MacBook Pro :: Delete An Infected Piece Of Mail In Mailbox?
Mar 24, 2012
I have bitdefender for mac and it has found tp pieces of mail in my saved mail boxes and it won't let me delete it. It says I don't have permission to delete or move this mail. I have reindexed the box but it did not work.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2 gig, 2.4 mhz
I have a Mailbox that I want to delete from
I can right click it, select delete. And it gives the warning. I select OK and it does nothing. I have tried it through the menu system too, and the same result.
Any idea how to delete the mailbox? The deal is I set it up to an email that I cannot access via POP and it is constantly trying to access it but can't, obviously.
Im trying to delete my hotmail inbox from Mail 5.2 on my Mac. I tried "delete mailbox" by right click and from the Mailbox menu. Also tried dragging the mailbox to trash and nothing.
I had no problems deleting the mailbox on my ipad and iphone ... its on my Mac that it will not disappear.
Suddenly in Mail I have a mailbox for Blocked Mail. This is on my iMac where I am running Maverick. I do not want to collect blocked mail; that's why I blocked it so I don't have to deal with it. How can I get rid of this mailbox or how do I stop blocked mail from accumulating.
Somehow, I now have two Yahoo accounts on my laptop (I think it happened when I updateed snow leopard a couple of months ago).This resulted in double messages to my iPhone, which put me over my data usage. When I tried to remove one of the yahoo accounts by "delete mailbox" on my laptop, the mailbox remained and the mail remained but the message contents in both Yahoo accounts were empty!
I recently transferred all my data from a MacBook Pro to my new MacBook Air. I have an old Groupwise mailbox on my Pro which has been offline for over a year since my company switched from Groupwise to Outlook. After the Groupwise acct went offline the option to delete the mailbox has been greyed out. I'm trying to get this old mailbox off my Air now, after it transferred with everything else. How can I delete this old account?
Info: MacBook Air (13-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
ok how do i get rid of my email boxes i have 3 email boxes one gmail,comcast and yahoo i would like to get rid of one . Tried to delete it but it still is there? I want it totally gone no image of it let just gone?
I had a problem sending mail. I tried several times to fix it, finally decided to delete the mailbox and start over. I try and try but the mailbox is still there stuck trying to get mail even though all the old mail is gone and no mail comes through.
A few days ago, ClamXav detected infected files when scanning my mail data base. One of wich was a phishing kind of mesage, and the other was defined as a trojan. It turns out that they were mesages from 2009, by the time when i had a G5 Power PC. I've never open theme, nor clicked the links attached. Now i have a new Mac, but those mails are still in the data base; i think they migrated from my imap account. Any way, i red the ClamXav developper's page and he says that its not advisable to trash out or put this kind of files into quarantine. it bothers me that they still remain in my user's library.
Everytime I modify a note in the 'Notes'mailbox iun Mail, an email appears in my inbox. Is there anyway to remove the email without removing the note from 'Notes'?
I've started working from home a few days a week.I've got a Windows PC from work but would rather use my Macbook as its got a bigger screen and I've got it all setup nicely on my desk.When I'm at home I'd like to use my Mac - now I can setup my iCal and Mail for my personal work email address no problem.But... I also have access to an addtional mailbox (and its calendar) in my work Outlook.if and how I can set that mailbox and calendar up in Mail and iCal?
During the last week or so I have received several emails form Microsoft exchange telling me that my mail box is almost full and to delete any unnecessary emails and empty my Deleted Items folder. I had about 14 pages of past emails and so I worked my way through them, deleted ones I did not need and then emptied my deleted file....thinking that this would solve my problem. I have since received more reminders, and interestingly the bar showing how much space I have left is unchanged! (491) even after dumping more emails! I now am down to about 9 pages in total and still I am receiving these messages. Should I be deleting files from somewhere else too?
I want to set up my Gmail IMAP account in so that when I hit the delete key in, the message gets archived permanently (in the All Mail folder). What's the best way to do this? Should I select the "All Mail" folder and then choose "Use this Mailbox for Trash"?
I did something really stupid... I have been accessing my GMail account using POP access and Apple I switched over to IMAP online, went into Preferences, deleted my POP account and was about to re-add it as an IMAP account when I noticed that the e-mails in my inbox were deleted when I deleted my POP account. I checked ~/Library/Mail and the folder was in fact deleted. Is there anyway to recover that folder? Not all of the e-mails are still on GMail's web interface.
I was using OS X 10.3.9 in Mail 1.3.11 on my wife's computer. There are several mailboxes on the e-mail account. I was not able to get my mail from my mailbox, only saw some italic script telling me to go online to get my mail. I was already "online" so I went on and off and on again and nothing changed. So I noticed the "rebuild" option and clickd on it, not sure what it might do but it sounded promising. Well all the email in my inbox disappeared and around 12,000 others that my wife and I shared. Can I recover them?
I have a mailbox in Mail that I no longer want. I selected the option to delete the mailbox, but the mailbox will not leave the list. I have tried a few times to get rid of the box, but it will not leave. All the settings are still there, it still goes after mail and still allows me to send mail from that account. How do I 100% get this unwanted mailbox in Mail?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2.4 GHz Intel Core i7, 8 GB 1333 M
I run Mail 7.3 on OS 10.9.4. I have 3 different mailboxes and Mial stopped sending from the different mailboxes and uses only one. I went to preferences and ensured this specific mailbox was not selected but that the setting to send from the selected mailbox was used. I even tried to use a different setting, selecting to send from a specific mailbox...still the same. Send always from the same one whatever the parameter selected.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
On my new macbook (first mac) I set up Mail with my two POP mail accounts.I have Inbox, Junk, and Sent mailboxes but no Trash mailbox.I have checked the preferences for both accounts and have set the settings to "Trash - move deleted messages to a separate folder". Yet, there is no Trash folder. I have created a mailbox entitled "Trash" and tried to go to Mailbox->"Use this mailbox for" but all options including Trash are greyed out.
I HAD Gmail and Mail working perfectly, until i sent an email too "large" for someones Yahoo inbox. All **** broke loose, ended up starting from scratch. Have done now 10 times.
Everything seems to be working fine, i'm getting emails through etc. But, next to my Gmail mailbox is the constant loading circle; either the Pie or the Spinning spokes thing.
The loading circles change every time i open Mail, although they are CONSTANTLY there and won't budge -
and this -
What does this mean? Im so frustrated because i had Mail up and running fantastically before the attachment mishap, now its refusing to go my way. It functions fine from what i can tell, just the loading circle (both instances) is getting on my nerves!
I had my Uni mail account as well as my hotmail account working through Mac OS X mail (Tiger 10.4.4) and managed to accidentally rebuild my mailbox. This resulted in the inbox appearing empty. Since then, I have not been able to get the inbox to show me my old mail. I may be able to get new mail (not yet verified) but I sure as hell would like the other mail there as well. Additionally the rebuild was done accidentally and NOT because the mailbox was ridiculously full. Anyone know how to "reverse" the rebuild procedure? Or at least to get the mail back?