MacBook :: AirPort Always Scanning For Network
Feb 29, 2008I keep noticing that my MacBook keeps scanning for the network I'm currently signed on to. Is this behavior normal or should I take it in to the Mac store.
View 24 RepliesI keep noticing that my MacBook keeps scanning for the network I'm currently signed on to. Is this behavior normal or should I take it in to the Mac store.
View 24 RepliesAfter hours of fooling around with my Epson All-in-One scanner/printer I found out that Apple does not support Airport Extreme network scanner functions. Is there a hack or a workaround besides connecting the Epson directly to my Mac?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a MacBook Pro with Mac OS X 10.5.8. I have recently started having trouble staying connected to the internet via my wireless connection. I'm constantly getting disconnected from the internet - the AirPort status in the menu bar can have 4-5 bars, but I can still be dropped. When I click on the AirPort status in the menu bar, you can see the AirPort status going back and forth from "AirPort: On" to "AirPort: Scanning" continuously. It's very difficult to sign up for anything online when my connection keeps dropping. It's also very difficult to watch anything that's being streamed without it buffering all the time. I'm definitely technologically challenged, but it seems like it should be working and it seems like it should be a common sense kind of thing, but I'm not able to work it out on my own - my apple care has expired and I can get NO answers from Apple unless I want to pay for them.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Is it my new router?!
Picked up a 2.8 IMac a couple days ago and for some reason when I am online it keeps auto scanning for a signal when its already connected to my wireless signal. The internet doesn't work when it does this but if I click on the spot that says auto scanning it switches to on and the internet starts working.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm already connected to a wi-fi and seeing as i'm on a desktop I don't think i'm going to be connecting to many others so how do I stop my AirPort card scanning for new networks constantly?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe performance through the VPN is badly affected by the Airport scanning regularly; often the VPN hangs.
I have deleted the unnecessary wireless networks listed in the Advanced button under Network Preferences. However, the problem persists.
Can you advise how to either stop the scanning or stop it interfering with Internet connection?
Okay, new multifunction. My fiance set up the network, and I can print wirelessly. No problem. He has put it in my hands to set up the scanner function. Problems. When I connect my computer by ethernet cable to the router (also connected to the MX850), everything works as it should. When I disconnect the ethernet, the scanner doesn't recognize my computer, and the computer says that the scanner is not connected. Am I wrong in thinking that the scanner should scan wirelessly?
View 4 Replies View RelatedOn my old PowerBook pro running tiger my network was running fine and fast using my Airport extreme. But I just purchased a MacBook Pro and started up on 10.5.6 and the airport if constantly scanning even though it has full bars on my home airport. I have tried the following one at a time and together without success:
- Changed the channel away from the neighbors
- Changed to g only instead of b/g radio mode (older airport)
- Increased the mbps rate
- Interference robustness
- Closed network
The only way the scanning stops and then only temporarily is by clicking on the airport drop down on the menu bar.
I have an Airport Extreme, with two USB hard drives connected to it. The Airport Extreme shares these disks to my wireless network via Airport Disks.
Upstairs I have an Airport Express, that wirelessly connects to my Airport Extreme downstairs, and extends the wireless network so I get a good wireless reception upstairs.
My problem is, that it does not seem like me Airport Express does a good job of forwarding my 2 USB Airport Disks to the extended wireless network upstairs.
For example, when I use the AirVideo iPhone app to stream video from my USB Airport Disks I get a server connection error when I go upstairs and the iPad/iPhone switches to the Airport Express networks. I cannot reconnect as long as it is on the Airport Express network. If I turn the airport Express off, and thus switch to the poor wireless reception from the Airport Extreme, I can connect to the USB Airport disks again.
The Airport Express is connected to the Airport Extreme in bridged mode.
I have a slow network issue. I'll try to make it as simple as possible.
1 MacBook Pro
1 Airport Extreme
1 Airport Express to Extend the Network
The network to my living room was slow, so I added the Express to extend the network. When connected through the Express, with a Time Machine backup, I'm getting about 500K/sec transfer speeds. When I move the laptop away from the Express and close to the Extreme, the network works much faster, about 5MB/sec. I don't understand why the network is so much slower when using the Airport Express as a network extender. Is the speed difference normally that much? If it's not supposed to be, is there anything I can do?
Here is my situation. I am a network newbie. I bought a Airport Extreme (2008 model without dual band & guest networking) and have it setup with my ADSL broadband modem. I bought it so I could use the high speed N to connect to my Apple TV. It replaced a Linksys WRT54G.
My concern is this. We have another laptop in the house which only has Wireless G. It is connected most of the time to our network, so I presume that it will be slowing the speed of my Extreme to G levels.
Can I connect my old Linksys G router somehow to my network to create a seperate Wireless G network to access the internet. The older laptop can be at G speeds and my Extreme network remaining at N speeds ?
Maybe an easier option is to buy a N USB adaptor for my laptop but I don't want to buy something if I can use my current equipment.
Im a Little bit of a Nooby when it comes to this
How to Set up a new network with my airport express
How to Set up in What is in the Screen Shot
i'm using a MacBook Pro and Ableton Live 8, for those familiar... I have to create an ad-hoc network to get some apps like Liine apps working with my other Apple devices. Liine has some very clear and simple videos, as some i saw on Youtube. The thing is, for some reason, i don't have the AirPort option in my settings. I downloaded AirPort Utility 6.0, but it doesn't find a network or i don't know what.
iPhone 4
Lately I've been noticing that my Airport disconnects about every 10 - 15 mins or so and then reconnects after it searches for a network, which is mine. 99% of the time I'm sitting right in front of my router. I've reset the router, rebooted, reset my pram, and the problem still persists. This issue doesn't occur on my girlfriends HP.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a MacBook Pro from 2009. The airport has abruptly stopped finding any networks. I have had problems in the last few months (just after I moved to the states from Canada). My roommates' laptops could pick up the network, and mine kept dropping out. I went home for the holidays, and it worked fine (despite the router being even further from my computer).
when i returned, i had a few days of very spotty internet (much higher number of drop outs) and now it won't detect a single network. My warranty is up so i'm nervous that this is something internal they have to replace, but I"m hoping there is some way for me to check. I just tried to connect at work, and it detects nothing here too. so it is NOT interference.
sidenote: My graphics card is malfunctioning (which is under extended warranty for this model), and I am taking that to get replaced today... is there any crazy conceivable way that the two issues could be connected???
bottom line: what can I do now to rule out (or in) the possibility of hardware malfunction causing my airport to stop detecting networks?
I have a macbook air, but this seems to apply to any mac's with airport. I connect once to our corporate wireless network, I type in the password and it connects. On occasions, when I start up the computer, it doesn't connect and a window pops up with my network listed but it says "none of your preferred networks are available". When I first connect I do check off remember this network. So why isn't it remembering it?
When I go into system preference and click on network, select airport and click on advanced, that network does appear under the preferred networks. Does anyone know why its not letting me automatically connect the next time? Sometimes its ok, sometimes it doesn't even know I connected to this network before.
I have a NetGear Router, locked to a Cable Modem from my ISP, I use a WPA setup with Tkip. I have had this enabled since last November. Now for some reason today, the MacBook will NOT CONNECT, it asks for a WPA code, even when I enter the code it comes up "connection timeout"
I have rebooted the entire network, and while everything else connects the MacBook refuses point blank to even attempt, with the connection timeout message showing within seconds of an attempt.
I cannot restore due to GB's of Data being on the HD and no Mac compatible external available.
My MacBook won't connect to my university's WEP network. It can connect to the guest network but that doesn't ever really work, even when I can connect to the secure network. Anyway, my iPod touch has no problem connecting. I've rebooted multiple times and nothing.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI really like my new MacBook Air, but one thing bothers the crap out of me which is that my airport doesn't automatically connect at home. I did nothing to my network out of the box and connect via WPA2 settings. My wife's late 2008 MacBook always connects to our home network (which is an Apple Extreme N router). Even my Dell Mini with OSX connects perfectly every time. What's causing the MacBook Air not to automatically connect and how do I fix it? BTW, I have tried turning off the Airport and turning back on. Also I used "assist me" to reconnect my DHCP settings and clicked to automatically connect me to my network. The only way I can connect is to click down on the wireless icon and actually choose the network.
View 19 Replies View RelatedI just purchased my first Mac: 13" macbookpro. I got a time capsule with it as well, but cannot set up my macbook to connect to the internet. I connected my desktop pc with windows XP via ethernet just fine. But I cannot get the wireless network to popup on my airport extreme.
View 7 Replies View RelatedSoftware Update ran yesterday and I installed the AirPort Utility update (version 5.5.2), and now my MBP no longer connects to my home network when the SSID broadcast is disabled. When I enable the broadcast the network shows up in the list of available networks and I can connect to it, then I can disable it again and the MBP stays connected. But if it's disabled to begin with it won't connect.
I never had this problem before the update, and no other devices on the network are having any issues. Has anyone else had this problem yet, or know of a fix?
Late 2008 unibody Macbook Pro running 10.6.5, all software is up-to-date except for the latest update to iTunes.
When I click the Airport Networks icon in the menu bar (top right), my airport detects all the available networks. It lists some networks which are not mine and don't even require a password. Is there some way to remove these specific networks from the list, and so they don't get detected again? (I don't want to click by mistake a network that's not mine)
View 8 Replies View RelatedFor wireless: [URL]. Click wireless basics. "For a WiFi network you need an apple Airport base station connected to your cable/dsl modem". Can't I just hook up a wireless router to my cable modem, and ta-da, WiFi.
View 18 Replies View RelatedI'm encountering an issue with a new Macbook Air and would grateful for any insights. I have an Airport Extreme (latest model, 5th gen, A1408) based network (all updates applied). I have a new 2012 MacBook Air (11") that I noticed was suffering from VERY slow wifi speeds. After looking into it, I realized that if I used the configuration utility to separately name the 5GHz network and connect to wifi on the 2.4 Ghz network, the speed radically improved.
To illustrate, using, I saw download speeds of 35-38 Mb/s using the 2.4 Ghz network. This drops to 2-3 Mb/s when using the 5 Ghz network. The Macbook Air is showing an RSSI value of -56 when connected via 5 GHz and -51 when connected via 2.4 Ghz.
Other deivces in the home have normal connection speeds on the 5 GHz network, as does a previous generation, 2011 MacBook Air.A friend's also new, 2012 11" MacBook Air exhibits the same symptoms, so the issue is not specific to my unit.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I am wondering if I am getting a good transfer rate on my time capsule. (Using leopard). If I alt (option) click on the airport icon on the top of the screen, I can get details to my network. One of the details is transfer. I am assuming this is the speed of my network. Do you know what this is measured in? When I have the time capsule as a G router I get a transfer of 130. When I have the TC as an N router, I get a transfer of 200 - 264. Can anyone tell me if these numbers are good, or do I need to do something to get the numbers closer to where they should be.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have recently upgraded my wireless network to N+ using a Belkin Modem Router. Security is WPA2-PSK, and MAC access is disabled. All MacBooks (Leopard & Tiger), PCs (XP) and iphones connect without any problem, however my daughter's PowerBook G4 running OS X 10.4.11, and with the most recent Airport software, can't connect to the network. The password prompt when selecting the network only allows for entering a WEP password.
View 13 Replies View RelatedMy problems are getting bigger and bigger:
1. I could not activate my airport card after installing 10.6
2. I erased all data in system configuration as other threads told me
3. Then my MB said that there is no airport card installed (but it is)
4. After that I tried to reinstall 10.6 but DVD stopped loading and said it interrupted
5. Now I�m even not able to open network preferences! It loads, and loads, and loads...
6. I installed 10.6.1 but nothing happened
I feel like snow leopard (and my attempt to clear the situation) killed network on my MB-Pro.
I'm trying to use my work laptop at home. I can get it to connect to my Airport network, but it can't see the internet. I'm using WPA for authentication on the Airport.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want to get an airport extreme base station to replace an old Belkin router that I use now.I have Virgin broadband and I currently connect three MBP laptops and an iphone via wifi and a Mac Pro and an Xbox 360 via ethernet to the Belkin, which is connected to the Virgin modem.The Mac Pro and one MBP also run Windows 7 using Bootcamp.I also have an old PC upstairs running windows xp that connects via wifi using a Belkin USB N adapter.All of this works fine now, but it's a bit slow due to the old router which is only pre-N.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an Airport Extreme (goes up to N) as my main router, and I'd like to extend my signal with a Linksys router that is a/b/g (no N support) and maybe an a/b/g Airport Express. Is this possible? Will I have to downgrade my network to G? Also, how do I go about doing this? My plan is to plug them into Ethernet spots throughout the house, but I don't want to have 3 different networks, so how do I make them wireless extenders as opposed to standalone routers?
Would it be worth it just to spring for a new Airport Express (that supports N)? If I do that, do I need to plug it into Ethernet to extend my signal, or will it be able to pick up the signal wirelessly and then extend it?