MacBook Pro :: Concern With Reported Video Memory?
Jun 26, 2012
I bought a new higher spec (MD322X/A) MBP three months ago (yeah, so I'm a newbie from Windows and didn't know how close WWDC was) that has 1GB of video memory. The About This Mac window reports 512MB of memory. I called JB where I bought it and the guy said this is fine and it will report 1GB in system properties, which it does appear to but I'm not yet convinced that all is well. So, apart from paying 3 months ago what I could have bought a retina display for today, is it normal to report 512MB in the About This Mac window if I have 1GB? Also, after the spontaneous purchase of the MBP because JB didn't have a new iPad in stock, they don't appear to be that much cheaper than other retailers anyway?Â
Is it true that when we charged 100% battery and it says on AC power, does it LITERALLY do what it say? i mean the power of Macbook pro is not provided by battery but by magsafe instead. is it?last thing, leaving the Macbook connected to the working magsafe isn't add numbers up to cycle count right? and is it okay to charge the Macbook pro all the time and only using it when we could't find AC power outlet?
I bought an i5 15" MBP last week and instantly through my 80GB SSD into it. I've been doing my best to keep a lot of unnecessary data off the SSD but I'm still running out of space. I'm thinking about throwing the stock 5400rpm 320GB drive into an Optibay tray and using that to hold the data. I use Photoshop and Illustrator quite a bit and I would like to use the 5400rpm drive as the scratch disk as well.
However, I'm not to familiar with read/write processes and I'm wondering if I will see a speed decrease if I use the 5400rpm drive to house the data while leaving the SSD open for the OS and all applications. Should I expect a noticeable decrease in battery life with both hard drives installed as well?
how can I disable the memory sharing with the graphic card? it makes me impossible to run a software, grandMA2, on windows 7 installed and run via bootcamp. where should I look for changing the preferences of memory and video, on lion or on windows7?
Since there's been sometime,about a couple of months?, that users have been using it maybe it might be a bit premature to ask, but surely it's enough time for some problems to have at least started appearing?
It appears that either disk utility or finder are misreporting the free space available on my main partition. Finder indicates there's 33GB available and disk utility inidcates there's only 23GB available. Anyone know why there's a discrepancy? Which figure is the right one?Also I'm trying to resize the partition (to be smaller) but disk utility always errors out on my. I want to increase the size of my windows partition since i'm finding I need the space there more than I need it in OS X.
I know that it is an old single processor, first of the Power Macs, legacy machine and OS. I have gone through all various check system/disk evolutions with Apple and TechTool Utilities.Also, when I have a software glitch, I can never get the Send To Apple report to "send". I get a message that reads something along the line of 'not being able to connect to Apple'. Why, the legacy problem again? If so, I am suprized that I get iTunes and Safari updates.
Info: PowerMac G5/1.8 GHz old 1 cpu 2003, Mac OS X (10.5.6), Using Macs since Skinny Mac, and Apple IIs before that
recently installed and flashed a sapphire 4890 into my mac pro 1,1.Installed Quartz update for 10.6.4, running dual displays no problems BUTTTTT.......something seems fishy about my open gl scores.Most of the people I've seen on here are scoring over a 1000 when benchmark is check in open gl viewer
I'm looking to replace my current external drive with a newer, larger drive. My current drive is connected via Firewire and houses my iTunes library, plus movie files, documents, etc. I'm trying to decide between a portable drive (the Western Digital Passport, for example), and another desktop drive (like say, this one [URL:..]Questions I have:
- Is there any reason to be concerned about longevity when using a portable drive? - Does a desktop drive typically perform better than a desktop drive? - Is there a noticeable speed difference between USB 2.0 and Firewire?
what is the OS version profile of the 500,000+ reported infections? Apple patched only Lion and SL.What of Leopard, Tiger, infections?
Info:  iBook G3, 12"PowerBook G4, 15"PowerBook G4, iMac G5 20", 60GB iPod, 2GB Nano, Mac OS X (10.5.2), Mac OS X Server 10.4.11 Tiger and a Compaq V6000 Core Duo, Dell
I own an iMac with 256mb of shared video memory and have been dying to find a way of making the computer use more of my 8gb of RAM for video memory than it currently is (specifically for an improved gaming performance).
If I bought the cheapest iMac at base model right now, in a month or two could I buy more RAM for it? Then could I later buy a better video/graphics card and get that put in And could I have these things done by official Apple peoples. Not that I care much - I'd just like to know if official people do this.
I added some 512 MB DDR2-FB DIMM 667 MHz to my Intel Mac Pro Dual Core - OS 10.4.11. Since the memory upgrade, videos will not stream properly in my web browser. The video begins playing; then freezes; audio continues for a few moments; then audio freezes; then beachball for a few moments; then video plays again; then the same cycle of video interruption begins all over again. It is consistent with YouTube, Vimeo, and basically any video format accessed through my browser.
I'm trying to clear out my iMac 10.4 OS X because I'm handing it off to a friend (moving overseas, can't keep it anymore) so I've been deleting most of the stuff off the drive...I had a folder titled 'keeping' which is obviously the stuff I wanted to transfer to an external hard drive, it was about 50 GB worth of stuff. I updated everything on the mac and then restarted it and now I can't find that folder. All that's on my desktop is the 'Macintosh HD' icon, and not the 'keeping' folder. I've searched multiple times on the finder and on the computer in general for this folder, by name, by files in it and nothing!
Yet, it says I have only 137.44 GB free (out of 250 GB) and I literally have nothing else on the computer (my iTunes library also got wiped, but I'm not as worried about that).I tried 'showing all hidden files' with the command function and I couldn't find it and then I tried running the disk utility on the drive and got the message of "The underlying task reported failure on exit" and that it needs repairing. I've screenshot it here: or here if that's too big: You can see it's in there. I have 95 GB used and 523,499 files on it somewhere but I have no way of finding it!
i have 4 gb of ram, and would like to increase the shared video memory in windows 7, that i am using via boot camp. i know you can do it using the bios, but because there is no bios, is there any program that emulates the bios for boot camp, or another solution to do this?
then, why does windows 7 read just 3 gb of ram, when i have 4?
I'm running OSX 10.4.11 on a 12" PowerBook 1.5 GHz with 1.25 GB of RAM and an 80 GB HD. When I run the disk Utility to Verify Disk, it ends with the message, "Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit." This happens if I run the Disk Utility from the hard drive, from the OSX installation disk or from an external hard drive. The Repair Drive button is always grayed out no matter where I am running the disk Utility from, too. I have cloned the entire hard drive onto an external drive with Carbon Copy Cloner. I know PPC systems won't boot from a USB drive, but I was considering booting from the install disk, re-formatting the drive from there and then re-installing from the external by running CCC from there.
I bought a new 2TB Time Capsule, and had problems completing the initial backup. I finally sourced the problem to files that were buried deep in a stack of folders, which seemed to make the file name/path too long. Anyway before I realized that I tried to reformat the Time Machine, and this seemed to work ok. However Airport Utility is now reporting the Time Capsule Disk Size as being 1.8TB, rather than 2TB.
I think before I reformatted the disk it showed as being 2TB in this menu, but I cannot be sure. I am worried that I have somehow formatted it wrong and lost some data space? If I go into Disk Utility, it does say there that the Data partition is 2TB, so it seems strange that Airport Utility shows it at 1.8TB. Can someone else who has the 2TB Time Capsule let me know whether in Airport Utility it shows as being 2TB or 1.8TB?
Disk Warrior reported a damaged resource header that cannot be repaired. The resource header is in an "older" file format (rsrc). I have been having fairly frequent freezes of the system and Disk Utility reporting a corrupted HD which Disk Unility is always able to repair and report the HD to be O.K. Could the damaged header be the cause of the freezes? If so, can anything be done about it if Warrior says it cannot be repaired?
I have a Black MacBook (Early 2008). I think that I still have the factory standard RAM sticks (I bought the Mac used from a friend). I noticed today that I am running on only one gig of RAM even though I have two gigs of memory.
Just got a new 1TB external network hard drive to try and solve my storage and sharing problems. It works no bother out of the box pre-formatted as MS-DOS, but due to the limit of this format and because I heavily use iMovie I want to use Mac OS Extended (journaled).When I try to do a quick erase I get the error message Quote:The underlying task reported failure on exitWill give it a full erase fix it? This will take 12-14 hours to do so want to know if I'm going down the right path before I waste a night.
I have a iMac DV G3/500 (Special Edition) from summer 2000. Anyway, I am using Mac OS 10.2.8. Recently, my start up disk's memory has gone done from 1.2 GB available free space to 668MB (currently). I haven't saved anything on this disk so I can not understand why this memory has dissappeared. I have also had icons on the start up menu disappear. Could someone please tell me how I can restore the missing memory?
I just bought a early 2009 MAC Pro and it came with 3GB of RAM, I ordered 3 2GB sticks of memory to replace the 3 1GB sticks that I had in there from Kingston. I turned off the unit, I popped the little levers and pulled the memory out of slot 1, 2, 3 and then replaced the memory with the new Kingston in slot 1, 2, 3
One of the sticks in is not working at all and I get the RED LED light no matter what slot I move that chip to. So I am running on 2 of the new Kingston memory chips.
Can I mix the memory and add the 1GB into slot 3 and 4 with slot 1 and 2 full of 2GB chips?
Also how to I run the memory utility again? I went to /system/Library/CoreServices/ and then I see the program Memory Slot
How do I run this? I'm used to no spaces and I type ./then program name
I've just updated the os to 10.6.2 and my 16gb mac pro 1,1 only shows 8gb in the system profiler. The memory tab shows they're all working correctly but size says "2gb" where should be "4gb".
I copied a deposition from a DVD I was sent. I want to edit the deposition into clips with imovie, but I can't seem to get it to open. I have tried changing the file type and things like that.Â
I installed 4x2GB memory modules. Now, I have a "Memory Slot Utility" pop-up(The memory modules are installed in the recommended slots) that pops up every time I start my computer. How do I get rid of this notice permanently?