MacBook Air :: Google Drive Created Series Of Duplicates Adding 1 To Filename
Apr 28, 2012
I've just installed Google Drive, but it's created a series of duplicates with a "(1)" inserted in the filename. Quite maddening. Is there any way to quickly search for filenames that contain (1) so I can quickly separate them?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Aug 14, 2010
I'd like to copy the filename and the date created (basically, whatever my Finder's List View shows, which is minimal) so that I can paste it into a plain text document. Is there an easy way to do this without a script? As it stands, when I copy and paste to the text document, I just get the filename with its extension.
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Apr 28, 2012
Two weeks after I migrated to Lion, I stopped syncing my iPad and iPhone through iTunes and turned on iCloud.I had 15 years of calendar data, and after the iCloud syncing, most of the entries were duplicated or even triplicated.It took me 5 days and about 5 hours with Apple tier 2 advisors to resolve the problem.The support communities had useful info, but it was scattered around.I am consolidating the useful stuff in this posting so that it may help others.
1.The important thing to understand about iCloud is that it considers itself the "master repository".Its primary purpose is to backup your data, but it cannot distinguish your data if it originates from multiple sources.My 3 devices (mac, iPad, iPhone) synced fine via iTunes.But when I connected the 3 devices to iCloud, iCloud did not continue from where iTunes left off.Instead, the calendars on the 3 devices were Merged in iCloud, resulting in duplicates.However, many repeating events (events that spanned multiple days) were not duplicated.
2.At this point, your calendar is corrupted.Don't try to fix a calendar while you are connected to iCloud (see why below).Your best choice is to delete the calendar from all platforms and then restore your pre-iCloud calendar from your archive or from Time Machine. First, disconnect your calendar on ALL devices (Apple->Preferences->iCloud->uncheck the calendar).This will delete calendar from those devices.Then go into iCloud and delete the calendar there (click the Edit button at the top of the calendar list and then click the minus button).
3.Restore your pre-iCloud calendar to your mac.Because this is pre-iCloud, all your calendars should be under the "On my Mac" section.Go into Apple->Preferences->iCloud->check the calendar.iCloud will start syncing immediately and your iCal will say "iCal - Updating" in the title bar.When it stops Updating, check your data.You will see that all of your calendars in the Mac are now in the iCloud section.
4. Add a test event and see how it updates on iCloud.Now go to your iPad and iPhone If you did step 2 correctly, both of their calendars should be empty.Turn iCloud back on on those devices through Preferences, and the data will sync to your devices.By default, the mobile devices only sync I think 2 weeks of data.I discovered that even tho I could get 15 years of data to sync to my iPad, the iPad could not display it.So I am going to have to tolerate having only a short period of data on my mobile devices and keep the whole archive only on my mac.TIPS I LEARNEDBackup your calendar and address book BEFORE you go to iCloud.Use the File->Export menus to export an archive of the whole calendar (.icbu) or whole address book (.abbu).In addition, you might want to export each of your calendars and address book groups as individual .ics files and .vcf files.This way, if you need to combine calendars, you can simply import a .ics file into an existing calendar in iCal.Why can't you delete duplicates while you are connected to iCloud?I tried to do that, and just when I got close to the very end, iCloud seemed to get confused, and then it suddenly put all the duplicates back.Several hours wasted.If you delete the calendar from iCloud and then try to restore it to your mac, it is very important to disconnect iCloud first. Otherwise, iCloud syncs the deletion back to the mac and deletes the calendar you just restored.Just remember, everytime you disconnect from iCloud, it deletes the calendar on your device.So the sequence must be:disconnect iCloud first, and THEN restore. When you turn iCloud back on, iCloud sees this as a whole new calendar.I was used to the replication idea of Lotus Notes, where the newest time stamp determined which event to keep in a sync conflict.iCloud does not work that way.It doesn't use timestamps and has no idea of latest event.It just merges everything.When you first turn iCloud on, if it asks you if you want to merge your Address Book, realize that iCloud will merge at the field level.So for a contact, if you made changes in work phone on two devices, that contact will now have 2 work phone fields.How to restore a Lion calendar from Time Machine:Â In Finder, go to the Go menu.Press the option key, and Library shows up in the dropdown menu.Select Library and then open the Calendars folder.Copy everything in it to a safe place and then delete the originals.Now, open Time Machine, and it will navigate to that hidden folder.Restore everything in the Calendars folder.How to restore a Snow Leopard calendar from Time Machine:If you have since migrated to Lion, use the method above to get to the Calendars folder and clear it out.Now open Time Machine and go to the Library->Calendars folder and restore everything in that folder.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 30, 2010
The reason I ask is because if it does, I will like to delete the music I add to iTunes from its original location. Can I do this or is it recommended that the music also be in the original location?
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Jul 25, 2010
Upon adding new songs to my library, iTunes creates a new folder, gives it the same name as the folder "above" and adds the songs I want to add in this new folder. I deleted the whole library. I have a folder "Greatest hits" with about 20 subfolders for each artist. I added the folder "Greatest hits" to the iTunes library, Itunes creates a new folder for every individual artists in the root directory, copies the songs as well but the cover jpg remains in the "old" folder...
What to do?
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Nov 12, 2010
I accidentally erased google search from my default search engine in google chrome, now I am being asked for the search URL to re-add it. Anyone knows what it is? Tried with no success. Apparently the url is quite complicated, containing question marks and "%".
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Feb 2, 2010
I have a 1Tb Iomega Minimax attached to my Mac mini that has started acting strangely.
It would appear that some of the file names have become linked to other files on the hard drive.
Example - I can double click on an mp3 file that used to be fine, but now a video file gets played that is stored elsewhere on the Minimax.
It only appears to be some of my files. I use this drive mainly for mp3 and AVI video storage so the mix ups are typically between these file types.
I ran disk utility but it says the drive is fine. Is there any other Mac software that can help me figure out what the problem is and maybe fix it?
I've never seen a hard drive do this before, and my Mac experience is pretty limited!
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Sep 29, 2010
I need a drive that makes zero noise. Doesn't need to be the best of the best at speeds.
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May 6, 2012
So around 5 years ago i got the WD-160JB hard disk drive. I want to see all the things i did back then. I want to be able to connect this WD-160JB drive as a external hard drive to my mac.Â
What i am wondering is if you can somehow have a cable or something which links the USB from the MBP to the hard disk.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 17, 2010
I have been using a 1GB pen drive to transfer data from my Mac to a PC. However, I am finding that strange directories are being created on the drive and it is causing the drive to get filled up.Also, when I go into the USB drive through Finder it shows as being empty. a 'du' returns this
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Jun 9, 2012
I am looking to remove my Optical Drive and replacing it with a SSD. My question is, once I replace it will I need to remove Lion from my HHD and install it on my SSD? And if so, how do I go about doing this? Also I would like high performance from CS6 so should I install it on the SSD as well? All the other non apple apps should be okay on the stock HHD or should I just buy a 250GB SSD and move everything over at once with a clone?
MacBook Pro, iOS 4.3.3
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Jun 12, 2012
I have the microsoft office cd but with no cd drive, I cant add it to my air. I know there has to be a way to do this.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.5)
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Jun 28, 2014
I have an early 2011 MBP unibody design.
Current Specs...Â
*2.3Ghz Dual Core Intel Core i5
*8GB 1333Mhz DDR3 Ram (Upgraded from 4GB)
*320GB SATA Hard DriveÂ
At the moment it has a 320gb hard drive (installed stock by apple). I am planning to remove the hard drive, install a Samsung 840 Evo 250gb SSD into the internal drive bay and then use an optical drive caddy to also keep the 320gb hard drive in my computer.Â
How to install the SSD and set it up with the OS and a few applications however keep my personal files and media on the 320gb hard drive. Â
What would the be the best way of re-installing the OS onto my newly formatted SSD?
How would I set up my MBP properly to save certain files (e.g. caches etc) to the HD or SSD?
what the read/write speeds will be like for the SSD (does my MBP support SATA 3?)?
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Mar 24, 2012
A "start-up disk is full" message popped up suddenly. I safe booted up, and cleared off 2 GB of stuff, and thought I was good. But then, I noticed the space available started to shrink rapidly, and the hard drive was full again. Now I can't even safe boot it up.Â
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Nov 19, 2009
I am on Snow Leopard, 10.6.2.
Today I created a partition on the wrong drive ( where all my family pictures and videos are ) and now I can't access the drive at all.
I am guessing the files are still there but I am clueless on what to do.
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Mar 26, 2010
Recently, I was installing Windows 7 on my Bootcamp partition, and the installation was going fine, but I ran out of energy so the installation was interrupted. I boot my Mac OS, opened Bootcamp and erased the partition just to create it again and install Windows once again. However, when I loaded the installation from my DVD, I got an error message saying that a CD/DVD driver was missing, and it found no hard drives even after rescanning my computer. When I chose browse, I was surprised when I saw not 2, but 3 partitions, one with my MAC OS, the new Bootcamp partition, and a drive called X: that was created when the past install got interrupted.
I've tried erasing the partition in bootcamp over and over, but I can't erase it, even though Mac OS tells me my drive now consists of a single volume. Do I need to format my whole drive? Do I need to install OSX? Will I lose all my applications and data? In case you need it, here's some info:
OS X Version 10.6.2
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66 Macbook Pro 4GB Ram
Windows 7 Ultimate
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Aug 30, 2014
I am not clear on whether my data on the Google Drive shown in Finder is taking up storage space. Â
I understand that it is used to sync, but is my data off of my computer or not? How is using the Google Drive shown in Finder different than using Google Drive via the web?  Â
I would like to access my documents, photos, and music from an external storage source, either Google Drive, Dropbox, or my own external HD. Â
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
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Jan 21, 2009
I have a relatively new Mac Pro with a 320gb sata system drive. I'm giving some thought to getting a SSD and making it my system drive for booting and applications (including Photoshop CS4), and using the 320gb drive to store photos and videos.
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Jun 5, 2014
Why did the Mavericks install create two shared user folders on my hard drive ('brw0080929854c2' and 'netgear106ebe') ? What should I do with these, delete or are they essential ?
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Nov 18, 2010
I've made a movie project in iMovie 7, but it's taken 3GB of space on my hard drive and I am lacking space right now, so I need to move it out onto a external hard drive. I'd like to be able to recreate/edit the movie project on another computer.
How can I do this?
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May 27, 2010
But I'm having issues find any. I think I need a 3.5" SATA II . All I'm able to find are just SATA...or do "they" just not put the II. Any recommendations?
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Jun 14, 2010
They are outright lying on their website. They tell us that their SSD requires less power than regular HDDs and this is completely not true. After putting their 512 GB model into my MBP, I lost ~10-15% battery power.
Kingston has been unhelpful and just tells me that "the SSD consumes less power than a regular harddisk and this has been confirmed by our technicians". Hell I had even a 7.2k drive in my MBP before which consumes MORE than a regular HDD and here I am losing 10-15% of battery life to their SSD. They are just lying through their teeth and they should not be trusted. It really really sucks. I've been at 10 emails so far but only robots reply as it seems. I just hope they would pull a firmware update out of their sleeves but I think it's very unlikely.
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Jul 26, 2007
Is there a way I can add an icon to my usb jump drive; when I plug it in to any mac my drive would show up on the desktop with my icon?
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Dec 5, 2014
Macintosh HD is showing 370GB used but it doesn't add up when you look at the Users folder. The largest User account is 24GB, and between Applications, System, and Library there's only another 17GB used. Hence, about 320GB of used drive space is unaccounted for.Â
Disk Utility also shows 500GB drive, 127GB available, 370GB used.Â
I suspect an older User account was deleted but has somehow been retained, albeit hidden. Yet the Deleted Users folder is showing Zero Bytes.Â
Also, the Trash is completely empty, so the missing data is not lurking there.Â
I'd very much like to examine the deleted account and look at the data (particularly photos and movies) that were in there.
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
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Apr 20, 2012
Can I use my Mac book pro while downloading a long tv series from iTunes? Or will I lose my connection ? And my money?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 12, 2008
i added a 2nd optical drive (Pioneer 115D) to my mdd dually 1.25 G4. BUT, i'm sure I didn't do it right. Sure, it recognizes the drive, but I put them on the same bus (Ata-33). I should have them on separate bus', but I have 2 hd in the rear ata-100 drive carrier and 1 in the front ata-66 carrier. Can anyone tell me how to effectively put them on separate bus'? is there a website with specific directions on how to do it this way? The reason why I was told to keep them on diff. bus' is b/c they won't function as well (data lockups b/c same bus can't handle data).
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Sep 10, 2014
I was shocked to see that my hard drive was close to full last night when I checked on its capacity. Mainly because I just wiped clean a month ago and reinstalled with the current version of Mavericks.  It would appear that my problem lies within a massive amount of storage used classified as "other". My HD holds 320 GB and of that, "other" is taking up 161 GB along with my Audio, Movies, Photos and Apps taking up a combined 120 GB. This leaves me with about 40 GB left of free space.Â
I am unable to pinpoint the location of these "other" files. Totaling up the four subfolders in my HD (System, Library, Users and Applications) only amounts to 120 GB which can be traced back to my Audio, Movies, Photos and Apps. This leaves 161 GB floating around used somewhere that I haven't the slightest clue of where it is. I have used Grand Perspective and a disk space analyzer from the app store and they both only recognize 120 GB being used by the hard drive. Â
To make things a little more interesting, when I first noticed this "other" issue, it was taking up 145 GB and over the course of an hour or so after multiple restarts it has worked its way up to the 161 GB it is at now. Is there some type of glitch here?Â
I have tried restarting in Safe Mode to reset any stuck processes, but that didn't work either. I have searched similar problems but most people have found massive log files which they were able to pinpoint using a disk analyzer.Â
With a clean wipe and reset only a month ago, how can the "other" be this big already?Â
I have a 2007 iMac which ran great with snow leopard...I currently have the latest version of Mavericks 10.9.4
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 2007 iMac
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Mar 11, 2009
Would it be worthwhile (and easy)to install OS X on the new 8" notebook from Sony? I love the form factor and don�t really have much hope for something coming from Apple at this size with a physical keyboard.
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Jun 17, 2009
Can we start pooling together info on these GPUs before the threads start popping up all over. I don't know much info myself but am interested and trying to stay up to date on it as I am looking to purchase a 17" within the next 3-4 months
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Mar 13, 2012
How do I connect an HP LaserJet 1000 series to my macbook?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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