I?m having a horrible time trying to figure out a good storage and backup system for my files. I?m a wedding photographer so I have a lot of images in a Lightroom catalog. Currently I have two 1.5tb drives in an internal stripped set that has all of my images on it. It?s currently at about 65% full. I also have my DVDs all an internal 1tb drive that is 80% full. My system drive is a 500gb drive that has about 150gb on it. I use two external 1tb drives for backing up the RAID0. One is used for TM and backs up my ?working images? folder as well as my Documents folder and the other one is used for CCC and backs up the rest of the images. I also have a clone of my boot drive.
This seems like a haphazard setup and one that I would like to optimize. Here are my thoughts and I would love to have input from others. I like the speed of the stripped set for Lightroom so I would like to keep that. I would also like to have offsite backup as well as an easy (as possible) way to recover from drive failures while protecting ?in process? work..............
The hardrive in my late 2006 Macbook 2.0ghz laptop has finally kicked the bucket. I confirmed this with an Apple Genius at my local Apple store after she plugged in an external drive and running disk utility to run a diagnostic. However, I forgot to ask her about some details concerning my time machine backup which resides on an external drive that connects via firewire. I do know that my files and folders should be restored without issues. Although, I'm not sure about the following:Â
1. Will all my non-apple applications / programs be restored?
2. Will my configuration settings for mail be restored?
3. Will my itunes settings be restored (I have an iphone and ipad that connects to itunes)?
4. Will my contacts in address book be restored?Â
I still have the original drive of this laptop which still works just fine and boots up okay (never erased the OS) where the upgraded drive that I installed a few years ago is the one that failed. Therefore, I will be reverting back to the original drive that is smaller and slower.Â
The Genius recommended to run disk utility from the Snow Leopard Upgrade DVD (I originally had Leopard installed) to format the drive/install the OS and then do a full restore from my time machine backup. Although, I'm not sure if all my programs and settings for certain apps will be restored. I appreciate any help or other optioins I can possibly do to get back my saved files, programs, and settings.
I have a 750GB drive, and intend on purchasing one more drive when I build the computer (probably 1.5TB) but I can't decide whether to use RAID 5 and maybe buy 2 750GB instead of a 1.5TB, or just buy the 1.5TB and use a script to copy important files.
I already have a 2x 1tb RAID 0 drive (totaling 2tb). I butchered my old XP machine and ripped out its 1tb drive.My question is, can I add a that old XP 1tb to the exisiting RAID 0 combination?Before you say, I triple backup all my files which are mainly photos so I am aware of the dangers of RAID 0.
So a little bit about my situation: I have a macbook pro and recently moved my iTunes library to an external drive since I was running out of space on my computer. Obviously I changed the library folder to the one on the external in preferences ect. The only problem is that I'm not carrying around the external with me all the time, in fact, recently I connected the hard drive to sync the month's worth of new music I got and even after changing the library folder to the external one, only about half the songs from my whole library would play.
It's really a pain to add new music to the hard drive too because it keeps prompting me to replace the files. Long story short, I'm obviously not going about this right. Is anyone in the same situation as me/do you know of a better way to keep track of a library on external? If I didn't explain clearly enough (which i probably didnt) dont hesitate to ask.
Is there any benefit to ordering the MAC Pro Raid card for setting up 2 x 500gig SATA drives in a Raid Zero configuration? Or..Is this accomplished just as well via software in leopard??
Apologies if this is a stupid question - but just wondering if I can save some $ by not having to order the RAID card without giving up anything.
I will use a 3rd 1TB drive for Time machine for back up.
Is there a way to make a backup of your Time Machine backup on a 2nd hard drive? I want to be doubly sure that my data is backed up!Right now I get an error saying that the second hard drive isn't authorized to copy my Time Machine data from the original hard drive I have set up as my Time Machine.
I have an external 1TB WD My Passport drive which I use for TM backup's. When I plug in via USB, DriveUnlock appears. I unlock the drive, then instigate a TM backup. All goes fine, then from what I can gather, when the TM backup has finished, the drive ejects itself. There is no error messages, unmount drive issues, it just dissappears from finder. I can only assume the backup has been successful, as no error messages appear, meaning the drive wasn't ejected while backup was in progress. I have changed the USB cable, as well as tried different ports, but the same always happens. In System Preferencies/Energy Saver, I have made sure the Put HD to sleep is un ticked. Still it happens. Has anyone else had this problem, and is it fixable? I would love to keep the drive attached and backing up for the period I am working, usually 12 hours a day, rather than the once a day at the moment.Â
Info: Time Machine, Mac OS X (10.6.8), MacBook Pro
My internal 1TB hard drive on my iMac is dead and I don't have the money to replace it at the moment. I have everything backed up on an external 1TB drive using Time Machine. As a workaround for the time being,Is there any way I can install the system on the external drive and use that as the boot drive without erasing the Time Machine Backups? It seems to me I would have to have two partitions for the external drive, one for the system, and one for Time Machine. But is there any way to add a partition without erasing the existing one with Time Machine only on it? Â
I would like to use FileVault to encrypt both my hard drive and time machine back up external drive. Does encryption noticeable slow down the computer.
Info: MacBook Air (13-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Basically I have a 750GB hard drive in my Macbook Pro and over 300GB is taken up with 'BackUp' data. This is more than the total of everything I have on the drive other than that. Time Machine has always been setup on an external drive and when searching all files on the Macbook there is nothing for backup files so don't know where it is coming from.
When I eventually upgrade to Snow Leopard, I'd ideally like to do a fresh install (I did Tiger>Leopard as an upgrade install), but I really don't want to have to go through the hassle of reinstalling all my apps afterwards. So, would the following work as a best-of-both-worlds alternative?
1. Update my backup bootable system drive image on my external FW drive 2. Wipe the drive in my MBP and do a fresh install of SL 3. Use the Migration Assistant to automagically copy all my data and apps over from the backup drive as if I was upgrading from an old Mac to a new one
On paper at least, it looks like it ought to "just work"... but I'm wondering whether or not Migration Assistant will work between a Mac and an external drive, or does it have to be between two actual Macs?
I am getting the following error from Time Machine when doing my first backup. The startup disk being backed up, and the TM disk are both the same size.
Macintosh HD: 465.44 (total); 393.99 (free); 71.45 (free) Time Machine: 465.44 (total); 465.29 (free)
The Time Machine error is: Quote:
"This backup is too large for the backup volume. The backup requires 472.7 GB but only 465.3 GB are available." why would this be? Other disks are excluded from the backup, and Time Machine is telling me that it needs more space than it actually needs. What should I do?
I want to buy an external backup drive for my '09 24" iMac with a 1.0TB internal drive running OS 10.5.8. I've been looking at this one from OWC - [URL]
I using a LAcie mini HUB to backup my macmini, store photos on, to store my itunes library on, and my iphone and ipad backups. Basically my whole life is on there. Well, my macmini does not recogize it anymore. I tried connecting it to my MBP and that does not recognize it. THe lacie drive has light that glows when it is turned on, but it looks like it is pulsing.
I have a Western Digital My Book World Edition as a NAS. I also got an external drive (a Western Digital Elements Desktop) to which I want to backup everything from the NAS, and then store it at a different location. My problem is that I can't find any software that does this, everything I find seems to work the other way around (using the NAS as a backup). It would be sweet to have the backup working as automatically and simple as possible, so when I wan't to backup my files the next time, it should only copy the files that have changed or are new. Is there a solution to this problem? I'm using a Macbook Pro with Snow Leopard.
If I use disk utility to create a "read/write" image, would I be able to boot off of that if the image is on an external USB drive?
Also how large would the writable image be in relation to the amount of space that is occupied on the MBPs drive?
Alternatively I could use super duper to backup the MBP, but that just clones the drive right? it would be nice to have an image (for data portability) (i'd like to transfer it to a time capsule as well)
I have a mac mini and will be buying a iMac 3.06 and I want to keep all of my emails but the other things, I will reinstall what I want on the new mac. As far as my pictures, is concerned, I have them in their own folders before I move them into iPhoto so I will back up the original photo folders no prob. However I would like to separately back up my email so I am not losing anything regarding my past emails.
I have a Mac Mini 1.83 Ghz running 10.6.4 that I backup to a 1TB Newer Technologies dedicated drive that will not appear on desktop or finder yet occasionally it backs up the system but not always as scheduled. At first I thought it was a drive issue so the retailer replaced the 1TB drive only with the same results. I have it connected via USB.
I just bought a MacBook Pro 2009 model and would like to have a dedicated external hard drive for performing TimeMachine backups. I know there are probably great options out there for me to purchase, but I'd like to take one of the two that I currently have, format it to GUID and for Mac via disk utilities, and then use it for TM.
The two external drives drives I have are:
1.) WD5000AAV 500gb (about 2 years old, requires AC outlet) 2.) Toshiba Canvio 640gb (about 3 months old, no AC outlet required).
I just can't find specs for the actual drives inside of these external drives (drive speed, cache, etc.). Maybe it doesn't matter which? I just want whichever is fastest and most reliable.
I am a pc guru but not so technical with the Macs. I have a Mini with really only iPhoto and iDVD data on it. I want to replace the 160g drive with a 320g drive and of course keep the data. There are 2 options I'd entertain for this backup/restore situation: 1)Figuring out how to export/save the iPhoto and iDVD stuff onto an external hard drive, install the the new drive, re-install all the software, and import the iPhoto and iDVD stuff. I would imagine this option, if possible, would be the easiest and likely fastest solution. Clone the 160g drive somewhere, install the 320g, and restore the clone to the new 320g. This option I am quite familiar with in the pc world by using Norton Ghost. The Mini was purchased in Aug 2007 (right after the refresh) so it's not the latest Mac OS. any tips or weblinks?
I have a 500gb external hard drive. My iMac has a 500gb internal drive. Suddenly I keep getting an error message saying there's not enough space on my external drive to backup everything. Is there anything I can do to fix this?
I will be buying a macbook pro next week and was wondering what the best way to backup data was such as photos/mp3s/videos etc. I have a PC in my office in my house which has ample space available and in which the HD's are raided so a bit more security than just a stand alone laptop HD.
What is the easiest way to back this data up through windows? does osx come with a tool to do it? or could i just make a simple cron job and mount the windows HD in fstab or something (I am coming from a linux/unix background so im presuming the command window is just like a terminal windows in linux).
I recently bought a new hard drive for my 2006 MacBook but have run into nothing but problems while trying to restore my time machine backup onto it. Using my Leopard Family Pack disc, I was unable to format my drive successfully so I scheduled an appointment with the Genius Bar. When I went, the Genius used his USB hard drive to format the drive and install Leopard. While using that, he ran into no problems that I had run into while using my Leopard disc. So Leopard is installed and I go home to restore my backup and the backup fails (Migration Assistant and booting from Leopard Disc). So I schedule a second appointment and the Genius tells me there's no way he can attempt to restore my backup due to time restraints (which is understandable) and runs diagnostics on my hard drive and the time capsule's hard drive, finding no issues. He installs Leopard again on my new drive and I go home to run into the exact same problems I did last time. I don't know what to do, the Geniuses won't help me, and I can't find the answer on the internet. Here's a list of the things I have done and the errors I run into: Migration Assistant - after getting Leopard installed by the Geniuses at the Apple Store, I come home and run Migration Assistant with my Time Capsule attached via ethernet cable. Everything runs smoothly until one of the last steps (which says under a minute remaining) "Transferring support for applications". It just sits at that stage forever and I have read online about similar issues. I read online that somebody quit out of migration assistant at that point and everything was transferred over anyways. This isn't the case with mine, as over half of my dock was filled with question marks.
Restore backup from Leopard Family Pack disc - This is the disc I used to originally install Leopard on my Mac. When i boot from the disc, I choose English as the language and immediately following that I get the message "This software cannot be installed on this computer". This happened when I had a brand new unformatted hard drive so I used disk utility and when I tried to partition it, it failed. After the Apple Store guys formatted my drive and installed Leopard, and after Migration Assistant failed on me, I booted from my Leopard Family Pack again and got the same message so I know for a fact that it is not related to the hard drive. Restore backup from Snow Leopard UTD disc - a friend of mine got an UTD disc so I borrowed it to use on my brand new hard drive. It tells me that it requires Leopard to install but gives me the option to restore from a Time Machine backup. I choose my Time Capsule and then choose my backup that it finds. It continues to tell me that it is erasing the hard drive and at the point an error message pops up saying there was an error and to restart my computer. After doing so, my hard drive is no longer formatted correctly and I have to go to the Apple Store to get them to use their USB hard drive to format my hard drive and install Leopard (starting this whole process over again)
i as planning to sell my macbook in the near future and i wanted to back up everything to my external hard drive. I heard of offsite backup but i didn't plan on doing it yet. Anyways i used time machine to make my external hard drive to be my backup disk. First i had to take everything off it (80GBs worth of music, movies and documents) and i put it on the desktop cuz Time Machine said something about incompatibility and i had to erase my external drive first. I then backed up at least 120GB of content altogether to the external hard drive. I checked my external drive and found out the stuff i took out and put on the desktop was NOT backed up. So i deleted the backup and put the 80GB of movies, music, etc stuff in a folder in my computer.
However i can't back up to my external drive anymore. It says it only has 61.28GB of memory left. I'm wondering why is that if i deleted the backup already! I then tried to take the backup out of the trash and put it back in the external drive and it won't go in because there is only 62.28GB of memory. I don't see any partition of any sort on my external drive, no folders, files or anything yet it has magically lost 190GB of free storage.
I have a Macbook Pro OSX 10.5 and a Windows XP SP3 machine. I would like to backup my Mac using Time Machine to a 1TB USB Hard Drive, I would also like to backup my Windows XP Machine to the same drive (I'll probably use Acronis or something similar for Windows). Is this possible? Will the Mac still backup ok? Do I just need to create 2 Partitions on the drive? If so, what filesystem should it be?
Looking for advice for setting up my 1.5 TB external backup drive. I think I would like to partition it into 2 drives one 500gb for Carbon Copy Cloner (or Super Duper) and the second 1 TB for Time Machine. The drive is a WD 1.5 TB My book and it came FAT32. Should I re-format this to Mac OS Extended (Journaled) or leave it as it is for the purposes of backing up? I really don't think that I have any files larger than the 4gb although I could have some ripped DVD's before Handbrake sizing down to iPhone size. What about the files that came with the external drive, are the worth installing or just go with the popular backup choices? Oh please let me ask this question as well, what cable connection to the my iMac is recommended? I was wanting to use Firewire but they only provided a 400 to 400 cable and I think I need 800 to 400.