MacBook Air :: Silver Things Are Turning Brown On Reviews A. 1.6 MBA?
Jun 1, 2009
I had an initial thread in Mac Software as I initially thought it was just a Safari 4 Beta issue.(Original thread here)But since then, it's spread from Safari 4 to my trash can and now to Numbers and Pages (It has not done anything to Keynote), the bottom panel (but not the top one) in Yahoo messenger... Even the silver navigation bar on the Apple website shows up as this weird metallic brown.What's even weirder is that the trash can is the normal silver metallic when the OS first loads and then changes to the brownish one. No amount of messing with display settings helps. Resetting the NVRAM initially got everything back to normal, but then boom, it's all stuck.
I've scoured the web to find if anyone else has this brown substance on their unibody MacBook laptop charger, to no avail. It's inside the very thin crevices of the L-shaped protrusions around which you tie the power cord that connects to the MacBook.Anyone here has any ideas about what this substance may be? Is it simply lubrication or leakage from the power unit?
(bear with me, I'm bored, and as you will see, not a writer)A hot, humid courtroom room is filled with press, jurors, lawyers, interns, police. Cameras focused in on him, Chrome, with his cold steel ball, doesn't blink; but stares coldly at his victim, the GT 330m, and his wife, the battery.from the back of the room, and man bursts through the door, briefcase a mess, hair flailing, his too tight to be even almost comfortable shoes, tap quickly as he sprints to the table. Ryan Brown, lawyer extraordinare, sits down.
I saw some videos that the HiDef AntiGlare has silver bezel instead of black bezel. Does anyone know if the HiDef Glossy has black or silver bezel?It seems like HiDef Glossy is only available online for now, unless anyone was able to score one?? Please share...
Does anybody know if Apple is going to bring the new silver bezel with matte screen to the regular Macbooks like they did with the new 17" MBP? I would buy in a second if they would!
Its kinda hard to describe but in all apple apps post SL (finder, safari, mail) the top of the window has taken on a distinctly brown hue, I know I am not being paranoid (hopefully?). The picture doesn't actually show it that well, but hopefully you will know what I mean.
I have a Apple iBook g3. Its been great for so long but tonight my mousepad/button has stopped responding and putting the cursor to the top hand left of the page. I opened it up and it seems the brown clip is loose and not connected whatsoever. how it has happened? And what i should go about doing to repair it? What would i need to do to repair it?
Silver front G4 won't start up. Recently replaced back up battery when this condition occured, start up fine. Computer was turned off for about 2 weeks while out of town, but now the on button lights momentarily, no boot uo. Won't even do that unless power cord is removed and re-inserted.
Knowing all of us followers of this machine, I was actively waiting for this announcement.Keeping this simple, I was excited to get 4g ram (finally) and bumped up to a 256gb SSD- so I ordered up yesterday asap.However, I am having second thoughts
New owner of a Alum Macbook 2.4/4gig coming from a Macbook Air Rev B/SSD. My question about the Macbook is the fans, I feel like even when just Safari is on, my fans are on at a constant hum at 1994rpm-2000rpm. Is that normal? Even when nothing is open? My Macbook Air was dead silent but then again that was with ssd. Would like to hear your opinions.
In the last month I decided that I wanted more portability for my laptop so I decided to get a new one.At first I was going to get an alum macbook but I was scared off by all the critcism of the screen quality.Then I was going to get a Rev B Air but I was tempted by the refurb A prices so I bought a 1.8/SSD rev A. Nice machine but I was not happy with the performance or the compromises (Hulu video stutter, Eyetv download of old camcorder movies stutter, ichat video stutter, lots of beach balls as I was scrolling in Safari, fans blaring at 6500 rpms with RSS screensaver, etc). I was depressed as I did not want to spend the big bucks for a MBA rev B, so I decided to look at the Alum macbook again. I read a thousand posts here and headed off to the Apple store with my thumb drive filled with all kinds of pictures in hand. After viewing many pictures at all kinds of angles, comparing with the Air, I decided the screen wasn't near as bad as the hype. So off to ebay to find a deal. It took 1.5 hours to do a 15GB time machine migration over wifi. Here is my review.
The tech sites and macrumor fanatics have really been slacking off, the day is almost over and noone picked up a new mbp from apple store and took it apart yet? We need answers!!!
1) What kind of ssd is it using 2) Does graphic auto switch work good? 3) Are there any performance difference between 256 vs 512mb graphic card 4) Can any 2.5" ssd still be installed
My mac was acting real slow to boot up after being shutdown and then finaly last weekend it just wouldn't boot up. The power light at front comes on, as does the fan and the red light on the logic board But that's all that happens. Have tried the PMU button and zapping the pram but it won't even chime once. Haven't replaced the battery as I thought that defaults to 1904 date ( like it did on the old 8500's etc)
Took the whole puter apart and cleaned it. The fuse does not look broken in the power supply.
Any ideas on how to test the Power supply? And what should I do next?
Anyone having problems streaming Netflix?My iMac 24" was doing it flawlessly until about 2 months ago and now any time I try to stream instant vids, it gets to "buffering" and Firefox or Safari will crash.
Roommates Macbook just started having the same problem a week ago.Checked netflix's blog and the forums, didn't see any hits from searching.I checked my version of silverlight and its up to date.
My menus in OS X 10.5.6 have changed from a blackish gray to a brownish bronze.Its not every application, but Spotify got it.It also affects some websites like the top menuat, this does show in Safari, and notin FireFox.This can be best described with a screen shot. Do you know how to change it back
K this is my quick ass beta review of the new Macbook Air 2.0 . it will be updated with new information as time goes by. I want to see the gaming aspects of this incredible machine.
Please post your thoughts and reviews on the new machine.
unsure if this has already been done, but i wouldn't mind having MBAir owners post their xBench results here...i would like to have the results for all 8 configurations eventually..shouldn't be too difficult to get all of the info I'll start it off with the xBench results for the rev B 1.86 SSD config.
If you had to take an educated, when do you guess the Rev. B aluminum MacBooks will be released? (Yes, of course no one knows, and that's why the operative word here is guess.)
I've been pouring over the various threads on this forum and around the internet and I thought that I would share what I feel is the most useful info out there regarding the 5400 vs 7200, size, heat and noise issues.
Web designers or the like,I'll be buying a 15" MBP for Web Design (as well as obviously other casual use) and still undecided on whether to get a standard res or high-res.From your experience, when designing sites, do you find the standard-res too little (i.e. do you design for bigger screens, meaning you'll need to keep scrolling around) or do you design for a similar sized screen to the one you use and the browsers upscales/downscales the site accordingly?