OS X :: Unable To Format/Using Transcend's 8GB Flash Drive?
Sep 19, 2009
I was recently gifted an 8gig Transcend Flash Drive by a friend. When I inserted the drive into my unibody MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard, it pops up a window that says:
The disk you inserted was not readable by thing computer
Initialize / Ignore / Eject
Clicking on Initialize takes me to Disk utility and if I try to format the drive. it gives me an error that says:
Partition failed - POSIX reports: Cannot allocate memory.
I then take the drive to a Mac that's running Leopard, but the same thing happens there as well, except the error when formatting tells me it's an 'Input / Output error'
On both the Macs, I've tried formatting with a GUID and MBR, but neither works. I've tried to format it as Free Space/MS-DOS format or even the native Mac OS Extended, but nothing works.
Now, before you come to the conclusion that it may be a faulty thumb drive, I need to tell you that the drive works perfectly fine on a PC. I've tried it on 3 different PCs, running XP, 7 and Ubuntu respectively. All the tree are capable of detecting, mounting the drive and read/write it just fine. I could even format the drive just fine on all three computers.
What's more, I installed Mac Drive on a XP machine and it could format the drive as HFS+ too.
This thing is driving me nuts for the past 12 hours and I'm out of solutions what to do.
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Sep 25, 2009
I've done this many times before, and I think it's just a failing drive, but I wanted to check and see if anyone had successfully worked around this problem before. I have a 16GB Transcend flash drive, and it stopped working last week. When I connect it to a computer, I get the message that I have inserted a disk that cannot be recognized. Disk Utility only recognizes the device, but no volumes (see attachment #2). When I try to format it, I get an error that says it Can't allocate memory (see attachment #1).
Anyone recognize this? I can send it back and get the drive replaced under warranty, just wanted to see if there were any other thoughts.
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Mar 20, 2012
I work for a post secondary school with online formatted classes. We send flash drives out to students to access video content when they are on the go, but it was pretty much made for Windows based computers. I have had a few students now who have Macs and cannot open the content or are getting a message stating the drive is not formated. I see many instructions on how to format a flash drive from a Mac to work on a Mac & PC but nothing about being able to format the flash drive using a PC so it can work on a Mac.
Dell, Windows XP Pro, Windows 7
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Aug 29, 2014
I want to move from pc to mac but I'm struggle if it will support my flash drive format NTFS. Will it support ? or it support only FAT32 ?
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Nov 22, 2009
I am having issues with formatting my main drive in my Macbook Pro (mid 2009) to install Leopard.
I have booted off of several Leopard and Snow Leopard install discs and attempted to use Disk Utility to format my drive. Everytime I try to format the drive I get one of two errors: 1. input/output error OR 2. Unable to allocate memory.
I have tried using several hard drives.
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Jul 29, 2009
The problem is when I put my 4gb flash drive in, the computer doesn't recognize it and doesn't show up on the desktop. So I go into Disk Utility and try to format it to maybe fix it that way, but when I try to, it says format failed, permission denied.
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Apr 17, 2010
I was trying to transfer some files to a friend's Mac with my flash drive and it said I needed to format it for some reason so I did, and now the flash drive isn't even recognized on my PC! ( Windows 7 )
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Dec 27, 2010
I bought a WD My Book Essential to do Time Machine backups. It is formatted for a PC but I was told I need to format for my IMac before I can use it. How do I do that? Is it a complicated process? I have only been using a Mac for about a year now and am still learning about them.
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Feb 18, 2009
i have just bought and external hard drive and want to put stuff on it. i know i hav to format it somehow using disk utility on my imac. what do i format it to so i can use it on both mac and pc? it is set to read only in "get info" and ms-dos fat in disk utility.
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Dec 24, 2009
I have a sandisk cruzer and i finally decided to uninstall the u3 software, so i copied all my files to a folder on my desktop and then used the removal tool. now i can't get some of the files back on. all of the loose files that i had on the flash drives went back, but i cannot get any of the folders that i had on my flashdrive back on. i used to get a -36 error, but after i reformatted my flash drive, now i get "The operation can�t be completed because you don�t have permission to access some of the items."
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Mar 24, 2009
I received an Acomdata 2Tb external hard drive today from Amazon and plugged it in. Time Machine popped up and I declined to link the hard drive to it. I went into Disk Utility and chose the new hard drive on the left column and went to erase. I chose Mac OS Extended. I named it and hit erase. It started going, and going..... and going... and a half an hour later I knew something was wrong.
Disk Utility was not responding and I eventually had to Force Quit. Now I cannot format the hard drive. I starts and then it stops with a disk error. I tried to run the First Aid verify and repair and both stopped after a few seconds with an error. What do I do?
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Sep 6, 2009
I just transfered all my files from Iomega Zip drivers to Mac compatible HP Flash drive. Now I can't open any of those files on HP Flash drive. Some of the files have even disappeared. Is there something I'm suppose to do with Flash drive to open files. If I can't open any of my files on HP Flash drive, is there any program I can purchase to retrieve files on Zip Drive?
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Aug 25, 2010
I think my problem started when i couldn't eject my card reader, then later a separate flash drive...said it was in use. I just pulled them.
Computer won't shut down now, I just get the spinning disk icon.
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Sep 7, 2009
I have a flash drive that I use a good bit, but recently it's started doing this thing where it won't eject. Even force ejects hang and I literally have to restart the computer to get the message to go away.
It also has issues deleting files. Perfect example, I just plugged it in, dragged one file to the trash, didn't do anything else, and when I try to empty the trash it says that file is in use when it definitely is not. Then, giving up on that I try to eject the drive and it won't.
I'd say it won't eject about 3/4 of the time. Other drives are fine, so it's not something I'm doing, and it does it on every computer I try, so it's not just my computer in particular.Any ideas what might be causing this?
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Nov 5, 2009
I'm running Snow Leopard on my new Macbook Pro. I've got a 1.5TB External hard drive that I'm trying to figure out how to format in HFS+ with Apple Partition Map. I can figure out how to format in HFS using Disk Utility, however it still does it in GUID format and I do not know how to do it in Apple Partition Map.
Googleing this for hours has lead with all kinds of information on how to go to GUID FROM Apple Partition Map but not the other way around. I know GUID is the new hottness.. but this drive will be used exclusively to connect to my XBOX 360 and it supposedly only reads HFS+ when its formatted with Apple Partition Map. (I have tried it with Mac OS Extended (Journaled) with GUID, and the XBOX does NOT recognize it) I do not want to use Fat 32, (I know that that is the other major option) beacuse it limits file size.
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Jun 23, 2014
I have a 4Gb pendrive and when i connect it to windows it works but when i connect it to mac book air it doesnt even detect (Light on pendrive is there)
But nothing shows up on my Mac.
i tried formating to ntfs and to fat32 but bot doesn't have any effects
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Jun 12, 2012
I recently acquired a MAC book Pro and this being my first APPLE product - I am still learning lots abt this notebook. My question pertains to using an external hard disk in the MAC book Pro. I have a transcend external hard drive that works on the mac book pro - without my having formatted it etc. It also works on a windows system. ( I have as yet only used it to access documents that were previosly stored in the external hard disk) Can I continue using the hard disk as -is or would I still need to format the disk to make it MAC book pro friendl
MacBook Pro
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Sep 9, 2014
Does quicktime support flash video or flv format
MacBook Pro, iOS 7.1.2
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Apr 28, 2012
I own a Sony Cyber-shot camera, and a 24 inch IMAC computer. I took a short video clip and downloaded it to Iphoto (no problem doing that). I then downloaded the clip to a 4 gpb flash drive, as an mp4 video. My problem is that my friends Microsoft based PC can't play it.
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Feb 9, 2009
I have just received an Mp4 Player from overseas. I don't know what the brand is, there is no info on that. It came from Asia. It has games, a digital camera, can play .avi , mp3, .wav.
But everytime i put one of my avi files from my mac it won't play it and says there is a "format error."
I tried putting the software disc that came with it (which is a small disc btw) into my Intel core 2 duo Imac but it doesn't register that it is in there.
I have the latest version of Leopard. The video that comes already on the player works, which is also an avi video. I just have a problem with avi files when I put them on the player from my Mac.
The video player is 16GB.
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Feb 4, 2009
I have a WD Passport 100Gb, USB, external hard drive that was being used on a windows pc as a back-up drive. I have since, successfully formatted it for use as a back-up drive on the Mac via Disk Utility and have been using it with Time Machine without any problems. It has proved to be a little small as a backup and has been replaced by another larger ext drive which is working fine. I now want to re - reformat the smaller WD disk back to be recognised on my Windows machine so that I can use it like a large memory stick and move Windows files (not Mac files) back and forth to work from home. I don't need to use it on the Mac again.
I have been singularly unsuccessful in getting the Windows machine to load the drive and recognise it. I feel sure that I have successfully converting the drive back to MS-DOS Fat32 format from Mac by using Disk Utility, but the Windows XP Home machine just refuses to recognise the drive even after repeated attempts to set it up as a Fat32 drive with one partition, set with a Master Boot Record 'scheme'. When I plug it into the Windows machine, it ticks like a clock and is recognised in Device Manager as a drive, (but not Explorer) and appears with an Error triangle, and in the 'properties' of that the drive is noted as "cannot start".
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Jun 28, 2012
Unable to to burn Dvd's from any format,ie iDVD.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Dec 27, 2010
I have recently purchased my first MBP (13 inch). It is my first Mac notebook, but not my first laptop. I tried to transfer pictures from my sony cyber-shot still digital camera, but neither Iphoto nor Image Capture recognize the picture format (JPG) and does not allow me to transfer it.
The device also does not show up on the desktop and I have set finder preferences to show every device on the desktop. I have tried everything with my limited knowledge, but as a new mac owner.
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Apr 10, 2009
I was just wondering if there is a way to view a wmv file on my mac. I had several funny clips saved over the years on my pc, but many of them are in the wmv format. I was also recently sent a video that I was, of course, unable to view due to this.
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Aug 3, 2009
I have a mid 2007 Macbook Pro, 2.4GHz, 4GB Ram, 160GB HDD. My iPhoto library has been slowly taking up all of my disk space, currently almost 80GB worth. So I decided to get another external HDD to temporarily move it to until I replace the Macbook Pro's HDD.
So I initially purchased two 1TB drives, one a WD My Book, and one a SimpleTech. I hooked them into my powered USB hub along with my two other 500GB external drives, and started formatting the first one while zeroing it out (as per instructions on a site about how to set up a RAID mirror).It said that it would take 16 hours, so I came back the next morning and the format had failed. I tried to redo it, but it would not work. The error is:
Disk Erase Failed
Disk Erase failed with the error:
File system formatter failed.
Next I tried to format the other drive, and got the same error. Both drives were unreadable by OSX (they were initially formatted for Windows). So I thought that maybe putting 4 drives on the USB hub may have maxed it out?Finally, I purchased another drive, a 1.5TB Free Agent, and tried to format that. Same problem as the others.I am just not sure what to do?I should mention that I am down to only 700MB of disk space, after having moved all my Documents to an external HDD, so things are really thin. Could the low disk space have an effect on the formatting?
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Jul 3, 2012
I am suddenly no longer able to save pdf formatted documents in Preview using Lion 10.7.3. The content is a single page consisting of 4 combined pdf images. I get a "Printer Error" message. It had been working up until now. I restarted Preview and then restarted my system, but this problem did not go away. Is there some way of replacing/updating the save to pdf function or Preview without a total OS update?
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Oct 29, 2009
Lately I have received quite a few e-mails with various attachments that seem to require something other than quicktime to open. In most cases i get a message that says "Quicktime unable to read format" or words to that effect. Just wondering what other downloads there are out there that enable you to read more of the different formats.
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Nov 10, 2009
I'm trying to format my disk due to an error with boot camp. However, I cannot push the erase button as shown below.
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Nov 15, 2010
When I travel I would generally take a small travel drive that is clone of my white MacBook as a rescue drive.Now that I have the MBA I am wondering if I could just clone my 11.6 MBA to a 64 GB flash drive and then if the worst happened I could reverse clone from the flash drive to the MBA.
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Jun 24, 2014
Can a coy of Maverick be downloaded to a flash drive or external hard drive?
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