I would of searched for this question first but i am pretty unsure in what to google or mroogle for lol.basically this very annoying spot the shape of the stalk of the apple logo has appeared on my macbook. I had a look and the start in the aluminium on my macbook has actually started to work its way in. I KNOW this is no fault of my own as the laptop has not been out the house since i got it. its always on the desk or sometimes, in its case.
its not that bad tbh, but extremely annoying. You can only see it on a white screen or something light. For example [URL]so you do notice it alot. Its like a glowing section of the screen, brighter than the rest. no pixels are dead.what should i do. Its 1 week out of warranty with PCWorld, so they won't repair it.
After waiting 3-4 weeks I was so excited to finally receive my retina macbook pro today. To my dissapointment as soon as I turned it on this glaring white light/cloudy mark behind the screen stabbed me in the heart. So dissapointing to wait so long just to get a defective unit.Â
I called AppleCare and they said I could either ship it back for a refund, or I could take it into the apple store for a refund. Apple store is only 30 minutes away so instead of putting any trust in fedex I decided to just go return it in person.Â
So now I'm waiting up to five days for the money to be refunded so I can order again and wait ANOTHER 3-4 weeks to receive a unit because I upgraded the base model to 16GB of ram, and it may have the same exact problem when it arrives... who even know... Â
I saw on macrumors a few others have had this issue so I'm not alone, but I do hate that I was unlucky this time around.  [URL]
I'm planning to buy a 17" matt MBP 2010. So far I've used a few laptops which I carry in a backpack (Lowepro Computekker Plus AW) together with cameras and lenses. Each one but the last one - Lenovo Thinkpad - had the same problem; beacause there is high pressure on the computer (glass weights over 12kgs), the keyboard keys left traces on he screen surface - not just dust - the plastic from keys was on the screen for good. The Lenovo is the firsts one not affected by that.
Can anyone who uses this MBP 17" matt 2010 (and treats it as bad as me) tell me how it looks in this case?
I posted a while back with my macbook not working, with the disc spinning, steady sleep light, but no chime and black screen.well since then I took out screws and had a look at the logic board,tightened all the loose screws,and pulled this metal fabric wire through the screw by the disc drive, it was loose and torn.
And after waiting, it turned on!But I still got shut off abruptly, distorted screens, kernel panics, and force restart messages.Then it wouldn't boot up at all without pressure near the power button.That worked for a while, then it would turn off.Then pressure had to be applied elsewhere to get it to turn on.I have pressed on the flat rest above the harddrive, the opposite side of the power button, everywhere.re there screws that I shouldn't have tightened? Is there something wrong with that fabric metal thing?Another issue is that there has been overheating, and I'm sure power offs due to overheating, and I know the fan is running, but still getting too hot.
I have an issue with a macbook pro and booting from DVD. When I try to boot from the DVD it starts reading and after a few minutes I hear the driver stops and only a gray screen with the apple logo in the screen. I have tried two snow leopard disk and the original disk that came with the macbook pro. I can boot into the operating system, repair permissions, verify disk and disk utility does not find any problem. I also tried with a usb dvd and the same symptom, after a minute it stops reading the dvd.
So my computer froze while I was waking it up from it's nap, so I restarted it by holding down the power button. It now shows me the gray screen, apple sign and spinning circle for about a minute before it's decided it's done and would like to turn itself off. I have tried resetting the PRAM and the SMC. I have tried restarting in safe mode. I tried to restart it off the AC adapter without the battery. I hear the chime, I see the apple, and the status circle, and then nothing!
I noticed today that my apple logo is showing through my screen. Whenever I am on a white background or app, I see it. It is an outline of a backwards apple logo. There is a disk around it. It is located in the sampe place as my external logo.
I remember a while back, some people were turning a screw under the track pad to make it easier to click. Is that still okay to do? My MBP is the Mid-2009 13-inch.
First person to post a link with instructions and tell me that there are already 4,000 threads on this topic gets a million points (the points don't matter).
I replaced my cracked LCD screen on my 17" macbook pro, and upon firing up you hear the chime, and the apple logo comes up just fine. Then after that it goes to horizontal lines, and no image on it. If I plug in an external, it shows up just fine on it, and if I put in the original cracked screen, I can see my desktop and everything as well.
I am stuck in my MacBook pro which shows white screen.
1- I tried hold C to Bogor from DVD to reinstall Mac os x , but it's not working . 2- I tried hold Shift and option to log to safe mode , but it's not working . 3- I tried reset ram, but its not working.
Macbook Pro was purchased in mid-late 2009 and is running on OS X 10.6. Today is suddenly stopped responding and so I turned it off. When I turned it back on it opend to the grey screen with the Apple logo and the loading icon and that is where it stayed. I have been searching for the answer on different forums but have yet to find a solution. My hard drive is appearing in the Disk Utility but not in the box when I try to reinstall OS X.
I am looking at purchasing an Ibook G4 but the description of the item includes this:"When you switch it on it begins to load up i.e. the blue screen with the Apple logo, but then the screen goes black or flickers. Said friend has kindly wiped the hard drive for me so now when you switch it on it makes the �opening� noise then you get a blue screen with alternating �?� and the Finder logo."
I have a feeling this may have been a temporary fault with the screen connector being loose and possibly damaged.But i assume the alternating "?" and the "finder logo" is simply a lack of OS?
I was trying to install Windows XP Pro, but for some reason the it wasn't showing another HDD to install Windows on. So I quit the install, and restarted my computer. Now all that happens is the normal grey screen appears (with no Apple logo), then it goes to a black screen and has the blinking cursor (Kinda like DOS).
I upgraded from Leopard to Snow Leopard and I wanted to restore my computer so I found directions that said I should put the snow leopard disk back in the computer and restart it. Well, I did that and now all I have is a blue screen. What do I do!?!? I've tried manually turning it on/off and it will turn off, but still goes back to blue screen with nothing on it.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6)
With regular startup I get the flashing question mark and can hear the failed hard drive click and spin. After getting the DVD to boot in the drive (it doesn't suck it in right away), I get an apple logo and pinwheel like I should, but after about 30 seconds it goes to a black (blank) screen and the DVD spins down, but not all the way. The computer is still on, but nothing happens.
<>If I start it with an iMac 10.4 DVD I can boot to the install screen just fine, but can't install because it's an iMac DVD. I can erase and partition the drive fine (not the dead one, another one I have).
<>Safe mode boot does the same thing, but takes 20 times as long to boot
<>Retail OSX 10.4 DVD does not boot at all, but that one might be for PowerPC computers. I get the flashing question mark folder.
Whenever I start up my macbook it stayed on grey background with an apple logo and spinning thing. I press and hold the shift key once and it went to safe mode and did my diagnostic and found out that some file got corrupted so I thought maybe I'll just do another start up and everything will go back to normal. Then I restart it again but this time it wont past that grey back ground w/ apple logo w/ spinning thing again. I tried to do the safe mode again and it won't let me anymore. I went to apple site and i found a bunch of keyboard shortcuts, non of those help me. Any here have any idea what might happen to my MacBook. I'm in Kazahstan for work related trip and they don't use Mac here so there is no where I can buy another snowleaopard cd.
My MacBook Pro will not boot up any more. It just suddenly happened. It turns on and comes up to the gray screen with the apple logo and then the circle progress icon comes up and spins.
i tried to install snow leopard on my computer, but then found out it was only a one user disk and had already been used, so i started it back up on the hardrive and now it wont go past the white loading screen with the apple logo and then just shuts down. ive tried restarting in safe mode but thats about all i know how to do.
i tried to install snow leopard on my computer, but then found out it was only a one user disk and had already been used, so i started it back up on the hardrive and now it wont go past the white loading screen with the apple logo and then just shuts down. ive tried restarting in safe mode but thats about all i know how to do.
Whenever I shutdown or restart MBP 13 with latest OS X. I see white screen with spinning sign. It is never ending. Once I have kept it like this for more then 20 hrs. I have contacted Apple couple of times but the solution was not permanent. Please check video link to better understand my issue. [URL]
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
My MacBook Pro won't boot past the white startup screen with the Apple logo. After doing some trouble shooting my best guess is that the issue is either an issue with the logic board or the hard drive, but I am no expert so I may not be right. Here is what I have tried so far. I have done all these steps multiple times and the results have varied, but here are my most recent results:
1) First off, there are no peripherals connected so that is already ruled out as the cause.
2) When I try starting up in safe mode (holding shift while starting), the Apple logo, spinning wheel and progress bar appear. The progress bar fills about a third of the way then stops. I have left it for quite a long time and it still stays at a third of the way.
3) When running a safe boot (holding shift+command+v at startup) it gives me a " SATA WARNING: Enable auto-activate failed" message, and then eventually times out. Here is the full message:
4) Resetting the PRAM (holding option+command+p+r at startup) does the second chime but only results in the flashing folder icon with the question mark.
5) I tried booting up the computer in single user mode (holding command+s at startup) and running fsck -fy, it again gives me a "SATA WARNING: Enable auto-activate failed", then eventually times out. Here is the full message:
6) I tried booting in recovery mode (holding option while starting). When I do this I do not get the OSX utilities screen. Instead I get a white screen, sometimes my hard drive shows up on the screen, sometimes it does not.
If i boot in recovery mode with my osx install disc inserted the disc appears. If I select the hard drive we are just back to the apple logo and spinning wheel. If I select the install disc it goes to the apple logo/spinning wheel again, sometimes it allows me to start running the install, but then when it gets to the step where you select the hard drive to run the install on, no hard drives appear.
So that's where I'm at. I do not care about losing any data because luckily I backed up this machine right before this started happening.
My computer died last night with each application not responding. I couldn't shut down normally so I held the power button to turn it off.Â
Next morning, I tried to boot the MacBook Pro and the boot process stalled at the grey screen with the Apple Logo and spinning wheel. I let it go for an hour and there was no change on the screen. Based on Apple's desk I ran Hardware diagnostics (extended with looping disabled) and got the following errorÂ
4HDD/11/40000000: SATA (0,0) Â
The screen shot is belowÂ
I ran this again with standard testing (no looping) and standard with looping and all gave the same results.Â
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
When I apply pressure on the bottom case of my MBP(underneath the trackpad), I hear a click. Is this normal? I am currently using the current MBP13'. What is under there? Am I damaging anything?