MacBook Air :: Turns Off And Begins To Sound Alarm
Dec 8, 2014My macbook turns off and begins to sound an alarm , now i cant turn on ...
MacBook Air, iOS 8.0.2
My macbook turns off and begins to sound an alarm , now i cant turn on ...
MacBook Air, iOS 8.0.2
when i entered any disc (dvd/cd), my mac cant detect it and instead there's like an alarm sound. after a few minutes, it automatically eject the disc without giving any error message whatsoever.
i'm using Model Name:MacBook
Model Identifier:MacBook5,1
Processor Name:Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed:2 GHz
After installing RAM, I tried to turn my computer and an alarm sounded. No screen change. Could RAM be bad?
iMac (20-inch Early 2009), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
I'm wondering if anyone knows of some alarm clock software for my mac that requires some sort of puzzle to be solved before it stops the alarm - this would be great to stop me just shutting off the alarm and going back to bed. I'm thinking something like an electronic version of this: [URL]
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have noticed that my hard drive turns over before the bong sound during booting which I cannot remember if this has happened before,I have had his macbook 4 months and for the life of me I can not recall if it has happened before?
View 7 Replies View RelatedFor a while I've been having trouble streaming videos on my MacBook Air. Regardless of what browser I use, after 10 or 15 minutes, the video begins to lag. I have 15GB of hard drive left (out of 80) and 2GB of RAM. When I've looked at the activity monitor, the flash player or Silverlight uses up all of the CPU.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
My Mac pro will turn on. When the progress bar is finished filling in the mac turns off.
MacBook Pro
My mac freezes while trying to download snow leopard. I have turned the mac off and back on and tried it again. I have tried it 3 times, same results.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.9)
my macbook pro won't start begins to boot up but stops short before the screen comes on. the light which indicates that the computer is on dims and the booting.stops.
MacBook Pro
My computer has a problem on the screen. After half an hour of use strange white glare that remain in the bottom begins to appear. When disconnecting the unit from one day to the next, but these glosses disappear within a half hour of use reappear. Why does it happen? Will it be a failure of manufacture? The device is 2013 What should I do
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I just recently bought a new macbook, and I've been looking for a battery alarm for it. When I'm playing a full screen game, the notification doesn't window me out, so I don't notice it, and my computer powers down. I know it's a simple request, but whenever I try to search for anything I just got iPod/iPhone stuff.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMBP 15 inch unibody. Just over 1 year old, has been in for service at least twice.First off, let me say that I am not with the box at the moment. Am not a Mac person and am trouble shooting this for my sis. It is her box and she is in a situation where tech support may be minimal and has no access to net.
So, she's at home and drops a file of papers quite hard on the MBP and it restarts on its own. It appears unharmed, no dings or screen problems. Restart is OK and all proceeds normally, she is able to work for several more hours etc etc. Then she packs it up and flies across 12 time zones.Gets in to hotel, gets MBP out and fires it up. While it is doing that, she unpacks and is *not* watching the screen (so we don't know if there was a mac start up sound or any messages). Coming back to it she sees a blue or grey screen, nothing else.
She reboots and this time she does not get the apple sound but instead she gets a beeping noise which appears to happen in time with a flash on the indicator light (the light which is usually "on" or "breathing"). The beeping is rather a low pitch and it is timed at about a second or so. It does not appear to be in any pattern. I heard it over the phone but did not think to ask from where it was coming.I called my Mac friend and he suggested a number of remedies.
Here is what we have tried:
1. Remove battery, try wall power only.
2. Remove wall power, try battery only.
3. Reset PRAM.
4. Safe boot.
None of the above helped.
Have *not* yet tried resetting PMU / SMC by taking out battery and removing wall power and pressing power button for 5 seconds. Have instructed her to do that next. (Time difference means that she is asleep now)While she can probably survive 1 day without the box, she absolutely needs it for the next two weeks. Is doing important training instruction for ministry of health or university or something.
what is wrong with my 15-inch macbook pro, the only thing i did was installing 8 gb RAM, and suddenly out of nowhere my mac freezes and shows red bars and the white light is flashing while and alarm beeps
Info:MacBookPro, iOS 5.1.1, 15-inch 8GB RAM I7
I have had some issues with my macbook pro lately: A few weeks ago, my Macbook started freezing and making alarm sounds. I didn't do anything about it because it happened only a few times per week.
Suddenly it happened 4 or 5 times in a row, and after x times my Macbook wouldn't go past the grey start-up screen (Apple logo loading). So I was unable to login. I solved the ''issue'' by erasing the disk. My Macbook worked again, but all data was gone. The freezing issue was gone as well. But 2 days ago, it started.. again. And today, my Macbook suddenly crashed/shut down. Now, I am not even able to start my macbook. It doesn't show anything, if I press the power button, nothing happens.
I did a SMC reset, and my Macbook worked, but only for 15 minutes. It just happened again. Something is clearly wrong and I don't know what. my Macbook instanly freezed when I connected the power cord. And I think the power cord is broken, last few days it barely charged the Macbook.
1.- The imac turned off by it self.
2.- I tried to turned on pressing the turn on/off button and it did not do anything.
3.- I disconected the computer form the wall and wait for some minutes, and it did no do anything.
4.- After about 20 minutes i tried again and turned on by pessing the on and off button.
5.- The imac turned off again and disconected form the wall and conected to another electrical contact at the wall, adn it did not turned on. i wait for some minutes and turned on again, but after about five minutes it turned off again.
6.- I left the imac connected to the wall for a couple hours and i tried to turned onn by pessing the on/off button and it did not turned on.
7.- I left all night connected form the wall and tried to turn it on this morning and it did not turn on.
8.- This time, I only disconnected the imac cord form the back of the computer and left it for a couple of hours, then I concected and turned on
9.- All the times that the computer turned on it started like a restart and no announce or windows appear telling me about an error or something like that.
10.- One of the times I touched the computer at the back and felt it hot, not too hot, but I do not how normal is.
11.- I can feel some very, very little air at the back form the vent.
What do I hve to do? What kind of tests can I do to know if the computer's an is working ok?
iMac, iMac mid 2011
Apple on Wednesday issued a broad beta distribution of Mac OS X 10.6.4, the fourth planned maintenance and security update for its Snow Leopard operating system that has been under development internally for several weeks.The pre-release software, labeled Mac OS X 10.6.4 build 10F37, made its way to Apple Developer Connection (ADC) members just one day after a more elite set of testers belonging to Apple's Apple Seed program got first licks at the beta.
View 28 Replies View RelatedI am having an issue with using bootcamp to install Windows onto a 25GB on my 2010 2.4GHZ MBP.
At the stage of installation when windows setup reboots the laptop, installation does not continue, instead a black screen appears for a while then the message press any key to boot from CD/DVD. Doing this then starts the setup again from the start.
I have partially remedied this problem by sitting at the laptop during installation and at the point of restart holding down the option key and selecting to boot the windows drive which then recommences installation.
However after a minute or so of 'finalising installation' (or something along those lines) the system completely freezes, the mouse does not move etc and it will sit there happily for 30 mins without doing anything until I turn it off.
This has been tried with 2 copies of Windows; a genuine copy of Windows Vista 32 bit and a perhaps not so legitimate (OEM edition) of Windows 7.
Both have the same problem of restarting to reload the disc from the start, although I have only tried my partial fix with the Windows 7 installation (will try on the Vista disc tomorrow).
The apple support on the issue is very vague and their guide essentially skips the whole installation of windows - goes from booting the setup disc to after installation install your macbook drivers >.>
Any suggestion on what the issue may be?
All help appreciated as I really want Windows on my system in the next few days before I go to university so I can use Microsoft Office on it (do not feel like buying a new version for mac).
Are there any other potential solutions for me to use my Windows Office on my mac? (I'm a complete newbie to mac, have only had the machine 3 weeks or so, I've heard about virtual drives and so on but don't know fully how they work and don't see them as the better option unless absolutely necessary)
The problem I am having is that my spotlight runs fine and then after a period of using my imac (2 hours) the searches take longer and longer to do. This happens when I am searching using a window. So by holding the alt cmd space bar and then keying in my keywords.
If i search by going to the magnifying glass in the menu bar it searches as normal but then clicking on show all results its back to being slow. If I reboot the mac it continues to run fast and then eventually goes slow. I have tried rebuilding the spotlight databases but this has not helped.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have just started to have problems every time I go to sync my wifes and my IPhones, IPads and IPods. I-Tunes recognizes the units, begins to sync and shuts down ITunes every time I try and sync. I have reset our phones and have all the most current versions of ITunes and my accessories OS.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAre there any good apps that sound an alarm when the battery on a MBP is below some set percent? I've only found Battery Monitor, but it doesn't seem to run in the background. Also, it only sounds once, so if you miss it, you're SOL if you forget to plug back in.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for an alarm clock that I can use to set the time.. not lookin for anythin fancy.. i just need an alarm to go off maybe every 4 hours so i wuold rather have a free option but i do want to see whats out there! so all suggestions r fine
View 5 Replies View RelatedI can't create an alarm in Calendar.
It says,"You can’t add or change events in the Birthdays calendar."
All I want to do is create a simple alarm to remind me later today.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
i have mac OS-X (10.4.11) - i can turn on the alarm for an event, but can't get sound to play. sound works on itunes, etc.
View 1 Replies View RelatedNeither Awaken Nor Alarm Clock 2 Seem To Work. For Some Reason Under Time, The Only Thing I Can Set Is Whether It Is AM Or PM. How Can I Fix It?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI currently use "Alarm Clock 2" as my morning alarm and it's great cause it allows me to choose any song, or audiobook as my morning alarm...however can't choose any films.
I'd love to wake up every morning to one of my files on my Movies folder, or even iTunes movies Folder, or even Podcasts...
How can I achieve this?
I would absolutely love it if I can choose one of my Arrested Development episodes on my movies folder on my Mac to wake me up in the mornings...
Once in a while, the iMac screen is black and the machine is does not rsepond. I have this alarm going on and on. I did a screen recording of the alarm unsing my iPhone.
To use the iMac, the only thing I can do, is hold the power button to restart the iMac. HD was erase, Lion reinstal following Kappy's tips
-sometime, iMac is not responding very well, it is **** slow...
-I can't select Apple Screen Savers in preference, the screen saver going on is always my iPhoto library...
Mac OS X (10.7.3), 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
My alarm clock broke yesterday, and I figured it'd be cool to just use my Macbook as one. Does anyone know of a good free alarm program that also displays the time on screen?
View 6 Replies View Relatedhow to reset the default iCal reminder alarm. Mine is set to the bassoon, but what I'd like to have as a default is the glass sound. Is what I'm asking even possible?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm currently using a fancy app for my alarm clock which makes iTunes start playing whatever playlist I want. But what I'm really after is the ability to have iCal do this so I can setup my alarm clock in there with repeated events, would make life a lot easier. Is there any way this can be done? Preferably in a way whereby when I sync with my iPod then it will make that start playing also (for when it's in an iPod Hi-Fi which it is whenever my laptop isn't left on overnight).
View 7 Replies View RelatedI use iCal on my Mac and sync it to my gmail calendar account, but use gmail as my email program. I often set reminders for meetings/birthdays etc to email me prior to the task occurring, to my email address.
These emails are arriving fine in my gmail account, however each time I open my computer a little pop up box comes up with an iCal alarm, which also forces the mac "mail" program to start the setup guide, asking me to setup my mail program.
Does anyone know why the Mail program setup always starts when an iCal alarm is triggered, but more importantly how I can stop it? Its really really annoying having to cancel it every single day.