I have an old MacBook pro 15 inches - MacBookPro3,1. Recently bought Speck hard case and it was waaaay larger than my laptop. TRied to serach to see if 15inches macbook pro have different outside dimensions, but could not find any info....
I really want to buy a hard case, but do not want to end up with a not fitting hard case again.
So who uses the 15 incher in bed? Lying down in the prone position. It could be on a long couch either. The 13 inch seems perfect for that type of usage, but of course apple had to ruin my plans of getting arrandale in that form factor. Is the 15 inch screen size too big? Since it will be fairly close to my face.
i noticed it happens especially when is taken form down to up or up to down lik for instance form my lap to the desk, which is about 10cm change of hights. the screen goes black, and when I touch the track pad it goes on again and ask me for the login pasword. once in all the programs are on as they were before stand by..
I have checked the system report and i dont have any SAS device installed in the computer, so how does this happen?
When i bought my macbook, it has a small crack on the lower right hand corner about 2-3 inches away from the trackpad, ive tried to find a new piece, i think its called a bottom bezzel? I may have that wrong, but does anyone know where i can get a new piece from? The crack isnt major or anything, just a little annoying. I dont need the bottom piece, just the gray part that goes over the keyboard If anyone knows where i can get one,
I had that problem with the hal.dll file while trying to install windows XP on my mac. So I had to follow this guide and make the partition 32 gigs for windows, which I find about 10 gigs too big for my needs.
Does anybody know if it's possible to change the partition size? I heard leopard could do it, but disk utility doesn't seem to let me do it. I formatted windows in NTFS, so maybe that's why.
I have a MacBook Pro 13" purchased in 2009, and I'd like to be able to use it as my main computer, which would mean plugging it into my monitors. I currently have two DVI monitors, of different sizes and resolutions (one 24" running at 1920x1080 and one 19" running at 1440x900). Is there any way to use both of these with my MacBook Pro?
Silly question but i have a samsung syncmaster 2493HM, its my beloved 1080p monitor and has served me well.
Im getting an iMac very soon and looking at the pictures and some videos the screen doesn't look 24". The aluminum bit at the bottom seems to take a lot of space up making the screen look small.
I've heard today about a new problem on the 27-inches iMac, and would like to know more on this. Anyone have an experience/opinion/comment related to cracks appearing on the 27-inches screen ?
I was about to buy a new 27-inches i5 iMac, but I'm now reconsidering my decision because of this.
For use with a Mac Mini, I'm looking for an LCD screen that will fit in a shelf that has no more vertical room than 11 inches. The screen should preferably be 16:9, and have as high a resolution as possible. One option could be this Dell screen, but with some sort of a custom stand.
Trying to get a sense of whether or not the Imac screen may be too tall for my desk, which already has an elevated section for monitor placement. Can someone who has a 24 inch Imac tell me how many inches up from the base the screen is (not counting the lip)?
I have a very lovely and presently not working Cinema Display 24 inches.
Here is what it is doing.
When connected to my Mac it shows up as a valid screen in the Monitors System preference and if I am not mirroring displays my mouse and windows can be placed in this 'space'.
However there is not any on LED power light nor does the USB/Firewire port function.
What is odd, is this is intermittent. It used to be dark for a bit but mostly on. Now it is dark 99% of the time, and occassionaly comes to life.
When it comes to life, it is bright, and clear. So the lamp is more than likely OK.
The power supply has been tested with another unit and it is not power supply (external) related.
I have thought it could be the inverter board which is a part I can buy cheaply and repair. However I was told my LCD is more symptomatic of the LCD panel being bad.
Apple wants a $450 fee to diagnose that would be applied towards repairs, but at that cost, it is almost worth getting the new LED model. I would prefer to fix it in a more economical manner.
Does anyone know of what could be causing my set of symptoms and/or a reliable LCD repair source preferably in the NY/NJ region?
I would prefer to have some idea of a diagnosis before I go and buy invetertor boards and A/D boards. However I can replace the power supply, inverter and A/D board for under $300 so that is abetter option than Apple's. However if the LCD panel is in fact dead, then it is a lost cause. New panels are very hard to find.
I've begun to notice a ring, roughly three inches in diameter, in the middle of my Air, Rev C, Screen. It is a white ring, a couple of millimeters thick,that I can see best behind an all white screen, i.e. a blank page of a word processing document.
Anyone seen anything like this before. I can actually see part of it right on the white of the page I am typing in this thread.
If I drag the mouse over a bunch of files in Finder (to select them) and then click get "File...Get Info", I get a bunch of info windows pop up all over my screen, one window for each file!
What I normally want to do is, like in Windows, see the totals for all selected files selected in ONE window, but I don't see how to do this.
I'm running 10.4 with Photoshop 8. When I open a jpeg that comes from my camera which is usually between 2.5 - 3.0 MB and then 'save as' without doing anything to it, it is reduced to about 750Kb. I am saving as Jpeg and using the maximum quality (12).
I already know about reducing file size through print pdf, but from my experience this has not done too much to actually reduce the size. I was wondering if there is any other way to do this that is similarly easy and free? More importantly, how about the ability to reduce a word document or text edit without converting the file into a pdf? I have massive word files and would really like to reduce the size they take up, but really do not want to lose the ability work in the document
Just got an SSD recently and it's extremely fast for big files (reads in the 240mB/sec range and an obvious improvement running the machine).But I also do work that uses a huge number of very small files, and I was surprised to find that the read performance is so much lower in that case. The 4k benchmark was actually slower than my old hard drive (about 40mB/sec), and loading up a project is also a little slower off of SSD versus HD. The files I'm loading are typically in the 60k range which should be better performance than 4k (and I would think better than HD, but that's not what I'm seeing on my machine). Looking at some SSD benchmarks online (on PC), 64k is still down from the max speed but not much, about 180.
How can I make volumes exact sizes? I've noticed that when changing the size of my partitions with Disk Utility, the size of the partition actually ends up being .12GB smaller than what I set it to be. So if I type 300.00 in, the partition ends up being 299.88. If I type 300.12 in, it ends up being 299.88. If I type 300.13 in, it ends up being 300.01. If I type 360.12 in, it ends up showing 360.00 in Disk Utility, but on the desktop when I have show item info turned on it says 359.99GB.
My drive is filled so I want to search for files over 5meg, no problem. But the results does not have a size column in finder which is pretty useless. Any ideas? Skitch - > [URL]
Whenever I try to write an .avi (or .mov) movie with iDVd onto DVD, it says: 'content reach maximum duration, pls remove some content' for movies over 700MB. That's without adding chapter markers etc...
I've tried using MPeg Streamclip and Prism to convert them to smaller sizes, but without any luck, they just come out bigger.
I work with different resolution monitors at work and home. 22" 1920x1200 at work and 30" 2560x1600 at home. The problem is that OSX tends to throw the windows out of place on the 30" (connected via mini-DP to Displayport cable on my MBP 13") or resizes them to the 1280x800 size of the internal monitor after waking from sleep when connecting the 30" display at home.
Is there any program that would save and restore the window positions and sizes so I wouldn't have to rearrange them all the time?
In windows / linux, you can highlight multiple folders, right click > properties, and get info on how many files / folders you have selected, and how big they are combined... How do you do this in os x? When you do "get info" on multiple items, it opens individual info windows for each item.
Specific example of a very common general scenario: I'm searching for an instruction manual on my computer. I have a lot of product brochures and one manual from the same company, all with similar names. No idea which is the manual, but I do know that when I run a Spotlight search, the manual will be the one with the large file size.
Except for some inexplicable reason, Spotlight won't show you the file sizes of all the results! This is absolutely bizarre OS behavior. I have to Get Info of each one, which is laborious. And it's hard to compare them, as you have to match each Info window with each file name back in the Spotlight results.
This process is next to impossible when trying to compare a very large number of documents or video clips, etc.
Similar usability issue when you need to easily and quickly compare where a bunch of files you've searched for are all located. Can't do it on a Mac. (This is sadly one of those areas where Windows has long been easier and simpler than Mac.)
I understand the $39 "Path Finder" application can add these functions, but it introduces other limitations that matter to me. So, is there ANY way to sort by size and location in OSX (10.6.2)?
I work a lot with video, DVD's, etc. This work relies heavily upon the long-time, established standard when it comes to file sizes; that is, that noble of all numbers, 1024.
Sadly, it appears that some computer makers, hard drive manufacturers, and even some ISP's, no longer have respect for the decades-old standard of 1024, upon which the computer industry was built. Thus, to earn a higher profit, and to pretend to offer more than they really are, they have chosen to use 1000, instead of 1024, as their unit of measurement. It makes Internet speeds appear faster than they really are; it makes hard drives seem bigger than they really are; etc. To me, it is plain old greed and deception.
For someone involved with video, where accurate measurements are required, this modern usage of 1000 presents a problem.
Thus, I am looking for a program which will allow me to display REAL file sizes in the Finder -- which relies upon 1024k/Kb, 1024Kb/Mb, 1024Mb/Gb, etc. -- rather than the more modern approach of 1000 units/whatever.
I was hoping that a program like MacPilot, or a similar app, might possess this tweaking feature, but I have been unable to find one to date.
The only thing that I can do for now is to use a program like MediaInfo, which is a halfway point, because I actually want ALL of my files on my hard drives to display the file size based upon 1024, and NOT upon 1000.
The menu (the top menu bar, "right click" menu etc) fonts are WAY too big. I downloaded TinkerTool and already lowered the size of all the fonts it let me, looked around the settings in the OS itself but I can't seem to touch the menu font sizes at all.