MacBook :: OS X Mavericks (10.9.1) Sleep Sensor Isn't Working Properly

Sep 4, 2014

Just this morning, I opened my MacBook which had been sleeping overnight. for some strange reason, even when the screen was up, the light at the button was still glowing (indicating it was asleep). I tried forcing it to shutdown. When I turned it on again, it went to sleep mode right when the desktop was about to load. I tried booting from Windows 7 but sure enough, when I reached the login screen, the computer went to sleep. I concluded that it was definitely a sleep sensor problem.

MacBook, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)

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MacBook Pro :: Brightness Sensor Not Working Properly

Jun 14, 2010

I bought my first Mac computer last month, the 13" 2.4 variant. Loving it so far.I have lately noticed however that my ambient light sensor is not much of help. Before, after coming out of sleep I could notice the screen changing to accommodate for the room's light output. I could also put my hand over the sensor near the iSight and witness the brightness decrease in front of me.

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Mac Pro :: Sleep Mode Is Not Working Properly

Jul 2, 2014

After Mavericks Update 10.9.4 sleep mode are not working properly.My Mac Pro goes to sleep but after a amount of time (sometimes minutes, sometimes seconds)the Mac awakes with black screen (monitors in sleep, the mac not). Pressing mouse or keyboard button awakes my monitors. Previews of 10.9.4 nor in earlier releases..Reseting the NVRAM/PRAM doesn't solve my problems. 

My System: 

Xenon 3.00 GHz Quad-Core
48GB DDR3 ECC RAM (4x 16GB)
Apple GeForce GT120 512MB (Slot 1) with Monitor #2 on HDMI
EVGA GeForce GTX580 Classified 3GB (Slot 2) with Monitor #1 on HDMI (plus extra internal PSU in DVD-Tray)
AirPort Extreme incl. BT
Mighty Mouse USB + Magic Mouse BT + Alu Keyboard USB
OS X Mavericks 10.9.4 

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MacBook :: OS X Mavericks (10.9.3) Delete Key Is Not Working Properly

Aug 30, 2014

I have a late 2010 MacBook Air that is running OS X 10.9.3 .

Lately I have noticed that my delete key is now working as a backspace key.

This is super annoying and I have tried googling the problem, but I haven't found a solution yet.

Also, my top row of keys (volume, brightness, etc,) are not working unless I hold down the fn key.

MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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OS X Mavericks :: Preview Program Has Not Been Working Properly

Jun 3, 2014

About a week ago my preview program has not been working properly.  Whenever i try and put text into my pdf documents the preview program shows the ‘spinning wheel of death’ at the point of saving…(I don’t know what else to call that multicoloured candy-looking spinning thing) It does not freeze up with ALL pdf…just some of them.  I was thinking about deleting preview and then reinstalling it..but my mac system does not allow me.   One perhaps important thing is:  when i edit the ‘stubborn’ pdf files, and then press ‘save’ nothing happens.  I have to press save twice…then the program becomes inactive. 

Mac Pro, Mac OS 9.0.x

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OS X Mavericks :: Mail And Safari Not Working Properly

Aug 22, 2014

So i had not used my laptop in about a week because of an issue with safari..When i get to https sites (totally random) have a box to enter something like a cc number or address as i start to type safari gives me the busy wheel for infinity...let it sit for hours one day, never stopped. had to force quit. relaunched, same thing on the same box. cleared history and cache, rebooted and tried again.happened on multiple websites on random boxes where i needed to enter some info, was always on a https site though.

Second issue, went to use my computer again, launched mail. none of my accounts are syncing. iCloud, exchange, gmail..all show most up to date from the last time i used it over a week ago. let it sit for hours, still no sync. got it to update by taking all accounts offline then back online. went to send a test message. hit the send button and mail locked up completely!!    

MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Wehere Is The Closed Sleep Sensor On Pre-unibody Mbp?

Apr 7, 2010

I just replaced the bezel on my girl's MBP, pre-unibody, A1260 LED backlit display, and it no longer senses that the lid is closed and goes to sleep. Does anyone know where this sensor is?

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MacBook Pro :: Sudden Motion Sensor Not Working?

Sep 19, 2010

I just dropped in a 1 TB drive into my 17" MacBook Pro and it seems like that the Sudden Motion Sensor doesn't work not. I do not hear the sound when it engages as I did with the stock 500 gig drive that was in there. My understanding is that the Sudden Motion Sensor was not built into the drive and it was built into the notebook itself. Shouldn't I still be hearing the drive stop when the Sudden Motion Sensor engages?

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MacBook Pro :: Ambient Light Sensor Not Working?

May 16, 2010

As of today, I noticed my ambient light sensor doesnt seem to work. I tried disabling and re-enabling it in system preferences, but that hasn't done the trick.

Is there some test I can do to see if it's working or not? I know it worked two days ago, because i took the i7 15" MBP outside and it automatically switched to max brightness. Today I took it outside and the brightness didn't switch at all and I couldn't see the screen it was so dark.

Since the last time it definitely worked, all I've done is install Windows 7 64-bit with Boot Camp and hooked up the MBP to an external 20" monitor with a minidisplay-DVI adapter.

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PowerPC :: Where Is The G4 Ibook/powerbook Sleep Sensor?

Oct 12, 2007

I was wondering how/where the sensor is/works to tell the computer to go to sleep when the lid is closed. I am doing some mods (discussed in the marketplace forum) and would like to try to keep that sensor intact if at all possible, but i realized I have no idea where it is located or how it senses that the lid is closed on these.

I searched the forum a bit and found nothing, and can't find anything in google other then sleeping problems... unless I just am horrible at googlin.

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Shutdown Properly Or Sleep?

Jan 17, 2010

I go to shut it down from the apple menu, it attempts to go through all the stages needed for a shut down, the screen goes black like normal, and then it restarts again (so, while, it nearly gets to the end of shut down, it never quite makes it, and starts up again!) The same thing happens when I decide to restart - there is no pause between shutting down and restarting, indicating that it does nor restart at all.

It does not sleep either. I put the lid down and everything is still going inside the laptop!

I hope that's a good enough explanation of what's happening!

The only way I can shut the computer down is by pressing the power button in the top right hand corner of my macbook - forcing a shut down.

I've tried resetting the PRAM and repairing disk utility but it has done absolutely nothing.

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OS X :: MacBook Sleep Light Not Functioning Properly

Apr 15, 2010

My MacBook's sleep light does not function unless I place a death-grip on the top case right above the light itself. What should I do to repair this light properly? Any articles I should know about?

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PowerPC :: Way To See That Temperature Sensor Is Working?

Jul 9, 2010

I could just by the replacement fan and swap it out but I am wondering if there is anything else that could be malfunctioning and causing the fan to NOT spin up - anything I can check before forking out the cash.Is there a way to see if the temp sensor is working? Could it be the LB? Can I test the electrical supply to the fan by using a multimeter? If so what setting/voltage, etc should I use to read that? And lastly, is there more than one fan?

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Calibration - Unable To Properly Sleep

Dec 2, 2009

I have a 30 month old MacBook Pro (the SantaRosa line from June 2007)... And was still using the original battery up until 3 days ago. Its capacity suddenly dropped from 83% down to 45%, so I took it to an Apple store, they did a diagnostic, and without question told me the battery was defective, and just gave me a brand new battery with only 1 loadcycle on it. So today I decided to calibrate it, had it charged up, unpulgged it and let it run until it was 'supposed' to go to sleep... It had 0% left on it, the screen shut off, and the sleep light was just starting to dim, when I heard the hard drive go . (As if one pushed and held the power button, aka hard shutdown).

It seems it didn't have enough reserve capacity to let it go to sleep, so instead of waiting the 5 hours (as it wasn't sleeping, and pressing the button on the battery showed no lights at all), I decided to plug it in right away. Would it be a good idea to calibrate again, or simply wait a month or so and do it again then?

When I turned the computer back on, it didn't even resume at my desktop, so not only did it not get to sleep properly, it didn't even have a chance to write the memory to the hard drive, and now the actual battery capacity in Coconut battery is showing up 95%, 5253mAh

Just curious, as 30 months ago when I first got my original one, it calibrated properly and didn't completely die when it got to reserve capacity...

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MacBook :: Won't Shutdown / Restart / Sleep Or Startup Properly

May 6, 2010

During start up I get the apple logo and everything boots although it takes forever, the apple logo goes away screen goes blue, and sometimes it loads to the login screen about 10 mins later, and sometimes it just sits there. - During restart, it shuts down makes all the appropriate sounds, screen goes dark, and all you hear is a residual humming from the inside under the keyboard, and then never restarts. (You have to force shutdown) - Same story as above with both shutdown, and sleep.

The only way to get it to load successfully is in safe mode, but even then it still wont do the above problem correctly, it just at least starts.

- Resetting the PRAM, Holding power button for 5 seconds until repeating flashes, I've tried reinstalling snow leopard 5 times, I've checked for updates, I've repaired disk permissions, I've repaired the disk, I've even tried stepping the OSX back down to 10.3(The original operating software for this MB)

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Software :: Keyboard Backlight Sensor Not Working?

Jun 14, 2010

My Macbook Pro keyboard Backlight is not working properly even in a darkroom.

I need to install a third party software (Lab Tick) to switch on the keyboard light.

I am not able to use F5 and F6 key to adjust the light dimness. I suspect the light sensor is having problem.

However, last night I received an error message, saying that my Mac is having problem, I need to press the Power button to restart the Mac.

After restart, the keyboard backlight is working (without Lab Tick), and I can adjust the light with F5 and F6.

But now,after I made the Macbook sleep and wake up, it's back to abnormal again.

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MacBook Pro :: External Display - Monitor Doesn't Sleep Properly

Jun 25, 2012

Have a brand new MBP 13" using Thunderbolt-DVI adapter with my old Dell 2405 LCD. Have an interesting scenario ... when the display goes to "sleep" there is still some type of signal coming out of the display port.  The monitor will stay on and just blink "NO SIGNAL DETECTED ON INPUT 2".  But the monitor actually still stays on.When I put the entire laptop to sleep them the monitor will properly power down to sleep mode. 

I don't think its the monitor because I've used this monitor with a number of different machines and graphics cards, in every scenario when I had the display set to sleep it powered off just fine.   

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OS X :: Macbook Internet Not Working Properly?

Feb 23, 2010

out of the blue about 3 months ago my MacBook(version10.4.11) started refusing to recognize my home wireless. the problem has now reached the point where it AT TIMES will display that the wireless newtwork is on in the toolbar yet the computer will not jump onto the internet. Now it has reached the point where it won't even show that it sees the wireless in the toolbar. I have reloaded all passwords , checked the Verizon wirelss set up, reloaded firefox , checked all firewalls. The wierd thing is that my kids macbook is fine. Mine is the one with the problem.I checked all my settingts to correspond/copy hers and they do. Have zapped pram too. It works fine EVERYWHERE else but home.

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OS X :: MacBook Wireless Not Working Properly?

Sep 8, 2009

Starting about 4 months ago my 3 year-old 2.0GHz Core Duo MacBook's wireless started to not work very well. What was happening is that after starting the computer or waking it from sleep, it was able to connect to my network, but after about 5 seconds it would lose the signal despite being physically very close to the router without anything to block the signal. The problem progressively got worse, and at its worst it was only able to connect about 1 in 10 times. Either it wouldn't find the network at all, or it would find it but couldn't connect because "The connection timed out" or something like that.

I never bothered fixing the problem because my Mac was having a bunch of other issues at the time, so I was just going to fix them all by doing a fresh install of Snow Leopard once it came out.

So 3 days ago I did a fresh install of Snow Leopard (I formatted the harddrive then did a fresh install, not an archive and install). Unfortunately, it only kinda helped the wireless problem: I can now connect half the time rather than 1 in 10 times like it used to be.

I'm quite sure my network isn't the problem because everyone that has used my network in the recent past (which has been about 10 different PCs, Macs, and iPhones) hasn't had any problems. FYI, I have a Linksys WRT54G wireless router.

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MacBook Pro :: Ichat Not Working Properly

Oct 4, 2009

my ichat was working earlier today and now its not.i installed a couple of things since the last time i tried and i think that is why its not working.

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MacBook Pro :: One Of USB Ports Not Working Properly?

Feb 10, 2010

I've got a macbook pro unibody and basically of the two usb ports. The lower one is working fine
but the top one is acting a bit funny. If I put my mouse or graphics tablet in there it doesn't work but if I put my phone or usb drive in there they work perfectly.

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MacBook Pro :: Tap To Click Not Working Properly?

Mar 21, 2012

After re-installing Lion I've had this very annoying issue with tap-to-click on the trackpad of my MBP. While it seems to work most of the time, I often have to move the cursor away from the button or click on a window as if to make it active in orer for the click to work. A similar problem is occuring in MS Word when I'm going through the spell check process - I have to sometimes click "ignore" multiple times or click somewhere else in that window for the click to register.  

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Cap Locks Not Working Properly

Apr 10, 2012

I have a macbook pro running 10.6.8 & the cap lock turns on when I press the 2nd bracket key. The cap lock stays on until I press the 2nd bracket key again. It will not turn on when I press the cap lock key or shift cap lock key. I tried resetting all shortcuts in system preferences & rebooting the computer, but it is still the same. I can't use the 2nd bracket key now

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Retina Macbook Pro / USB 3.0 Not Working Properly?

Jun 30, 2012

It seems that there is some problems with USB 3 hard drives.I have a NewerTechnology Voyager Q.The drive mounts to the rMBP, but I recieve lots of errors when trying to access the content on it.

MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Air :: Camera Not Working Properly

Jun 2, 2014

I own an 11-inch Mid-2011 MacBook Air. The internal camera flickers on and off and occasionally shuts down completely. Before recent OX update, it didn't come on at all.

MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)

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MacBook Air :: The Trackpad Doesn't Seem To Be Working Properly?

Mar 4, 2008

Well just installed XP on my boot camp partition. Here is my issue:1. The trackpad doesn't seem to be working properly. It's showing under device manager fine but the 2 finger right-click option isn't working. 2. Is the keyboard supposed to be backlit in XP?3. The sound buttons on the keyboard are not working (f11-f12)

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MacBook :: White Battery Not Working Properly

Feb 5, 2009

Right i've had my white macbook for a few months now, its at 91 cycles and 99% health... this morning i turn it on and the health has dropped to 86% !? any idea why this has happened, and if theres any way i can get it back up.

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Applications :: Handbrake Not Working Properly On MacBook Pro

Feb 17, 2009

I just got a mac book pro and I transferred all my applications from my old g4 but handbrake doesn't work the same or doesn't at all. It takes very long to scan and it doesn't let me rip. I tried the same dvd on my old g4 and it worked just fine so it's not the dvd.

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MacBook :: HALP Sound Is Not Working Properly?

Aug 3, 2009

So recently my macbook decided to stop working properly and now the sound cuts in and out. I called up apple and they said to repair it, it was gonna cost upwards of 300 dollars 0_o. So i was wondering is there anyway i can fix it by myself or are there any other ways that i can get it to produce better sound ie speakers that will work of their own soundcard.

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard Not Working Properly After 10.6.4 Update

Jun 23, 2010

I updated to 10.6.4 the other day on my mbp 17" 2.93 mid 2009 model the other day. Since, my computer has developed two problems. first and most annoying, the keyboard doesn't work properly anymore. Shift keys don't work, then they do work. One side doesn't then the other side does. option and command do the same thing. Is this a documented problem? I searched and saw it was prior to 10.6.4, but I never had any problems until this update. Also, when I shut my computer, instead of going to sleep now. It goes crazy, fans jack up to full speed and it gets super hot. Doesn't sleep at all. Funny enough before the update, when i closed the lid the computer would go to sleep and wouldn't wake up.

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