MacBook Air :: Any Reviews About Performance Of GarageBand
Oct 23, 2010can someone post a video of gb's performance on an 11.6" with 1.4 proc? I'm assuming should work well without any hiccups but would like some reviews.
View 1 Repliescan someone post a video of gb's performance on an 11.6" with 1.4 proc? I'm assuming should work well without any hiccups but would like some reviews.
View 1 RepliesKnowing all of us followers of this machine, I was actively waiting for this announcement.Keeping this simple, I was excited to get 4g ram (finally) and bumped up to a 256gb SSD- so I ordered up yesterday asap.However, I am having second thoughts
View 17 Replies View RelatedHere are some of the reviews that have gone live:
PCMag Apple MacBook Air (11-inch)
Chip Chick MacBook Air 11-inch Review
Computer Shopper (11.6-Inch, 2010 Version)
LaptopMag MacBook Air 11-inch Review
Let me know if i missed any! So far reviews looks great.... oh. no.
New owner of a Alum Macbook 2.4/4gig coming from a Macbook Air Rev B/SSD. My question about the Macbook is the fans, I feel like even when just Safari is on, my fans are on at a constant hum at 1994rpm-2000rpm. Is that normal? Even when nothing is open? My Macbook Air was dead silent but then again that was with ssd. Would like to hear your opinions.
View 8 Replies View RelatedIn the last month I decided that I wanted more portability for my laptop so I decided to get a new one.At first I was going to get an alum macbook but I was scared off by all the critcism of the screen quality.Then I was going to get a Rev B Air but I was tempted by the refurb A prices so I bought a 1.8/SSD rev A. Nice machine but I was not happy with the performance or the compromises (Hulu video stutter, Eyetv download of old camcorder movies stutter, ichat video stutter, lots of beach balls as I was scrolling in Safari, fans blaring at 6500 rpms with RSS screensaver, etc). I was depressed as I did not want to spend the big bucks for a MBA rev B, so I decided to look at the Alum macbook again. I read a thousand posts here and headed off to the Apple store with my thumb drive filled with all kinds of pictures in hand. After viewing many pictures at all kinds of angles, comparing with the Air, I decided the screen wasn't near as bad as the hype. So off to ebay to find a deal. It took 1.5 hours to do a 15GB time machine migration over wifi. Here is my review.
View 18 Replies View RelatedThe tech sites and macrumor fanatics have really been slacking off, the day is almost over and noone picked up a new mbp from apple store and took it apart yet? We need answers!!!
1) What kind of ssd is it using
2) Does graphic auto switch work good?
3) Are there any performance difference between 256 vs 512mb graphic card
4) Can any 2.5" ssd still be installed
and just general reviews.
post all reviews of the NEW Macbook Pro here.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAny review out there yet for the top spec 11.6 air? A nice compare against a 13 inch would be nice too
View 1 Replies View RelatedK this is my quick ass beta review of the new Macbook Air 2.0 . it will be updated with new information as time goes by. I want to see the gaming aspects of this incredible machine.
Please post your thoughts and reviews on the new machine.
unsure if this has already been done, but i wouldn't mind having MBAir owners post their xBench results here...i would like to have the results for all 8 configurations eventually..shouldn't be too difficult to get all of the info I'll start it off with the xBench results for the rev B 1.86 SSD config.
View 24 Replies View RelatedIf you had to take an educated, when do you guess the Rev. B aluminum MacBooks will be released? (Yes, of course no one knows, and that's why the operative word here is guess.)
View 12 Replies View RelatedI've been pouring over the various threads on this forum and around the internet and I thought that I would share what I feel is the most useful info out there regarding the 5400 vs 7200, size, heat and noise issues.
View 5 Replies View RelatedAs the title states,Does the new REV C suffer from the screen problems (lines) that the REV B had?
View 24 Replies View RelatedWeb designers or the like,I'll be buying a 15" MBP for Web Design (as well as obviously other casual use) and still undecided on whether to get a standard res or high-res.From your experience, when designing sites, do you find the standard-res too little (i.e. do you design for bigger screens, meaning you'll need to keep scrolling around) or do you design for a similar sized screen to the one you use and the browsers upscales/downscales the site accordingly?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI had an initial thread in Mac Software as I initially thought it was just a Safari 4 Beta issue.(Original thread here)But since then, it's spread from Safari 4 to my trash can and now to Numbers and Pages (It has not done anything to Keynote), the bottom panel (but not the top one) in Yahoo messenger... Even the silver navigation bar on the Apple website shows up as this weird metallic brown.What's even weirder is that the trash can is the normal silver metallic when the OS first loads and then changes to the brownish one. No amount of messing with display settings helps. Resetting the NVRAM initially got everything back to normal, but then boom, it's all stuck.
View 13 Replies View Relatedjust installed SL on my rev B MBAir SSD...everything seems to be running smoothly (after re-activating coolbook) except for multiclutch...Multiclutch works in several applications (ie VLC), but doesn't work in several others (ie Safari) anyone else having this issue?
View 1 Replies View Relatedcan anybody post their results? i think there should be a consolidated list of revs with battery life/usage for a direct comparison. post your rev a and b results
View 17 Replies View Related[URL]
Is this not the right RAM for the 2009 iMacs? Looking at the reviews, I see this:
"Other Thoughts: Crucial never claimed this was compatible with iMacs so I can't complain really."
I think this is the same RAM that I found on It is not exactly rocket science to find 204-pin SODIMM 1066MHz RAM... PC3 8800. So, are these "reviewers" just off or am I looking at the wrong RAM.
I've seen a lot of HD 6970 reviews hit the streets today. Can we hope to see some "investigation" from Cindori & company in the near future???
I would love to stick a modded version in my 2008 Mac Pro.
Retail on these cards is looking at about $370.00 (Yeah... 80 bucks cheaper than Apple wants for their single-DVI 5870 )
Requires 1 8-pin and 1 6-pin power connector.2 GB of memory on-board.
Hope this thread will work out. I'd like the community to put all their Windows 7 Reviews in this thread. Please keep it "nice" - this is for reviewing Windows 7 and how well it runs on Macs, PC's, under Virtualization, etc.
Please state what machine your running on, the version, and your likes/dislikes. Also, will it be worth upgrading from XP or Vista? Would you need to get a new computer (Mac or PC), Virtualization or Bootcamp?
I'd like to know.. I'm testing it on a few different machines. Will post my findings on at least my first machine a bit later.
Okay i want to get a mac mini i have been looking at the apple page and i so want to click buy now but i just want to make sure its worth it (i will get the base one and get the 4Gigs put in that will cost me 1300-ish AUD)
Okay so has any one got the new mac mini and what do you think of it pros/cons?
well I assume most of you know all or most of these apps, but I will be making more and more of these, so it's worth keeping an eye out, maybe I'll find some cool apps you don't know that are worth your time
Please respond with links to any new i7 review.
View 3 Replies View RelatedAfter uploading a track in itunes, I have sold 8 times (mostly to friends) most of whom have given reviews.but none of the reviews show up.How to get reviews to show?
View 1 Replies View Relatedwho can offer some insight into this app that's supposed to allow you to run apps like MS Office et al and Quicken on your Mac, without having to install Win OS
View 7 Replies View RelatediMac G3/finding reviews?
View 7 Replies View RelatedPCMag has posted a fairly comprehensive, well balanced, and favorable review of iWork '09 which could be helpful for buyers interested in this software suite.
I use iWork in conjunction with Microsoft Office and find that the two suites complement each other quite well. Office doesn't easily create the displays that I'd like to represent data whereas iWork doesn't have quite all the features that Office does.
Here's the link for those that are interested:
I've been considering purchasing Bento 2 and was wondering if anyone on Macrumors has experience with the app. I'm going to try the trial version but interested to see what other forum members think of the app.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm interested in reading a review... hopefully something that tests the actual wireless performance and simultaneous WAN connections.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen do you think Walt Mossberg and David Pogue will review SL? Wil we see it before friday?
View 5 Replies View Related