Mac Mini :: How To Change The Amount Of Memory
Aug 23, 2009I have got a last generation mini with the GMA 950 graphics. What I am wondering is wether I can change the amount of memory that is used by the graphics?
View 3 RepliesI have got a last generation mini with the GMA 950 graphics. What I am wondering is wether I can change the amount of memory that is used by the graphics?
View 3 RepliesI have the 2.2 blacbook, 4gb ram, 320gb hdd. Now when I first bought my macbook, I did not use Illustrator or Photoshop CS3 (for both). Now 1.5 years in, I am using Illustrator and I noticed that when I am working on both (either at the same time, or with one program closed) I sometime get the message in Illustrator "Not enough memory" or "Not enough ram" or when I am saving an image for web and devices "an unknown error has occurred"
BUT if I use Illustrator and Photoshop CS3 (for both) on Vista via bootcamp none of these errors occur. I just don't want to imaging what will happen when I use CS4. Is this due to the way Leopard is setup? I am also looking to upgrade...So do you guys think the new macbook or macbook pros would be better? I mean, my current macbook is holding up well...but I just hate these errors. I prefer to work in Leopard than Vista.
I was viewing the specs on my mac, and for memory 2 GB is shown. When I bought it, I chose 4 and I am pretty sure when I checked it few months back it showed 4. I am doing all this in Leopard. Now it's only showing 2 GB, any idea on as to why?
View 14 Replies View Relatedprobably a slam dunk answer out there. I have been instructed to Open the Finder and Highlight MacIntoshHD. But when I click on the Finder, I see:About Finder, Preferences, Empty Trash, Secure Trash, Services, Hide Finder, Hide Others. What am I missing?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), New to this community.
I installed win 7 Home Premium, and I am being robbed of my ram because I can't change the shared video memory settings. Does anyone have a solution to this? I have the iMac with the ATI 4670 so I already have plenty of VRAM for what I do.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI apparently have 111gb of music on my computer, but only 55.something in my iTunes library. Every time something is downloaded or added, I add it right to iTunes. There is nothing that has been downloaded or ripped and not added to iTunes. Thus, the amount of music in my iTunes library should match what my memory actually shows.
This is what my memory shows: [URL] ...
And this is what my iTunes shows: [URL] ...
I just bought a new Mac Mini. I bought 4GB of RAM for it, and I understand there is a 1GB memory stick that I'll take out to put in the 4GB (2 x 2GB).
My question is: will that single 1GB memory stick fit into my friends iMac, which is a 20" white iMac 2.0ghz intel?
Just upgraded my Late 2009 Mini to 4gb of RAM and its running a lot better. Therefore I have the left over 2gb ram which I am selling on eBay. Check out the Link if you guys are interested..
I'm looking to connect the Mini to my HDMI TV. I've heard of getting an adapter but im not sure which one to get. I've also heard of no audio output in these adapters too. I have a late 2009 Mini but the miniDVI port is being used so the miniDisplayPort is available. Can anyone post a link to a adapter that will work and is under $20.
I have 1 gig sticks in each of the 8 slots. I recently became aware that I am only accessing 6 gig. System profiler tells me all sticks are ok:
however, it is showing 512 sticks in slots J13, J14, J43, J44. (Again, they are in fact 1 gig sticks). Apple Hardware test implicates J14 and J44, with this error message: post/0/2048 DIMM3/J14, DIMM7/J44
By various means I have determined that my memory sticks are fine. I've swapped them out and tried them in various slots. The sticks in the bad slots work fine in other slots, etc etc. So I'm certain it isn't the RAM. Also, they are paired correctly.
The base model has 1gb ram and 128 shared with graphics card, the premium (!) model has 2gb of ram and 256 ram shared with same graphics card. Does anyone know definitively if a base model with 2gb ram will then use 256 ram?
View 24 Replies View RelatedIs there any way that the default stack memory limit for a user in Mac OS X Lion? You can you ulimit in to display information, you cannot change any values.
This is what is returned from ulimit when you try to change the stack memory size.
user@MacbookPro:~$ ulimit -s 81920
-bash: ulimit: stack size: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted
Also, the default value is 8192KB which is approx. 8MB. That is weak, especially on my 2011 iMac with 16GB of RAM. I mainly do scientific programming on my Mac (Fortran). These programs usually require a larger stack size. One option is to allocate data to the heap but that is very slow.
A couple weeks back, we switched from exchange 2007 to exchange 2010.The only change required on the OSX mail client was to change the server address.I have two macbook pros, one is a 2GB early vintage intel, and the other a more recent 4GB model.Both of them are configured for access to the exchange server.Both are running 10.6.Once the change was made, both clients started using huge amounts of memory.This isn't a leak, as is reported in some Lion threads, because it eventually comes back down again.When you start the client, it might use about 150MB of RAM.After a while I have seen as much as 1.6GB of RAM usage on the 4GB machine.If you take the exchange account out of the mix (disable it in preferences) the client consistently stays at about 75MB of RAM.The peak isn't limited by the client as far as I can tell -- it basically uses up all free memory and drives the system completly nuts.Many of the applications no longer perform well once they are subjected to memory starvation, and this includes the mail client itself.
I am now running the activity window with Mail to see if I can spot a pattern, but in one case I watched Mail's memory usage grow in Activity Monitor with nothing in the Activity screen.I aso tried creating a new account instance on the 4GB machine, but without any cached data the behavior was far worse.It very quickly consumes the entire machine and doesn't seem to return to normal.I am firmly convinced this is a side effect of changing the exchange service or one of the exchange settings, if for no other reason than the behavior is new on two systems.It's still unforgivable for the Mail client to do this -- if it can consume all available memory then it needs to monitor itself and defer or break up what it is trying to do.I am a great fan of this mail client but this is so unusable that it might force me back to outlook running in a VM.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I am a frequent poster at places like Slick Deals, but seems that they are pretty anti-Apple. If anyone sees any great deals on Mac Mini 8GB Memory upgrades.....could they post them? I want to upgrade my Mac Mini, but as a single working mom on a serious budget, I can't frivolously spend cash on the's bad enough that I bought it. Would love to hear if anyone finds great deals. I'll even replace one stick at a time
View 24 Replies View Relatedis the memory, that comes with mac mini, ECC?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a question concerning memory upgrades on the Mac-Mini 1.83GHz C2D. Some specs state that the 2GBs of DDR2 PC5300 I currently have installed is the maximum memory that the system can handle. There are other sites, though, that state that the system can actually support up to a 4GB kit of the same memory. Has anyone out there had any experience with upgrading to 4GB
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm running my rather oldish Mac Mini with original 2GB memory, version 10.6.8 and have loaded Sibelius 7 onto it. Whilst I've not got into using full orchstral scores yet, would it be worth me upgrading the memory in readiment? If so, what memory should I upgrade it to and who should I go to for the memory?
I'm also experiencing the "disk was not ejected properly" message which is very frustrating and it follows a recent upgrade to the above mentioned version.
i can't download the updated version of itunes
Info:Mac mini
I have had terrible problems with my Mac Mini. Apple has replaced the hard drive twice, the SATA cable once and the optical drive once in the first year I've had it. After the latest installation of Lion, I have had repeated problems with the error "Your Mac OS x startup disk has no more space available for application memory." This is false -- I have less than half of my 500 GB in use and 4 GB of wired memory.
I believe that Safari is always running when I get this error. Also, I cannot cleanly quit Safari -- I always must force quit, b/c it hangs when I quit. The last time I got this message, Safari was using 1.26 GB of memory.
My System Memory report is all out of whack:
VM size: 221.25 GB
Page ins: 1.59 GB
Page outs: 40.15 GB
Swap used: 59 GB
This is after only 1 or 2 days of uptime. I have just a couple of weeks left on my Apple Care and am desperate to know if this is hardware problem requiring my 5th trip to the Genius Bar or if this some kind of software problem that I can fix.
On this latest Lion install, I did a clean install with no settings or applications, and I killed extensions on Safari.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Mid-2010 MacMini
Can you add more RAM and Hard Drive memory to a Mac Mini after you buy it? I'm pretty sure you can, but I am just making sure.
Info:iPhone 4, Windows7, iOS 4.3.5
My mac mini is slow, is it because of low memory?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
After deleting about 500 emails and going to erase deleted messages the memory available on my hard drive did not change. Should it? Do emails not take up any memory?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWill the 2.0 Mini with 1 gig of memory run Photoshop acceptably or is a better option available???
View 11 Replies View RelatedThe extra memory just came for my new Mac Min i, and I can definitely say that it speeded things up. When I posted earlier about being disappointed. that was with 2 gb stock memory. I put in a total of 4 gb today. Turns out, now get this, if I had ordered the mini with 4 gb to start, it would only have cost $100 more from Apple. Getting it from OWC cost $120.00. Apple would have been cheaper on memory! Go figure. Anyway, 4 gb seems to be the sweet spot for general use like for me.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have a mid 2010 Mac mini connected to my TV for use primarily for Internet radio and video and I also recently bought a mid 2011 Mac mini to replace my 2007 iMac after its LCD panel went south. The 2011 system report shows 1333 MHz DDR3 memory whereas the 2010 shows 1067 MHz DDR3 memory. I am thinking to upgrade the 2011 from 4 GB to 8 GB and swap out the 2 GB in the 2010 for the 4 GB from the 2011. Will the 1333 MHz DDR3 memory from the 2011 work in the 2010?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a late 2006 mini with only 512mb of memory. The specs for snow leoparg call for 1gb. I do have an Intel core 1.66.. I wanted to buy the box set. If not can I install more memory in this older computer?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.4.1)
I keep getting the message that my start up disc is full - system will not me delete any files etc
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am upgrading to 8GB in myMac mini. I did the trouble shooting( command, option P,R) thing after getting 3 beeps but it didn't work. So I tried one 1GB plus one 4GB to total 5GB and it booted.
How can I get 8GB to work? Why does 5GB work and 8GB not work?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2011
I purchased a used Mac mini server and can get past the startup screen for the setup process. There is a little spinning wheel in the lower left hand corner of the initial server setup screen.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
I have an older Mac Mini that came with 1GB RAM. Is it possible to take it to an Apple store and have them add an extra 1 GB? I can't upgrade to Lion without it.
Mac Mini 2009, Mac OS X (10.0.x), First Mac in June 20, 2009
my mac mini has 30.00 GB of memory remain and the app store will not let me download Lion because I do not have (2.0 GB of memory).
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)