OS X :: MX 518 Gaming Mouse On Aluminum Macbook
Jul 11, 2009
I know that the software is supposed to be fore Windows, but I've read that you can use SteerMouse to map the buttons. However, for starters, when I plug the mouse in it doesn't even move the cursor.
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Sep 12, 2010
Hopefully getting my new MBP in a few days now and cant wait.
Just wondering what sort of accessories you guys would recommend, been looking at wireless mouses for gaming etc and choice between an Razor or the Apple Magic Mouse, what mouse are you guys using?
Also any other accessories you would recommend?
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Oct 14, 2010
bluetooth and I am positive one of you are going to say bluetooth and gaming dont go together, but I did not ask that. Also, already know about the Razer Orochi but would like to stay away from it after I read alot of problems with the micro-sleep mode disconnecting the mouse every 1.5 seconds.
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Jan 27, 2009
I actually have the Apple Mighty Mouse, and while I kinda love it for normal use, the scroll ball is terrible for gaming (way too sensitive and easily stucks when dirty!). I mostly play Blizzard Games (Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo), no fps, no sport games. Only bluetooth suggestions please. Bonus: good look and not too small
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Jun 23, 2010
are bluetooth mice responsive enough to use for high speed gaming where precision mouse movement is critical? If so, which ones work best?
Long query:
I bought an iMac a year ago and I really like it. It was my first mac. I got the wireless mighty mouse and the wireless keyboard, but I didn't like them and switched to an old logitech 2-button mouse and I bought the full sized apple keyboard with numpad (wired). This meant I had my mighty mouse and my wireless keyboard sitting around as spare.
I just bought a mac mini server version this past Sunday. I love it. However, it is in my living room and connected to my 60" TV. I attached my old mighty mouse and my wireless keyboard via the bluetooth panel in the system preferences. The mighty mouse is VERY sluggish. I'm not talking about sensitivity. I mean that as I move the mouse, even if I move quickly, the mouse starts off really slow then after maybe half a second it zips along. It also is slow to respond to slow-downs in movement or direction changes. This makes gaming (for example City of Heroes) really painful. It was hard to avoid death because I couldn't quickly react with my characters.
Bottom line ... are bluetooth mice responsive enough to use for high speed gaming where precision mouse movement is critical? If so, which ones work best?
I'm prepared to buy a bluetooth mouse if they can be precise and snappy, but then again the mac mini server is really intended to be a media center, so if the answer is no, then its not a big deal. I can still play City of Heroes and other games fine on my iMac.
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Feb 3, 2010
when I get my new MBP (when they release them *sigh*), I intend on doing some moderate gaming on it. Things like MW2, Starcraft, Sims 3, Battlefield BC2, and some others I can't think of right now.
My question is, if a game is available for both OSX and Windows, would it be better to get it for OSX, or Windows? I was wondering if I should have like all my games in the windows partition, or have ones that I can get for OSX separate.
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Aug 27, 2009
We are trying to make a desk in my room for my new iMac that will be here the 29th (first Mac! ), and I want to know where to drill the hole for the power cable, etc. So could you guys break out the ruler or measuring tape real quick and tell me the dimensions of the aluminum keyboard with numeric keypad? I can't find the dimensions on the Apple site. And while I'm here could I have the dimensions for the Mighty Mouse,
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Dec 17, 2007
Im looking for any directions on a mod that will enable my pb to act like a Mac Book Pro with the two finger trackpad ctrl click function. Or an actual second button hardware Mod.
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Feb 6, 2009
I have a 2.4 Ghz Core 2 Duo 20" Aluminum iMac. I often have a problem with my mouse not working when booting. I turn the computer on, and more than half the time, the mouse infrared thing on the bottom turns on then goes by the time the blue screen comes. Then I have to reboot again, and usually about 3 times before it finally works. I use the Mighty Mouse connected to the Apple Keyboard connected to a USB extension cable. I tried it without that but it still didn't work. Any suggestions would be great. If none of them work, I will contact AppleCare as I am still under warranty.
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Dec 17, 2009
I'm trying to find a nice mouse pad to match my mother's new iMac for christmas and through these boards I have come across the Macpadd, the Cupertino Mouse Pad, and the Steelseries, among other brands.However, while searching I just came across the iRest Aluminum from Rain Design, the same company who creates the awesome mStand for Macbooks.A link to the company's product page: I cannot find a way to trace to this page from the home page. I found this through google. Anyway, it has a pretty cool looking aluminum mouse pad that matches with your Mac, though from the picture I fear it might be a bit small.
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Mar 9, 2010
One of the very rare occasions when I actually have a complaint about an Apple product (or at least an unresolved issue.)
After several months of use, I've noticed that the aluminum finish on my Magic Mouse (near to where my thumb and ring finger rest) seems to be flaking off or otherwise corroding somehow.
It's not a stain, as nothing I've tried will remove it.
I also noticed some slight corrosion or flaking on the topmost line of the edge (the sharper edge) of the mouse where the aluminum housing meets top of the mouse. The damage is on both sides of the mouse in either case.
Needless to say, I'm quite displeased. I take very good care of all my Apple hardware, I keep them spotless. I don't use any harsh, abrasive cleaners to keep them looking like new. My hands are usually clean - just as clean as any other user's hand. Maybe too clean. In this age of H1N1 and other various nasties floating around, hand-washing has been raised to almost obsessive levels.
I assume the Magic Mouse's finish would be durable enough to withstand regular use.
I wonder whether this has happened to anyone else.
Pics below:
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Aug 26, 2010
I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section, but I would like to know what software is better for gaming on a Mac. I have Parallel Desktop 5 but I noticed while playing the Orangebox I was getting some framerate issues.I heard a lot of good things about Crossover games and I was wondering if that would be better? or would bootcamp be just fine? Also my Macbook pro is the 2010 15'' 2.4ghz.
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Oct 4, 2010
I use it for my university study and I play games occasionally (usually World of Warcraft). I'am wondering the difference of WoW performance between 15" i5 2.4GHz and i7.
I play WoW via Parallel Desktop on Windows 7. I know there's Mac version WoW, but I just want to know the performance of running WoW via parallels desktop. A big drop of FPS? or 4GB RAM insufficient?
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May 3, 2010
After reading through the entire gaming benchmark thread I still have yet to conclude whether the new i7 in hi res is better, worse, or equal to the 2.8 for gaming?
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May 16, 2010
Has anybody compared gaming under Win7 32 vs 64. Im not that thrilled with the performance on Battlefield 2, but am currently running win 32. I wonder if 64 and its ability to use more RAM will help with gaming experience. Also, I've seen many threads on trying to update the Nvidia drivers, but not many responses on whether it helped much, considering what had to be done just to get the drivers updated....is it worth it.
I wish Apple would address the outdated drivers.
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Aug 3, 2010
i just recently purchased a pair of dr dre beats, the studio version, and as some of you may know, they include a black cable with a mic attached to it. i was wondering if there was any way to use this mic on the macbook pro 15" (2010 model) and use it for gaming. i cant seem to find a way to make the mic work.
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Dec 1, 2014
When I play games (war thunder), my macbook pro heats up to 80*C-90*C and stays like this for as long as I keep playing.Is it safe? Or am I risking to burn something up, like processor or graphic card?
-2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
-4Gb 1067 Mhz DDR3
-Nvidia GeForece 9400M 256 MB
-OS X Maveriks 10.9.4
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Aug 26, 2010
I'm thinking of getting a new MBP, but want to be able to play MMORPGs like Warhammer Online or similar games coming out. Can anyone speak to first hand experience with the various 15" MBPs with i5 or i7? With 256MB GT 330M vs 512 MB? I would love to be able to get the 13", but I'm sure that video card won't make it happen.
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Sep 22, 2010
I'm looking to improve my gaming performance. I run The Sims 3, Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source, Half-Life 2 and a few other games natively on my MacBook Pro 13". By no I means do I care for getting unrealistically high performance, but I would like to know how an SSD would effect gaming performance. Would it give a notable increase in terms of FPS? or responsive?
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Nov 23, 2010
My wife has a MBP 2.4ghz core i5. She has Sims 3 and all the expansion packs. She uses the architectural features to build towns and houses,etc. Well it makes a steady fan noise after a while(she plays for a few hours straight). I checked the istat widget and its at 5998 rpm and 164 F with a noticeable fan noise. Not as loud as windows laptops that I can remember but loud enough to notice. Is this normal? The machine is only 2 months old. It works great and only does this when she plays Sims3(the only gaming we do on it).
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Sep 17, 2009
I'm running Snow Leopard and am wondering what Windows version you all would recommend I run in Bootcamp with the sole purpose of gaming. I have access to any relevant Windows version at pretty low prices through my university and I downloaded the Win7 RC and still have a valid key for that. As far as I'm aware, Bootcamp does not officially support Vista OR Win7, but that may have changed since I last checked. I'm also curious about the 64-bit vs. 32-bit question.
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Dec 16, 2009
I just got a 2.26 Ghz macbook pro 13" and I want to do a little light gaming so I am wondering what bootcamp to run.. Should I run XP or Windows 7. What will have better performance and will directx10 be that big of a difference on games COD MW2?
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Mar 21, 2010
should i worry about the higher than normal temps when playing games like bioshock,nfs shift on windows 7 through bootcamp? will the macbook pro shutdown still when it gets to critical temps even if your on windows 7? is there any fan controller software that works? what sort of temps do you guys get? sorry for all the questions, just dont want to turn my baby into a paper weight
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Apr 23, 2010
I am planning on buying a 15 inch MBP in the near future, but I am waiting to see some gaming benchmarks to decide if I should shell out the extra money for the i7 for the extra VRAM or just stick with the i5. Have any of you seen any sites that compare the two systems? I know barefeats has benchmarks using different apps, and says it will have something on gaming benchmarks soon, but I didn't know if anyone has already done it. Barefeats just updated with their benchmarks, but they used 17 inch MBPs, so the i5 and i7 comparison used the same video card (512 MB) instead of comparing 256 vs 512. How disappointing.
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Dec 9, 2014
In my macbook pro 15 inch mid 2012 model, my cpu and gpu will get very hot, when gaming or rendering sometimes over 200F. The fans only spin at max about 2900 rpm, when their max is 6400. I downloaded a fan control app, but how can i fix it?
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Dec 10, 2010
MBP 2.4ghz (MBP4,1)
4gb ram, geforce 8600m gt
Before the update I was gaming perfectly fine on pretty much Medium - High settings. The only game I have been playing lately is HON - Heroes of Newerth. Everything ran exactly as it should and I never had any problems. However, a couple of days ago I booted up the game and tried to play and noticed my FPS dropped by a lot. I even tried cranking down everything to low, and all it does is make everything pixelated, but my fps does not move at all.
I then realized the day before, I ran Software Update and ended up bumping up to 10.6.5. I honestly cannot think of what other reason in why performance would drop. I ran both a disk permission repair and a verify disk repair. Ran onyx to do a clean up scan. Flash online, video files, music, everything else I have tested is performing as it should. Anyone else having issues with the recent osx patch?
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Jun 18, 2009
You too Apple? It's at the end of the article but CNET got only 4 hours and 14 minutes of battery life on a 17" MBPro instead of 7 or 8 hours. But all these laptop makers play the same game. [URL:...]
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Apr 13, 2010
I'd like to switch from a hp dv6570el SantaRosa late 2007 (8400M with 128MB Ram). What I basically do with my laptop is:- emailing / surfing / etc- some development with Eclipse / start developing something for iPhone- basic audio recording- playing games (not at maximum rate.. I'm stuck with World of Warcraft.I don't think that the 15" MBP worths its price.Do you think that the 13" will be able to do this? I'm in doubt of the gaming, I don't want extreme performances, just something playable, and of course it will be better of what I'm using now.
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Apr 19, 2010
I'm trying to decide whether to get the Hi-res screen or not.I was wondering if the Hi-res screen is is good if I plan on doing some casual gaming? Will the higher resolustion have any effect on the performance? Will have to turn down the settings, or will the Macbook play games just fine with higher settings and the high resolustion
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May 6, 2010
So if a higher resolution screen gives you a performance hit, does that mean that hooking up to an external will give you a performance hit, even if you have a standard resolution MBP?
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