MacBook Pro :: Dropped My 15" Now It Doesn't Charge

Apr 21, 2010

I dropped my MBP last Friday and there was a small dent near the magsafe port. It still worked fine until the battery died. After, the battery wouldn't charge anymore and my MBP wouldn't switch on even with the adapter connected. The magsafe light still stayed green though.

I took it to an Apple store and they told me the logic board was damaged and it would cost 45,000 Philippine pesos to replace (around $1,000). That's too much for me. I was wondering if I had any other alternatives, like if I could fix it myself. I feel that the problem's just with the magsafe port area and not the entire board.

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PowerPC :: Dropped My Powerbook And Now It Doesn't Work?

Sep 14, 2006

i dropped my powerbook and now it doesn't work. i charged it and tried powering it on but nothing happened. however i connected my ipod and it got charged.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Doesn't Charge It

Mar 13, 2012

I got a Macbook pro 13" and the battery don't charge.

Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Doesn't Charge At 100%

May 3, 2012

Well, as the same title says, the battery of my macbook, when I'm charging it with the mac turned on, arrives to 99%, and when remaining 5 minutes, after this point, the time starts to increase, 6 minutes, 7 minutes, 10 minutes.... but doesn't charging at 100%. 

Note: Cocconut Battery shows that the battery maximum capacity is at 88% with just 10 loadcycles !

Mac Pro

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MacBook Air :: It Doesn't Charge When There Is Only 5% Battery Left

Mar 30, 2012

Mba didn't power up when I had AC adapter plugged in. Finally,I got my mba charged after a restart.Do I need to take my mba to apple store?

Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7), MC968

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MacBook :: Unable To Charge Battery / Computer Doesn't Recorgnize The Charger

Jun 14, 2008

I have had my MacBook (aluminum) for 6 days, and all of a sudden i go to plug it in to charge (10% left) and the led on the magsafe doesn't come on and the computer doesn't recorgnize the charger (even in system profiler).

upon closer inspection i noticed the LED is on on the magsafe, it is just a very faint shade of green.I have tried a charger from a different MacBook but no luck. And i have also tried my charger and a different macbook and it charged it just fine.. so it's probably not my charger.

Any ideas?? i know i can go get it replaced.. but i would really like to not have to take a 45 minute drive to the apple store if i can avoid it.. (unless this problem is serious and should be replaced) also, if i get a replacement is it possible for them to just swap my HDD with the new one?

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PowerPC :: Battery Doesn't Charge On Powerbook G4?

Oct 26, 2010

Some days ago i finally added a Powerbook g4 to my Mac collection and since then ive been trying to fix this computer without any results. The Powerbook had the battery dead at first and i had to replace it with a new one i had. Now the problem/weird thing is that the computer detects the battery but it doesnt charge. It has about 18% of the charge and when i try to boot up all i hear is like a fan sound and nothing more, no boot up sound and no image on the screen.

If i boot up using the power cable thats when i see the 18% of the battery icon, but as soon as i take out the power cord, the image goes black although the computer still makes sounds as if it was on. Does it have any solution? PS: ive tried to reset the PMU,changed the pRam for a new one, reset the Nvram.

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MacBook Pro :: Immediately Charge Battery Or Let It Run To Zero First And Then Charge It?

Aug 20, 2014

Just bought a new 15 inch retina MBP. My question is...should I immediately charge the battery or let it run to zero first and then charge it? Does it even matter? 

MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 7.1.2, Retina, 15 Inch

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MacBook Air :: Dropped - How To Fix The Dent

Mar 27, 2012

I was a trouble. Dropped today to 1.5 meters and the bent angle of the laptop. The laptop was in a protective case! But the consequences were still. Here you have a solidaluminum body  Now the question: is it possible to somehow at home to fix the problem?Something like sandpaper, but not to make things worse.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Dropped And Now It Won't Boot Up?

Jun 22, 2014

I was going on vacation and dropped my  mid-2009 MacBookPro (Model Number: A1297) at security. It fell off of the conveyor belt down onto the ground. It was powered off, and there is no visible external damage other than a dent in the back cover. It loads to the main FileVault screen where I choose the user, I put in the password, and it accepts it. Then it shows the Apple logo with a spinning loading sign in the middle. But it is stuck on that screen and won't go any further. There is no clicking noise coming from it, and it doesn't power off unless I hold down the power button.

Is it the hard drive? If so, is there anyway to move files from this hard drive to a new one, or is it, and its contents, lost?

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MacBook Air :: Battery Life Dropped By 50%?

Mar 22, 2009

Battery life on my MacBook Air (1.86/SSD) has dropped to less than two hours (for casual web browsing).When new, I got more than 4 hours on a full charge.Also, the battery meter seems to be way off.The machine shuts off with the meter showing 40% remaining. I've tried several full charge - discharge cycles.System information shows battery health to be good.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Health Dropped From 100% To 72% In One Day?

Jul 11, 2009

This is very odd... What could have happened?

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MacBook Air :: Unit Dropped - Cannot Get It To Turn On

Jan 18, 2010

I can't get it to turn on even if it did the screen would be messed up. It had an SSD rev C will that work in a base refurb rev b or does it look like the rev D will support the same 1.8 hard drive? I can hold out a while on a G3 but I hope they update soon! It's ironic that my MBA is what I use to edit video and game to an extent so I really don't want to go back to 1.6ghz unless I have to.

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MacBook Pro :: Dropped - Superdrive Out Of Whack?

Jul 18, 2010

I fell asleep last night next to my computer. It was on and the lid was open, and it fell about 2 feet onto my carpet and landed on the back of the screen. I have a case on it and there aren't any scratches or dents. It did make a little noise coming from the right side when I first tried to use it again, and when I restarted it, it would not start up by itself. But! I tried to restart again and then it did work.

I checked Disk Utility and the hard drive "appears to be OK." I checked TechTool Deluxe and everything passed. I'm doing the (long and arduous) Surface Scan now. It's over a quarter of the way done and there are 0 errors.

The ONLY problem is that the superdrive seems to be out of whack. When I inserted a CD, the CD felt like it was hitting something. I had to maneuver the CD in order to get it passed whatever it was hitting. After I did this, it was able to go in all the way and the computer naturally tried to "grab" it, but I didn't allow that because I don't want it to get stuck when trying to eject.

Does it sound like something might have popped out of place? I have absolutely no experience with taking apart computers. I know iFixit has tutorials on how to do this, but I just want to know if it's necessary. Any advice on what to do, computer experts?

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MacBook Pro :: Dropped It And Now There Is A Clicking Noise?

Jun 7, 2012

Yesterday my MBP was accidentally dropped on the ground. It landed on the front left side, making a small dent (right beside the power light button). As far as I can tell, the computer seems to be functioning properly, except now there are 2 main issues: 

1) The shell is slightly bent so that the computer doesn't sit straight (and wobbles). 

2) There is a small, randomly occurring metal clicking sound coming from the computer; it's very irritating. I can't be sure, but it seems to be coming from the right side. 

what is causing the clicking sound, and if it can be fixed? This computer is only 2 months old and is still under warranty; do you think the warranty would cover this sort of damage given the accidental nature of it? 

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MacBook Pro :: Wireless Connection Keeps Getting Dropped Or Removed?

Dec 7, 2010

I keep having to rejoin my home wireless connection. It drops at least once a day.

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MacBook Pro :: Dropped - Bent Superdrive/Casing?

Dec 20, 2007

My Macbook Pro slipped off my legs and fell onto a carpeted floor today. The Superdrive looks bent along with the casing. I have applecare and want to take it to the store later. I'm wondering what the chances are that they will replace this for free and what I should be expecting to pay.

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MacBook Air :: Barely Dropped In Its Sleeve In Briefcase

Apr 2, 2009

UPDATE EDIT: took proper pictures this time around while I had the free time.. Corners are very vulnerable to exorbitant damage costs (my case costs over $800). Be careful. The best way to protect would be a full on plastic cover, but that doubles the weight and size = Normal side; I put a cheapo $10 cover on it and it's still got bubbles I've got to push out or pin out, so excuse those.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Health Dropped From 85% To 45% Suddenly?

Jun 14, 2009

has that happened to anyone? and if so, did apple replace the batt for you?

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MacBook :: Battery Capacity Dropped 5% In Two Days?

Nov 18, 2009

I bought a MacBook in late October, and it was my first, so I'm pretty new to Macs. Love it so far!

But anyway, here's my question -- my battery capacity has been at over 100% since I bought it, according to coconutBattery, and yesterday it dropped to 98%. I decided to calibrate it because I hadn't done that yet. So I let it put itself to sleep and left it that way overnight, then recharged this morning. When I first plugged it in, the capacity was at 99%. Now a few hours later, it's at 95%.

So, is it more likely that my capacity has been 95% for awhile and the calibration just helped synchronize the capacity display with the actual capacity, or did I really lose 5% in two days?!

I'm trying not to be totally crazy obsessive about this, but I really need a good battery life, and I want to keep this one going for as long as possible.

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MacBook :: Machine Dropped And Now USB Port Not Working

Feb 6, 2010

I accidentally dropped my MBP and since then, my left USB port doesn't appear to work anymore. Its weird because when I plug my seagate external hard drive in, the lights of the hd come on but my MBP doesn't recognize it, likewise with my iPod, where the battery appears to be charging, but iTunes doesn't recognise my iPod.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Heath Dropped 10% After Calibration?

Jun 21, 2010

Last night I calibrated my battery. Let it fully charge for 2hrs, took it off the charger, turned up the screen brightness and keyboard backlight all the way, then proceeded to run the battery down watching videos and whatnot. It went to sleep and I went to bed to let it sit for 5 or more hours. Woke up, charged it up, turned it on and noticed that I went from 97% to 87% (coconut battery says 86%) and I only have 54 cycles. Should I go to the genius bar or something? Or try re-calibrating the battery? Did I do something wrong when I did it? Does it matter how long it takes to run down the battery after it's fully charged?

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MacBook Pro :: Dropped It Face Down 2 Feet Off Bed, And Now It Will Not Turn On Or Anything

Feb 24, 2012

So I dropped my macbook pro and it was opened and it landed face down (screen/keyboard hit floor) and I picked it up immediately and plugged it back into the charger. The screen is black and it will not turn on and is making no noises or anything. When I plugged the charger back in, the light went green, but otherwise the computer is completely unresponsive. It has a plastic shell on it, but I still think that something could be wrong. Can this be fixed?! If so, how?!

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.6)

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Life Has Dropped Suddenly?

May 4, 2012

I used to be able to use my macbook pro all day at school, from 8:50 till 16:00 without charging it at all, no problem. Suddenly however, over the easter holidays (about 3 weeks) It dropped significantly, barely managing 2 hours. During the holidays it was almost constantly plugged in to the mains, but this hasn't caused problems before, I've had it about 18 months and had longer holidays with no change. A few months ago I upgraded my ram from 4gb to 8, but it didn't seem to affect it at the time. (I know it still says 4gb in my info but the forums won't let me change that for some reason)

Mac OS X (10.6.5), 2.4 GHz intel core duo , 4gb 1067 Mhz ddr3

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MacBook :: Video Playback (Free RAM / CPU Core Dropped)

Sep 10, 2010

I have two identical Late 2008 Unibody MacBooks. I think that one of them is trying to commit suicide. The other one is completely fine, and has none of these issues. They have a 2GHz Intel Core Duo processor with 2GB 1067MHz DDR3 RAM. The HD is 150 GB and is less than half full. I get beach balls while browsing non-flash sites, and the computer is laggy in general. When I watch video (usually flash), after about 10 minutes, the video will pause, while the sound continues. After 30sec-2min, the video will fast forward to catch up, and the cycle continues. The free RAM in Activity Monitor will drop to <100MB, and the CPU usage will spike on one core of the processor, while the other core drops.

The fans are working appropriately, and the temp isn't exceptionally high. Once this starts happening, I have to quit Safari and restart to get the free RAM to drop back to normal levels (~1GB). I have tried: repairing and verifying disk permissions, resetting PRAM and SMC, Archive & Install, and finally an Erase & Install of Leopard. Nothing has improved the issue. I've MRoogle'd and Google'd to no avail. Is there anyone who can provide another solution? I'm not sure if it's my RAM, or HD dying, or both? The Apple Hardware Test says that everything is peachy.

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Off Center After Being Dropped - Catches On The Body

May 29, 2010

I recently dropped my Machine at an angle and it seemed to knock my screen off center. When closed, part of the machines body is exposed where it used to be covered by the screen. It's only off by a hairline or two. It sticks out the same distance on the back of the machine. When I open or close it, the machine catches on the body and makes a slight scratching sound. How can this be repaired ? How will the Apple store treat this ?The machine did power itself off as well. I'm hoping I wont have to pay an arm and a leg for a bent piece of plastic

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MacBook Pro :: 6,1 Snow Leopard 10.6.8 Has Dropped Admin Password.

Mar 15, 2012

My Macbook Pro 6,1 Snow Leopard 10.6.8 has dropped the Admin Password. I can reboot and get it to work once in the change password window but nowhere
else. The other passwords do not seem to have been affected. IE Quicken.

MacBook Pro, G5, Imac G4, iBook G4, Mac OS X (10.5.1)

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MacBook Pro :: How To Delete Wrongly Dragged And Dropped File

Jul 2, 2012

I was dragging a file into a new folder and it has ended up on the desktop. I cant get rid of it - it will not let me drag it into trash. It now show up everywhere!

iPhone 4, iOS 5.0.1

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OS X :: MacBook Dropped - Flashing Folder Icon With Question Mark

Sep 7, 2010

I dropped my MacBook from a fairly low height the other day. Now when it boots up, the Flashing Folder-? Icon pops up. bummer. I've read around and tried everything I can find to try. I've read over posts such as: [URL]. Nothing works. My only problem is that I can't get it to boot the DVD startup disk at all. Everything I try ends with the disk being kicked out of the drive, or spinning for a while and then doing nothing.

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MacBook Pro :: Dropped Coffee Now Keyboard Broken And Trackpad Sticky

Jan 7, 2011

I had a bit of an accident and dropped some coffee on my Macbook Pro 13" Unibody. It's been about a week, I didn't touch anything because I wanted it to dry but it seems something went wrong and the keyboard just won't work anymore. The backlight still works and the trackpad still works too, although it has gotten a bit sticky (like the keyboard). I didn't have AppleCare for this computer, and am still in my first year of warranty.

Is there any chance that I could work out a deal with Apple about buying AppleCare and them fixing this? Considering AppleCare would be 219.99 since I am a full-time student, this would be a way better deal for me then having to pay for the Uppercase (which, as it seems, is the only way to fix my keyboard) which starts at around 280$, plus labour (which I would do myself). Otherwise, does anyone know a good website for refurbished parts for Macbook Pro (in my case, the Upper case with keyboard and trackpad)?

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