MacBook Pro :: Does Safari Offer Trusted Ad Blocker Download?
Apr 16, 2012Any safe way to stop pop up adds particularly on streaming sites.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Any safe way to stop pop up adds particularly on streaming sites.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I was prompted to accept a software update from Trusteer. I installed it but over the next few days kept having Safari crashes. I couldn't see the cause straight away but on 28 April, after another sudden "Safari Quit Unexpectedly" incident, the report clearly stated that it was the file called "rapportutil1", which I soon found to be in the Trusteer program.I removed Rapport using the "Uninstall" program in the dmg folder. (Found by simply using "Find" for "Rapport.dmg" in "Finder".) Googling shows that thousands of people have been seriously affected by Trusteer's appallingly bad Rapport software and this has been going on for at least the last two years! The Trusteer website boasts that over 28 million people have downloaded their software – but it doesn't say how many have subsequently had to uninstall it!
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I often find a random safari window showing some advert or something and have worked out that it's - go there and browse and it craftily opens a window behind the active one.
Does that mean my pop-up blocker doesn't work?
good Flash blocker for Safari?I've done a few searches and can't seem to find anything. The best I could find was ClickToFlash, but no matter what I do it refuses to install.
View 12 Replies View Relatedhow can I disable pop up blocker in Safari?
Mac mini
Firefox has been my main browser b/c Safari 4 was slower for me and also no Noscript. Safari 5 though is noticable faster for me and I'd like to go back. Malicious javascript is still a concern, even if remote. I use clicktoflash, but that only blocks flash. Is there a plugin or extension that will block javascript on a page unless I allow it or whitelist it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have had a few Safari extensions running now and have had no problems. But I went to check out the Safari Ad Blocker one and got it downloaded, but every time I double click to install it opens a new window and re-downloads its self again and doesn't install? Any one else seen this or know what the problem is?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to read news sites and my eye is distracted by things bouncing around in adverts. It's even worse when they're playing obnoxious sounds until you click the mute button in them.Therefore I just thought I'd let people know about this wonderful piece of software. I've seen it mentioned a few times here but even if this thread only helps a few people I think it'll be worth it:[URL]Not only does it hide these horrific insults to humanity (ok a bit strong perhaps), it actually prevents them loading, therefore your pages load quicker! And it's completely unobtrusive! If you want to watch flash file, simply click on in.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI am wondering if I can setup my laptop ( Mac Air) as an additional trusted device (I have my iPhone and iPad already as trusted devices).
MacBook Air (13-inch, Early 2014), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
Im planning to get the MBA soon. But IF I were to buy the MBP should I go with the new advanced faster 128GB SSD or trusted slower and cheaper 500GB or 700GB SATA? What are the differences?Worth the $$$ of upgrade? I'm fine as long as it runs smoothe (as in not waiting for [URL] to load for 2 min.), and which one will LAST LONGER.
MacBook Air
How do I disable pop up blocker?
View 1 Replies View Relatedcan't open gmail today - says "not a stursted site" ans also, Facebook been blocked on my computer and on my iphone what's going on? How can I fix it? This has never happed before.
Mac Pro, iOS 5.0.1
my macbook air keeps getting popups like mac keeper and a few other random popups and every time i click on something in safari it pops up ? what do i do ? how do i stop this my pop up blocker is on ?
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
A popup blocker may be preventing the application from opening the page. If you have a popup blocker, try disabling it to open the window.
Keep getting this message. tried disabling popup blocker but not getting through.
MacBook Air
I have set the box to block pop ups, however I'm still getting loads of adds.
MacBook Air
I'm trying to allow access from my bank but my popup blocker is not allowing them to send/open documents. How do I change this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was messaging with some friends on Adium and I couldn't see their cameras neither them could see mine. Does skype offer this?
View 12 Replies View RelatedIn Keychain Access, My "Certificates" and "Keys", three out of the four root certificates are marked as: This root certificate is not trusted (in red) times two and one: - then five groups of numbers for each. Is this something that should concern me or is it something to do with the problems I am having, Mail - some addresses I use are not sync and have a warning sign! Are these certificates needed to be trusted for mail configuration?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I decided on getting a 15 inch Macbook Pro instead of a 13. I am trying to lower the cost as much as possible. I will be getting the 8GB iPod touch with it to sell off since I already have an iPod. I see that there is also an offer for a rebate if you buy a printer with the Macbook. Will this offer still qualify with the iPod offer? Which printer has the best resell value? And it says up to $100, so if I get one of the $100 printers will I get a $100 rebate? Also I was looking in the forums and saw some post about promo codes? Are there any promo codes that can be used right now?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIt seems like with every website I visit it says "This is an untrusted connection" I don't understand becuase I have connected with these websites numerous times(my e-mail). I'm connected to my home network secured with a password. With some websites I can make a security expection with some I can not. I am using Firefox.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I update? Why isn't it seeing 10.6.4 when I click on software update?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just started getting this out of the blue...
ive ran apple software update, nothing
ive ensured that the date/time of my computer is accurate for the certificate verification (its right down to the minute. its also set to auto update)
I don't have any odd versions of chrome or anything like that. In fact, it doesn't matter what browser it is (Google notifier, as well as OSX mail give errors as well)
The only thing thats different is im on the wireless network at an internet cafe but it never gave this error before. i dont have any network that i can connect to besides this one to test that idea until i go home
I'm currently using utorrent as my p2p application and was told by a friend that I should be using an IP blocker like PeerBlocker to block certain IP's that track what you are downloading.
He is actually a Windows user and after a quick google search I have found that PeerBlocker is not available to mac users. As a result I have downloaded Peer Guardian and have to say I'm totally confused as to how to use it and what "lists" I need to have setup.
I am planning to get another 24" white imac, I am collector and was wondering since it's off ebay but with apple care if I can renew it by buying more apple care? But I am concerned in that I read "Apple is not obligated to renew this Plan. If Apple does offer a renewal, it will determine the price and terms." Also the original owner has changed the hd, surely that does not void the warranty?
View 10 Replies View RelatedIn my keychain access I have the following: and both show "This root certificate is not trusted"
Dashboard Advisory shows "This certificate was signed by an unknown authority."
I don't know what the notices mean (beyond the obvious that something is untrusted) nor do I know what to do about it.
They are offering Windows 7 home premium for $29.99 to students, but I use Snow Leopard. I wanted to add the Windows 7 in my computer to use for bootcamp. So my question is.. is this an upgrade (do I need a pre-existing Windows XP or Vista software) or can I have nothing previously and it allows me to install from scratch?
View 24 Replies View RelatedI am trying to edit a project for class in Final cut pro and like and idiot thought I was going to use my itunes library (relax, I know if I showed it in public, I would be screwed for using copy written music), but I wanted to know if iTunes is ever going to get rid of that format, considering it seems like other services have done away with it as a marketing edge.
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow do I download safari, firefox or chrome?? My safari was deleted. I downloaded fast browser just so I could get a browser.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I received an e-mail attachment file from a trusted source, type .xfdl. Tried to open but was denied the reason was "this type of file may contain spam or a virus". I know the file has already been read by several individuals who said no spam or virus detected.
View 10 Replies View RelatedJust got my i7 iMac the other day. Not all apps use all cores (as expected), but I'm interested to understand this one. Export MPEG2 (TS stream) from EyeTv to AppleTv format (I think it uses quicktime but can't tell).
Check out the pic. Now there are 4 real cores, but OSX is showing the 8 virtual cores. Anyway, given there are 4 cores, what does it imply to have around 50% total utilisation? Two threads? Four threads?
I notice that BOINC (einstein@home) only gets up to total utilisation when its running 8 threads. Does this mean that EyeTv (quicktime) is asking for number of cores and then creating that many threads? EyeTv is only showing one line time in Activity Monitor at around 400%.
Can these utilisation graphs actually be trusted when the 8 cores are virtual?