MacBook :: Email Configuration On New Mac?
Apr 21, 2009
I want to configure my email on my new mac. I want to make it just like on the iphone and put my yahoo account but it says that it cannot connect to the server (the yahoo one I guess?) Is it possible to use yahoo accunt on the mail ?
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Nov 13, 2010
Just thinking down the road, so please bear with me. Regarding adding a HD and possibly ram at a later date. I have a couple questions...1.) If adding or replacing in the first year, will that void your warranty??2.) How is the ram module configured on a MacBook pro?? If it cam with 4 GB then can I just add a 4 GB card or do you have to get a straight 8 GB card??3.) If upgrading to a bigger HD, can you just do a backup restore or do you have to totally reinstall from the scratch??
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Nov 18, 2010
I just have a brief question. I'm a light user and I want to purchase a new MBA 13' base config with 4 GB RAM. Would this be good enough to play sims 3 smoothly?
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Jan 2, 2007
If there is a page with all the trackpad shortcuts. I know two finger scroll, but I think there is some way to use two fingers to right-click, and something else to zoom.
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Feb 2, 2009
Just got one of the new white macbooks - it's great so far. Most of the important things I have figured out, but unable to get my 3 USB Modem working - it just sits there and flashes at me. Wondered if any of you wise old Applers have come across a solution? Grateful for any advice. 3, despite saying that it works are useless.
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May 18, 2010
I have a new macbook pro i5, and the question is if it is possible to change the configuration of what programs will use the nvidia gpu. This is, because I have some writing program that really dont need the nvidia gpu, and the mac use it innecesarily.
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Feb 5, 2012
Is it possible to upgrade the SSD from 64gb to 128gb on the MacBook Air (mid-2011) on the basic configuration? I've ran out far too quickly on the 64gb and would really love for the extra storage space. Could I also get this upgrade via Apple if doing it myself would void the warranty?
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Apr 10, 2012
I just started my macbook air first time and I wrongly selected another keyboard instead of US during the auto to go back and set the US keyboard layout?
MacBook Air
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Jan 21, 2009
unsure if this has already been done, but i wouldn't mind having MBAir owners post their xBench results here...i would like to have the results for all 8 configurations eventually..shouldn't be too difficult to get all of the info I'll start it off with the xBench results for the rev B 1.86 SSD config.
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May 1, 2010
So a little bit about my situation: I have a macbook pro and recently moved my iTunes library to an external drive since I was running out of space on my computer. Obviously I changed the library folder to the one on the external in preferences ect. The only problem is that I'm not carrying around the external with me all the time, in fact, recently I connected the hard drive to sync the month's worth of new music I got and even after changing the library folder to the external one, only about half the songs from my whole library would play.
It's really a pain to add new music to the hard drive too because it keeps prompting me to replace the files. Long story short, I'm obviously not going about this right. Is anyone in the same situation as me/do you know of a better way to keep track of a library on external? If I didn't explain clearly enough (which i probably didnt) dont hesitate to ask.
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May 25, 2010
I'm purchasing a Macbook Pro and I will be using it primarily for video and photo editing. I will need strong hd write performance for video encoding. I would also like a very fast load time for my apps such as photoshop and final cut. I am considering SSD drive for fast load of my apps. I would put the OS and all apps on the SSD. I would get a second drive, the fast Momentus XT from Seagate, and install it where the DVD drive is currently located. I would use the second drive for all data such as photos and video. This would give me fast write speeds for encoding and transferring video and photos from the camera to the MBP.
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Jul 8, 2010
I've always used airport express but lately I've been noticing big drop in speeds when I'm in the upstairs rooms. I do not feel like spending $175 on another apple router, how much trouble is it to go with linksys? How much settings configurations will I be getting myself into?
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Apr 23, 2012
I want to be able to choose which programs I wan tot run at start up because after 6 months of usage it takes about 2plus minutes for a cold system to start up and 5 seconds to shut down. I wan tot speed up the startup and I think I have to many programs runnning at startup. On my PC I used to control that from sys config,is there an equivalent in Lion.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3), startup/shutdown
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Oct 22, 2010
11 / 6" default configuration - Can it handle Photoshop CS5.
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Apr 10, 2012
I need to change the display configuration of my macbook but I can't see to open the preferences (because the configuration is wrong!) - what can I do?
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Mar 5, 2010
I have a 13" MacBook Pro with a Magic Mouse and wireless keyboard. I would like to buy another Magic Mouse and wireless keyboard for my office. What I need to know is, can I have both pairs setup on my Mac so that when I go from home to the office they will work without having to reconfigure the peripherals?
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Apr 2, 2012
I'm looking for a solution to my WiFi internet connection. I haven't used my MacBook Pro laptop in the last week or so - which means there is no way I have done any changes to the network configuration. However when I now try to connect to the internet via a Hub - which is previously set up on the macbook and worked no problem - is now not working at all.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 9, 2012
when setting up an account in apple / mac mail below are my configs: Â [URL]
now i need to configure 3 accounts with these details and also be able to send out email with same account. It was working before when i had the same settings on my earlier pop server as the outgoing server but now this is not allowing me 2 add the other 2 accounts for outgoing. Says same server name so stays offline.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Mac Mail
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May 23, 2012
i want to set up internet-sharing network via macbook pro. before this i can setup WEP security password with minimum 8 characters . but now the WEP is gone. It left the security type only to none and WPA2 Personal. How can I set or get back the WEP security back?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), mountain lion osx
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Jun 5, 2014
Outlook Mail. I just recently set up two new email acounts to my mail. They worked perfectly for two days then yesterday, at random my outgoing mail stopped working (incoming still works). Â
Both of these accounts are"Exchange" accounts. As of now when I look in my availabe "Outoing Servers" it doesn't show that I have any. How to configure it to my exchange accounts.
MacBook Pro, Outlook Mail
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Apr 23, 2012
I am interested to get myself a 17" 2.4GHz quad-core Intel i7 MacBook Pro, just that I want to make sure that can MBP17" 2.4GHz support 16GB (8GB x2). 1333Mhz DDR3 SDRAM memory configuration. Or is it just waste money to install 16GB RAM in the MacBook Pro, cause in the menu it says MBP support up to 8GB of RAM. Â
27" iMac i7 (Mid 2010), 5G iPod 60G, Mac OS X (10.6.4), Final Cut Studio 3, iLife '09
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Oct 24, 2010
I think it is time to upgrade my MacBook Pro.I have a mid 2009 configuration: 2.53 GHz Dual Core Intel processor, 4 GB RAM, NVIDIA 9400 (256MB), and 250GB HDD.I am planning to upgrade to an SSD and 8GB RAM.Can you intelligent MacRumor readers tell me:A) The best sub-$400 SSD that is over 100GBandB) The best sub-$200 8GB RAM sticks for my MBP. Requirements are
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Apr 2, 2012
when composing an email and trying to import group from address book, I cannot get emails addresses to appear in "TO" line when typing in name of group
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Nov 5, 2010
the new Mac Pro configuration on the Apple Store? It's called the "Server" and comes with 2 x HD and OS X server, similar to the Mini of the same name.
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Dec 16, 2010
I've been upgrading my mp1,1 recently, and I'm now wondering what would be the best ram configuration. I'm thinking of getting a minimum of 8 GB. I don't need to max out the machine or anything. It's just that I currently have 2x512MB + 2x1GB = 3GB and I am thinking I should ditch those and get nice matching sticks with more capacity. A few general questions: I hear the mp1,1 takes 667 MHz ram, but can support 800 MHz sticks (it will just run them at 667).
Any purpose in getting 800 (i.e. compatibility with more machines in case I upgrade in the future), or should I just go for the cheapest? I've heard of triple channel ram (i.e. 3 sticks per riser) - does the mp1,1 support that or is it for newer machines only? I've also heard that using 4 sticks on a single riser is the fastest config (or was it 2 sticks per riser?). I'm thinking of getting 4 GB sticks. Can I use 8 GB sticks? Worth it? Basically, I'm wondering what the general consensus is on the ultimate memory config for mp1,1.
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Aug 7, 2008
I am planning to buy a NEW MAC PRO optimized for my purposes, which are: editing, with Final Cut Studio, independent movies originated on DV format. I'm primarily concerned with having a system maximized for speed in terms of real time editing as well as rock solid stability. So, my primary questions revolve around these issues:
(keep in mind cost is an issue for me - the total for tower and internal hardware should not exceed $5000)
First, is there much of a speed difference in Final Cut Studio between the 2.8 gHZ and the 3.0 gHZ processors - enough to justify the $800 price tag?
Second, I want to have plenty of storage space but I'm finding it difficult deciding on which hard drives (brand, speed, etc) are best for my purposes. (And for cost reasons I don't want to order the stock drives from Apple) Again, I would stress dependability and speed. My initial idea was to get three to four 750 gb or one tb drives. I thought I could have one drive be the system drive and the remaining two to three be raid 0 - arrayed for media storage. Is this a feasible storage configuration? Any consensus as to which brand and model drives out there are best for speed and dependability? And how about the Raid 0 setup - does this sound good, or any other recommendations? I know this is risky as far as data loss, so I was thinking of getting an equivalent amount of external drive space to back up to.
Third, I am wondering about RAM. Again I don't want to spend the $ to buy RAM from Apple. Two questions then about RAM: 1) how much realistically do I need for speedy editing? I was thinking 8 gbs - is this too much? not enough? 2) I need recommendations on which RAM brand and type to buy? And where should I buy it from? Again, dependability is all-important.
Fourth, is the 2600 graphics card sufficient for my purposes? Or will spending the extra $ on the 8800 be worth it? I will probably be connecting only 2 monitors to it.
Fifth, do I need any additional capture cards or some other video card? In the past I've always just captured video from my camera through firewire.
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Apr 29, 2009
Or would the game only pick up the first card?
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Jun 27, 2010
I have a 2006 Mac Pro 1,1. I use it for 95% Web Dev, and 4% print, and 1% hi-res grand format print. Now, I am working for a new company who has my focus on probably 80% hi-res print work, 10% grand format print, and 10% web. I currently am just using a C2Duo Macbook Pro, but am going to want a desktop, as the laptop just isn't cutting it. It's got 4 gigs of ram and a 7200rpm 500 gig drive, but I still get beachballs and spinners constantly. What is the setup for a Mac Pro for hi-res print? I am thinking the single CPU version would be fine, with a SSD system drive and then just various drives for files? Better to set up a hardware striped raid to run files off of? Also, for something like this 4 gigs of RAM in the laptop doesn't seem to cut it. Would this be an 8gig minimum type setup? I'm really just tired of beachballs and long render times when trying to manipulate large files in illustrator and photoshop. I don't know if the company will let me spend the money on a Mac Pro, so if not, I am guessing that an i7 27" imac would be the 2nd choice, albeit a huge downgrade from a properly setup Mac Pro, and then a Mac Mini next?
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Aug 25, 2010
I've two Macs, a Mini and a Macbook. I've had no issues with wireless at all, but today when using my Macbook to connect to my network for the first time, I had a message pop up that I've never seen before and I'm not sure why. I checked the MAC address of my mini and it is not the one described in the warning message. I changed my wireless password immediately and do so regularly anyway ( weekly basis ) but the machine with the unknown [to me] MAC address is still connected when I look in the Attached Devices info pane in my router.
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Dec 4, 2010
My wife is a professional photographer. Her business is growing and so is the time she spents behind her computer (Imac) Photoshopping . She is complaining about the speed. So we are planning an upgrade to a Mac Pro combined with a Eizo screen.
I have some questions about the configuration. We are looking for something which generates speed. It has to be reasonable in price in three years we will buy another one, so upgradable is not that important.
The image size off the RAW photo's is 25MB. But in the coming three years will grow for example to 50MB when a new camera is bought. For a project dozens of these images have to be processed.
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