Macbook Pro Hinges Still Crushing When Close
Jun 18, 2012
After the second display change in genius bar, everytime they change the display it sounds more. First sounds like if you're smashing grains of sand and for a moment, it sounds like a choke with plastic (not a big deal, a tiny sound), and then sand again. The plastic part, just sounds once (everytime I check the sounds). Apple guys says that this is normal... (?) and after some months will not crush anymore.anybody has experienced in his own macbook pro that the shift key gets stuck while you press it for a long time ? (maybe 6, 7 seconds), and to unstuck it, just pressing the shift key again.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.0.x)
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Apr 1, 2012
My Mac Book Pro applications keep crushing, and I can't connect to the Internet even thought I have full signal (I tried wireless and Ethernet) This all happened after I used migration assistant to bring the applications from my old mac..
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010)
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Nov 22, 2010
At the moment I am testing with my 2010 Macbook Pro with a 330M hooked up to a Denon AVR-3806 receiver via HDMI. The Denon is hooked up to a plasma via HDMI.
I assume that the 320M in the Mini and the 330M are very similar, which is why I am posting here in the Mini forums, since I think I will get more visibility in here where people hook up their Macs to TV sets.
When I plug in the HDMI to the Macbook Pro using a mini displayPort to HDMI adapter, it automatically creates some generic DENON_AVR color profile or something like that. Things look ok, but everything is too dark for my liking. All shadow detail is lost.
It seems like I am getting better results when using the s-RGB color profile or even the Adobe RGB 1998 color profile, but i'm still not happy.
How do I get this video card, the 320M or the 330M, output just 'raw' or default, without having to calibrate the color profile? I tried calibrating using the Color menu on the Macbook Pro, but it just didn't work out. I would like it to just output the default or something so that I can just use the TV to control the final result. I have a few Popcorn Hour boxes that I currently use and I don't have to mess with any sort of color profile on those boxes. It just outputs a great picture. And I can leave the HDMI input on my TV with the same picture settings that I use for my DVR. Since I am using the AV receiver to do the HDMI switching, only one HDMI input on the TV is being used, so I have to leave the picture settings alone. The HDMI input is set on the Pioneer 6070 to accept RGB.
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Feb 9, 2009
when i try to close, minimize or maximize a window on any app. on my macbook it ends u pdoing the next thing it is close to...!:[ why?an example is when i try to minimize (click on the yellow buble) it ends up closing the app. when i try to close it it minimize it@ first i thoguth it was a bug
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Oct 21, 2010
I just got MBA a couple months ago and since that time I have been babying opening and closing the screen because I have read the about the inevitable demise of its hinges. My question is how long did you have it until they begin to become loose and have a lot of play in them?
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Nov 4, 2010
I have a Rev. A with broken hinges and since it has a small dent in the righthand side, Apple woun't fix it (I have already had a fierce discussion with Apple regarding this matter, so please no comments about extended warranty ;-)
On eBay it is possible to buy a set of new hinges including the grey piece of plastic that breaks with the hinges. Is it possible to replace the hinges on a Rev. A with these spares?
Would love to keep my Air as second machine beside a iMac 27" or Mac Pro.
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Jun 28, 2010
My Macbook pro is only a few weeks old, and being it is my first Mac, I wanted to know if anyone has had any issues with the hinges on it?
They seem to be a little loose, in which if I move the system, the screen will move at times. Is this normal? I am not sure how loose the hinges should be
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May 28, 2012
It is slighly loose, and I know it won't be a big deal to fix. I'm just scared that it will cost a lot to repair.
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Oct 31, 2010
so I have recently purchased my pro and just noticed that if I pick it up at an angle the screen moves.
My 3 year old pc laptop does not do that. Is it just me being anal or is it a problem?
I just want to make sure because I have already taken my iphone4 back 3 times and my ipad. So I beginning to think its me!
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Feb 27, 2009
Just curious are they pretty tight or loose? And I would think the anti glare would be lighter thus tighter?
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Jul 7, 2009
i tried to make a post that was long and detailed but it did not take for some reason so i will try to make this one short and to the point.
bought a new MBP 2.5 (about 4 months ago) right before the 2.66 with the price drop was released.
had various issues and had to swap it out 3 times which my new local store had no problem doing. so i finally got a machine with no defects and working perfectly. was very happy.
the other day i had it sitting on the coffee table on with the screen open, i picked it up to move it a few inches and heard a loud CRACK. now my screen goes back further than it should and it slightly tilted to the left. the gap between screen and body is slightly larger on the right side than the left.
i had planned on purchasing apple care towards years end as i have done with the last 6 machines i have owned in the past. i am going to take it into the genius bar for replacement or repair but am afraid they are going to say i broke it somehow... i treat this thing like a baby and there is no reason the hinges should have cracked from just picking it up and moving it while open. it is still working, but i can not deal with the thought that the hinges are now weakened and are definitely going to break eventually (sooner than later now that this has happened) not to mention the gaps between screen and body and being a bit crooked. also, if i open it past 90 degrees, it falls all the way back to the point where it finally catches, which is a lot further than it used to retract. the hinges are definitely more loose and not as tight as they should be. i have never had more issues with a model in my life until i bought this unibody.
so what are your thoughts? what i am really worried about is them saying i broke it somehow and not honoring the repair or replacement (which is not the case) or when i do purchase applecare towards the end of the year that this will be noted and if not fixed properly or replaced then they will not honor the repair if it actually completely breaks. as i think it will eventually if i do not have something done about it ASAP. (if it is noted on the account when i bring it in today or tomorrow) i have never picked up one of my macs with screen opened to have the hinges snap (being only a few months old)
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Jun 30, 2010
I dropped my MBA rev. A last week (jun 23rd) to the Michigan Ave Apple Store.
I keep checking the online repair status page, it only shows "repair in progress" since then.
More interestingly I dropped my MBA after they ordered and got the replacement parts for me.
Originally I was thinking they would fix it in 15-20min, but has been 7 days and still in progress.
I called store, but there is no live-person answering repair calls, it does give exact same information as the web-page.
I don't want to drive there if it is not fixed, but I need my computer for my work.
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May 7, 2012
I have a mac book pro 15" model A1286 late 2008 the hinges is loser I've tried to replace and they ask me to change all display for £ 400 Than I decide to buy the new hinges and do it on my self but I couldn't find any video to how to change on this model
Info:MacBookPro, iOS 5.1
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Sep 11, 2010
I just got the 2.13ghz 128gbSSD off of ebay (fnjjor a great deal!). Just arrived today and everything looks great - works great etc. I wanted to see the age of my mba and when I entered the SN into the apple support site - it says that apple needs proof of purchase that whole deal. Well I don't have a legitimate proof of purchase from an authorized site (need to ask the seller), but the MBA is 11 months old according to coconut battery.
1. Should I even get applecare? Hinges can be replaced out of warranty, and I have an SSD that is failsafe. Any other issue would probably be my own fault.
2. I should be ok purchasing apple care through the customer support number yes? I think I did that for a powerbook and was able to buy apple care for it (a 12" G4 no less!)
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Apr 25, 2012
I've been testing my macbook after hearing some "crec", "clic" when closing the cover.First of all, seems that the display is misplaced, cause when the mac is closed, when you touch the lateral part of the macbook, isn't simetric. You can notice that is not well assembled.
So, when closing, isn't a very loud sound, just a bit, but sounds a "clic" or "creec" when you close the cover.Don't really know if this is normal or what, and if I should use my warranty. My macbook has just a week in my hands, and I bought it new.What do you think ? Should I use the warranty to fix the misplaced assembly and the clic ?Will the click dissapear after some time ?
Mac Pro
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Nov 6, 2009
My macbook tends to make noise when I close it, this only happens when my mac is heated up, and it disturbs me because I bring my macbook to school and it's embarrassing when your mac makes those noises. Is it because of the screws? My contract is out of date, and I don't want to attempt anything. Also, my macbook been dropping connections since I upgraded to Snow Leopard, will 10.6.2 be able to fix this update?
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Jul 2, 2012
I bought my Macbook Pro 15 in April 2012. I am still covered by the one year warranty. I just want to know do the warranty cover a broken hinge? I don't know how the hinge got broken. My Macbook never drop or fell. It doesnt have dents or broken at any other parts. Just my right hinge is broken.
Mac Pro
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May 16, 2012
My MBA (Mid 2009) serial no W8******9A5. It broken hinges, I brought to premium service in Vietnam check warranty and replace hinges and dislay free all but its serial number don't replaced. I read in and thought my MBA has one of products affected. What reason my MBA don't replaced?
MacBook Air, Windows7
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May 18, 2012
what the difference is between the commands 'close window' and 'close all windows'? They seem to me to both have the same effect. In my earlier version of Safari, if I opened a new web page, it just replaced the earlier one, now though the new pages just keep accumulating. T
iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Apr 29, 2009
I have an old PowerBook G4 (15" alum) that has a dodgy screen that I want to replace. I have another old (non-working) PBG4 and so I want to replace the bad screen with the one from the non-working machine. However, all the instructions that I have found online involve complete disassembly of the whole thing in order to take the actual LCD screen out of the display casing or lid. Is there a way of just disconnecting the entire "lid+screen" at the hinges and then putting on a new "lid+screen"?
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May 30, 2007
I am going to be getting my first mac soon, and had some questions...
My budget is pretty limited, so I bought a 15" Powerbook Titanium, with a battery problem and a broken hinge..
Apparently, the practically new battery went from holding a three hour charge to not being recognized by the computer.
Also, one hinge cover is broken. Is that fixable by me, or is that something I need to get a professional to do?
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Nov 30, 2010
I am using my new MBA with the Neet Cables HDMi adapter (Audio and Video). Working great but I would like to know if I can close the macbook instead of just turning the brightness right down while watching a movie?
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Aug 22, 2010
I close my laptop for short periods of time (going to the bathroom, making food, etc.) and it's kinda odd how Apple doesn't let you do this seemingly basic thing.
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Mar 25, 2012
Is there a way to close my laptop but keep it running? I want to use my apple TV with my laptop closed, irritating that it has to be open?
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Apr 8, 2012
Finder is blocked and impossible to close it, even when the computer is started again
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 9, 2012
I need to show a repeating slidewhow via a lcd projector using my MB-A running iPhoto. Is there some way I can a) shut off the screen to save battery life or b) close the lid of the MB-A with the same effect?
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 11, 2012
I was just browsing on Safari when I went to a website and this mackeeper pop up ad came up. It tells me that to keep my mac safe or whatever, I have to install this mackeeper thing. I knew it was a virus so I was trying to figure out how to close it but there is no option to close it, the only option is to click ok. i've tried command+w and that doesn't work either. I have also tried to force quit safari but when I open up safari again, it re-opens the tab. i got my macbook in january of this year, i really don't want it to get a virus lol.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 2, 2012
All of a sudden, my MacBook Pro has stopped going to sleep when I close the lid. Instead, the indicator light on the front stays on steadily. When I then open the lid, I am asked to log in again, but before I can type anything, the window goes completely black. My only choice at this point has been to hold the power button down long enough to shut the laptop off. Then I wait a minute or so before restarting. Is there a setting I need to check to prevent all of this from happening? I have tried restarting in Safe Mode, then restarting normally, but still the laptop will not go to sleep when I close the lid.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 14, 2012
Whenever I close the lid, my mac seems to turn off. Once I open it the screen will be a greyish hue (you can still see the windows and desktop) but there is a loading bar with a number of small vertical bars. This happens whenever I close the lid leave it for a while (1 - 2 minutes). What is this and how do I fix it?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 19, 2012
After I uploaded the Mac OSX ver.10.7.4,When I wanted to close my macbook,it said i needed to close the Safari,but I don't know why I could not close the Safari,so what can i do?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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