MacBook Air :: SSD HD Is Filling Up Fast?
Jan 6, 2011
Am I the only one, or does the SSD fill up faster than a standard HD? Right now I of course keep my iTunes library on an external drive, and soon I will do the same for my iPhoto library as well. That said, it seems that I loose space faster than I would expect, is that how these drives behave? All I can say is thank goodness I got the 256 GB model!
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Mar 19, 2009
Can the Mac mini with 4GB of RAM run VMFusion 2.02 with Windows XP Home properly without any problems? Is 2.0GHz fast enough, or even 2.26GHz fast enough for VMFusion? Does the Mac mini have enough horse power to run Windows XP?
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Oct 9, 2010
All week I have been getting a message saying my disk is almost full and to make space. I noticed that my 200gb hdd had only 92mb of available space so I decided to delete 6GB worth of stuff I didn't need that was in my download section.
The following day, I got another message saying my disk was almost full and again it showed less that 100mb available.. again I went in and deleted a bunch of stuff giving myself several GBs of wiggle room.
Two more days passed bringing me to this morning and again my HD shows less than 100MB available and this message just popped up again.
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Mar 2, 2012
When I open Mail it syncs all the messages like it should and then I go thrrough and delete all the junk emails and inbox emails that arent important. They go to the Trash folder and when I click "erase them permanently" they disappear, but then the Trash folder starts filling up with more emails and adds up to 400 every 10 seconds until around 2000. No matter how many times I select them all and click delete it just fills up again.
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Aug 20, 2014
why the "Trash" folder on my MacBook Pro keeps filling with thousands of files? Every few days I check it and it has something around 3,500 files in it. I didn't put them there.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Feb 9, 2012
My macbook is quickly filling up, and I cannot locate where all my gb's have gone. When I add up documents, pictures, music and movies, it all adds to 65 gb, while my hard-disk drive is 120 gb - and it only had 250 mbs free space. What can I do?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 28, 2014
I would like to archive hundreds of my emails that currently exist in my apple mail email filing system by moving them into file folders in the finder. I can do this easily with a single email but it wont let me do it with multiple emails or a complete folder. Is there any way of do this easily?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Apr 14, 2007
my Dad has to fill out some forms and they are available online in PDF format. He can edit them in Safari, but once we save the forms we are unable to edit them. The weird thing is when I first save it I could edit it, but once I saved it again it wouldn't let me change anything. This is very strange, I've tried Preview and Adobe Reader.
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Feb 10, 2008
I downloaded the latest tax forms from the IRS in pdf form, and filled out all my tax information using preview. When I finished, I saved the form, but all the data I entered was lost. Can you not fill out pdf forms in preview? I did find a workaround. I filled in some data, then "printed" to a pdf file, and that saved all the entered data. Any insight into this issue?
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May 3, 2012
This weekend I upgraded to 10.7.3 on my Quad-Core Intel Xeon. Add updates installed.When I open a new e-mail message window in Mail and start typing an address, the address does not auto-fill from either previous recipients or my address book. I get a spinning pinwheel that never goes away. If I drag a contact from my address book, it fills the appropriate address.How do I get e-mail address to fill?
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacPro4,1 Quad-Core Intel Xeon, 2.6
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Jun 17, 2014
I noticed that under storage details of my mac there is 25GBs of storage under "backups", what are these and how can i get rid of them? Given that this system is only 2 days old and i am using an external time machine for backups !!
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Aug 9, 2008
For a long time my mac had around 10 GB of space left. Then, two nights ago, I got a notice that said my startup disk was full. I deleted some stuff, a bunch of movies that I didn't know existed, and I had 30 GB of space yesterday. But now, this morning, there is only 10 MB of space left! I think it may have something to do with a file called hfamily1.dmg, which took up 10 GB of space and I couldn't delete it, but I just left it there. But even that wouldn't take up all that room! I've always been connected to the internet, and I've always had an external drive plugged in. I'm running DiskInventoryX right now, but if this problem keeps happening.
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Apr 28, 2012
I have an Intel imac with a 2 TB SATA drive used for media  and a 251 GB drive used for applications etc . Trouble is when assessing storage on "About This Mac" it looks like 141GB of the flash drive is full of movies . Can I find a way to see what those movies are in order to safely delete duplicates or move them onto the SATA hard drive. I use apple tv to get media content from itunes but do not really know how itunes or where itunes stores the files . I'm assuming its from the SATA disk as Ihave 1.5 TB of files on there all available in i tunes
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Apr 29, 2012
Just want to know if I can shutdown my imac without having to write everytime my admin name and password?
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Feb 6, 2010
The free space on my MacBook is disappearing fast but I don't know why. I am hoping someone can tell me where to start solving this problem. It must be invisible files but what can I do about it? This started after I restored from a Time Machine backup to a new hard disk after the hard disk failed (another story). The Time Machine backup was about a week old (isn't it always the case?) so I don't think it is likely that I could have restored anything that might have had anything to do with the hard disk failure. Everything seemed to be working fine, having spent hours resorting emails and trying to reconstruct files I had lost from the week I didn't back up. During that week I had bought an iPhone. When I connected it to the restored computer it deleted all the apps I had installed. Not a big problem, as I was able to track them down from an iTunes receipt and reinstall them. I then attached my iPod and the computer had to replace all the files with new ones. As there were a lot of songs and photos I left it to do this and went to bed. Next day the iPod now had newly replaced files and seems fine. But there is a warning that the startup disk is full. No new files had been put on the computer, which had about 9.5 Gb free space. I deleted some files so I could do some things with the computer to find out what was happening. The space thus freed soon disappeared. I then deleted Parallels Desktop so that I could free up more space. I now had 29.67 Gb free space. I tried searching for large files but nothing suspicious seems to detectable. By the end of the day the free space had gone down to 24.39 Gb. It now stands at 23.22.
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Mar 27, 2010
I would like to fill some cells in numbers conditionally with blank. These cells are in a table which is used to fill one chart. So I dont want the cells to have a value of zero. Alternatively, is there a function which returns the value in a cell?
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Mar 14, 2012
I'm getting messages stating "Your Mac OS X startup disk has no more space available for application memory." I've determined that my system memory is rapidly reducing after the MacBook Air is left on with only the Activity Monitor and Terminal open.
MacBook Air Stats:
11-Inch, Mid 2011
Processor: 1.8 Ghz Intel Core i7
Memory: 4GB 1333 Mhz DDR3
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 3000 384MB
Software: Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3
My SSD drive space is rapidly reduced after the "free memory" is almost completed used - the MacBook then starts using the SSD drive as virtual memory and almost uses that space (I have a 250GB drive with 60GB available when I start the mac).Everything works great for the first 5-10 minutes, then I see the "free memory" decrese until it's down to about 30MB or so and then the SWAP used increases until my hard drive is almost totally out of space and gives me the error above. During this time the MacBook Airs little fan turns on.I can only use my Mac for about 30 minutes or so until I have to restart due to the HD being filled up by the virtual memory SWAP. The Mac is also very slow during this time as you can imagine.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Nov 30, 2014
I have waited quite some time until a first update to Yosemite was available.
I have installed Yosemite on both my IMAC and my MBP.Â
Since then, both computers behave similarly.
Even when no actions are performed, the memory fills up hour after hour, this takes a few hours.
Eventually the memory is so full that any operation takes 10 mn to complete, and it becomes impossible to perform any work.
In practice it is best to restart the computers every 4 hours.Â
The problem tasks are:
- Folder Actions Dispatcher
- and to a lower extend "kernel_task".Â
iMac (27-inch Late 2009), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), I7, 2.8 GHz (model 2010), 8 Gb RAM
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Jun 21, 2014
I just noticed that even when I clear my history, there are certain sites that the address bar is autofilling.Â
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Apr 15, 2012
I've been experiencing this for over a month now. Basically, occasionally when logging into a website (i.e. google,, amazon, etc. -- really doesn't matter what site it seems), Lion will entirely freeze up for seconds to up to minutes. More specifically it occurs when tabbing from the username to the password field. This will happen both in Chrome and Firefox. I had thought it was related to maybe firefox add-ons (i.e. I have 1password, but i've disabled them and have had it still happen. I do use firebug, but wouldn't think it was related to this issue..I've already verified there are no issues in the keychain access as well.I can sometimes unfreeze momentarily it by pressing the power button briefly.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 14, 2012
Has anyone else noticed that flashupdater is filling their system.log with spew? This is happening on systems with and without flash installed. Sign, yet another blunder...
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Jul 1, 2012
Anyone else having issues with iTunes 10.6.3 running on OSX 10.7.4 leaking memory dry and then filling up ALL your disk partition? I do - once a week now. I have a small boot SSD, but once iTunes fills up the memory it appears to be creating a 30+ GB swap on the boot drive and just kills my machine. I watched the apps closely this week, and iTunes had built itself a nice little slice of 4.5+GB of memory. I have 12GB of memory. Machine was starting to lock up right before my eyes. Force quitting iTunes saved the day. What in the world? I do connect my Apple TV to my library.
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Dec 4, 2009
When I fill in forms online etc, as soon as I start typing my name, address & contact details automatically appear. This is very useful apart from an old email address appears instead of my new one.
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Dec 24, 2009
I just bought a tv to use as a external monitor for my mac however when i boot into windows 7 the resolution (1080p) is fine but its not filling the screen completely, there is 1 inch of black on the top and bottom and about 1.5 inches of black on the left and right sides. it does not do this when i am booted into osx.
i think this could be because of how hdtv's are made and the resolution isn't exact (usually a little bit greater) so windows isn't "stretching" the image to fill the screen. i think osx does it automatically but windows doesn't. if this is the problem how do i get windows to stretch the image? i tried switching the screen mode on my tv's remote but that didn't work.
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Jun 17, 2012
OK, kinda a long story. Pardon the ranting, but if feels like everything is going wrong and I'm getting pretty tired of it.Â
I was going along nicely with my Mac. Then I had a time-sensitive iMovie project that was going totallly screwy. I ended up buying Lion hoping that would fix the problem. It didn't spent several more hours trolling forums and figured out it was a weird problem with the software.Â
So... then I was stuck with Lion. Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Rosetta Stone, etc. don't work on it. Not cool. Would have been nice if I was warned before doing this. So, I figured I'd go back in my Time Machine backup. However, I was really busy and didn't get to it until a few weeks later. I'd never actually used Time Machine, but when I went into it I was astonished to find that it backed up on the hour, filling up the external hard drive so it only kept backups for a few weeks. And of course, it was too late to backup to my old OS. So not cool. Who in the world needs an hourly backup??? I'd much prefer a weekly backup a little further back. That's just absurd.Â
So, anyway, I had the old Time Machine backup. I figured if I messed up, I could always restore to the recent Lion backup. So, I restored to Snow Leopard from the disk, wiping the hard drive. Then, I tried to go in and get my files off of the external hard drive/Time Machine backup. It didn't recognize I even had an external hard drive plugged in.Â
So... I decided to go back to Lion, maybe I needed to be in Lion to access the Lion backup. Spent hours putting Lion back on. And... still doesn't even recognize that there's an external hard drive plugged in. What gives?Â
I've been trying to think of what all could be the problem here. Did I just think I was backing up to the external hard drive this whole time, when really I was backing up to the computer? No, because it would send me reminders when the external hard drive wasn't plugged in. Is the cord or something broken to the external hard drive? I suppose it's possible, but just a few hours before I saw the Time Machine backups... And there is power to it.Â
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Sep 4, 2014
I have been using Preview to view and fill in PDF forms. The font that Preview uses to fill in the forms is very small and difficult to read. I would like to make it larger to match the document font size.
iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
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Apr 4, 2012
The hard drive on my iMac is filling to capacity at an extremely accelerated rate. In order to have functionality, I had to delete some unnecessary files and used WhatSize to try and determine the culprit. When backing up my hard drive yesterday, Mail was showing to be 91G. The hard drive filled up again a few minutes later so I copied iTunes to an external drive for safe keeping freeing up 85G.
By this morning that was gone as well so I copied contents of Pictures over to external hard drive freeing up 189G. Mail is now up to 244G on my 500G hard drive. I rebooted at that point to see if that would stop the growth and it has currently, but it may start again. WhatSize says there are no duplicates. I am receiving and sending the same amount of mail that I usually do on a daily basis, so that is not the problem.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Mail
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Jun 23, 2014
I ran an experiment with Time Machine. Last Monday I attached a freshly erased 2TB Time Machine external HD to a Mac Mini with 400GB of data on the internal 1TB HD with no exclusions. I left the Mac Mini off network -- no wifi, no ethernet -- and did not use it for one full week. Today the 2TB Time Machine HD has only 35GB of free space.Â
Why is Time Machine filling up the HD with incremental backups when the computer is not in use?
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Jun 17, 2010
i am thinking about buying the current 13inch macbook pro. i am switching from window because my computer right now has crashed many times and it is a pain in the butt to redo everything. what is the life xpectiancy of the base model macbook pro and how do i keep it fast? and is this a good buy for keeping it in the future?
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May 3, 2012
It get so hot so fast it is a 2011 macbook pro 15 inch
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