Faulty Macbook Pro Ram Slot
Apr 22, 2012
So i finally figured out what has been causing all of my kernel panics. Either the brackets or the notches that are holding the second ram stick in place have become faulty. The second ram stick permanently stays in the upright position, and if i do manage to get it parallel to everything, it can jump up at a moments notice if I do something with my computer. This is clearly a manufacturer's defect, but i dont have any warranty left. So i was wondering if any of you guys know where i can get a new ram slot since it doesnt seem to be like it is soldered to the logic board. I had 4gb, now im running on one 2gb stick, and basically the computer is nearly unusable in its current state.
Unibody MacBook Pro '08, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.4 Core 2 Duo, 4gb ram, 250gb
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Apr 9, 2012
I suspect my centre RAM slot (closest to HDD) is faulty or on its way out. Have been troubleshooting a problem and can only replicate it with this RAM slot occupied and the other empty. Error is flash video playback becoming juttery/sticking before continuing. Occasional kernel panic. Has anyone else had this problem before or experienced a dead RAM slot?
Macbook (early 2006), Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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Apr 21, 2012
Apple are replacing the faulty Nvidia GPU with another faulty GPU...
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Jun 30, 2012
This is what my monitor looks like when on this screen saver.Not actually that red as I'm typing now though this screen saver really shows it up.url...
Mac OS X (10.6.8), Logic 9.1.6
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Dec 11, 2010
It's been a while since I've been to these forums but I've come across another issue.
I bought this refurbished Macbook from Apple on November 26, 2008 (model MB061LL/B).
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May 26, 2010
I would like to set up a mac pro using Slots 1 & 2 for RME ADAT digital audio cards and move the graphics card (geforce GT 120 512mb) to slot 3 or 4 so that I can maximize slot speeds for multiple audio playback via logic. Is this possible?
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Jul 4, 2009
i've been reading about these screen threads, that some of the new macbooks have faulty screens or display, it got me worried because i purchased a new 13" macbook pro ..how would i know if mine is faulty or not ?
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Apr 15, 2012
I am a recent convert to Apple products & have a macbook. The hard drive was upgraded with a 500gb drive. Having imported all my files from old pc it seemed to work fantastically well for approx 2 months, then it started to misbehave! It seems that I have a problem with the HD. I have removed the faulty HD and replaced with a spare. All of my data remains on the faulty HD. I have purchased a external drive caddie & have attemted to 'mount' the faulty drive to copy info back onto mac.
MacBook, iOS 5.1
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Oct 3, 2010
I bought a brand new MacBook Pro 17" from the Apple Store in Glasgow in June. Lately it's been giving me a lot of freezes and spinning beach balls. Since I just "cloned" my 2 year old iMac onto it when I got it (using Firewire), I guessed it just needed a clean up, as there was effectively 2 years worth of apps, stuff, etc, on there. As I have a full Time Machine backup, I thought I'd do an Erase & Install, formatting the drive first. I did this, and things didn't improve. The next thing I did was use Tech Tool to test the drive. It started off saying "4 hours remaining", but over the next few hours it found dozens of bad blocks, and the remaining time just kept increasing. I gave up and canceled the test at 66 bad blocks and 24 hours remaining and thought "the drive is goosed". I did some Googling and someone suggested actually formatting the drive and zero-filling it, to try write over the bad blocks. I got my Mac Install DVD, booted from it, and ran Disk Utility to erase the drive and do a 7-pass fill. I did this overight last night, took 12 hours on a 500GB drive, and today I reinstalled OS X completely cleanly, not from a Time Machine backup.
So now I have a totally "as new" factory-settings mid-2010 17" i5 MBP. I installed Tech Tool, ran the disk scan again, and it completed in 4 hours and found 22 bad blocks. Apple Store Glasgow have told me it'll be at least 7 days to get it fixed if it is indeed faulty, as they have a huge back log of work. It's also really awkward for me to get to the Apple Store, let alone twice (once for drop off, once for pick up). If I get Apple Care to do it via courier, I'll be without it even longer.
If that's what I have to do, fair enough, but before I do, does it seem to you guys like a faulty drive?
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Jan 23, 2009
I have a WD 320gb portable hard drive which has been formatted as Journaled for about 3 months. Just yesterday i decided to format the 320gb hd as FAT32 as i heard that Mac disk utility is able to format this type in excess of the 32gb that windows is able too. This now allowed me to have the HD be read by Mac and windows with ease, or so i thought. So i did that, and copied all my data onto it and ever since it has been a bit patchy.. The drive is recognised instantly by windows computers and functions fine but when plugged into my macbook sometimes it will not display at all, other times it will take a long time to read, and in other cases it will function perfectly. When the drive refuses to be read by mac I checked disk utility and it shows that the HD is definately connected but just wont show up on my desktop.
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Sep 29, 2009
I have a Aluminum Macbook. It is under Apple care. I took it in today because the bluetooth kept loosing connection and then the Mac says no bluetooth hardware found. The Genius at the Apple Store said they need to replace the screen because the Bluetooth module "may" be behind the screen as it is not on the airport card anymore. Can anyone confirm, in the Aluminium Macbook (2008) where is the bluetooth receiver?
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Jul 2, 2012
Since day one, my laptop has been a little off. It would crash every once in a while for no reason, but it wasn't very often so I took no notice. Now it's just gotten worse with time and programs crash on a daily basis, and the entire laptop crashes on a weekly basis. I can't open a lot of programs, even ones that I have just downloaded right now for the first time. I gave it to the geniuses and they ran a few quick tests and said the OS and the ram seemed to be fine, so they wanted to keep it overnight to take another look. Two days later, they gave it back to me saying the ram is faulty. So I went home and reinstalled the original ram that came with it...but I still have the same problem. I'm wondering if the problem still could be the old ram and it just really messed up my laptop even though it's not in there anymore...?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Formerly had Corsair "Mac Memory"
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Jul 7, 2009
I have heard that your firewire port can get fried by using certain faulty pieces of gear. It hasn't happened to me, but the thought kind of scares me. Does anyone know if there is a way of preventing this from happening? If it did, would AppleCare cover it?
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Jan 16, 2010
Our non-unibody MBP is flickering bluish colors on the left half of the screen. It happens randomly, but frequently. It can be stopped by pulling the screen towards me slightly, enough to put tension on the hinge, but not actually moving it towards me. Is this an indication of the faulty GPU or the ribbon connecting the screen?
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Apr 15, 2010
To start my computer is a early 2008 Penryn MBP with the 2.4 C2D and a 256mb 8600M. Today I was trying to show something on google earth, but once the app started, I could not control the map, it would just freeze. Once I was able to zoom in, but it would not do anything, it would zoom in on pixelated junk. I tried reinstalling it, but no dice. I thought there may be something wrong with how the data is streaming, but it works fine on my hackintosh and my iphone. This got me thinking about the well-known faulty 8600m.
I have, on rare occasions, had some screwy issues with my display, like some pixelation and difficulty getting the display to work after sleeping, but these have been few and far between. I was curious if all this could be related to the GPU, and if there is anything I can do to test before going to the apple store and complaining how my google earth won't work (I am still covered under applecare). I don't game, so I have nothing of that sort to try out on it. I did download and run cinebench, and it gave me an open GL score of ~9.4fps.
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May 14, 2010
Just throwing out my situation and resolution for any who encounter it (When I MRoogle'd it originally, I saw others ran into the same issue)
Specs: 17" i5 Glossy (Mid 2010) - MBP
Issue: Battery Not Charging
Details: In short, with the power adapter plugged in, my MBP would still show as "Battery Not Charging". The light on the adapter would stay green and not change to orange. While it wouldn't recharge the battery, it did provide enough "juice" for the MBP to run off of.Some of the posts on this forum pointed to this being a faulty battery and to take it into the Apple store. In doing so, the helpful Genius diagnosed the problem as the Power Adapter being faulty, not the Battery.
They provided me with a brand new power adapter right out of the box. In and out of the store within 15 mins.
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Apr 26, 2009
I recently spilled a little bit of coffee on the corner of my MacBook. It didn't get past the F key and only was about three rows of keys. Less than 1/8 cup.
I immediately pulled the power plug and turned it off.
I left it to dry for a day upside down and turned it on. Everything seemed fine, except that after a little while the mouse started to right click on its own and when I typed, it was a combination of letters and numbers.
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Mar 30, 2012
Prior to this update I could drag an album into my iPhone then drag another and it woud simply add those songs to the list being loaded. Not anymore! Now iTunes stops loading the first album, thiknks for a bit and loads the second drag. Utterly useless! I usually drag a selection of purchased and other songs in every couple of weeks for my daily commutes with this 'new' setup it would take a week to drag in a playlist coz I have to wait for every album!
iPhoto '11, Mac OS X (10.7), imac 24' 2.8 core 2 duo 4GB Ram
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Nov 29, 2010
Had my iphone 3gs for around 4 months now, it recently stopped turning on for some reason. I've tried everything but when I woke up this morning to turn on my phone it just didn't start... it looks beat up around the edges, is missing the volume button on the side, and has a crack, HOWEVER it has no water damage. The only reason it's so beat up is because I skateboard and I keep my phone in my pocket and for some reason the plastic doesn't hold up too well... The sensor is 100% white though and its not really my fault it broke they just built it .I think they might replace this is if I go and complain about it not turning on and seeing if they can fix it, if they can't hopefully they will give me a new one.
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May 7, 2009
Over the last year I now and again get this strange this happening where the computer would freeze and the fan would come on at full speed and be very loud. It also started happening when I turn off the computer for a while and turn it back on again. It would not start up and the fan would just kick in. The only way I could get it going was to manually turn the machine on and off until it would eventually turn on properly. Sometimes I would have to do this 4 or 5 times.
Then today the computer just turned itself off automatically. No warning, nothing, just click and off like when you have a power cut, but there was no power cut. So I ran a quick hardware test from the OS installation disk and it said that it detected 2 faulty RAM sticks at startup. I was worried it might be a logic board problem but that has come back on the test saying it is okay.
Would having faulty RAM cause the above to happen? And how reliable is the hardware test that comes with the Apple OS installation disk? I am praying it is just RAM and nothing more expensive. I am gonna clean out the fan today, and dust things down a little bit just in case it is a bit of dirt or something, but I would be interested in other people's opinions.
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Jun 23, 2012
I purchased a 21 inch iMac computer approximately 3 years ago. The computer ceased working a few months ago and I have since been informed that Apple have recognised this model as faulty. inform me of my options given this is a reasonably new computer with minimal usage. Someone I know had the same issue and Apple replaced thier iMac even though it was out of Warranty due to faulty parts, thus why this model was ceased production.
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Sep 30, 2009
I have replaced may Snow Leopard Family pack and have found that the replacement disk is also faulty. It stalls at around 40 minute mark and does not install. I have confirmed a general problem from two store sources. I also have similar problem with copies i bought from US. There is a noticeable defect along the outside edge of disk and swirling to a coma form of about a centimeter. Seems like a quality control issue at the disk creation instead of information burning. I have had no problems with the single versions of the OS.
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Oct 16, 2009
I am getting a new Macbook Pro in a week, with exactly the same specs of my current one. Can I swap out my old HD and put it in the NEW one? Will everything be exactly the same?
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Nov 7, 2010
The SD card slot is only available on the 13 inch MBA. I'm just wondering if anyone has used it yet?I have an SD card in my digital camera but I'm not a huge picture taker so I haven't used it. I'm thinking of getting a 32GB SD card for extra storage to slide in there.
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Apr 8, 2008
No security slot is standing between me and an mba. Is there a solution short of a bicycle lock? Will they rectify this next version? I always cable lock my pro in a coffee shop. As Kissinger said, even paranoids have real thieves waiting to snatch their laptops.
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May 27, 2009
Figured I might as well put that slot to use. What do you keep in yours?
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Aug 27, 2009
this probably has gotten asked like 1123 times, but do you guys think apple will release the sd in the 17" any time soon?
why did they add it to the 13 and 15 but not the 17?
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May 20, 2010
I called apple today to ask about upgrade to 8GB RAM. They told me that the MBP i7 has 4 slots and since I already have 4 GB I only need to buy 2x2Gb only. I don't know if this is correct??
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Apr 24, 2012
having issues connecting ram in 2nd slot , as soon as i connect it it will not post
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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Sep 8, 2010
I burned an ISO image file to a blank DVD and it ran fine on my desktop, but I when I put it in my MBP, it said my DVD is blank.
I put in a DVD movie I just bought, and when I insert it it just try's to run but eventually gets ejected.
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