I currently use "Alarm Clock 2" as my morning alarm and it's great cause it allows me to choose any song, or audiobook as my morning alarm...however can't choose any films.
I'd love to wake up every morning to one of my files on my Movies folder, or even iTunes movies Folder, or even Podcasts...
How can I achieve this?
I would absolutely love it if I can choose one of my Arrested Development episodes on my movies folder on my Mac to wake me up in the mornings...
I have Snow Leopard installed with the latest Quicktime.
When viewing a movie file in my browser in Leopard, I was able to right click on it and save a copy to my desktop/computer. Now, I can't seem to enable this option...I have no way of saving a movie to my computer. Am I missing something? How does one do this now, do I need to click on a specific spot?
My Mac won't automatically play an mp4. It comes up with an error message saying "This movie could not be opened. This is not a movie file:. What am I missing? I understand it should just automatically play...
I'm wondering if anyone knows of some alarm clock software for my mac that requires some sort of puzzle to be solved before it stops the alarm - this would be great to stop me just shutting off the alarm and going back to bed. I'm thinking something like an electronic version of this: [URL]
Okay, so I'm using iMovie and I want to make my video which is 30 or so minutes about 5 minutes, and I guess that would mean I'd need to speed up the way it plays but I have no idea how to do that.
My friend is having this little problem with Quicktime. Every time he plays a movie (not in fullscreen) and make the window bigger, it starts to shrink until its the smallest it can go. This doesn't happen in fullscreen, does anyone know what the problem is?
I just rent a movie via iTunes. It said the movie was ready to be played although it is still downloading so I wanted to start playing. My Problem is, that the movie does not start. It is stuck on a black screen. If I move the slider on bottom I can see pictures of parts of the movie that have already been loaded. But I cannot start playing them as a film.
Same thing with Trailers in the Store. iTunes was updated yesterday and also Quicktime is up to date and I also tried the repair function of it. Running Win 7 Professional, 64 bit. Because the rental period now expires in 48 hours (because I clicked on "play movie"). As a "workaround" I tried to play the Movie on my MacBook Pro but it says the rented film is now been authorised to my PC.
I have a .wmv file and when I try to open it in quicktime it only plays half of it, but when I attempt to convert it to a different format like .avi, the quality gets reduced but it will play the entire thing.
I rented a movie on iTunes via my iPad.It loaded properly. I hit play and Air Play so it would connect to my Apple TV. I can now HEAR the movie, but I cannot see it (having said that, I see the movie, still, on my iPad screen....). Apple TV and AirPlay work fine with youtube videos and previously bought movies.
I have a few wmv vids on my mac. Up until recently they were all fine. When I went into the folder the all files showed the Qicktime logo on them and played using flip4mac. Now the files are just white with no logo on them and when I click to play one it brings up the message "This movie could not be opened, The file is not a movie file." I have tried reinstalling flip4mac and quicktime but I still have the same issue. Someone told me to try perian but still nothing. I am guessing this is a problem with the files but not sure how this happened or how to fix it.
I Can't figure out what is going on; I've played around in the battery settings; but maybe I'm just too Green to my used 17 Inch Macbook Pro that I bought 3 months ago.
I used to have a full battery at night, close the lid go to sleep and have hardly any battery loss first thing in the morning.
Now, I close the lid or even manually put the Macpro to sleep ( from the apple menu ) and wake 8 hours later with " NO" battery.
whats going on? what do I need to check? what do I need to set? this is getting frustrating.
the battery is still strong get about 3 hours on a full charge; it's a mac battery; so It must just be settings or something I need to do in the software.
I bought some video and audio from itunes and would like to put them to my portable player,but I am failure, whether they have protection or format require?---- how can I convert or transfer those files?
I'm trying to use safari, from Firefox on my PC. The thing I really miss is Morning Coffee- where with one click I can open in tabs 6 (or more) different web sites. does anything like this exist on safari?
I just recently bought a new macbook, and I've been looking for a battery alarm for it. When I'm playing a full screen game, the notification doesn't window me out, so I don't notice it, and my computer powers down. I know it's a simple request, but whenever I try to search for anything I just got iPod/iPhone stuff.
Are there any good apps that sound an alarm when the battery on a MBP is below some set percent? I've only found Battery Monitor, but it doesn't seem to run in the background. Also, it only sounds once, so if you miss it, you're SOL if you forget to plug back in.
I'm looking for an alarm clock that I can use to set the time.. not lookin for anythin fancy.. i just need an alarm to go off maybe every 4 hours so i wuold rather have a free option but i do want to see whats out there! so all suggestions r fine
when i entered any disc (dvd/cd), my mac cant detect it and instead there's like an alarm sound. after a few minutes, it automatically eject the disc without giving any error message whatsoever.
i'm using Model Name:MacBook Model Identifier:MacBook5,1 Processor Name:Intel Core 2 Duo Processor Speed:2 GHz
Once in a while, the iMac screen is black and the machine is does not rsepond. I have this alarm going on and on. I did a screen recording of the alarm unsing my iPhone.
To use the iMac, the only thing I can do, is hold the power button to restart the iMac. HD was erase, Lion reinstal following Kappy's tips
-sometime, iMac is not responding very well, it is **** slow...
-I can't select Apple Screen Savers in preference, the screen saver going on is always my iPhoto library...
My alarm clock broke yesterday, and I figured it'd be cool to just use my Macbook as one. Does anyone know of a good free alarm program that also displays the time on screen?
how to reset the default iCal reminder alarm. Mine is set to the bassoon, but what I'd like to have as a default is the glass sound. Is what I'm asking even possible?