MacBook Air :: 4gb Transcend Pendrive Not Detecting?

Jun 23, 2014

I have a 4Gb pendrive and when i connect it to windows it works but when i connect it to mac book air it doesnt even detect (Light on pendrive is there)

But nothing shows up on my Mac.  

i tried formating to ntfs and to fat32 but bot doesn't have any effects

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MacBook Pro :: Transcend External Hard Disk

Jun 12, 2012

I recently acquired a MAC book Pro and this being my first APPLE product - I am still learning lots abt this notebook. My question pertains to using an external hard disk in the MAC book Pro. I have a transcend external hard drive that works on the mac book pro - without my having formatted it etc. It also works on a windows system. ( I have as yet only used it to access documents that were previosly stored in the external hard disk) Can I continue using the hard disk as -is or would I still need to format the disk to make it MAC book pro friendl

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: OS X Mavericks (10.9.4) How To Format A Pendrive

Aug 29, 2014

How to format a pendrive in macbook pro ???

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X :: Unable To Format/Using Transcend's 8GB Flash Drive?

Sep 19, 2009

I was recently gifted an 8gig Transcend Flash Drive by a friend. When I inserted the drive into my unibody MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard, it pops up a window that says:

The disk you inserted was not readable by thing computer

Initialize / Ignore / Eject

Clicking on Initialize takes me to Disk utility and if I try to format the drive. it gives me an error that says:

Partition failed - POSIX reports: Cannot allocate memory.

I then take the drive to a Mac that's running Leopard, but the same thing happens there as well, except the error when formatting tells me it's an 'Input / Output error'

On both the Macs, I've tried formatting with a GUID and MBR, but neither works. I've tried to format it as Free Space/MS-DOS format or even the native Mac OS Extended, but nothing works.


Now, before you come to the conclusion that it may be a faulty thumb drive, I need to tell you that the drive works perfectly fine on a PC. I've tried it on 3 different PCs, running XP, 7 and Ubuntu respectively. All the tree are capable of detecting, mounting the drive and read/write it just fine. I could even format the drive just fine on all three computers.

What's more, I installed Mac Drive on a XP machine and it could format the drive as HFS+ too.

This thing is driving me nuts for the past 12 hours and I'm out of solutions what to do.

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OS X :: Slow Transfer To USB Pendrive With OSX?

Oct 25, 2009

If I copy a file to my USB pendrive with OSX Snow Leopard, by simply drag-dropping a file on my usb disk I get a transfer rate of about 2MByte/sec.

If cp the file in a terminal window and time the process with "date && cp test.flac /Volumes/Cruzer && date" I get a transfer speed of approx 4MByte/sec.

In contrary: with windows I get more than 10MByte/sec!

Any solution for this? Or is there a more efficient program to copy files with for osx?

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OS X :: Copying Files From Mac To Windows Using A Pendrive

Apr 23, 2009

I just wanted to ask. Is it possible for me to copy files from a Mac OS to a Windows OS using a pen drive? Will the files be accessible in my Windows station?

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MacBook Pro :: Not Detecting USB Drive On Reboot?

Mar 23, 2012

I am trying to install Ubuntu on Mac and for that I've created a bootable USB drive with Ubuntu on it. Now when I'm restarting my Mac and pressing Option key on keyboard, it is not giving me any option to boot from USB. I don't think its getting detcted even. USB is currently formatted in FAT format. Just wondering if there is any other format required?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: MacBook Not Detecting SD Card

Apr 14, 2012

My computer won't show my sd card and I have tried to google the problem but I couldn't find anything.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), iWorks

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MacBook Pro :: Airport Suddenly Not Detecting ANY Network?

Jan 13, 2011

I have a MacBook Pro from 2009. The airport has abruptly stopped finding any networks. I have had problems in the last few months (just after I moved to the states from Canada). My roommates' laptops could pick up the network, and mine kept dropping out. I went home for the holidays, and it worked fine (despite the router being even further from my computer).

when i returned, i had a few days of very spotty internet (much higher number of drop outs) and now it won't detect a single network. My warranty is up so i'm nervous that this is something internal they have to replace, but I"m hoping there is some way for me to check. I just tried to connect at work, and it detects nothing here too. so it is NOT interference.

sidenote: My graphics card is malfunctioning (which is under extended warranty for this model), and I am taking that to get replaced today... is there any crazy conceivable way that the two issues could be connected???

bottom line: what can I do now to rule out (or in) the possibility of hardware malfunction causing my airport to stop detecting networks?

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MacBook Pro :: HDMI With Retina Display Not Detecting Tv?

Jun 21, 2012

This is my first MBP. I tried to connect it to my receiver with HDMI cable, and nothing happened. When I connect it to my windows computer it works flawsley. I'm not really sure if there is something I need to do. All I did was plug it in.

Windows 7

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MacBook Pro :: Detecting Headphones But Audio Isn't Working

Aug 30, 2014

my MacBook Pro audio from the headphone jack just decided to stop working. The weird thing is, in system preferences, the computer is detecting that I've plugged in headphones. I can even control the volume and click play/pause from the control on the headphone wire, just no audio.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Not Detecting External Display Make/Model?

May 31, 2012

Problem exists on MacBook Pro (15", Late 2008) and MacBook Air (11", Late 2010) using a mini-displayport -> VGA adapter.  When an external monitor (Dell E177FP) is connected it is recognized but appears as a "VGA Display".  No problems with usage, however when the mac is put to sleep the monitor sees it as a no signal situation and displays its built in test instead of going into powersave mode.  When I first hooked up the monitor I was using an old cable that was most likely damaged (screen was showing alot of artifacts) but this problem did not occur and the display slept fine.  I then bought a new Belkin 6' VGA cable and have had this problem ever since.   

I compared the two cables and noticed the new one had the #9 pin, where the old had just a blank.  Thinking maybe this old monitor didn't like to have the 5V coming in I modified (Read: ripped out pin #9) my new cable to no avail.  

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Backing Up Data From Time Machine / Router Not Detecting HDD?

Aug 11, 2010

I currently have a wireless router with a functionality called ReadyShare and I also have a 320GB external USB HDD. I would like to be able to plug my HFS+ formatted HDD into my router and be able to use it as a wireless backup solution for Time Machine. The problem is that the router doesn't even detect the HDD so it is unable to share it throughout the network.

Another solution I had thought of was to connect the device to a Windows tower downstairs and then share it throughout the network. The problem here is that there is no free (read: FREE) software that I know of that allows Windows to detect HFS+ formatted drives in Windows Explorer in order to share them.I do know of software that lets Windows read them but there isn't anything that I know of that lets them be mounted in My Computer and treated like a normal drive.

This got me thinking... What if I install the Boot Camp drivers onto the machine downstairs. If I recall correctly, the Boot Camp drivers let Windows do exactly what I am trying to do. But I don't know if this is possible due to hardware differences, etc.

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MacBook :: Macbook Not Detecting Airport And Iphone Does?

Aug 7, 2010

From time to time I have to perform a factory reset on my airport express due to connection problems. I am now very familiar with this process and it has become routine. This time however I am experiencing problems connecting with my macbook. It will be working perfectly but will suddenly lose connection. No bars on the symbol and when I detect networks it recognises all my neighbours but mine is not in the list. The airport utility does not detect it either. The green light is on on my airport and if I use my iphone it connects perfectly. If I come back 30 mins later the laptop will have connected again.

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OS X :: Flash Not Detecting ISight

Nov 11, 2010

This is the first time I've tried using my built-in iSight since the 10.6.5 update, and on any site I've tried it, it doesn't show USB Video Class Video, the correct option, as a selectable option. Nor is DV Video and option. Only Built-In iSight, and two "Google" cams, none of which work. Actually, on Tinychat, Built-In iSight works for the thumbnail for picking the cam option, but won't work once selected. But that's always been the case; the proper option won't show as a thumb but works fine once selected. I hope I'm making sense.

Any solutions? Adobe says I'm running version 10,1,102,64.

Update: It seem either uninstalling Google's video and audio adapters </Library/Application Support/Google/> or installing a beta version of Flash [URL] solves the issue.

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OS X :: Airport Not Detecting Networks?

Dec 10, 2009

I'm having major problems with airport. It seems that lately its become less and less effective at detecting wireless networks. I need to be sitting a few feet away from a router for my macbook (10.4.11) to detect it. This occurs with all networks. I never had this problem until the past year and its seemed to get progressively worse. I'm not sure if this is a confrontational or hardware issue.

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Mac Pro :: Not Detecting Stereo Plugged Into Optical Out?

Aug 25, 2010

I just picked up my new Mac Pro, and have it set up in the living room, much to my girlfriends' chagrin, while I wait for my new monitor to arrive. Anyways, I have it plugged into the TV so I thought to myself, 'why not plug it into my surround set as well?' I went ahead and plugged my stereo receiver into my Mac Pro's Optical Out port, but the Pro doesn't seem to be detecting my stereo, as I cannot select the digital audio as a device for sound output. So, in the meantime, I am stuck with 2.1 through the line out jack.

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PowerPC :: Detecting Powerbook's Revision?

Sep 30, 2006

How do I? The specs, in case you know what revision it is:1GHz PPC G417" widescreen 1GB RAM/60GB HDDAirport Extreme and BluetoothGets really hot too.So is there a way to see which revision my Powerbook is?

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Windows On Mac :: Win7 Not Detecting ExpressCard SSD

Sep 10, 2009

I've got Windows 7 RC 64-bit installed on a 2.53 GHz MacBook Pro (dual boot using Boot Camp) with an ExpressCard slot. I also got a FileMate SolidGO 3FMS4D48M-WR 48GB ExpressCard SSD; the drive works beautifully under OS X, but is not recognized at all by Windows 7 when it's in the ExpressCard slot. In Device Manager, the yellow caution icon appears in front of the Standard ACHI 1.0 Serial ATA Controller under IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers. The drive does not show under Disk drives or in Disk Manager.

The corresponding Device Status message is: "This device cannot find enough free resources that it can use (Code 12). If you want to use this device, you will need to disable one of the other devices on this system." The drive is recognized as SATA under Mac OS X and also works fine in Windows when plugged into a USB port instead of the ExpressCard slot (at which point it is not treated as SATA, but USB). I've tried the latest Boot Camp drivers, but that has no effect.

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OS X :: Not Detecting Time Machine Drive?

Sep 12, 2009

I finally got my copy of Snow Leopard and want to do once more backup before installing. And now, my Macbook isn't detecting my Time Machine drive. This is sudden. It worked this morning. Macbook running 10.5.8. Time Machine drive is a USB WB MyBook.

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Mac Pro :: New System Not Detecting Vidcam - Need Drivers?

Mar 5, 2010

I want to import videos from my vidcam into final cut studio, so I can play with it there. However my new mac can't detect the vidcam, it does however detect when the vidcam is plugged in, however it only recognizes it as a usb type device not as a vidcam. So I phoned apple and asked for assistance, they suggested updating the software(which i did). This however did not help, as the vidcam is still just a "memory space". I can access the videos but they are in MTS format, which is not supported in final cut studio and I would prefer to work directly from the vidcam and not use a video converter to convert them first. So basically to put it in one sentence how do I get my mac to recognize my sony hdr sr12 video camera, as a camera and not a unknown usb type device.

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PowerPC :: IBook Not Detecting New Battery

Jun 4, 2010

I got myself a new battery for my iBook Clamshell however it won't detect it and thus runs off AC power.

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Software :: Detecting Possible Virus In Limewire

Aug 14, 2009

Okay I'm thinking that my iMac 20" (a1224) has a virus after I started playing with Limewire...When I press the power button the only thing I receive is the Apple logo and the spinner below it as if something is about to happen but it never does. I even let it sit overnite hoping for something and no results. I purchased the computer from some random so there is no disc.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Screensaver Always On - Not Detecting Inactivity

May 23, 2012

Recently I am having issues with the screensaver setting, it comes on every time I reach the log-in page while booting, and instead of turning on after 'x' minutes of inactivity it just gets turned on after 'x' minutes. Means if I slide it to 5 minutes, I get the screensaver on after 5 mins, be it doing work or watching a movie in it.

Macbook Pro Mid 2010 15" 2.66GHz I7
OS X Lion 10.7.4

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X Mavericks :: Why Does Laserjet 5p Keep Detecting As Postscript

Jul 19, 2014

I have a LaserJet 5P. When I install it, I don't get the option to select that it's postscript or non-postscript. Consequently all of my documents look like userdict()print flush}%%BeginFeature which is very rarely what I wanted. 

Why is my computer obsessed with postscript? How do I remove printer drivers?

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PowerPC :: AirPort Not Detecting Networks - No Signals

Feb 8, 2008

Reason for the ? is because I'm not sure if this is really a problem or not. Whenever I'm at school there are certain places (inside classrooms mostly) I get either of these scenarios:
1. I get no signal whatsoever and my AirPort doesn't even detect the network
2. My AirPort will be able to detect the school's network but when I try to connect it says "<Network name> cannot be found"
3. If I do connect I'll get such terrible 1 bar signal that it's impossible for me to do anything.

Some key facts that you must know:
-Everyone else is able to connect! i.e. A student to my left, with the newer MacBook, will have a strong connectivity, and to my right will be student to my right with a Dell and has full strength connectivity. What is the deal here?
-I have a wireless router that I use at home and it connects to it no problems at all for the entire time I've had it. Full strength connectivity. I have the last generation of the 12" PB 1.5.

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Windows On Mac :: External Microphone On 13" 2.4 Not Detecting?

Oct 23, 2008

I have recently purchased Apple macbook 13" 2 Ghz, 2GB laptop and I am

using it in dual boot (MAC leopard and Windows XP) . Recently I have

purchased external Headphone of Creative (HS-390) and tried hell like things

in WINDOWS XP but it is not detecting my Microphone....The headset is working

fine the only problem is with Microphone (I have tested Microphone on Desktop

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Hardware :: AEBS Only Detecting 2 Of 3 Hdds Connected

Mar 15, 2009

I've tried searching the forums and extensively on google as well. I can't seem to find anything that solves my particular problem. I just purchased an AEBS from the apple store a few days ago so it's probably the latest model. I've since purchased a powered USB hub so that I can connect my three external wireless drives to it. For some reason the base station will only detect 2 drives at once. If I have all three connected at the same time it will still only detect the most recent two of three connected.

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Hardware :: Detecting Ip Adress With Airport Extreme?

Dec 29, 2009

Was hoping I could get a tip with a problem I'm having. I just set up an aiport extreme and connected an NAS to it (which is running linux). I am able to access the NAS off of my laptop BUT apparently I need the IP adress of the actual device to fully access software on it. I know the adress of my router by using the airport utility, but could anybody advise me as to how I could get the IP adress of my Nas? I'm running OS X 10.6 incidentally.

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Applications :: IMovie Isn't Auto-detecting My Camera?

Jul 28, 2010

I've been using my Vixia HF200 HD camera for over a year, and for the same amount of time, I've been transferring the videos I recorded on it to my computer using iMovie. Unfortunately, for no apparent reason, iMovie isn't detecting my camera anymore. I have absolutely no idea what to do now.

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