MacBook Pro :: Dark Colors Replaced With Red Lines/artifacts
Aug 9, 2009
as you can see in the images attached below my MBP is having some video problems. The laptop was purchased about a week ago brand new, and it just started having these issues.
I can barely see digital pictures and the likes. But websites and such i can see fine so long as the colors are light and looking on this site... [URL]
the first image i absolutely cannot see, it is 100% pitch black.. the other bellow it shows up just fine. But the two left/lowest squares on the color table on the very bottom the page both appear the same shade of pitch black.
I can see light but not dark. I tried callibrating and adjusting brightness and contrast.
Have OS X 10.5.6 on an new Intel IMac 24. When I use Google Earth or run X-Plane I see these random polygons/lines appear as i move the mouse. All other applications seem to be okay. anyone else seen this? Apple support say they know of the problem but there was not sufficient momentum to look into creating a fix.
I was using Audacity on my mac running 10.4.11, on some seriously large files (85MB mp3s were exported from these original wav files!), when during this these red vertical lines started popping up on my screen; mainly where a window had been moved. These lines haven't gone away and I'm not sure how to fix this problem. I'm stumped! Having repaired permissions and run the Disk Utility from the Install disk, I'm at a total loss. The intro/gray screen, apple logo doesn't have the red lines, but every other screen does.
After bringing them both into the genius bar and setting them side by side, the genius agreed that there were faint lines visible on light backgrounds, and is having it sent off to have the whole top housing replaced. Here's to hoping that it works out..UPDATE: so despite the fact that I have some authorization from the genius bar to have my clamshell assembly replaced, I just checked the status of my order and it says "no issues detected." I'm assuming that apple is within their right to do this, but the paperwork clearly states that the lines are visible in store to multiple geniuses.
I have a late 2006 Macbook, and my dad has an early 2009 Macbook. I was comparing the two today and noticed that there was a significant difference between their LCDs. My dad's Macbook has a lighter, more normal display. While mine has a yellow tint to it and is darker. Both computers were on the same display profiles and both had the same brightness set.
Is this just how LCDs are as they age? Or is mine really not supposed to have that yellow tint? The new Macbook is on the right in the pic.
It started on one side and has gotten worst to the point of filling the screen with hundreds of lines. Can hardly see screen. Now theres a big black lined rectangular shaped box on the center right screen... Would like to plug in another monitor and see if I can operate this G 5 off another monitor.
I've recently begun seeing random, darkish rectangles appear and disappear while watching a streamed Netflix movie. Last night when it began happening, I disconnected my laptop and substituted a friend's, whose is almost identical to mine: hers is early 2011, mine is late 2011. Hers showed no rectangles.Â
Several facts:
-- viewing in fullscreen mode
-- using video mirroring to display on TV
-- using WiFi
-- latest OS and Silverlight software being used
-- no other apps open
-- both laptops are MBP 13" Â
Can anyone speculate as to what these randomly sized rectangles might be? Are they artifacts of video compression or streaming? Could they in any way indicate a failing video card?  Â
I seem to only get this issue when playing videos back on my Macbook Retina. Just picked it up today and really hoping it's not a hardware fault... [URL]
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I got my MBA about 2 weeks ago, and in 3 different occasions some windows and parts of the desktop would show display artifacts. I am attaching snapshots. I didn't recognize any specific pattern that could cause this, and the CPU was not overheating when the fact happened. Every time it was sufficient to reboot the system, and the problem disappeared. I am worried it might be a hardware issue, maybe related to the integrated graphics. Should I have the MBA replaced?
Hopefully somebody can tell me what's wrong. because it's getting basically impossible for me to do anything on 3 year old MBP. These are artifacts show up mostly when I use Safari. In fact when I CTRL T for a new a tab that's when it's the worst. But it happens when I'm using Photoshop sometimes and other programs. but anyway it seems to be getting worse.
Flash 10.1 released today... Video artifacts when using flash?
I downloaded and install the new Flash on two newer Macs and experienced screen artifacts when I tried to run certain flash sites... Just me or others as well?
During installation, my graphics got all screwed up. You can see a screenshot of what's going on at this link: [URL]. I'm actually writing on the defective computer, so it's hard for me to see what's in the screenshot. Here's what I did so far. I tried removing half of the RAM first, then the second half, the problem persist. I rebooted on a different system, it's still there (so not software). I tried Hardware Test utility, it says everything is fine. I unplugged the Video Card, cleaned it a little along with the connectors, nothing. It happened DURING the update to 10.4.11 (not after I rebooted). I'm pretty sure I can take screenshots of it, so it's not simply in the connectors to the monitors. It happens on both my monitors (also when I unplug one of them).
Information: PowerMac G5 Radeon 9800 Pro Mac OS X (10.4.10)
XFX HD 4890 8750M 1GB DUAL DVI TV Product Code: HD-489A-ZDFL
It isn't working in my MacPro properly. It displays artifacts or reboots the system under BootCamp. After 15 minutes of idle warm up it works OK... I've send it to XFX for RMA and they've tested it and "NOFAULTFOUND".
I'm gonna apologize in advance if this was already posted, but I'm not quite sure what the technical phrasing for this issue is, so I could've missed it in search. I'm running a Macbook Pro 17', manufactured around September 08. It's currently running OS X 10.5. I received it from my school with the computer already set up and all the software pre-installed, so I personally don't have access to things like the boot disc and other base software, but I can get a hold of it if it's necessary. The crash: Somewhere along the boot-up process, or somewhere soon after boot-up, the computer will freeze and a bunch of pixels will rearange themselves. I wish I could show a screenshot, but the best way I can describe it is that these little jagged stripes of pixels will move to places they aren't supposed to; for example, below the little spinning boot-up circle on the initial boot screen, there's a block of pixels kind of shaped like --.--_ that pulses darker and lighter in time with the pixels on the bottom of the circle, so they just seem to be transposed from another position on the screen. If this happens during boot-up, which is most of the time (on the screen with the dark grey apple on a light grey background), then the computer will try to boot up for a while, then the artifacts will run in stripes down the screen and a window will come up telling me to restart my computer. Sometimes--usually when I've shut it down and taken out the battery and let it sit for a while--it'll get past boot-up, and I'll get either almost to the desktop or even get a couple minutes of actual use before the artifacts appear again and the computer freezes.,......
I've had my 27" iMac (3.06GHz) for a few weeks now and yesterday I noticed some weird artifacts appearing on the screen, very randomly.
They will pop up all over the screen but if I "Show desktop", they will go away for a bit but sometimes reappear again in different areas of the screen. I restarted the computer but that only temporarily fixed the problem.
Anyone know what's causing this and how to fix it?
When I loaded up the same page on my pc and mac side by side that the safari version of the page had very poor pictures, i.e. you could see loads of artifacts of the jpg compression. The page I loaded was [URL] and you can see the picture of mr Mac and mr PC stood side by side. I have tried looking through Safari preferences but don't see anything anywhere that would indicate picture compression? Another point I think I should make is that the mac is a macbook and it is running over a 54g network.
So I thought maybe it realised that the speed wasn't up to scratch and therefore adjusted the picture quality itself? Needless to say I did plug in an ethernet lead and after a couple of refreshes the page loaded and the pictures were perfect. Which sort of answered my question? but 54g is a fast enough speed to have high quality images and I thought I should have the choice of selecting this myself?
I've got a bunch of 1080p videos in MKV. When I play them using VLC and switch the video to a different scene (say 20 minutes ahead), artifacts appear throughout the video for a few seconds and then it disappears. I have this on about half of my MKV 1080p Videos. Is this normal? This only occurs when I manually switch to a different scene. If I play the video straight through then it plays fine. This occurs on both my Mac Pro and Windows Vista Computer. Are my videos corrupt? I don't notice this on my Mac Pro when using Movist when switching scenes.
I just upgraded my MacPro1,1 to OSX Lion. At the same time, I was having some problems with my video card and replaced it with a NVDA,Display-B. It seems to be the same as what I took out but am getting some screen artifacts as well as windows jumping and distorting.
Why does Minecraft look like this on my iMac? Is my video card messed up or something? It all flickers and changes as I move and look around. And it's not the mods, it did this stock, before I install the MrMMods.
I have an iMac G5 (rev. B with ambient light sensor) which has suddenly started having a problem where the entire screen is covered with pink artifacts. The iMac had been left on overnight and when waking up in the morning I found the screen looking like this and now it continues to stay like this no matter what I do. I have attached a screenshot and was wondering if anyone might have a clue what has caused this to happen
I own two Intel-era Mac Pros, one at work, the other at home office.couple months ago both started having the same problem: a mix of freezes/hangs and weird graphical artifacts showing up on the screens.Usually I need to reboot. Usually a reboot fixes the problem for a while until it recurs. If it was just one computer, I'd figure disk problem or graphics card.But the fact that both have been affected at the same time makes me suspect some software issue or possibly a trojan/virus.
I have a 2009 Macbook Pro, and Apple advertises up to 80% battery capacity up to 1,000 charges. My MBP is down to 75% health after a little more than 500 charges.Would I have any problem getting Apple to swap the battery out for me free of charge?
My 4 year old daughter is turning out to be a MAC enthusiast and has somehow managed to mess up some setting on my mac notebook that it has lost all colors and I can only see black and white (or greysclae/monoshrome).
I have a macbook pro 13 inch purchased in 2009. My HDD died so I took it to an Apple dealer and they replaced it and upgraded me to 10.6.8, when I took it home I found that some of the applications I had received for free were now missing, and after a few days I was having the same problems with my HDD (folder with ? mark appearing) so I took it back. They told me that I had a virus? They then gave me the apps that had been missing and upgraded me again to 10.7.3 however it is still freezing regardless of whether I am on the internet so its not my connection. I also went to open itunes and it told me it could not find a folder and to choose a location. When I chose Music - itunes - it states I can't and to choose another folder.
I upgraded operating system to Mavericks, since then all footage I export from FCP as a QT movie has artifacts. I'm using FC 6.0.6. I have the settings optimized for download in the settings options ad data rate at 3000. I have been exporting like this for years with footage looking same as in FCP timeline. Mavericks doesn't work with older programs..I only downloaded the thing so I could run Da Vinci Light, it screwed up my mail system too.
I went yesterday evening to the Apple store in Georgetown as I happened to be near by and checked out the new Airs. The keyboard letters look reflective bu the keyboard also looked somehow cheaper (which I guess it is truly). Tough to test the usability in the dark in the store, I tried to hover over it with my jacket (must have looked pretty stupid) but it is not a real live test. So for you who had a backlit keyboard before