon, I could take it in after refresh in the small chance I get a new computer replacement..........

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Mac Pro :: With The Nvidia Mobile GPU Being Defective ?

Jul 6, 2008

As u can see I have a 17" mbp and had it for a few months but after the nvidia announcement, Im seriously thinking about selling the mbp and using the which will cover for a 2.8ghz 8 core mp.

One of my fears is that the gpu will die over the years on the mbp and when apple care runs out or even if the mbp is covered by ac knowing that one day I would need to get it serviced..

I know I had the mp before and know what to expect and while the 17" mbp is a desktop replacement it is portable. Damn nvidia!

Sorry this is more of a venting thread than anything else.

Also curious anyone else on the same boat as I am with selling their mbp fora mac pro?

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MacBook Air :: Are All Rev A Systems Defective?

Feb 14, 2009

I was thinking of buying a Rev A MB Air. Don't really need the hard drive space as I have external storage. But after going through the posts it seems almost all the Rev As have video and over heating problems. The MB Air I am getting is with Apple Care until 2011.

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Mac Pro :: Power Supply Fan Dead Or Defective

May 17, 2008

6 of 8 processors at 100% for 24 hrs/day for nearly a week), my MacPro's "Power Supply 2" temperature suddenly rose to ~207 ?F (~95 ?C).I got a large external fan going through the desktop to bring the temperature down. I also tried to install smcFanControl to see if I could bump up the internal fan speed. Well, I could bump up THREE of the fans (I/O, CPU/Memory, and Exhaust), but it says that the PS fan is steady at just under 600 rpm, despite me cranking it up in the software to anything else (including the max, 2800, and anything less).

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MacBook Pro :: G4 Memory Slot Defective?

Oct 17, 2009

So I read online that my PowerBook G4 that I've had since about 2004 may have the defective memory slot that caused Apple to introduce the "PowerBook G4 (15-inch 1.67/1.5GHz) Memory Slot Repair Extension Program" in 2008. However, my serial number isn't within the program's parameters, and as I understand it, the program ended in 2008. It says it applies to serial numbers W8503xxxxxx through W8518xxxxxx; mine begins with W84.

Basically, I have a couple of questions before I a) shell out money for diagnostics and possible repairs or b) buy a new laptop: Is this a memory slot problem? My 15" PowerBook G4 (Model A1045; 1 GHz; 256 MB; 60G; Combo; BT) had been getting the beach ball for awhile, and was very slow operating and online. My sound card had been on the fritz. The internal speakers would sometimes not work, but the headphone jack would still work. So yesterday, the mouse froze while in Firefox, and after waiting awhile, I forced it to shut down. When it booted up again, I got a blank screen and three short beeps, followed by the LED light blinking periodically. All these symptoms seem to point to what Apple said was the memory slot problem [URL]

If this is a memory slot problem, what might the repairs involve and are there price estimates available? Is it better to just get another laptop? (I'm thankful I've had it for this long without any major problems, it's had a good life). If I do get another laptop, am I able to retrieve my information from my old laptop and transfer it to the new one? Is this an expensive procedure? Or is this laptop entirely kaput and my files forever trapped on there? What the recommendations out there (if I buy a new one instead doing repairs to the G4) for a laptop that will be used as my only computer (i.e., what's a good workhorse Mac)?

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Software :: Using Defective Installation Disc?

Jul 28, 2010

I tried to archive and install 10.4 Retail copy on my 17" iMac G5 which has 10.3.9. The installer checked the disc and said it had scratches or fingerprints so to restart. I did, cleaned the disc and tried again. I got the same message but chose to ignore it and proceed and the disc got 36% of the way and said it is damaged and to restart. But it's gone far enough that I have not got 10.3 any more and the ONLY way I can restart the computer is with this defective disc! Or a network but my other Mac, connected with ethernet that worked well, now doesn't see the iMAc any more. I also have an external CD drive , doesn't read DVDs.
Right now I am stuck in the Startup Disk with a choice of endlessly restarting or shutting down. I shut down and it restarted from the disc OK.I checked the system profiler and under applications it shows only Disk utility,Installer,Network Ut, Open Firmware Password, Reset Password,Startup Disk, System Profiler. Under USB, it didn't recognize my external CD drive. Under Disk Utility I tried to repair permissions but it says it has no valid packages.

The person I bought the computer from sent me the Tiger copy discs and included 2 copies of Disc 1. I checked the second but it needs minor repair that couldn't be done with Disk Utility on my other Mac. But if I can somehow eject the disc that is in the 17" iMac (don't know how) will I ever be able to restart?

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ITunes :: Return A Defective Song?

Jun 25, 2012

how do i return a defective song?

Info:PowerBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Closer Inspection It Looks To Be A Defective Pixel?

Oct 3, 2010

Booted up my one month old MacBook Pro this morning to find what looked like a mark on the screen.On closer inspection it looks to be a defective pixel, which is red in colour. It really stands out against pretty much any colour accept red.I have Apple Care, would they replace the screen?If not is there, is there anyway to fix this?

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MacBook Air :: Spinning Noise / Is It Due To A Defective Laptop?

Aug 14, 2009

I got my Macbook Air about 3 weeks ago and love it. However after the first 2 weeks, one day I turned it on and it was making a loud grating, spinning noise. The noise could be equated to if you try to play a CD but it hasn't been secured in the CD player fully so its banging around. But of course I have no disc drive...

So I stopped using it, tried turning it off and on again a couple of times over the next few days to no avail. I'm about to go back and demand a new one, but yesterday I turn it on and it's suddenly stopped making the noise.

My question is, is this problem likely to return, and is it due to a defective laptop? Should I see about exchanging it while it's still brand new or just wait and see if it happens again?

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MacBook :: Defective Battery Was Swollen Due To Heat?

Mar 9, 2010

I pretty much use my Macbook in desktop mode (closed lid) since I bought it. Few days ago, I needed to do a SMC reset and the lid didn't go back on properly, it had a slight squishy feel O.O - but after a while I noticed the battery was rocking on the table. Seems like the battery has swollen up.

It might be a defective battery but I think it might be heat issues. With the lid open, it runs a lot cooler, almost a 10 degrees difference. Does any one have a similar problem?Oh, tried to get it replaced by Apple but because its more than a year they want me to buy a new battery

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MacBook :: Why Has Apple Not Recalled The Defective Batteries

Jun 2, 2012

Why has Apple not recalled the batteries in the white macbooks(early 2009) when it is very evident that these batteries have a manufacturing fault? Mine has swollen after 112 recharges but should have lasted 300 recharges before only having 80% capacity after which it will still work, just not as many hours. Because of the excessive cost of Apple batteries and Apple's releuctance to recall defective products my next laptop will be a windows8 machine.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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