I am a PC user (please don't flame me) but am getting ready to make the leap into a MBA which will be my travel laptop. Are there any resources that anyone can recommend on co-existing between PC and Mac. I'm told its no big deal to transfer files like Word, Excel and the like between the two, but quite frankly I'm a little nervous as this is my first venture into Apple. But the MBA just blew me away and now I'm pretty psyched. I've been lurking here a while and have learned a lot but need to get comfortable existing in 2 different worlds.
I would like to leap to OS X Lion, and have two Macs at OS X v10.5.8. 1. Do I have to purchase OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, and then purchase OS X 10.7 Lion? 2. Do I have to do this twice? i.e. separately for each Mac?
I am checking out the market on SSDs for my Macbook Pro and I've found a few manufacturers differentiate their product lines as "regular" SSDs and Raid-Ready SSDs. The raid ready's being more expensive and having a little less space. I'm not as tech savvy as I should probably be, so I don't know what Raid or Raid-Ready means and what value it might have.
How do you securely take off all your information ready to sell your macbook? No install disc was supplied withit, it came with the os lion pre-installed.
a) how do I know when my account is ready for EAS? I heard that Hotmail are unrolling the new feature over their accounts over a period of time. b) From the news and advertisement, the EAS support seems to focus mostly (exclusively) on mobile internet devices. Is there any way to use it on my Mac? Or am I still stuck with POP on my computer?
I've researched this on google already with a bunch of different ways being talked about. Just wanted to see how you guys would make AVI file become DVD ready file to burn.
Do all macs that ship right now use 64-bit ready processors? I am assuming the new iMac I just bought a week ago will be able to take advantage of the new 64-bit kernel and rewritten applications? A wikipedia entry in the snow leopard article kinda threw me off, said that dual core processors are 32-bit?
I'm thinking, specifically, my address. It would be great if there was a shortcut that would let me paste in my full address whenever I need to drop it into an email. I'd assume there must be some kind of way to do it, but I've been searching and can't find anything. Could anyone hit me with a tip?
It has been months now. I click on "download" after hours it gets it is ready to install. I do install. Everythings seems ok. Then I go back to my purchases and there it is OS X Lion   (Download)Â
I'm about to buy a MBA, and will need an optical drive to go with it. This will need to be a BluRay Burner. I actually like the idea of an external drive because then I can share one drive among all my computers.I've been waiting for external burners to really hit mainstream, but that hasn't happened yet. It's only now that internals are becoming easy to find. Because I have a lot of store credit, I'd like to get this from Best Buy, but they only have internals in stock. I've contemplated getting an internal and using an enclosure
I'm running Mac OS X Lion Server 10.7.4 on a Mac Mini Server with a Promise Pegasus disk array attached. I'm using one of the logical drive of disk array to store the service data of Mac OS X. I had a power failure last night, and I had a problem with the automatic reboot after a power loss. It takes about a minute for the pegasus to start so the mac can't see the service data volume at boot time. Most services weren't able to start or lost their data. Is there a way to make the system/mac waits until the disk array is ready before booting?Â
Info: Mac mini Server (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Promise Pegasus R6
My Brother 2170W wifi laser printer was working fine under Lion 10.7.3, and then I decided to replace my router with a new Airport Extreme. Same SSID as before, same password, but the printer was suddenly unavailable. After many tries at reinstalling/reconfiguring, finally got the latest drivers reinstalled and the printer added to the printers list via wifi. As long as I don't try to print to it, it shows up as ready and online in the Printer prefs pane. As soon as I try to send something to it, it can't be found. It shows up as "in use, last used" in the pref pane, but in the Queue dialog, it shows as not connected.
What I'm trying to do is set up the apple tvs to be connected to a router that is not connected to the internet, which we'll call Router B.The Mac Mini has all the movies and TV Shows on the iTunes account is hardlined into another router that is connected to the internet, which we'll call Router A.Is it possible to have the Mac Mini hardlined into Router A (to have an internet connection) and simultaneously connected wirelessly to Router B (so the AppleTVs can pull from the Mac Mini iTunes.)?Or vice versa, hardlined into Router B (non internet connection) and Wireless to Router A (internet connection).
I recently bought a Macbook Pro (christmas 2011) for making dvd from home movies. I was working on my first movie and went to make the DVD and now I am stumped. I cannot find iDVD, which was on the kids Macbook. How can I burn the movie to a DVD?
i have searched system preferences (security & privacy > firewall) for this setting, but no luck.Â
i want to make my mac hidden (or a least appear as an unidentified hidden device, with only MAC & IP addresses showing (when i scan my network for the devices connected)) on a LAN.
I just bought a used Macbook Pro. How do I make the changes to make it personal. Example the iTunes comes up as the old user and I have to have his password to make changes on the laptop.Also I cant make a right click on the pad. Is that normal?