MacBook Pro :: Ambient Light Sensor Not Working?

May 16, 2010

As of today, I noticed my ambient light sensor doesnt seem to work. I tried disabling and re-enabling it in system preferences, but that hasn't done the trick.

Is there some test I can do to see if it's working or not? I know it worked two days ago, because i took the i7 15" MBP outside and it automatically switched to max brightness. Today I took it outside and the brightness didn't switch at all and I couldn't see the screen it was so dark.

Since the last time it definitely worked, all I've done is install Windows 7 64-bit with Boot Camp and hooked up the MBP to an external 20" monitor with a minidisplay-DVI adapter.

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MacBook Pro :: Ambient Light Sensor Is Too Sensitive?

May 12, 2010

I've been using my mum's MPB C2D quite a bit, in anticipation of my own i5 arriving, and one thing that gets on my nerves is the ambient light sensor. It seems to be really sensitive, to the point where it will change the screen brightness when there has been no real changes in ambient light. If you move your hand over the sensor at the top of the screen, or even if someone walks past and casts a shadow it can change for a few seconds. Also, just moving the laptop around and the sensor changes the screen.

Obviously this setting can be turned off, but I'd like the feature if it wasn't so sensitive. Other than that, I love the MBP and can't wait for mine!

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MacBook Pro :: Ambient Light Sensor Not Responding At All

Jun 23, 2014

I've had this new '13 rMBP for a little over 2 weeks now, and I absolutely love it! One small problem though, the ambient light sensor seems to not be responding, at all???

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MacBook Pro :: Display Brightness Ambient Light Sensor?

Aug 31, 2009

I thought Apple said that the brightness will go brighter when it's darker, and get dimmer when it's brighter. Why is mine doing the opposite?

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MacBook Pro :: Disable Ambient Light Sensor (auto-dimming)?

Apr 28, 2007

I've noticed that the ambient light sensor in the MBP can be somewhat sensitive. Sometimes an action as simple as moving my hands up to the keyboard (from the side) triggers the "auto-dimming" feature of the screen and it slightly reduces the brightness of the screen, then quickly returns. This is rather bothersome.

I've got the option under Keyboard and Mouse "Illuminate keyboard under low-light conditions" unchecked, but the screen still dims if you cover the speakers. I've also got the option under Energy Saver "Automatically reduce the brightness of the display before sleep" unchecked as well.

I'm at a loss here. Is there not a way to disable this auto-dim feature? A Google search didn't turn up much of anything. Surely there must be a way...

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MacBook Air :: Ambient Light Sensor That Adjust The Screen Brightness To Environment?

Oct 21, 2010

Does the new MBA still have the ambient light sensor that adjust the screen brightness to environment?(like the older MBA and the current MBP)

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PowerPC :: G5 - What Does The Ambient Light Sensor Do

Dec 6, 2008

[URL] I went here. I have found out the iMac is a 2nd gen iMac G5. It has an ambient light sensor. I put my hand over it and it doesn't appear to actually do anything.

What is it supposed to do?

Do new ones have it? I have a 20" aluminum one as well, but don't see a sensor.

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OS X :: Terminal Command To Disable Ambient Light Sensor?

Sep 16, 2010

My end goal is to create a script that will disable and enable the Ambient Light sensor when I plug and unplug my MacBook Pro from power.

To do this I'm pretty sure I need a terminal command to enable and disable automatic dimming as the ambient light changes.

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Way To Show Just Ambient Temperature Sensor Reading On An IMac?

May 12, 2012

Is there a very simple way to show just the ambient temperature sensor reading on an iMac? Not for geeky or engineering purposes. Just to know the temp that the machine and the human are in. iStat widget shows it but really tiny, buried in all the other data,and only if you launch Widgets.Ideally, it would just work in the background and the temperature would show up in the menu on the right side. Maybe next to the time. Alternatively, as a little floating window on the desktop.Yep, just want to see the room temperature using the iMac thermometer.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: MacBook Air Ambient Light Kernel Panic

Mar 19, 2010

A MacBook air that I just got up and running again after replacing the hinges along with the whole top half of the computer. I did a clean install of snow leopard, and was so happy to be using the air again.

After changing some settings and loading a couple off apps in my room with the lights off (so I could see the backlit keyboard), I flipped on the light switch in my room, and was immediatly shown the the kernel panic screen, and was forced to shut down.

I figured this was just a random occurance, so I booted back up, but was in kernel panic as soon as snow leopard booted. Went through this a couple more times, then shut the lights in my room back off, rebooted, and was able to boot up just fine. I then took a flashlight and ran the beam across the ambient light sensor, next to the camera, and was instantly in kernel panic again.

After saying WTF for a while I decided to swap the camera/ALS/mic board over from my old screen bc I figured maybe this new one is just bad. But this resulted in more of the same. I then did a new fresh and clean snowleopard install, but about 5 mins after finishing the install, it went right back to the good old kernel panic screen.

Now I don't really know where to go from here. The computer is way out of warranty, and after what I was quoted from my local apple repair store to repair the hinges and screen that I just fixed, I think I would just get nauseous at the thought of having to bring it to them now.

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PowerPC :: Ambient Light G5 2.0 Imac Shut Off?

Oct 28, 2009

So I've done all I can find on the internet on helping my broken computer. It used to have the noisy fan issue and then it would shut off. Now after being off for 12 hours, it may shut off in 2 minutes, maybe in 30. I have reset the SMU by unplugging for 10 seconds and then plugging in while simultaneously holding the power button, then turning it on. Ive also reset the PRAM, but it still seems to shut off. Is it a bad power supply? I dont ever hear the fans blowing hard anymore.

If anyone has basic things to do, I'm all ears. I know last step is probably just reinstall OSX.

I'm on 10.4 right now.

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MacBook :: Motion Sensor Kills Back Light?

Mar 29, 2010

Here's a new one (for me anyway).

2007 MacBook: 2.16 Ghz, 3GB RAM, Intel GMA etc.

Anyway, all of sudden, any motion I make kills the backlight of the screen. In the right light you can still see things and the computer still works perfectly, just extremely hard to see. Have to do a restart in order to get going again.

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MacBook Pro :: Light Sensor Turns Up Brightness Of The Backlit Keyboard

Apr 29, 2010

So I've recently purchased the new 13" MBP, and to my understanding, there is a light sensor that turns up the brightness of the backlit keyboard and screen when in dark environments.

However, the problem with my MBP is that when I turn on the lights in my room, the screen brightness and backlit keyboard both turn brighter, and when I turn off the lights, the screen and keyboard grow dimmer, which is exactly the opposite of what is supposed to happen.

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MacBook :: Location Of Macbook Keyboard Light Sensor?

Dec 22, 2008

was wondering, where the keyboard light sensor was. It is strange because although my light sensor seems to be working properly, the angle of the screen can cause the sensor to be activated sometimes in indirect lightening situations. I just was wondering where the sensor was.

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MacBook Pro :: Sudden Motion Sensor Not Working?

Sep 19, 2010

I just dropped in a 1 TB drive into my 17" MacBook Pro and it seems like that the Sudden Motion Sensor doesn't work not. I do not hear the sound when it engages as I did with the stock 500 gig drive that was in there. My understanding is that the Sudden Motion Sensor was not built into the drive and it was built into the notebook itself. Shouldn't I still be hearing the drive stop when the Sudden Motion Sensor engages?

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MacBook Pro :: Brightness Sensor Not Working Properly

Jun 14, 2010

I bought my first Mac computer last month, the 13" 2.4 variant. Loving it so far.I have lately noticed however that my ambient light sensor is not much of help. Before, after coming out of sleep I could notice the screen changing to accommodate for the room's light output. I could also put my hand over the sensor near the iSight and witness the brightness decrease in front of me.

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MacBook :: OS X Mavericks (10.9.1) Sleep Sensor Isn't Working Properly

Sep 4, 2014

Just this morning, I opened my MacBook which had been sleeping overnight. for some strange reason, even when the screen was up, the light at the button was still glowing (indicating it was asleep). I tried forcing it to shutdown. When I turned it on again, it went to sleep mode right when the desktop was about to load. I tried booting from Windows 7 but sure enough, when I reached the login screen, the computer went to sleep. I concluded that it was definitely a sleep sensor problem.

MacBook, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)

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PowerPC :: Way To See That Temperature Sensor Is Working?

Jul 9, 2010

I could just by the replacement fan and swap it out but I am wondering if there is anything else that could be malfunctioning and causing the fan to NOT spin up - anything I can check before forking out the cash.Is there a way to see if the temp sensor is working? Could it be the LB? Can I test the electrical supply to the fan by using a multimeter? If so what setting/voltage, etc should I use to read that? And lastly, is there more than one fan?

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Software :: Keyboard Backlight Sensor Not Working?

Jun 14, 2010

My Macbook Pro keyboard Backlight is not working properly even in a darkroom.

I need to install a third party software (Lab Tick) to switch on the keyboard light.

I am not able to use F5 and F6 key to adjust the light dimness. I suspect the light sensor is having problem.

However, last night I received an error message, saying that my Mac is having problem, I need to press the Power button to restart the Mac.

After restart, the keyboard backlight is working (without Lab Tick), and I can adjust the light with F5 and F6.

But now,after I made the Macbook sleep and wake up, it's back to abnormal again.

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MacBook Pro :: Magsafe Adapter Light Not Working

Jul 8, 2010

I had my original MBP charger replaced a while ago because the magsafe adapter light was not working. (but it charged the computer fine, weirdly enough) Then, about a month ago, the light on that one went out too. The apple store replaced it with one of the new MBA chargers style. That one worked for about a day, and now intermittently goes off. What is wrong here?

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MacBook :: Plugged But Green Light Not Working?

Apr 18, 2012

I went out for a few hours and forgot to unplug the Magsafe adapter from my Macbook Pro. When I got home, it was connected as I left but the green light wasn't on. 

I found it strange because the battery was still 93%, not completely charged. I removed it and then I plugged it again. It didn't work! I thought it could be my energy plug and then I plugged the adapter in another one and it didn't work either! My battery will be over soon, and I've got no idea what to do. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: MagSafe Light Randomly Stops Working?

Jan 22, 2010

Over the past few months, I have noticed that my MagSafe light will randomly stop working when I plug it into my MacBook. I just unplug it, and plug it back in and it works normally. It seems like the computer still charges though.

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MacBook Pro :: Green Light Turns On But Webcam Not Working

Mar 17, 2012

My mac book pro web cam isn't working... the green light turns on, but no picture.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Charger Not Working - Occasionally It Will Light Up Orange?

Apr 12, 2012

My macbook pro's charger is not working - occassionly it will light up orange and charge but most of the time it will not The charger is a 60w magsafe power adapter I have had this charger for approx 3 years One of thee adaptors ends for some reasons has slightly deviated towards the right and its silver plating has been scratched to show the gold core would this effect the chargers ability What is the chargers problem? Also would it be safe to use my macbook charger on the macbook pro? Also the battery icon occassionally says service battery , is this due to overcharging the laptop

60w magsafe charger

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MacBook :: Working On A Webpage And Light Colours Show Up As White?

Nov 21, 2009

With my macbook (my module is in my sig) Colors are not true i am working on a webpage and light colours show up as white but on other computers and monitors it works fine.

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MacBook Pro :: Charger Port Not Working - Show Faint Green Light

Jul 2, 2012

My MacBook pro charger port isnt working. I use my charger for my sisters laptop and it works therefore indicating that the charger isn't the problem but when I charge my laptop it shows a faint green light but not charging! It's cause water spilled on my laptop the day before but it was not a lot & I let it to dry but everything works well except from the charger port!

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Applications :: Sudden Motion Sensor Not Working Fine / Y Direction Things Moving In The X Direction

Mar 27, 2010

I have bought a macbook pro in the late 2009.. and its sudden motion sensor is repositioned (in version 5.3) and it works in the other way around.. when i try with programs that use the sensor to make sth.. like when you move right, the things going upwards.. and when you move in the y direction things are moving in the x direction..
So has anybody have this problem?

And i have been reading articles about new version Smackbooks which works with this version but nothing was helpful so far..
I am calling those people who have the same version as me and have some proper apps to work with our version...

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard Back-light Keys Stopped Working / Transparent Box Shows Up But Bars Do Not Move

Jun 15, 2010

so i installed windows 7 on bootcamp, i noticed that the keyboard backlight keys to adjust the keyboard backlight arent working. then i switched over to the mac os, and it also stopped working there!

whenever i press the keys, the transparent box shows up but the bars do not move, it is currently off, and it also has that crossed out circle symbol.

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OS X :: F8 Keyboard Light Not Working?

Mar 17, 2009

When I press the F8 button, the level indicator comes up, but there's a "not allowed" symbol as well (the circle with the diagonal line through it). This is the same when I press the F9 and F10 buttons - it comes up, but also the "not allowed" symbol

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OS X :: Spot Light Is Not Working Properly?

Oct 25, 2009

if i type in spotlight, safari for example, you would normally get safari right?
here is what im getting.

along with searching for disk utility.

try it, you will get the actual application and all i get in random garbage.

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