Mac Pro :: What Is Best RAM Configuration For System
Dec 16, 2010
I've been upgrading my mp1,1 recently, and I'm now wondering what would be the best ram configuration. I'm thinking of getting a minimum of 8 GB. I don't need to max out the machine or anything. It's just that I currently have 2x512MB + 2x1GB = 3GB and I am thinking I should ditch those and get nice matching sticks with more capacity. A few general questions: I hear the mp1,1 takes 667 MHz ram, but can support 800 MHz sticks (it will just run them at 667).
Any purpose in getting 800 (i.e. compatibility with more machines in case I upgrade in the future), or should I just go for the cheapest? I've heard of triple channel ram (i.e. 3 sticks per riser) - does the mp1,1 support that or is it for newer machines only? I've also heard that using 4 sticks on a single riser is the fastest config (or was it 2 sticks per riser?). I'm thinking of getting 4 GB sticks. Can I use 8 GB sticks? Worth it? Basically, I'm wondering what the general consensus is on the ultimate memory config for mp1,1.
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Apr 23, 2012
I want to be able to choose which programs I wan tot run at start up because after 6 months of usage it takes about 2plus minutes for a cold system to start up and 5 seconds to shut down. I wan tot speed up the startup and I think I have to many programs runnning at startup. On my PC I used to control that from sys config,is there an equivalent in Lion.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3), startup/shutdown
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Aug 23, 2014
There used to be an option for a UPS configuration under System Preferences - Engery Saver for previous versions of OS X. Can this feature still be accessed for OS X 10.9, and if so, how and where?
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9), 2.8 GHz i5; 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
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Apr 11, 2012
What is the minimal configuration (operating system and memory) for installing iTunes 10.x on a G4 eMac?It already runs on Tiger 10.4.11 with 718MB of RAM.
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Nov 5, 2010
the new Mac Pro configuration on the Apple Store? It's called the "Server" and comes with 2 x HD and OS X server, similar to the Mini of the same name.
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Aug 7, 2008
I am planning to buy a NEW MAC PRO optimized for my purposes, which are: editing, with Final Cut Studio, independent movies originated on DV format. I'm primarily concerned with having a system maximized for speed in terms of real time editing as well as rock solid stability. So, my primary questions revolve around these issues:
(keep in mind cost is an issue for me - the total for tower and internal hardware should not exceed $5000)
First, is there much of a speed difference in Final Cut Studio between the 2.8 gHZ and the 3.0 gHZ processors - enough to justify the $800 price tag?
Second, I want to have plenty of storage space but I'm finding it difficult deciding on which hard drives (brand, speed, etc) are best for my purposes. (And for cost reasons I don't want to order the stock drives from Apple) Again, I would stress dependability and speed. My initial idea was to get three to four 750 gb or one tb drives. I thought I could have one drive be the system drive and the remaining two to three be raid 0 - arrayed for media storage. Is this a feasible storage configuration? Any consensus as to which brand and model drives out there are best for speed and dependability? And how about the Raid 0 setup - does this sound good, or any other recommendations? I know this is risky as far as data loss, so I was thinking of getting an equivalent amount of external drive space to back up to.
Third, I am wondering about RAM. Again I don't want to spend the $ to buy RAM from Apple. Two questions then about RAM: 1) how much realistically do I need for speedy editing? I was thinking 8 gbs - is this too much? not enough? 2) I need recommendations on which RAM brand and type to buy? And where should I buy it from? Again, dependability is all-important.
Fourth, is the 2600 graphics card sufficient for my purposes? Or will spending the extra $ on the 8800 be worth it? I will probably be connecting only 2 monitors to it.
Fifth, do I need any additional capture cards or some other video card? In the past I've always just captured video from my camera through firewire.
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Apr 29, 2009
Or would the game only pick up the first card?
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Jun 27, 2010
I have a 2006 Mac Pro 1,1. I use it for 95% Web Dev, and 4% print, and 1% hi-res grand format print. Now, I am working for a new company who has my focus on probably 80% hi-res print work, 10% grand format print, and 10% web. I currently am just using a C2Duo Macbook Pro, but am going to want a desktop, as the laptop just isn't cutting it. It's got 4 gigs of ram and a 7200rpm 500 gig drive, but I still get beachballs and spinners constantly. What is the setup for a Mac Pro for hi-res print? I am thinking the single CPU version would be fine, with a SSD system drive and then just various drives for files? Better to set up a hardware striped raid to run files off of? Also, for something like this 4 gigs of RAM in the laptop doesn't seem to cut it. Would this be an 8gig minimum type setup? I'm really just tired of beachballs and long render times when trying to manipulate large files in illustrator and photoshop. I don't know if the company will let me spend the money on a Mac Pro, so if not, I am guessing that an i7 27" imac would be the 2nd choice, albeit a huge downgrade from a properly setup Mac Pro, and then a Mac Mini next?
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Aug 25, 2010
I've two Macs, a Mini and a Macbook. I've had no issues with wireless at all, but today when using my Macbook to connect to my network for the first time, I had a message pop up that I've never seen before and I'm not sure why. I checked the MAC address of my mini and it is not the one described in the warning message. I changed my wireless password immediately and do so regularly anyway ( weekly basis ) but the machine with the unknown [to me] MAC address is still connected when I look in the Attached Devices info pane in my router.
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Dec 4, 2010
My wife is a professional photographer. Her business is growing and so is the time she spents behind her computer (Imac) Photoshopping . She is complaining about the speed. So we are planning an upgrade to a Mac Pro combined with a Eizo screen.
I have some questions about the configuration. We are looking for something which generates speed. It has to be reasonable in price in three years we will buy another one, so upgradable is not that important.
The image size off the RAW photo's is 25MB. But in the coming three years will grow for example to 50MB when a new camera is bought. For a project dozens of these images have to be processed.
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Mar 15, 2009
I'm a new Mac owner (i know i can hear you grown lol) and sorry to ask such a boring question but I can't seem to get my Expose to work, i can get spaces to work just fine although not when using the nominated hot keys - it only works when i click on the icon in the dock. I can't see anything in this forum that really details every step of expose and I don't want to to play with that app too much in case i create an abomination that I don't know how to fix.
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Apr 21, 2009
I want to configure my email on my new mac. I want to make it just like on the iphone and put my yahoo account but it says that it cannot connect to the server (the yahoo one I guess?) Is it possible to use yahoo accunt on the mail ?
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Apr 21, 2009
I have a 750GB drive, and intend on purchasing one more drive when I build the computer (probably 1.5TB) but I can't decide whether to use RAID 5 and maybe buy 2 750GB instead of a 1.5TB, or just buy the 1.5TB and use a script to copy important files.
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Sep 11, 2009
I've been lurking for a while reading posts trying to get as much info as I can. There are still some questions that I hope people can help me with.
I want to get a Mac Pro for medical imaging. I'll primarily be using Osirix which is a program for DICOM viewing / 3D image processing. I have a plugin that will do advance 3D volume rendering using CPU cores, so fastest CPU speed will be best. Don't know if the GPU will be critical, but I figure it couldn't hurt.
I will also need windows to access my work network and PACS system. I don't think I'll use bootcamp much, will probably go with Parallel.
Here are my thoughts for configuration.
MP 2.93 Octo
Memory 36 gig (OWC)
2 x NEC MultiSync 3090WQXi 30'
GTX 285
Those are the easy parts. Now I have question about the HD. In general, I want the fastest performance, but DICOM images can be large and I can easily have over 1 TB of data.
I'm thinking Intel SSD 160 x 2 RAID 0 for boot and apps. Then a RAID 0 for data. But am having trouble figuring out the best configuration.
I know I can use the 4 drives + 1 optical bay. That gives me 5 drives. So here are some thoughts.
160 Intel SSD x 2 RAID 0 for apps + short term data
640 gb (from apple) for Windows
2 or 1 TB x 2 in RAID 0 for data
From what I read, windows can't be on a mac RAID 0 array, that's why I'm keeping the 640 gb drive for it.
For best of both worlds (boot + apps + storage) I like the idea of 1TB OCZ Colossus, but the cost is high and it's not out yet.
If 2 SSD is an overkill, then perhaps a Intel SSD 160 for boot/app and a 3 drive RAID 0 for data?
Backup will be external since I've run out of internal SATA ports. I figure I can go with slow Firewire or USB, but an eSATA card (Sonnet E4P PCI-Express card) will probably work better. There should be enough PCI space with both GTX 285 and GT120 installed right?
I have been reading the postings on RAID cards (Areca 1210?), but I'm getting lost and don't know if that will help in my situation
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Dec 29, 2009
I?m having a horrible time trying to figure out a good storage and backup system for my files. I?m a wedding photographer so I have a lot of images in a Lightroom catalog. Currently I have two 1.5tb drives in an internal stripped set that has all of my images on it. It?s currently at about 65% full. I also have my DVDs all an internal 1tb drive that is 80% full. My system drive is a 500gb drive that has about 150gb on it. I use two external 1tb drives for backing up the RAID0. One is used for TM and backs up my ?working images? folder as well as my Documents folder and the other one is used for CCC and backs up the rest of the images. I also have a clone of my boot drive.
This seems like a haphazard setup and one that I would like to optimize. Here are my thoughts and I would love to have input from others. I like the speed of the stripped set for Lightroom so I would like to keep that. I would also like to have offsite backup as well as an easy (as possible) way to recover from drive failures while protecting ?in process? work..............
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Feb 14, 2010
Originally had Airport Extreme wifi basestation. I am running on old iBook G4 with OS 10.3.9 and a newer MacBook Pro with OS 10.6.2. My girlfriend has a PC laptop. Before i got the Macbook pro, i had no security set on the base station because i needed OS 10.4, then my g/f moved in and we set up the airport extreme base station security up on her pc. Everything worked fine until i brought home the MacBook Pro. suddenly, My iBook would not get a signal at all, and i was having problems with the MacBook Pro. My girlfriend, however, could still get a signal, no problem. There was an airport update for mac, so i updated and then thats when i couldnt get a signal AT ALL. I couldnt figure out what the deal was and got fed up and went and bought a Netgear wifi router. I set it up on my g/f's PC again, since there was a set up wizard. I wanted to set it up on my MacBook Pro, but it was so complicated that I didn't even want to attempt it.
NOW, starting a couple of weeks ago, my browser started lagging and it was taking longer than normal to download/upload etc. I saw that once again, there was an update for airport. I held off updating for a while because i didnt want it to hose my whole Wifi deal again. But alas, i got sick of everything lagging, and bit the bullet hoping it would take care of the problem. So, i did the update, logged into Netgear's website, via my g/f's PC andran updates on the wifi router itself, and now she cant get a signal, my iBook G4 will not get a signal and gives me an error, and my MacBook Pro will get a signal and load web pages but it literally takes FOREVER. I logged into my yahoo email account and could never get it to load up my inbox.
I am not tech savy at all and do not know how to manually set up any of this stuff, but i am thinking that's the only thing that may solve it (other than hardwiring into the router). I don't want to hardwire as a permanent fix, because I use both of my computers for my home business and need the wifi, as does my girlfriend.
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Feb 19, 2010
im looking at moving up to 16gb of ram in the near future .. originally i was planning on going with 8x2gb sticks .. is this optimal or is there a better way to do and keep triple channel .. currently have 6x1gb sticks
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Apr 3, 2010
I have seen discussion about booting up in 64 bit configuration. I have read that you hold down the 6 and 4 keys during boot up. Didn't work for me with my I7. How does one really check on this? My understanding Snow Leopard is 32 bit on boot up by default.
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Mar 23, 2012
How can I set 802.1x configuration for wifi? I can't find them anymore in lion,but our school need eap-md5 authorized to surf the net. What should I do now?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), use wireless adapter connect
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Mar 29, 2012
My Imac did not save any configuration. What should I do?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 8, 2012
I decided to get postfix up and running on my Mac. I followed advice I found here and else where and did the following:
Modified /System/Library/LaunchDaemon/org.postfix.master.plistremoved <string>-e</string>removed <string>60</string>added <key>OnDemand</key><true/>added<key>RunAtLoad</key><true/>created /etc/postfix/submit.credadded submitcred version 1added a line that contained my info in the format of hostname|username|passwordchmod 600 /etc/postfix/submit.credran sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.postfix.master.plistran sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.postfix.master.plistran sudo launchctl start org.postfix.master
Everything seemed to work fine. When l would telnet into localhost 25 I could send an email with no issues.However when I tried to use alpine to send an email to a local accout I get the error "SMTP greeting failure: 421 SMTP connection broken (reply)".So I tried to use alpine under the root account end everything worked flawlessly. In my logs I see the following error several times. postfix/smtpd: fatal: open /etc/postfix/submit.cred: Permission denied. I tried changing the permission to 644, but recieve this error: postfix/smtpd: fatal:unsafe ownership or permission on /etc/postfix/submit.cred: uid/gid/mode are 0/0/644 should be 0/0/600
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Aug 17, 2009
I have a 1.24 Ghz MDD with 1 G of memory which is divided as two 256 mb and one 512 mb. I'm thinking of getting two 512 mb and removing one 256 so I can have three 512 mb and one 256 which will equal to 1.75 G. My question is if this machine will accept this configuration or will it have to be 1.5 G or 2 G? The reason I'm asking is because I saw this G4 specs in OWC website as having either 1 G, 1.5, or 2 G.
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Nov 12, 2010
How do I reset file associations? For some reason .sh files is currently set to be opened by Netbeans and other editors. Is there a better extension for shell scripts? I've heard of .command. Should I use that?
How do I change all music and video files to be opened by VLC? Are there any pseudo URL schemes that can be associated with the video/audio player that I can change too?
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Nov 13, 2010
Just thinking down the road, so please bear with me. Regarding adding a HD and possibly ram at a later date. I have a couple questions...1.) If adding or replacing in the first year, will that void your warranty??2.) How is the ram module configured on a MacBook pro?? If it cam with 4 GB then can I just add a 4 GB card or do you have to get a straight 8 GB card??3.) If upgrading to a bigger HD, can you just do a backup restore or do you have to totally reinstall from the scratch??
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Nov 18, 2010
I just have a brief question. I'm a light user and I want to purchase a new MBA 13' base config with 4 GB RAM. Would this be good enough to play sims 3 smoothly?
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Dec 12, 2010
I looking to upgrade to 8GB on my 21" imac from late 2009. So I've decided owc [URL] might be a good choice. So from what I've seen I have two options, get x2 2GB sticks or one 4GB sticks. Is there a better option? The 4GB stick costs about 10 dollars more but would be more beneficial in the long run because I would be able to upgrade to 10 or 12 in the future sine there will be one more slot open if I wanted to, or but the 4GB stick in a new computer. Or is there a problem or performance issues with having 3 slots only occupied?
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Dec 17, 2010
I've looked around but the search didn't provide me and answer so here I am asking this:
I own a MB and I generally have 3 different setup configurations:Mobile (MB screen)
Office (MB screen + 22" TFT)
Living Room (MB screen + TV)
So the thing is, is there a way I can make OSX know what configuration i'm using automatically? Let's say, based on the number and resolution of the screens?
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Mar 29, 2006
so i found pmset for managing power management from the commandline, and it's great. my question is, is there a similar command for controlling the screensaver? all i really want to do is turn it off (or on) remotely.
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Jan 2, 2007
If there is a page with all the trackpad shortcuts. I know two finger scroll, but I think there is some way to use two fingers to right-click, and something else to zoom.
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May 10, 2008
A while back I installed Fan Control on my MacBook Pro 2,4 GHz. Since then I have processed to at least two clean install of Leopard. From what I have read, the application is located in the MBP firmware. So I have a couple of questions for you:
- How do I uninstall Fan control?
- Well should I be stuck with it then, I am not sure I really understand how to use it:
I am reading:
Fan control:
Base speed: 1500RPM
Lower Threshold: 50C
Upper Threshold: 80C
Current values:
Left fan: 1593 RPM
Right fan: 1600 RPM
Temperature: 47,5C
Are these settings OK? What types of configurations would be dangerous for my machine?
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