I have a iMac DV G3/500 (Special Edition) from summer 2000. Anyway, I am using Mac OS 10.2.8. Recently, my start up disk's memory has gone done from 1.2 GB available free space to 668MB (currently). I haven't saved anything on this disk so I can not understand why this memory has dissappeared. I have also had icons on the start up menu disappear. Could someone please tell me how I can restore the missing memory?
I have been running out of hard drive space and have deleted a whole bunch of files... even deleted all the languages i didn't need from all my applications... about a week ago i freed up around 2GB.... but without saving and downloading anything my free space is now 70MB!! All I have been doing is watching streamed videos and I notice this reduces the drive space as I'm watching it!! Even opening firefox and some websites drops my memory by 0.1MB. I can't find anywhere where temporary files might be so i can delete them.
I never used to have this problem but I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that I now use wireless internet through a phone provider and a USB modem rather than my previous WiFi via cable broadband. Can anybody shed some light on what is stealing my memory when browsing?
I don't play comp. Games, don't store pictures on my comp., and I don't need a lot of software. So how much memory and hard drive do I really need for a Mac laptop?
I have a iMac DV G3/500 (Special Edition) from summer 2000. Anyway, I am using Mac OS 10.2.8. Recently, my start up disk's memory has gone done from 1.2 GB available free space to 668MB (currently). I haven't saved anything on this disk so I can not understand why this memory has disappeared. I have also had icons on the start up menu disappear. Could someone please tell me how I can restore the missing memory?
I have an A1226 15" MacBook pro with 2GB of RAM and 120GB hard drive. I'm busting at the seams! It's running very slow, with 110GB of hard drive used up. I need more hard drive for photos, etc. and more memory for speed. I'd rather not spend the money for an iMac, so I'm considering upgrading this MacBook Pro with 500GB hard drive and 2GB more RAM (total 4GB). Can anyone tell me the pros and cons? Am I fooling myself to think this is going to come close in performance to a new iMac with 4GB RAM and 500GB hard drive?
I noticed the new Macbook Pro with Retina display has flash memory instead of a Hard drive. I love the new features and I want to buy it but I'm very skeptical of this flash memory. Can someone please help explain it to me. Is it better than have a hard drive in your computer?
I have a 2011 MacBook Air and I love it but I am getting concerned that the hard drive is failing. The amount available keeps changing by a few gigabytes..it will start the day with 10 or 11 GB available and then drop down to 9 or 10 GB and sometimes you can watch the amount available creep up in small increments every minute or so. It is not constantly fluxuating and of course I understand that if I move files on and off the computer, the space available will change. I have been using Macs for 20 years and I fear this is a sign my hard drive is going to fail. I am backing up the computer regularly.
After deleting about 500 emails and going to erase deleted messages the memory available on my hard drive did not change. Should it? Do emails not take up any memory?
Clearly there must be a way to do this, right? Can I install off an external hard drive? Off a USB drive? Share my macbook pro's DVD drive somehow? If the hard drive on the mac mini is completely reformatted and I plug it into the USB port on the external hard drive which I partition and install the Leopard DMG would it be able to boot off of it?
which is faster & more efficient? to download photo & or video content from a memory card directly to an external hard drive? or to the computers main drive & then move to the external hard drive?
I am after faster transfer/download speeds with less hang ups
I have a 2011 Mac mini with a 500gb hard drive. I want to upgrade it, have bought a Cruical M4 64GB SSD, WD Scorpio Black 750GB 7200 rpm drive and a second hard drive cable. I want to replace the 500gb drive with the 750gb drive and install the SSD. Then run the OS, PS and LR from the SSD. I want to clone my current drive to the new one but once I get both drives installed is there a way to remove the OS from the HDD? Can I do this or do I have to start from scratch and then reload everything? Really don't want to do that.
Basically my hard drive randomly decided not to mount. It is a 60gb USB external hard drive. I have used a different mac, a PC and both didn't mount the hard drive. On windows it can not recognize the driver to mount but on mac nothing! I even tried external power, different USB leads and a new one. Still nothing. I think it may have become corrupt.
a couple of days before my wireless track pad and keyboard would have trouble connecting when computer is waken after sleep mode. Then one day my mac mini just suddenly stopped going in a physical sleep state. When I go to the apple sign and put the mac mini to sleep the screen turns black like usual but once its put to "sleep" the light indicator on the mac mini will not blink neither will I hear the hardrive slow down. whats going on. This is the standard $700 model mac mini mid 2011.
My time maching back up is 60 GB less than my Hard Drive and I know that the back up is an accurate count of used GB's as I have been keeping an eye on this. I recently empltied my trash and found 15 GB's but I am still showing a 60 GB difference between what my MAC HD says vs. my Time Machine back up HD. How could this be? and where could I possibly missing 60GB. I would think if they were actually used somewhere that Time Machine would be backing them up as well.
My son is having a BIG problem with his Mac Mini. His Mini has a 1.83GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor, memory of 3GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM and runs Mac OS X Version 10.6.3. He has Time Machine and also a 1.5TB desktop hard drive. From time to time, he has been getting pop-up warnings that his internal hard drive was about to become full. He would then do some deleting and things would be fine until the next pop-up. Last week, after watching some videos on Utube, he tried to open iTunes and, instead of a pop-up, got an error message with some numbers (which he didn't write down). It began the usual routine, starting with a white screen with the apple logo in the center and the loading circle spinning right below it. After that, it normally goes to a light blue screen and then loads the desktop, but this time (and ever since) it stopped at the blue screen, empty except for the message "Hard Drive Full, Please Delete Data".
Apparently the screensaver still works, but not much else -- like the Finder. He said that he did get something to appear on the top bar by taking the batteries out of his Apple Bluetooth keyboard, bringing up the "Bluetooth Setup Assistant", but once a wired keyboard is plugged in, everything on the top bar disappears (since the Mac sees a keyboard). He was going to do a "restore" and, in preparation, thought he had done a successful back-up to his external hard drive using the Time Machine feature. However, when he checked the Time Machine under System Preferences it said that the external HD had nearly 1.5 TB unused (only a couple hundred pictures or so on it) and the Time Machine was supposed to put about 70GB on there. So now he is concerned that he didn't/can't do a back-up.
My mother-in-laws Power PC Mac Mini stopped working the other day. After booting to disk utility and seeing that there wasn't a hard drive mounting I assumed the hard drive was dead. I ordered a replacement from OWC, opened the mini, and put in the new hard drive. Now I can't get the mini to boot from CD all I get is a blank gray screen and eventually the folder with a question mark icon. I was under the assumption I could boot to disc again, format and reinstall on the new hard drive. I also can't get the CD to eject but it is spinning up.
Just received the latest Mac Mini with 320gb hard drive option. When I check "About this Mac", it shows a max capacity of 298.09gb. I feel ripped for 22gb. Anyone know what gives?
thinking of relegating my mini to HTPC and buying a new base model 15" MacBook Pro. As both these systems have essentially the same hardware, including 9400M graphics, can I just swap the hard drives so my current 7200rpm mini drive goes into the new MacBook Pro, and the new, unused, 5400 rpm drive comes out of the Pro and into the mini?
Any reason this wouldn't work? I just think it would take a lot of time to back everything up to Time Capsule and then fresh install both hard drives.
I received a refurbished mini this morning, 2.26 160gb. After setting it up I am noticing a constant clicking noise. I do understand that hard drives aren't silent, but this is a constant sound approx. every 20 seconds. This happens even when the mini is idle.
So, I searched around for some information. One suggestion was disk utility, make sure SMART status is verified (it is). It's a fujitsu 160gb.
I was a PC to windows convert with the arrival of the mac mini and rushed out to buy one (80G HD, 1.4, 500MB RAM). It catastrophically failed a few days ago and the genius bar at the local mac shop said that the motherboard had failed -apparently a very rare event. One of my options was to buy a hard drive caddy, remove the hard disk from the mac mini, insert the hard drive and use it as an external portable drive. I've done this and hooked it up to a windows laptop (running XP pro) but it doesn't even recognise the hard disk (the green light on the hard disk connector is on).
I have a mac mini G4, 1.25 ghz, 512 MB running OS 10.4. To override a firmware password, I installed a 1 GB ram, restarted while zapping the PRAM but it started up with a flashing file and question mark. I switched back the 512 MB ram, but it's doing the same thing. (I successfully wiped out the firmware password)
I have tried the following:
1. Starting while holding the option key, but it does not give me a list of mounted drives to choose from (there's only an arrow key and a circular arrow key on the screen - both do nothing when pressed)
2. The same thing as above happens when I try to start in single user mode.
3. I started from the OS 10.4 disk and was able to choose the option to repair the hard disk in the disk utility - which came back clean, no repairs needed. I also verified and repaired disk permissions.
4. From the install disk, the only options to choose for a start up disk is the network or the DVD, the mac mini hard drive is not an option.
5. I was able to start in target mode and via firewire, see the mounted mac mini hard drive on a second mac. I had full access to all the files, everything seemed in order.
I am stumped. I can choose the hard drive to repair it, I can see it mounted on a second computer, but I cannot see it to choose it as my start up disk.
I just got a new Mac Mini, and I notice that when it's in sleep mode, the hard disk is constantly spinning up and then spinning down again. It spins down roughly every thirty seconds, the power light starts blinking in the "I'm sleeping" pattern, but then the drive spins back up in a matter of seconds and the light is on constantly until the next spin-down. I've tried turning off the network, disconnecting the display, fiddling with the Energy Saver settings, quitting all programs, all to no avail. All updates are installed.
My original A1174 Mac Mini crashed about 3 weeks ago. I was running OSX 10.4 on it. I removed the hard drive and put it into a Rocketfish enclosure yesterday. Now, I'm connecting it via USB to another A1174 Mini running OSX 10.5.8, and trying to see if I can salvage any of the data on the old hard drive, but haven't been successful. Can I access this hard disk externally?
My old mini reached the capacity of its hard drive 500gb. So I bought a new mini with dual hard drives a 256ssd and 750gb std drive. When I tried to migrate my info and settings I received the message "disk full". I realized that there was no choice for selecting which hard drive stores what info. I wanted my operating system and settings on the SSD and the iPhoto and iTunes libraries stored on the larger HD. I tried using target disk mode which allowed me to see both hard drives and I transferred my settings except for these large iTunes and iPhoto libraries to my new mini.
However when I opened iTunes it was blank, no music movies or playlists. I realize iTunes match will bring these back, but my fear is that when I sync my iPhone iPad or touch it will force me to erase these devices and I will have to re do everything, move my app icons around, re input all my app settings etc. what can I do to transfer all my iTunes settings to my new dual drive Mac? What is the proper way to do this? will I have to start new each time I get a new Mac because of the dual drive situation?
Info: Mac mini (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Dual hard drives
Lacie and a few other brands used to make external additional hard drives for the old mac mini which were boxed in similar shapes to the mini and allowed them to be stacked. Any idea if any company is doing anything similar now the shape has changed?
I have owned a Mac Mini for three years now (my friends convinced me to try the Apple way and this is my first Mac). The CD/DVD died just three weeks after warranty expired and Apple said (in essence) 'tough crap...you didn't buy AppleCare'.I have functioned without a CD/DVD drive since then, and everything was fine... until a week or two ago. We installed an update in iTunes, and everything started running S...L...O...W... So, we rebooted the computer! Instead of rebooting, it made the "bong!" sound and then a screen with an apple and a spinning wheel runs indefinitely. We let it run all night the first time and it stays on that screen for as long as you let it.