I think this is the place for this question,(I just joined.) I am a moderator on a betta fish website for about 2 or 3 months now, but the past 2 weeks I haven't been able to access the website.
[URL] I can get on the site at my friends house, I have tried using my dad's, and my brothers computer but I still can't get on it. I have Restarted Safari, and emptied the Cache. But still won't work.
I was recently able to access a web site until about a week or two ago when the loading bar in safar would load about 1/16 of the way. I am using lion, and using safari as my web browser. I've tried chrome and firefox, still no luck. I can access the site through my iPhone and iPad but not my iMac.
I just recently installed Windows 7 on my macbook pro. Everything seemed to work well, especially after I installed boot camp for windows and its drivers.
However I can't seem to connect to the internet. My router is detected but when I select to connect to it I get no internet access.
currently I connect to the internet by doing this: Go to System Preferences / Network. Then I select my internet provider name on the left pane and finally click on the Connect button. That's all. This internet profile has a PPoE service name, an account name and a password. My internet connection uses a cable DLink router (it's not wireless).
1) Does the password I mentioned above mean that my neighbors can't access my internet, or are they able to do that and, in this case, I need to set another password somewhere else?
2) If I need another password, how and where do I set it,
A site that I visit regularly has recently started giving me an error whenever I try to access it. I can get there just fine using the latest Firefox. I've tried emptying the cache and resetting Safari to no avail.
www.directv.com Tried it with four different Macs, using different OSes, even used Mozilla and iCab. The main page displays. But clicking a link, zero response. Nothing happens. Can't navigate. Didn't have this problem a couple of years ago. I'd love to leave feedback for DirecTV but, as I say, can't even do that. Anything? These guys charge $$ for phone orders, and tell you to just go online. I'm using 2 x 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon Mac, 4 GB RAM, OS10.5.8. (But same problem with my laptops, other OSes and non-Safari browsers.
After the Safari 5.1.4 update, I'm unable to access one particular site, the one that used to be my homepage. Trying to access it causes the browser and OS to freeze up for several minutes. Can't force quit or close. I'm able to access my other 'regular' sites.
Recently I've been unable to get past the 'maintenance page' of a specific website in order to logon. I've been able to use it without any problems using my macbook pro previously, but now I can't figure out what has changed. I can logon from other computers but its just mine that's not working anymore.
i hava an older powerbook G4 running Mac OS 10.5.8. there is website [URL] which broadcast news and musics. the station is physically located in NY, and some unknown reasons, i am unable to get any radio SOUND from that site. The website works 100% well, without ANY problems whatsoever on ALL and ANY Windows based PC's, but NOT Mac.
A few months ago I was persuaded to set-up a "Linkedin" account which I did. To begin with it seemed to be working fine and I steadly started to build up my profile.
But in the past month, whenever I log in, the site just hangs. I either get a blank white page or the browser just never finishes downloading the page.
I've tried Safari 3, Safari 4 Beta, Firefox, Camino and Opera web browsers. I've also fired up Parallels desktop and tried accessing the site through Internet Explorer 7 and the PC versions of Chrome and Firefox. Again, I can't get beyond my Linkedin homepage before the site freezes on me.
I've tried accessing the site on my new iMac, and eMac and iBook on the same network.
I'm using an Airport Extreme base station (UFO type) which is configured to use Open DNS.
I do not have this problem with any other websites and I've done all the basic stuff like deleting cookies, resetting Safari, fixing disk permissions etc. to no avail. Other people I've spoken to (other Mac users) don't seem to have the same problem I do.
Under normal circumstance I would have contacted Linkedin to request technical support, but alas, the contact page wont load!
I am unable to access a website on my macbook (which I used to be able to access) that I am able to access using my iPad and IPhone. I have cleared my history, caches, and everything else I can find. I upgraded to OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 and Safari 8 thinking this would possible solve the problem, but I am having the same issue.
The ClamXav scan found 4 virus/trojan problems and quarantined them. Before I did thid, my keychain keeps popping up asking me if I want to save my password everytime I visit the same web site(s).
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Online browser plugin failures
I am thinking about getting the new (or old) 13" MBP and i like to have a lot of space... Is the upgrade for HDD on the apple website worth the money or is it cheaper to just buy one off the internet. Also as i dont know much about MBP hardware, can i just buy any laptop hard drive and insert it myself...
I designed a website using iWeb a little while ago. I thought everything was fine until I heard from a family member that they were having trouble viewing it in Internet Explorer and even Mozilla Firefox in some instances. Right now, my homepage is only a navigation bar and a couple lines of centered text, and it is still having problems loading. I read from a couple sources that I may need to change some stuff in the CSS but my design is fairly simple and I don't see how it could get screwed up.
I am trying to work in an image based website. The message I recieve when I try to get into the site: This image flow resource requires one of the following miminum browser versions: Internet explorer 6.0. The browser you are currently using is Apple-Mac Safari Version 5.0.
H have published my iweb created site via cyberduck FTP and it works great in firefox and safari but when i go to this on a PC (internet explorer) the layers are all messed up and the flash menu and banner hyperlinks become inactive.
Also the yellow paypal image has been pushed behind the flash banner instead of appearing in front, who am i doing wrong
my website created in iweb [URL]
NOTE - I created hyperlinks over the flash menu and banner by adding a text box (which is transparent) over each circle button and the whole banner and added hyperlinks to them but for some reason internet explorer has pushed these text box layers behind the flash images so now the links dont work. Is it something to do with the z index layers??
I just switched to a Mac and now I cannot get onto the Consumer Reports website because they require Internet Explorer or Firefox as a browser and I am using Safari. What can I do?
Have a iMac, intel based. Recently downloaded latest version of SpringCleaner. Used it to clean up unused disk space. Now Internet is connected. Can even check email with Mail, but no pictures in the emails. Safari just keeps loading with no results. Can't access internet with anything. Ran disk repair. Even turned off firewall. Not my router, my Macbook is working fine.
I'm abroad at university and the school has a pretty wicked proxy that prevents Xbox Live from getting through. I asked an IT guy about it and he said, "Man, I wish we could use it. I just don't know if it's possible." I took that as permission to try. I decided to log on to the school network with my iBook (old school, I know) and share my connection with my Xbox. I followed one of the many, many guides available online and set everything up. When I test my Xbox Live Connection, it connects to the network, accepts my DNS settings and then says, "Xbox can't access the internet." My computer is accessing the internet just fine, but my Xbox can't?
I just installed Windows 7 on bootcamp partition, and then installed VM Fushion to point to that partition. So i can either boot into bootcamp or just run windows through vm. Everything is fine.
However, I find that, when i use vm to run Windows, it has access to internet but has no access to any local network devices.
Recently, my MacBook (purchased summer of 2007 and running Snow Leopard) stopped connecting to the internet wirelessly. It can connect to the net via ethernet. And it can connect to networks and other computers wirelessly to exchange files, but not to connect to the internet through them. It backs up to my Time Capsule wirelessly without a hitch. This seems like a software problem, not a hardware problem, to me. Why I can't get internet access wirelessly?
I can now only access the internet via Firefox and Entourage. For the last two days, Safari, itunes and Google Earth say they cant open the page because it could not connect to the server .I have run the disk utility and ONYX and have not been able to restore the internet access to these apps.The problem appeared after starting up the computer the next day after successfully using Safari and itunes the previous day.