Applications :: Does Adding Music To ITunes Make Duplicates?
Jul 30, 2010
The reason I ask is because if it does, I will like to delete the music I add to iTunes from its original location. Can I do this or is it recommended that the music also be in the original location?
Okay, so for two of my albums (both by the same artist) there are three pictures of each album as if they are each their own album. Every song is tagged the exact same, nothing's different, artist name and album name are the same throughout. Screenshot attached. I've tried clearing album art, deleting and reimporting, nothing seems to fix this.
Also, on that same album, half the songs don't play on my iPhone/iPod. They play perfectly fine on my Mac, and they are encoded the same as all of my other songs, but when I go to play them on my iPhone, the song never starts. Nothing freezes, the song just never plays. I have to restart the iPod app for any other song to play. I've tried restarts, restores, firmware upgrades, nothing. This problem has existed since 1.1.4. Why?
Is there an app (preferably free) that will automatically add cover art and metadata like artist and album name by song title? I've got a bunch of music that has only the song title, but is not categorized by anything. I remember seeing something like this before, but can't remember what it was. Is there anything that can do this?
Moved my MP3s from my PC to my Mac, I have all my MP3s in an MP3s folder, under that folder is each band in their own folder. I am trying to add them to my itunes music library, pointing the preferences to the main MP3s folder but it shows nothing. How do I get it to add my music?
I've run into an odd problem where iTunes (v8.0.2.20 Windows Vista) will not add, play or do anything with audio files (mp3) that it has previously played in the past (same version of iTunes). It played it one day, then the album disappeared and will not allow it to be added again, it does how ever work perfectly in Quicktime player, Winamp, WMP and other players. When I use Add Folder to Library, I get a quick "Processing files" dialogue, then it disappears (Same if I drag the folder into the library itself), and when I try to play the files individually, nothing happens at all. I've tried everything short of reencoding the files, which I want to save as a last resort (So as to not lose audio quality) and Ripping the CD again isn't an option since I no longer have the original after my car was broken into.
The first fourteen episode of a podcast I subscribe to (Sundays Supplement, yay!) are only available via download from the website. I want them to appear in my Podcasts library.
In my iTunes folder there's a path ~/iTunes/iTunes Music/Podcasts/Sundays Supplement
Containing all the subscribed shows.
So, I d/led all the .mp3s to this folder. No joy. Restart iTunes. No joy.
I was under the impression that you could just put new songs right into this folder and they would show up in iTunes. I added a bunch of music files (correct format of course) to this folder and they don't show up. I still have to use "Add to library" and browse to the actual folder and song for it to show up. What gives?
How should i organize my music files on my mac so that they are easy to find AND (equally as important) avoid creating duplicate files? not neccessarily THEE way or the highway I am using a macbookoperating system: Mac OSX 10.6.8.itunes 10.5.3
I've only recently added release years to all my albums and now I sort by album by year, which is great. However, I'd like to make some smart playlists based on decades, and this is a problem for anything on some sort of anthology or greatest hits collection. For example, the Barenaked Ladies greatest hits CD was released in 2001.
If I tag the whole album as 2001, it sorts correctly, but the individual tracks from the 90's won't show up in the 90's smart playlist. The other option I can think of is to tag each individual track with the correct year, but then the album stops appearing in the right place chronologically within the BNL albums, since iTunes no longer knows it was released in 2001.
So my question is this: is there some way to do a sort of "Sort Year" or "Album Year" similar to "Sort Artist" or "Album Year"?
And while I'm at it, I'm sure there's no way, but it seems like it'd be cool to somehow tie a track to two different albums. Previously, if I had a greatest hits and some original albums, I would erase any duplicates from the greatest hits and only keep them on the original album. However, since the release of iTunes 8 I use a more album-based approach to my music. I use grid view with shuffle off by default, and often just click "Play Album". But if I do that for a greatest hits comp, it of course won't play the tracks that I've deleted from it. So I have to keep two copies of the same recording for two different albums. It'd be cool if there was some way to tie one track to both albums to avoid dupes. But again, I'm pretty sure this'll never happen.
Itunes demons got me again. I have about 2 or 3 gigs out of my 350+GB collection on my internal HD. I keep everything on my external since it is so much. How this music copied to my internal HD I really have no clue. I just copied 15 cds in a row to itunes and half went to external and half went to internal. Everything plays and works fine I just want it all on the external. How can I get the music to my external without messing it up on itunes and taking forever deleting and re-adding music?
It first started when I tried to add music files to iTunes by draggin them into my library. It began processing and adding them to my library, but then crashed.After this, I tried reopening iTunes, and it crashes on launch.This now happens every time. I can't open my iTunes.
I've tried deleting the added files out of my iTunes folder, and I'm still getting crashing.I've even tried re-installing iTunes -- no luck
Info:iTunes, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 iMac
I've just installed Google Drive, but it's created a series of duplicates with a "(1)" inserted in the filename. Quite maddening. Is there any way to quickly search for filenames that contain (1) so I can quickly separate them?
So I know about the actual menu item in iTunes, but I'd like to know if there was a way to only remove true duplicates, not the same song on a different album. Like I there is one song from a particular artist that is on 3 different albums, is there any way to have all three songs read from only one file in the HDD? That way, the song would be a part of every album, but it wouldn't take up my HDD space. I could probably do this manually by deleting those other two files, and then "locating" them when iTunes can't find it, but this would take forever. So is there any app that does such a thing? Or am I dreaming?
my library has some issues in that it does not register all of my songs in itunes
I know this as when I copied my entire folder to my macbook (minus the library and .xml files) I have a few hundred more songs than I do on my desktop
However, since I did not have the .xml and library folder carry over, I lost all my playcounts, playlists, dates, etc that I like to have.
Is there any way I can reimport my entire library and only add the songs that are not "seen" by itunes at the moment? FWIW, I have thousands of song files and I do not want to manually search for which ones show up in my mb library but not my desktops
what best app is there that auto downloads ID tag information to my music lybrary? i have tried SongGenie wery good app but laks information about what year, album nr, and genre.
I have a huge music library, and a lot of the song tags include the song name, artist, and album all in the title of the song. Is there a program to fix this?
I gave my daughter a DVD with a number of Albums on it in mp3 format. When she imported them into iTunes on her MacBook(Intel, 10.4.11, iTunes v8) some of the tracks were duplicated.
When her flatmate imported them into iTunes on her PC, every track was duplicated.
Any ideas as to why this should happen and how to stop it?
I have a Keynote '08 slide show that I need to add multiple tracks of music to. The music needs to be timed for segments in the presentation. What is the best way to do this if at all?
I have made a slideshow before and added music to it but now it will not let me. I have to music in a folder in itunes but I can not select it. Then when I play back the Slideshow it says "Slideshow Music. the music you selected cant be found or cant be opened.".strange it worked before..its an mp3.anyone know?
So I just did a clean install of XP on my laptop, downloaded the latest version of iTunes, and re-imported my music library from my external drive. Suddenly, random albums are showing multiple album art on Cover Flow. I'm sorting cover flow by "Album Artist", I've checked the "Part of a Compilation" box when appropriate, and made sure the "Sort Album Artist" field is correct.
I am trying to make up a playlist of my top 100 most played songs I thought I had done it but when ever a new song is added and reaches a play count high enough to be added to the playlist it does not show up.
what I should select when creating this kind of playlist?
I have two questions/issues with iDVD. I'm a bit of a beginner when it comes to iDVD but I have checked all over the internet for the answers.
First I am using the soft frame theme and I am using all three drop zones with video filling them. When I play back the dvd in the dvd preview the video plays very choppy. It is almost frame by frame. The effects of the menu are also slow (in fact the whole preview of the dvd seems to be slow).
My second problem is that when adding background music the dvd takes the whole length of the song to loop, and in the short time is takes someone to choose a button the first drop zone is still looping.
When i transferred all my Music and Movies from my PC, i put them into the specified Music and Movie folders, but when i used itunes to open all of them, iTunes makes a copy of all of them and put then into it's own folder.
how do I my itunes on my air to sync with my iphone, loading the music from my phone to the air? When I sync, it wants to make the itunes on my phone match the itunes on my air.
I have a series of short (5 minute) videos that I want to be able to add to a playlist and have them automatically play, one following the other, the same way that a song does. If I have a song playlist, and I tell it to play the first song, it then goes on immediately to play the second song. But with videos, they don't immediately play. I have a playlist full of short videos. Shuffle is on, as well as Repeat All. I'm not sure what button I need to press to make this playlist actually work. How do I do it?
Very simple. I just want to be able to upload a photo to a song and upload it to youtube. i want people to listen to the song and have the album art cover.
At the moment most of my music is either stored on my Macbook or on an external hard drive. Is it possible to transfer all my music and videos to an external hard drive and then sync it with Itune so that every time I plug it in I can access them?