MacBook Pro :: Adjusting Trackpad Pressure
Aug 12, 2010
I remember a while back, some people were turning a screw under the track pad to make it easier to click. Is that still okay to do? My MBP is the Mid-2009 13-inch.
First person to post a link with instructions and tell me that there are already 4,000 threads on this topic gets a million points (the points don't matter).
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Jun 1, 2014
I just bought a refurbished Macbook Pro and after less than a week, I've just started detecting a sort of soft clicking noise when my palms make soft contact with the area near the trackpad. It's not the trackpad clicking, which is a distinct noise.
MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Aug 10, 2010
Got my new magic trackpad, its amazing! I have one thing that I would like a bit more control over. When you do a 3 finger drag, it has a delay afterwards to help you correct your selection if you need to. This is a brilliant usability function and I use it often. But I would really like to be able to adjust how long this delay is. It's about a second at the moment, it would be awesome if it was halved. Anyone know where you could do this in the terminal?
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Dec 16, 2010
I posted a while back with my macbook not working, with the disc spinning, steady sleep light, but no chime and black screen.well since then I took out screws and had a look at the logic board,tightened all the loose screws,and pulled this metal fabric wire through the screw by the disc drive, it was loose and torn.
And after waiting, it turned on!But I still got shut off abruptly, distorted screens, kernel panics, and force restart messages.Then it wouldn't boot up at all without pressure near the power button.That worked for a while, then it would turn off.Then pressure had to be applied elsewhere to get it to turn on.I have pressed on the flat rest above the harddrive, the opposite side of the power button, there screws that I shouldn't have tightened? Is there something wrong with that fabric metal thing?Another issue is that there has been overheating, and I'm sure power offs due to overheating, and I know the fan is running, but still getting too hot.
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Mar 30, 2010
I would of searched for this question first but i am pretty unsure in what to google or mroogle for lol.basically this very annoying spot the shape of the stalk of the apple logo has appeared on my macbook. I had a look and the start in the aluminium on my macbook has actually started to work its way in. I KNOW this is no fault of my own as the laptop has not been out the house since i got it. its always on the desk or sometimes, in its case.
its not that bad tbh, but extremely annoying. You can only see it on a white screen or something light. For example [URL]so you do notice it alot. Its like a glowing section of the screen, brighter than the rest. no pixels are dead.what should i do. Its 1 week out of warranty with PCWorld, so they won't repair it.
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Aug 22, 2010
When I apply pressure on the bottom case of my MBP(underneath the trackpad), I hear a click. Is this normal? I am currently using the current MBP13'. What is under there? Am I damaging anything?
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Jul 2, 2012
After waiting 3-4 weeks I was so excited to finally receive my retina macbook pro today. To my dissapointment as soon as I turned it on this glaring white light/cloudy mark behind the screen stabbed me in the heart. So dissapointing to wait so long just to get a defective unit.
I called AppleCare and they said I could either ship it back for a refund, or I could take it into the apple store for a refund. Apple store is only 30 minutes away so instead of putting any trust in fedex I decided to just go return it in person.
So now I'm waiting up to five days for the money to be refunded so I can order again and wait ANOTHER 3-4 weeks to receive a unit because I upgraded the base model to 16GB of ram, and it may have the same exact problem when it arrives... who even know...
I saw on macrumors a few others have had this issue so I'm not alone, but I do hate that I was unlucky this time around. [URL]
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Oct 18, 2009
Does your first gen MacBook have WiFi problems? Here's why mine has. I opened it for the first time, and here's what I found. These are the WiFi antennas cables: They've been cut by the simply opening and closing the display, for more than three years. The cables are stuck in a bad place and suffer from excessive pressure and contortion. Of course my Apple care is finished... but all these wifi problems in the apple support forum make me think every first gen macbook is concerned [URL] This is a MacBook Core Duo 2.0 ghz (Early 2006).
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Dec 16, 2010
I'm planning to buy a 17" matt MBP 2010. So far I've used a few laptops which I carry in a backpack (Lowepro Computekker Plus AW) together with cameras and lenses. Each one but the last one - Lenovo Thinkpad - had the same problem; beacause there is high pressure on the computer (glass weights over 12kgs), the keyboard keys left traces on he screen surface - not just dust - the plastic from keys was on the screen for good. The Lenovo is the firsts one not affected by that.
Can anyone who uses this MBP 17" matt 2010 (and treats it as bad as me) tell me how it looks in this case?
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May 20, 2010
so, i'm sure all of you know that the sound quality on macbooks suck. when i try to play anything at a loud volume it just sounds awful. i was wondering if there was a way to adjust the equalizer in itunes, or in volume controls that would make it sound better?
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Jun 28, 2014
how do I disable the sound effect on my MacBook Air when adjusting the volume
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Jan 11, 2011
I have an Acer 22" display (the x223w) that I have been using with my old powermac g4 for a few years and its been great. I recently got an Aluminum macbook and wanted to use the display with it at my desk. I got a cheap mini display-port to DVI adaptor from amazon and when I plug it in, the display looks a bit fuzzy! It is set to the same resolution as when it was hooked up to the powermac, but everything looks a bit bigger (doesn't this mean the resolution is lower?) and the text especially looks a little fuzzy. Is it the cheap adaptor? I have it set to 1680X1050 on both computers. I feel like I just want to adjust the sharpness, but the display doesn't have that option. Also, it seems weird since it looks fine with the powermac.
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Jan 13, 2010
i've noticed that my 17" Macbook Pro makes an odd clicking sound when slight pressure is put in the general location of the hard drive. For instance, if I'm lying down, and the laptop is on my stomach, when I breathe in, it will make weird staticy, metallic clicking sounds.
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Mar 16, 2010
The k key on my G4 iBook, OS 10.4.11 all of a sudden has a mind of its own, even when I just place my hands on the home keys without pressure, it activates. Have tried to eliminate problem in Preferences keyboard, but it doesn't seem to cure it.
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Nov 30, 2009
Just got a replacement imac 27 stock C2D yesterday for a defective one I had earlier, however, I couldn't get this new one to turn on till just a few hours ago. I just figured out the power button needs quite of bit of pressure to turn on. Seemingly just pressing it until it clicks isn't enough. Should this be looked at or is this normal?
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Dec 21, 2010
I have an late 08 unibody Mbp and a 11 mba, I have noticed the glass trackpad on the air is much closer to the glass on an iphone in the way your finger reacts to it... the least bit of moisture and your finger doesn't glide as easily. On the pro it seems to have more of a coating to allow for smoother use under these normal conditions (humidity). Has anyone else noticed this? bottom line the air trackpad almost seems more polished.
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Apr 8, 2009
My MB's trackpad button is spoilt, I think there's something wrong with the spring which makes it unclickable and sometimes remains pressed.
Is there anyway to disable only the trackpad button but not the whole trackpad? Tapping still works, but the MB mistakens it as dragging sometimes because the button is stuck as a pressed button.
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Sep 21, 2009
When 10.5 was released they were quite transparent and the look matched the transparent menubar. It was a nice visual flow. Then 10.5.1 came out and they went to almost opaque (apparently they are still SLIGHTLY transparent but at something like 95% its more or less impossible to tell).
Some apps, (compressor comes to mind) still have these transparent menu drop-downs and I think its a very good look, especially with the transparent menubar (again, visual flow is nice).
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Mar 23, 2009
i got a question about adjusting the brightness level on iMac.
i adjust the brightness to lowest but each time i restart or turn the computer back on, the brightness level would set back to highest. Is that for all the imac? is there a way to set it?
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Jan 26, 2010
I should be able to find this.... but I just can't lay my fingers on the info. I would like to change the speed that the pages flow into the dock when I minimize them.
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Jun 11, 2010
Well I've gone through a plethora of threads about the leopard menu bar's translucency being annoying, I have yet to find a way to actually make it MORE transparent, so I figured I'll register here and ask away. I'm currently working under Mac OS X 10.5.5, and am working on creating a vector graphics theme of sorts (akin to BattleZone in the 80's) and ran into a snag. What I want to do is take the menu bar on top of the screen and turn it solid green without tinting the text to match the rest of my desktop's theme. Alternatively, making the bar completely black with green text is another option, if possible.
I've so far used LeoColorBar, Leopaque, and Palette, which all can tint the bar, but not make it a solid green. What I want to know is if I can make the menu bar 100% transparent, but keep the text on it visible, allowing me to use LeoColorBar to effectively create a green menu bar, while using Palette to make the menus opaque when dropped down. Here's where I'm currently at in terms of theme, complete with Battlezone background and vector docks through DragThing. How terminal commands that could work, or claims of my insanity for being "that guy who wants that transparent bar harder to see", drop me a reply.
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Jan 25, 2008
Is it possible to configure the size of the Parallel's screen that runs within Apple OS? I find the window size a little small and would like to make it a little larger.
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Mar 27, 2007
Is it possible to adjust the default width of columns in Finder? As you can see from the attached screenshot, almost all of my file names are too long to fit in the column, and I have to continually resize the width of the column to show everything.
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Sep 3, 2014
Suddenly my iMac's display is very dim - almost can't read the text. The display brightness keys <F2> and <F1> don't do anything any more. How can you adjust the screen brightness?
iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Nov 12, 2010
I am working on a photobook for a family wedding. One photo shows the groom in full and wanted to place this photo in the book. There it did not seem to feet, legs/feet were cut off, the photo does not show in full. How do I adjust or resize this image and with the right dimensions (not losing pixels, etc)?
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Jan 20, 2009
I've been trying to get decent color on my Acer AL2216W display to no avail.
First, I attempted to fiddle with the brightness and contrast levels because I've been having trouble seeing really light grays. I used this as a guide so my whites, grays, and blacks looked good but then my colors were completely off.
Then, (after resetting all my changes) I downloaded a color profile from the Acer support website. Surprisingly, that profile is completely off.
Next, I tried using Mac OS X's Color Calibration utility in System Pref > Displays > Color > Calibrate. I ended up with incorrect colors & grays again.
Am I doing something wrong? Could someone please direct me about how to achieve proper colors and contrast?
Also, if any of you have an Acer AL2216W and you have made a correct color profile, please pass it along!
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Feb 14, 2009
I bought a 1TB external HDD when I got my mac back in August. I use it for Time Machine and I store all my songs that I use for DJ/karaoke. When I first got it and I had it plugged in, I could search a lot easier than I can now. It would search just like you can when searching your internal drive and type the file name in and it begins narrowing it down. Now for some reason it will not do that, and every time I need to find a song on the drive out of thousands, I have to go in there manually and hunt it down. Anyone know of how to adjust the search settings on my external drive so I can get it working like it was at first?
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Jul 14, 2010
I have an imac, 2 years old, and i was wondering if there is any internal way of adjusting the bass, treble on the sound.
I do not notice an option for that in system preferences, (sound).
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Feb 8, 2008
Maybe I really don't know what I'm doing. On my regular finder I can have a list and manipulate the order. (i.e. change the order from the oldest to the most recent. Or even largest to smallest files) This is normal to me. What I don't understand is that when I create a search, I don't have that option to adjust the order of the date created, size, etc. When I try to adjust the options view in the search, it will not allow me to.
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Jul 29, 2010
Just got my new i7 in the mail today after waiting for the refresh for 5 months and it has that stupid high pitched noise that you get when you adjust the brightness. I returned four of these things at the beginning of the year (2 HD failures, 1 power source failure, 1 DOA), one that had the hd failure also had this same high pitched noise.
I love these computers (minus the complete lack of quality control), so I don't want to switch back to PC, but I am at my wits end here. Apple already gave me $150 off this computer for me trouble, but I just don't know if its worth the hassle anymore. I am returning it for sure, but would you ask for more compensation, maybe a ram upgrade or something? I don't like to be the guy who asks for free crap, but the way I see it, they can give me another hundred $, or I can go back to pc and they lose a customer for life.
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