MacBook Pro :: External Hard Drive Is NOT Opening - Volume Could Not Be Verified Completely
Dec 8, 2014
I have an external hard drive (my book) by WD.... When I plugged it in today it did not open and reported this error:
Catalog file entry not found for extent. The volume could not be verified completely
ERROR: This disk needs to be repaired. Click Repair disk.Â
My question is if I hit repair will I loose all my files? I need these files!!Â
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
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Dec 5, 2014
My Macbook Pro (2010) hangs up at the grey startup screen. The icon keeps spinning. I believe this may be because the laptop ran out of power during critical software updates. I have been able to reach disk utility by starting up with the original installation cd and holding 'c'. When I verify the disk, I get an error:Â
"The volume could not be verified completely.
Error: The disk needs to be repaired. Click Repair Disk."Â
When I click repair disk, I get the following message:Â
"Verify and Repair volume "disk0s2"
Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume
Invalid node structure
The volume could not be verified completely.
Volume repair complete.
Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.
Error: Disk Utility can't repair this disk.. disk, and restore your backed-up files."Â
My hard drive isn't fully backed up and I would like to retrieve as many files as possible before reformatting the hard drive.Â
I have heard of being able to access the hard drive through other means (connecting the drive to another computer and/or another external) and being able to salvage files. Should I get Diskwarrior?Â
similar issue: [URL] ....
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Apr 20, 2009
As I've read in many threads there's no way to turn off the blue light, even when my imac is off or sleep, and even thou the hdd is (or might) be asleep, the light always stays on... over all this is not a huge deal, but since the imac is in my room sometimes the light it's a little annoying. I was wondering if anyone here has an external hard drive that goes to sleep and even the lights turn off completely..
Specially if it's a famous brand.. like WD or anything along those lines.. since I'm looking to upgrade my external HDD i figured it's a good to know.. otherwise i'm going to just upgrade to the 1tb Lacie.. I'm considering the 1tb "My Book" because even thou I read that the 500gb had a lot of issues apparently the 1tb one is a lot better.. has anyone has had this drive? Any issues?
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Dec 5, 2010
Not exactly sure what happened, but I think it has something to do with the new iPhoto? I booted it for the 1st time off my external drive to create a X-Mas Card and imported 4 photos into it. Don't know if after opening it, it attempted to import all the photos from my external drive to my internal drive? Don't know why it would do that but there is no sign of it in the Pictures folder. Any ideas? Only other thing I did was sync my iPad, so I went into my backups and deleted all those files and it freed up 16gb. I started last night with 44 gb and don't know where in the f the rest of my space went? I've used DriveSlim to attempt to find any wasted space, but nothing turned up Is there a way to see specifically what happened last night?? I have Time Machine running I've restarted my comp, and still stuck around 16gbs......clueless as to where this Hard-drive space is being used. I've gone thru all my main folders (pictures, music, movies, etc...) and its not being wasted their....has to be hiding somewhere in my Library or what?
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Mar 31, 2009
How do I clear the entire macbook as if I just received it new? I still have the two installation discs it came with.
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Dec 25, 2010
I got a second hand macbook pro on tuesday, it is the 13" 2010 model and is two months old. However it keeps causing me all kinds of problems, and I am not sure if it is my fault, a hardware fault or something else. I'll describe what I've done to it; When I got it I wiped the hard drive and did a clean install of OSX, then I imported everything from my old mac through migration assistant. However when I then started using my new mac, the 'home' folder was a different name so some files didn't match up, like my dropbox account and some games. I don't know if this has caused other problems within the directories or anything like that.
It is usually fine for about 6 hours, it's pretty quick and I have been through disk utility in this time and the verify process has been ok. However after this time the it starts being really slow. Like I'm talking 10 - 15 minutes to open an application. Every time this happens I open disk utility to check on it, and it always needs to be repaired as there are folders and directories missing. However when I turn it off and go into disc utility through the install disc it doesn't let me repair it as the drive cannot be unmounted, but then the HD disappears from disk utility completely.
On top of this I tried to install XP through boot camp earlier, but the partition wouldn't format, so I went back through boot camp assistant and deleted the partition. However whenever I turn it on I have to hold down the command key and select the Macintosh HD, because if i don't it tries to boot into windows, even though the partition has been deleted and the HD merged back into the Mac HD. When I boot through the command key, the only option there is the Mac HD, so I don't know where it is getting windows from.
The battery is not what I expected in this thing either. I have put this on another post but I wanted to complain about it again. I have noticed that on a full charge i only get 6 - 7 hours browsing the internet, way off the 'approximately 10 hours'. When I go into istat menus apparently it has a cycle count of 68 and the health of the battery is 89%, which seems very low to me. Whenever I do manage to get it to turn on, it never remembers my settings for the back lit keyboard or the screen brightness. They are always on full whack even though I turn them down to half every time I use it.
Basically, on this fine christmas day (don't get me started on that, the dog got more presents than I did and now my mum is singing Susan Boyle at the top of her lungs) I was wondering if any of you could help me with these problems? I'm thinking I may just have to wipe the HD again and reimport everything manually but I really don't want to do that. I do love Apple Macs and I don't want to get rid of this thing, but it is driving me mental. I turned the Macbook Pro on when I started writing this on my old Macbook. It is now 8 minutes later and it has still not booted. It is just sat there looking all smug with the spinny thing below the apple on the grey screen.
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Dec 2, 2009
I spilled coffee all over my MacBook Pro and since it is not covered by AppleCare it will cost $1,200 to fix. I can still turn it on but most of the keyboard isn't working properly. I got it back in July 2007 (15" 2.4ghz 160gb) and I think I'm going to buy a new one. I managed to get all of my school work off of it even thought it took awhile and was very frustrating. My question is, is there anyway to completely wipe the hard drive then sell it? I was trying to look on eBay
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Dec 3, 2009
well while attempting to replace my hard drive I like many other people I completely stripped out the two screws on the hard drive bracket on my 15" PowerBook G4. They are very small screws, and I thought I had the correct size philips but apparently not. I tried to cut a slot in one of them with a Dremel but that only destroyed the entire head of the screw and sent bits of shavings everywhere. What can I do to get these screws out? Should I drill them out? I just can't think of any other way to get them out when one's stripped and one is worse than stripped. Is it possible to get replacements?
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Jul 19, 2010
I have a 17" MacBook Pro 2,1 ~2006 model 2.33 Intel Processor, running Snow Leopard. A year ago I upgrade the ram to 4GB (though this model only recognizes 3GB), and upgraded the internal hard drive to a 500GB 7200rpm Seagate Momentus. Since April this year, I have had 3 ocassions where the Screensaver locks up, the only recovery is to power off by holding the power button down for a few seconds, which leads to me loosing my drive partition. Because of the way OS X is sucky about mount points, I have the entire 500GB partition as one volume. Up until last week, I treated this as a minor annoyance, as I have multiple time machine backups, and the reformat and restore works and is relatively quick.
Aside from making me reluctant to travel with this laptop (luckily I have an Air as well, but that does not work for all my needs). On my most recent trip not only did the volume get corrupted, the machine did not recognize the drive, or any drives on the machine (incl. the dvd drive). Only after removing the drive completely, a combination of the boot up key sequences for resetting the machine, and booting off the cd, did I manage to get the machine to eventually recognize the hard drive. I am unable to determine if this is a faulty drive, or a faulty machine. I have run the Apple Hardware Diagnostics which give the all clear - I have nothing to stress test the drive, and I am running out of debug options and patience. Although this laptop is getting "long in the tooth", it still works like a champ (except when it crashes), and my only gripe being its weight.
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Feb 18, 2009
I am going to be getting rid of a PC soon and I would like to know how to clear the hard drive completely clean so that no one who takes the machine if I throw it away attempts to take control of things that are on this computer. Also, I may let my dad or mom clear the hard drive but I don't want to let them do so if there is any way they look at the stuff that I've looked at on the hard drive.
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Aug 28, 2009
I just bought this and i have 24 MB left on my macbook, is there an option in the installer to format the hard drive?
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Dec 26, 2009
Time machine only backs up the changing files in Mac. I want to use Time machine so it can back up my drive completely. From my music to pictures, to Apps to settings. I have a Case sensitive structure and I am about to format it to a non-case sensitive. And I want to back up everything. Is time machine a program for me?
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Jun 23, 2012
I have an old (late 2006) 20" iMac. Problems started a few weeks ago - first the computer would freeze and crash. Eventually I started getting either a circle/slash sybol or the question mark folder every time I tried to reboot. Eventually I concluded that the hard drive had gone bad. So I bought a new 1TB Barracude from OWC and installed it following instruction found on [url]....
Now I can't do anything. I tried booting from a OSX 10.6 install disk, but the machine simply spits it out after about 30 seconds and gives me the "?" folder. So I got my hands on 10.4.5 Universal Install disk and tried that, thinking that maybe the older machine needed an older version to start from (sounds logical at least). Nothing. It doesn't spit that one out, but still ends up with the flashing "?" folder after a minute or two. I've tried holding down C on startup. Same result. I've also tried holding option to get the startup manager, but that doesn't work either. I just end up back at "?". I really hate "?"
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Mar 31, 2012
Recently I bought 2 identical WD Scorpio Blue 1TB hard drives for my macbook pro 13 inch 2010. My aim is to replace the internal hard drive with one of the two I just purchased and use it as my system drive with Lion, Windows and Data partitions. And for the other hard drive I want to use it as a full disk back up for the internal drive (now 1TB hard drive). After I was done with setting up both windows and mac and data transfer, when I booedt into the recovery partition from the internal drive to clone the drive to the external drive, the disk utility gave me this error (Could not validate source - error 254). I also tried using Carbon Copy Cloner but it only could clone partitions, not the entire drive. Yesterday I downloaded a copy of Clonezilla. It worked fine until it had to clone an exFAT partition (my data partition). The exFAT partition appeared as 'RAW' partition in clonezilla. As a result, the whole partition appeared to be full and clonezilla had to copy every single blocks of data in that partition and the estimated time remaining was about 30 hours. So clonezilla is out too. Just want to ask if there is any program/application (bootable or not) which allows can do a full disk clone to an external hard drive.
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Aug 12, 2009
I'm about at my wits end. I would say I have a harddisk failure, but it passes every diagnostic I can throw at the thing. My problem is that I erased the main drive in my mac (been booting from an external hd) and I'm trying to install Leopard on this drive. The Leopard install starts, I'm able to choose the disk, and tell it to erase and install (or just install after erasing the disk externally). The installer starts, gets about 30-40 minutes in and then just plain stops because some package or other (seems to be different every time) is corrupt. My only option is to reboot and try again. I've done it three times now and am starting to feel rather stupid. Is there a known issue here that anyone can direct me at? I didn't see anything snarfing around the forums, but that doesn't mean I could've just plain missed it. I've just finished running tech tool pro 4 hardware tests (drive controller, etc.), surface scan, disk utilities erase and verify hoping it would tell me if there is a disk problem brewing. So far all the tests show green. I decided to try and hit the thing with something that writes to every imaginable space on the disk, so I ran erase free space from disk utilities. I plan on trying again after that finishes.
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May 19, 2012
The volume Macintosh HD was found corrupt and needs to be repaired. It's asking to run a recovery. Is this going to erase everything??Â
My storage says it's using 434GB of other. Whatever other is.....did I get a virus?
Pro, iOS 5.1.1, Storage/Repair/Disk Utility
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Apr 2, 2012
I have a Mac mini from late 2010 that I am going to try to sell on eBay. Wondering what the most effective way to wipe all the data on it would be. I still have the disks that came with it but I'm wondering if there's something I should do to the hard drive before I use them to restore to factory defaults.
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Aug 28, 2009
I have 5 choices and don't know what to choose. I'm formatting a 500 gb internal hard drive. Mac os extended (journaled) is the first choice. Should I choose that?
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Oct 2, 2009
I have a 150gb Raptor running Windows XP on my MacPro and unfortunately it'll no longer mount on the desktop. When tested with TechTool Pro and Drive Genius, the drive is recognised but in both instances the volume didn't show. Exactly the same happened with Disk Utility and the System Profiler. I've spoken with Apple and their recomendation is to re-initialise the drive which I really don't want to do as stupidly I dont have a back-up
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Mar 23, 2012
I have my external HDD partitioned for my Media storage and for Time Machine. Unfortunately, my mac is having problems and I want to back up my computer to reinstall Lion. Problem is...Time Machine is also not backing up anymore (last backup was 2 months ago). So I want to erase the Time Machine volume of my HDD so I can use SuperDuper to backup my hard drive...but of course I don't want to erase the media partion. Â So...using Disk Utility, I can just erase the Time Machine partion (volume) of the HDD and leave the Media portion intact, correct? I would hate to erase the Time Machine volume and find out the Disk Utility also erased all my music and movies too!
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Nov 8, 2009
I got an external drive (NTFS). I want to use it for mac. Do I just partition it into 2 partitions? Or do I need to Erase it into one Mac Journalled volume first? I am erasing it now, it says its gonna take 12 hours. Or is erasing the first step. And then partitioning is the second step. Two distinct processes/operations, right? (I basically want two partitions on it, both OSX journalled. One for super super, and the other to maybe try sandbox or just storage or maybe time machine.
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Nov 12, 2009
if i delete files off my internal hard drive (Macintosh HD), will it still be on my external hard drive or will it just add to it?
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Sep 5, 2014
Basically I have a 750GB hard drive in my Macbook Pro and over 300GB is taken up with 'BackUp' data. This is more than the total of everything I have on the drive other than that. Time Machine has always been setup on an external drive and when searching all files on the Macbook there is nothing for backup files so don't know where it is coming from.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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May 13, 2009
I have a 500GB g-drive that I use with my macbook Pro(running Leopard O/S, current version). Because I just about maxed out the hard drive on the mac, most of my Aperture photo libraries reside on the g-drive, in a volume labeled "Aperture Photos." Something very weird happened a couple days ago that really spooked me. The G drive is configured in 4 volumes, and upon ejecting one of the volumes from the Finder window (by dragging it to the Trash which normally doubles as an Eject mechanism) my volume disappeared without the usual prompt that says something like: do you want to eject all So here I am, looking at my Finder screen, and 3 out of 4 of the G drive volumes remain listed in my Devices list, but the one with the photos on it is gone. With fear in my belly, I looked in the trash, and it looks like the contents of the entire volume ended up in there!!! So panic mode set it what do I do?!? How do I restore it? Whats weird is that the missing volume and its icon shows up on the desktop, but not in Finder, making it all but useless.
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Mar 27, 2012
How do I get photos from backup external drive on to my new hard drive on my MacBook
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 6, 2012
So around 5 years ago i got the WD-160JB hard disk drive. I want to see all the things i did back then. I want to be able to connect this WD-160JB drive as a external hard drive to my mac.Â
What i am wondering is if you can somehow have a cable or something which links the USB from the MBP to the hard disk.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 14, 2009
with cloning/copying the content one an external hard drive onto a new external hard drive. Basically, I have a 500GB FW400 drive which I use to store my media files. It's full, so I purchased a 1TB FW800 drive to replace it. Obviously, I thought I could simply copy and paste the media files from the old drive to the new one.I cannot copy the media files to my internal drive first as my internal drive is only 250GB and nearly full itself.I have used Disk Utility to attempt to close the old drive to the new drive, but keep getting "insufficient space" errors.
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Jul 17, 2009
So so annoyed right now. Today my 12" G4 powerbook started to become slow, lots of spinning wheel, delayed menus etc. I checked file permissions, rebooted and it just kept on getting slower. Eventually it wouldn't get past the white apple screen.
I booted off the Tiger DVD and ran disk utility to fix and repair permissions again. It wouldn't let me repair the disk as I kept getting this error:
'Repair volume failed with error could not unmount disk'
I had to reboot again, and eventually my hard disk no longer appears in Disk Utility. I tried to boot into safe mode and get this:
'"I0ATAController device blocking bus
I0ATAController device blocking bus
I0ATAController device blocking bus
I0ATAController device blocking bus
I0ATAController device blocking bus"
So now I pretty much can't do anything with it. Failed Hard Drive?
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Mar 30, 2010
I'm looking for a FREE data recovery app for os x to recover data from a NTFS hard drive. The hard has lost it's volume and will not mount and I've tried some other programs and I can see the files but I can't get them off because every program I've tried isn't free and won't let me copy them off. I've tried looking for one but I can't seem to find a good one. I just want to copy off the files and then I'll wipe the drive and fix the parition.
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Mar 1, 2012
I've had a lot of problems with my iMac G5 power supply and since I have newer computers I've decided to get rid of this computer.Â
I want to save the hard drive and put it in a case, then use it as an external drive on my other Macs.Â
What sort of case do I need to shop for? Should I look for SATA or what exactly is the proper nomenclature.Â
Is USB 2 the preferred choice, or Firewire, or what? Is there a USB 3? I use a mid-2010 27 inch iMac with the intel processor, and I needed to buy an adapter to use my older Firewire external drive. Is Firewire a dodo?Â
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