MacBook Pro :: How To Delete Wrongly Dragged And Dropped File
Jul 2, 2012
I was dragging a file into a new folder and it has ended up on the desktop. I cant get rid of it - it will not let me drag it into trash. It now show up everywhere!
I am dragging and dropping a logo into signature pane. The image is saved as a jpg, when I drag into the mail signature pane it's file name is 'PastedGraphic.tiff'. I am assuming there is file format preference somewhere that can keep the image either it's original format, or convert to a jpg, vs. a .tif
Most other email clients won't display this format. .
On my Mac Mini, the operation to drag a pdf file from the downloads folder to the desktop has frozen. Nothing I do, can delete the file, interrupt the process or arrest the spinning progress wheel. Other Symptoms The rest of the system (OSX 10.7.3) has become sluggish and Paralles 7 / Windows 7 won't open. Some preferences in Mail (from whiuch the pdf origintaed) have become corrupted or lost. Now, Finder wont reveal certain document sub-folders which were connected with the 'dragging' operation, but shows them empty even though I have since moved files into them.
I've had a text file on my desktop for a while, I dragged it from one side of the screen to the other. When I let go of the mouse button the file disappeared! Its not in the trash, I've tried arranging files just in case it was hidden, no where to be found.
This morning I suddenly found out that, on my new macbook pro, command-delete will delete the file (with the warning window) immediately without putting it into trash first. This function works well yesterday.
I am relatively new to the Mac. I have a Macbook Pro 2.2GHz. Today, a file keeps popping up on my desktop. It is named .DS_Store. The icon looks like a text document. I won't open it cuz I'm afraid of what it is, lol (Windows still clogging my brain). Anyway, I can drag it to the trash and delete the trash, but after a bit, it reappears.
I hate when you just can't delete something easily! I accidentally dragged a folder into the "places" area on the left side when you open up the hard drive, now it won't go away.. How can I fix this?
After I installed OS X I decided to go through my other partitions & do a little spring cleaning. In all, I trashed over 400MB of crap, but one file has refused to be deleted (it's a locked file left over from the old 3Com ISDN modem I had). When I try to empty the trash I get the following message:
"The operation cannot be completed because the item 'IQ320.BIN' is locked."
So, I look through the system help & find out that I either need to log in to OS X as the user who created the document ('root') or restart into OS 9 & unlock it from there.
Well, neither tactic has worked thus far. I restarted into OS 9 but found out that I can't access the file because it's in the trash (in OS X), which is an invisible directory (/Langly/.Trashes/102/). So then I restarted into OS X, logged in as root, but I still couldn't delete it. Desperate, I opened terminal, switched to root (su) found the files, but still can't delete the darned file. I tried rm, mv (thought if I moved it to somewhere that OS 9 could see it...), even chown, but each time I got "Operation not permitted." Any thoughts out there?
I am trying to delete an XLS file from a network drive and am getting a message that says the file cannot be deleted because it is in use.I can't see where it is in use and have tried to reboot the computer to no avail. I can delete other files but several XLS files are giving me this message.
A couple times now, I've tried to copy DVDs onto my computer, then realize they won't work. I think it's because I copied the files and not the movie, but that's not the issue. The issue is, when I go to delete them, I can't. My parents have kept a password on my computer since I got it about three years ago. It's a rare occasion when they take the password off for a few days. Under those circumstances, when the password is off, I can delete the file without any issue. But when the password is on, I can't even move the file to the trash. It keeps asking for a password. I can't even move it to a different folder. It's just sitting on my desktop, taking up space. There's not even anything in it, because I stopped the copying only seconds after it started.
My question is, how can I get around the password to delete this file? I can't restart my computer or anything, because I'll need a password to do that. I need some trick that will bypass the password and get it into the trash. And deleted from the trash, if possible.
I have an excel file that I can't delete - any suggestions on how to get rid of it?I can't move to trash, can't open, can't do anything to do. The message I get is "the item B4D19F00 can't be moved to trash because it can't be deleted".
I downloaded a program and soon decided not to have it on my Macbook Pro (Mid 2009) anymore. After I had delted all the files I did a Finder search just to make sure there were no more files associated with the program. I found one file that has no image to it, but it has the name of the program. I can not move or drag the file, or delete it keyboard shortcuts or by right clicking it, it is also NOT locked. I can "Get Info" but there isn't anything there, it has no location and takes up Zero KB. I know this isn't such a big deal considering it basically doesn't exist, but it annoys me to know that it is there somewhere because it turns up when I search for it. Is there any way to get rid of this? I have tried restarting finder, I have tried restarting computer, I have tried turning the computer off and turning it back on, repairing disk permissions. I don't know what to do! I am running Mac OS X 10.7.3 on a Mid 2009 Macbook Pro, (2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 8GB memory.
Downloaded Spotify and try to open it says it is damage so tried to delete it and will delete. Moved it to the trash but when I empty the trash it just keeps running and nothing happens. How do I get rid of this file?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7), Operating System version is 10.6.8
I made a garageband file(.band) and now when I try to delete it, it says "The item “” can’t be moved to the Trash because it can’t be deleted." I have tried repairing disk permissions with disk utility.
I just want to delete a .tmp file wich is on my desktop, but I can´t.. It just told me: The item can’t be moved to the Trash because it can’t be deleted. I already tried with terminal and the "sudo rm " command but it didn´t work, I also tried with the program Trash it!! but nothing happen..
iphoto crashed twice in the past year. I am now using iPhoto rebuilt, but discovered today, after visiting the Genius Bar, that my old iPhoto file is still on my laptop.It is taking up 1GB of memory which I need to use. They told me to move the file to my trash can, but how do I do that if I cannot open the other iPhoto file without receiving an error message? MACBOOK PRO OSX GHz Intel Core 2 Duo4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3 10.78 GB free out of 319.21 GBiphoto 219.4 GBiphoto '09 version 8.1.2.
when trying to unlock the usual way (right click - get info - uncheck the locked box) it will not allow to uncheck, the check mark just keeps coming back. Troubleshooting already done:
- Tried a disk repair, this didn't work
- Logged in as Admin and tried deleting the file, this didn't work
- launching terminal and "sudo rm -f" -- this idea didn't work either
one file i downloaded was cyberduck for ssh with iphone but got the an older one and all it does is crash, trash bin'd it and keep getting that message but nothing shows in activity monitor... this happens with so many things i trash that when I search they are not in use?
I created a file yesterday and when I tried to open it today, it was somehow renamed to "Word Work File L_1.tmp". I tried to open it but i got an error message saying "The application Microsoft Word can't be opened- 108" and so i tried deleting it but i got an error " The operation can’t be completed because one or more required items can’t be found.
(Error code -43)" ARGHh! I can't even rename it or anything! its just there and i cant even remove it.
So I copied and pasted a new one and renamed it (yes i could somehow copy and paste) and that one can open, rename and close, so its normal. I havnt tried restarting my macbook because i have another app opened and i would possibly like to not restart or anything at the moment.
It says that it can't be deleted.I got this problem when I was downloading a photo with Google chrome, but that photo was downloaded successfully. Downloads window in chrome is now empty.
When I tried to delete in Finder, it moves it Trash, but emptying the Trash leaves it in there. I tried rm -fr * in Terminal and got a "file too long" error.
I am trying to drag an item to move it into another folder in the same finder window, but it disappears after 1 second. It is the same way I have always did it, I click on it & can drag across the whole screen from window to window, but now it just disappears. And if I am not close to my destination, it will just move to whatever folder I am over at the time w/o me letting go of the mouse.
Am using OS X Lion 10.7.3, All of a sudden Finder ALWAYS asks for my password each and everytime I try to delete or move a file- How can I remove this?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I installed Skype on my new macbook (13" 2.0 Gz) a few months ago. However, I've had a problem and I just don't know how to fix it! You know when you download an application, it comes onto your desktop and you're supposed to drag the Icon into the Applications file? Well, my Skype won't do that. It will drag into it, but then it says it already exists. Thus, I still have that ugly icon on my desktop instead of the regular one. I've tried to eject and reinstall, but nothing works.