There are five Dr. Who episodes stuck in the downloads que, but I can't download them. They all have a message, "Download Error. Tap tp retry.", but when I do a pop-up window says, "Unable to download episode. "[Episode Name] could not be downloaded at this time"Â
I'm getting security question prompts when I try to download from iTunes, and the "rescue email" field keeps getting a "please use a valid email address" error when I enter my email address. It's correct, no matter how many times I enter it.
I recieved an email from iTunes saying my episode for Fringe Season 4 "Nothing as It Seems" is ready for download, yet when I sign in the ep doesn't download and it isn't listed on the season list yet. So why do they send an email saying its ready when it clearly isn't?? Wouldn't waiting til it's up for download to send an email notification that it's ready make more sense?
In the list of albums, some of the album art is not showing, but when I click to view the song list, it is there. See screenshot which explains it much better. Â
I spent a lot of time selecting cuts to put in my iTunes Store Wish List (had to listen to the auditions to find the right versions, etc.). Now when I go to my wish list, it says it's empty. Is there a time limit or something? I filled out the Wish List a few weeks ago.
I have an Imac. i want to transfer a television episode that my brother bought on itunes from his account on the mac onto mine. I searched the hard drive for the episode but i am still unable to download the episode. i have done this with other episodes.
Whenever I go into iTunes I get a message that there is a download that still needs to download. this is from an album I purchased over a year ago. For some reason the album downloaded but it is still sitting in the download que. So everytime I open iTunes it ask for my password in order to complete the download. How can I just delete the thing? When I right click and select delete from the drop down menu it goes away until I close iTunes and open it back up again. When I actual try to download the purchase I get the following message:
There were problems downloading some purchased items.
I have a bunch of episodes of The Office, but I want to sort them by Episode. Which is it? In Get Info there's "Episode Number" and "Episode ID" episode number seems to be the definite one for labeling which appears first in the season (what I want to do), but there's no option to display it in the normal showing screen. There is for Episode ID, but it doesn't seem to be the right one.
iTunes offers for PodCasts and iTunesU to automatically download the newest or all episodes. Issue: With iTunesU or old postcasts one has to download ALL podcasts just to be able to listen to the next one. e.g. pocast created in 2007 and updated weekly ... why should I download all of them, or only listen to the newest ones? Could a "next" be added to the download behavior?Â
I have a issue with iTunes 9: basically every time I download a new episode of a podcast it creates a new folder instead adding the episode to the existing one.
I am trying to download MAC OSX 10.5 that I just purchased and my hard drive on the computer won't show up as a destination drive to download the software on. I erased the disk figuring that would help but it did not. Any ideas as to what the problem is .The computer is a PowerMac G5 1.8 mhz, 1GB RAM, 160MB HD.
I was reviewing audio books on my wish list and the list just became empty. I have stopped and restarted iTunes and I have manually re-logged into my apple account but the list keeps coming up empty. I have tried both the shortcut on the top right and from the drop down on the top left but nothing. Is this a temporary issue with Apple..I'm on a Mac running OS10.9.4 and iTunes 11.3.1Â
there's an unknown computer showing up on my shared list.I my get my internet through a wireless router, a BT homehub, and you need a password to get onto the internet.. there are 3 computers in my house connected to that router and they dont even show up under my "shared" list! does this sound like my network is being hacked... and if so how do i protect it (and sorry to say im probably the least technical person when it comes to computers to the simplest explanation would be the best )
When I double click on my HD and click Users the only user listed is "shared". My Home User is not there. All my data is accessible but I am concerned that it may get hidden. When I back up to my external HD it transfers all of my data but again I cant see me as a user. Could be coincidental but my logic board was replaced last week and i think it happened then.
How do I set my folders to display in list view instead of icon view consistently? I've tried the "open new windows in column view" option, but it still opens as icons.
I have a issue with my app store. When I downloaded a free app from the app store and later decided that I do not need it, I just erased it. What I have observed is that the updates for the application are still in the list in the app store. I tried to install the application again, and install the update, but when the new updates came out, it started repeating.
A friend recently downloaded 500 messages from her ISP to Mac Mail (4.4) The inbox says she has 500 messages but she can only see around 150 / 200. How can she see that complete list ? I'm trying to convince her to remove those messages off her ISP's server.