MacBook Pro :: Applications Keep Crushing And I Can't Access Internet
Apr 1, 2012
My Mac Book Pro applications keep crushing, and I can't connect to the Internet even thought I have full signal (I tried wireless and Ethernet) This all happened after I used migration assistant to bring the applications from my old mac..
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010)
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Jun 18, 2012
After the second display change in genius bar, everytime they change the display it sounds more. First sounds like if you're smashing grains of sand and for a moment, it sounds like a choke with plastic (not a big deal, a tiny sound), and then sand again. The plastic part, just sounds once (everytime I check the sounds). Apple guys says that this is normal... (?) and after some months will not crush anymore.anybody has experienced in his own macbook pro that the shift key gets stuck while you press it for a long time ? (maybe 6, 7 seconds), and to unstuck it, just pressing the shift key again.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.0.x)
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Nov 23, 2008
I can now only access the internet via Firefox and Entourage. For the last two days, Safari, itunes and Google Earth say they cant open the page because it could not connect to the server .I have run the disk utility and ONYX and have not been able to restore the internet access to these apps.The problem appeared after starting up the computer the next day after successfully using Safari and itunes the previous day.
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Sep 28, 2010
Title says it all. Don't mention Little Snitch, because I need a free way. Firewall doesn't seem to work either.
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Aug 6, 2010
I just recently installed Windows 7 on my macbook pro. Everything seemed to work well, especially after I installed boot camp for windows and its drivers.
However I can't seem to connect to the internet. My router is detected but when I select to connect to it I get no internet access.
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May 29, 2012
currently I connect to the internet by doing this: Go to System Preferences / Network. Then I select my internet provider name on the left pane and finally click on the Connect button. That's all. This internet profile has a PPoE service name, an account name and a password. My internet connection uses a cable DLink router (it's not wireless).Â
1) Does the password I mentioned above mean that my neighbors can't access my internet, or are they able to do that and, in this case, I need to set another password somewhere else?Â
2) If I need another password, how and where do I set it,
Mac Book Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Nov 22, 2010
At the moment I am testing with my 2010 Macbook Pro with a 330M hooked up to a Denon AVR-3806 receiver via HDMI. The Denon is hooked up to a plasma via HDMI.
I assume that the 320M in the Mini and the 330M are very similar, which is why I am posting here in the Mini forums, since I think I will get more visibility in here where people hook up their Macs to TV sets.
When I plug in the HDMI to the Macbook Pro using a mini displayPort to HDMI adapter, it automatically creates some generic DENON_AVR color profile or something like that. Things look ok, but everything is too dark for my liking. All shadow detail is lost.
It seems like I am getting better results when using the s-RGB color profile or even the Adobe RGB 1998 color profile, but i'm still not happy.
How do I get this video card, the 320M or the 330M, output just 'raw' or default, without having to calibrate the color profile? I tried calibrating using the Color menu on the Macbook Pro, but it just didn't work out. I would like it to just output the default or something so that I can just use the TV to control the final result. I have a few Popcorn Hour boxes that I currently use and I don't have to mess with any sort of color profile on those boxes. It just outputs a great picture. And I can leave the HDMI input on my TV with the same picture settings that I use for my DVR. Since I am using the AV receiver to do the HDMI switching, only one HDMI input on the TV is being used, so I have to leave the picture settings alone. The HDMI input is set on the Pioneer 6070 to accept RGB.
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Jan 12, 2011
Recently, my MacBook (purchased summer of 2007 and running Snow Leopard) stopped connecting to the internet wirelessly. It can connect to the net via ethernet. And it can connect to networks and other computers wirelessly to exchange files, but not to connect to the internet through them. It backs up to my Time Capsule wirelessly without a hitch. This seems like a software problem, not a hardware problem, to me. Why I can't get internet access wirelessly?
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Aug 3, 2010
I spent a year in Turkey as an exchange student, and of course I brought my macbook with me. In Turkey they are kind of uptight about which websites you're allowed to visit.
Youtube, and myspace are all blocked for (ridiculous) political reasons. Not really a problem, I could acces them via sites like vtunnel etc.
Now I'm back at home since several weeks, but still I'm not able to visit these sites and I get the same government-warning in Turkish. Anyone knows how to convince my macbook that I'm back in the free world?
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Jun 19, 2014
When I was downloading the norton security suite, there was some problems with certain files not being "properly downloaded". Now I can't access any app or program that uses internet access. I've tried deleting and wiping the Notron program using the systemac uninstall.
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Jun 3, 2012
I got my Macbook Air connected to the internet, and want to connect my iPod Touch to the internet through my Macbook Air. I saw people using their Macbook Pro to share the wi-fi through their AirPort. How about Macbook Air? As I don't see such option in the Sharing preference, I downloaded the AirPort Utility and it simply says I cannot install it.
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Jun 4, 2014
I downloaded hotspot shield and immediately my internet stopped working. Wifi still connects to every available wifi. Every other device can connect without an issue. I deleted hotspot shield from applications and the problem persists. When i delete then re-add wifi in network settings it temporarily says no ip.
I'm running a MacBook Pro OS X version 10.9
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 17, 2010
I'm visiting my mom and trying to access the internet via one of her neighbors. He's has ok'd this and gave me his password. In the past, this has worked. But now, my daughter can access internet on her mac, but I cannot. I have both mac right here side by side. One has access, one does not.
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Apr 4, 2010
I'm staying at a hotel for an extended period and they said if I gave them my wireless mac address and they could allow me to not have to login every time I opened Safari.
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Jun 2, 2014
When I try to access the internet I get an, error code "NAD 3304" I cannot get on the internet at all. I have a macbook pro, dont know the os, and I use at&t internet.
MacBook Pro
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Jun 11, 2010
I'm on a boat in Fiji, using a Vodafone wireless dongle, and keep losing my connection. My vodafone software and my apple network software show I'm still connected, but suddenly I can't get into another page, or if I'm downloading a software update, I get a message that I have a timeout error. I then disconnect my connection and re-connect and then things start happening again. However, I have not been able to stay active long enough to download my apple software updates which is really frustrating. It seems to happen more often when I'm downloading something sizeable, like a video or software update, but happens other times as well. I'm a mac novice, (bought this, my first mac about 10 months ago) and not terribly computer savvy to begin with. Looking through this forum, I'm confused by much of what I read, but I'm beginning to think this problem may be beyond my capacity to solve.
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Mar 12, 2012
I bought my Macbook Pro in January of this year and had to get the hard drive replaced over the weekend. It has been working fine except every-time I want to access the internet (using Safari) from sleep mode it will not connect to the internet and I have to restart the computer. The wireless sgnal in the top right corner by the clock will show maximum strength, but refuses to go to any websites. Never happened before my hard drive crashed and it's getting annoying to have to restart the computer every time I want to go on the internet.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 29, 2009
I think this is the place for this question,(I just joined.) I am a moderator on a betta fish website for about 2 or 3 months now, but the past 2 weeks I haven't been able to access the website.
[URL] I can get on the site at my friends house, I have tried using my dad's, and my brothers computer but I still can't get on it. I have Restarted Safari, and emptied the Cache. But still won't work.
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Apr 24, 2010
Have a iMac, intel based. Recently downloaded latest version of SpringCleaner. Used it to clean up unused disk space. Now Internet is connected. Can even check email with Mail, but no pictures in the emails. Safari just keeps loading with no results. Can't access internet with anything. Ran disk repair. Even turned off firewall. Not my router, my Macbook is working fine.
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Sep 18, 2010
I'm abroad at university and the school has a pretty wicked proxy that prevents Xbox Live from getting through. I asked an IT guy about it and he said, "Man, I wish we could use it. I just don't know if it's possible." I took that as permission to try. I decided to log on to the school network with my iBook (old school, I know) and share my connection with my Xbox. I followed one of the many, many guides available online and set everything up. When I test my Xbox Live Connection, it connects to the network, accepts my DNS settings and then says, "Xbox can't access the internet." My computer is accessing the internet just fine, but my Xbox can't?
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Nov 4, 2010
I just installed Windows 7 on bootcamp partition, and then installed VM Fushion to point to that partition. So i can either boot into bootcamp or just run windows through vm. Everything is fine.
However, I find that, when i use vm to run Windows, it has access to internet but has no access to any local network devices.
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Dec 15, 2008
I have a weird problem with my iBook G4. I cannot get access to the Internet at all. I connect using a TimeCapsule. In total I do have 3 Macs, 2 of them connect just fine just my old iBook gives me headaches. It doesn't acquire a correct IP address either.
I do connect over Wifi. The Wifi symbol in the menu bar gets all bars on the iBook and the TimeCapsule does show 4 connected clients ( I do guess my iPhone is one of them).
So - two Macbook Pros and one iPhone connects just fine to the Internet using this TimeCapsule. It does show 4 connected clients and I do get all the bars in the menu bar on the iBook.
The iBook doesn't get a correct IP address (that is my guess as it totally different from the two Macbook Pros). The iBook runs 10.5.5.
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Aug 17, 2009
I almost upgraded my 10.5.8 after all the reports of how stable/fast 10A432 is. Now I am glad that I didn't - after installing on an external partition and booting up (and migrating my settings and apps), there is a big Wifi problem. SL sees the network and connects to it, gets an IP, however I cannot access anything on the internet, nor ping any sites from Terminal. When I boot back into 10.5.8 it works. Restarting the router/modem has no effect, and it does this at home and at the office. I see these guys are having the same issue: [URL] Any idea what's up and how to solve this? I sure hope now that this is NOT the GM.
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Jan 10, 2010
Ive got a DrayTek Vigor2700 router. The DrayTek router is located in the first floor and is hooked up to the phone line. It creates Wireless network (called "default") for the first floor. On the second floor there is an AirPort Extreme Basestation. Its hooked up to the DrayTek by ethernet and creates a network (called "AirPort Extreme". To the AirPort there is a 500 gb USB drive and a USB printer connected.
1 floor: DrayTek hooked up to the phone line creating a network
2 floor: AirPort Extreme hooked up to the DrayTek via ethernet, creating a new network. Got 500gb USB drive and a USB Printer connected to the AirPort.
AIM: I want to be able to access the USB drive and the printer over internet. I dont have a MobileMe acc, and i dont want to create one. I know it would be much easier if the AirPort would be hooked up to the phone line directly, but Its not possible...
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Mar 3, 2010
I'm having problems with my connection to the internet. Either in Snow Leopard or in Windows (Bootcamp), sometimes it says that I'm connected, but I have no internet access.
Most of the time everything works as normal, but at least 4-5 times a day the problem presents and I can't access any webpage, tho it do says I'm connected to my Airport Extreme.
Same thing happens with my iPod, at the same moment. So it must be something with the AE, but I'm completely lost as to what it is.
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Apr 8, 2010
i have a small problem, i am a student, but i spend way too much time on chat rooms, and its getting to be a real problem. we have airport in my parents home and my laptop is hooked up to it. i had to enter a password originally to join the network connection, but now i just want to block access, from my laptop, to the family connection, so that i can only use my parents computer for the internet... ie so it will ask me for a password again for my laptop to get online, and wont just automatically be connected (i dont have this password any more so i wont be able to spend hours wasting time on the net!!)
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Aug 5, 2005
ive been having a problem with my computer - it's one of three on a home network, the other two are PCs. Recently, my internet access slowed to a SNAILS PACE (~ 30 kbps!) while my roomates are still experiencing net life as usual (4 Mbps...)
im not very tech saavy, but after three dys of research and trouble shooting, and ruling out gazillions of possibilties, its come to my attention that i may be suffering a DENIAL OF SERVICE attack.
i have an eMac running 10.2.8, connected to an Asante FR 1004 router, and a cable modem connected to that...
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Aug 31, 2008
I have a real problem accessing the internet from my iMac. I have tried Safari, Opera & Firefox (all current versions) and there is always a 30 second delay before the internet page is displayed. I also have a MacBook accessing the same internet connection via AE and it does not suffer any delay!
I have cleaned the system with Onyx, removed unwanted languages with Multilingual and also removed unwanted printer drivers. Everything else appears to be functioning normally - iPhoto boots up when I connect a camera; iTunes loads when I connect an iPhone; and the printer works.
It has only happened in the last 48hrs, and I have not downloaded any new applications, movies etc, or access Limewire - or similar.
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Mar 14, 2012
anyone know if a product can be registered with  if the user has no internet access?
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May 5, 2012
I am using windows 7 and I'm having trouble getting access to the internet using Safari and getting to the iTune store through iTunes. What pops up is an error code 306. I allowed access through my firewall on my computer and still nothing. Could it be its not getting through my wireless routers firewall?
Windows 7
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