Mac Pro :: My Terminal Keeps Appearing
Apr 24, 2012Every time I try to install something Terminal pops up and dosen't allow for the program to install?
Every time I try to install something Terminal pops up and dosen't allow for the program to install?
Anybody see this before? I opened up and the window is completely blank. There is nothing in it whatsoever. Looks as if bash never started. The title bar simply says "Terminal — login — 80x24". I can type whatever I want in the Terminal window like it's a text document and nothing happens. If I restart the computer, this seems to fix the problem, but it seems to only be a temporary fix as the issue happens again soon after.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to do something in terminal, and it asks for my password. I press a letter on my keyboard, and nothing appears. I am in the right window and everything, terminal just doesn't react to my typing. However, when I click enter, it says 'Sorry,try again'. So it does react to the enter key.
I'm running Symantec Backup Agent on our mac osx server. I start the agent in the terminal (./ It returns a notification that it started the service, however, it doesn't return to the prompt. Closing the terminal gives a warning that the process will be closed if the terminal is closed. Closing it does kill the process. Ctrl+c to return to the prompt also kills the process. So it's as if once the process is started in the terminal, nothing can be altered.
I am not much of a mac guy so please forgive me if this is a stupid question.
Anyone have any advice on how to handle this so the process is ALWAYS running?
I'm on a standard user account and I would really like to install icalbuddy which is a terminal app. When I install apps normally I simply have to provide a admin name and pw, but this doesn't work when it is a terminal app because it requires that the 'su' command be run.
So I thought that I could run terminal as admin through 'su - admin' and then install. But of course the admin account doesn't have access to the user folder where the installer is located. I just can't win.
when i try to open terminal it says this
the application "terminal" is not allowed "terminal is not on the approved list of applications. contact the person who set up you accout for more info
anyone know how to make it allowed?
I do not have a password set on my MBP, but anytime that I have to sudo anything in Terminal it asks for my password. If I just leave it blank like at login, it says the password is incorrect. I have to do is set up a password use it in Terminal then I remove it afterwards. This is very annoying. Is there any way that I can do this without having to set the password every time?
View 24 Replies View RelatedWhile messing around with iPhoto and Time Machine, I ended up in the following situation. When trying to open Pictures on the sidebar of Finder, a Terminal shell pops up on the screen. Similarly, if I try to open Pictures on a Time Machine screen, I get the message "Open with Terminal" Now, I don't know how to use Terminal. How can I come back to the anterior situation where I could open Picture jut by a click?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
i have a MacPro, purchased in August 2014 from the US and we brought it to Nigeria, was working fine,
then it showed question mark with folder, followed intructions using the command R and it tried to internet restore,
after burning all my expensive data package to download 3GB of recovery stuff ,
it did not see the SSD drive?, so i am stumped , what should i do ?
Mac Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10)
This is very annoying - and it's probably MSN's fault. Everything works fine in Adium, apart from all of my MSN contacts say I'm offline when Adium clearly says "Available".
Anyone else having this problem?
My MSN address ends in ""
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View 5 Replies View RelatedI recently bought a hard disk drive for my macbook - specifically an internal, 500GB disk with 32 MB cach�. I installed OSX without any problems, but lately I've noticed some programs start doing funky things (Finder getting stuck frequently for no reason, once even the settings panel got stuck, svn weird behaviour complaining a file is both non-existant, locked and not versioned, etc.). Just out of curiosity I tried checking the disk with the disk utility and it found filesystem errors.
I heard some rumours a few years ago that disks with big cach�s required a bit more time before shutdown to committ everything to actual disk.
These errors and funky behaviour *seem* to appear when I reboot so I'm suspecting the rumours might be true. What do you think? Anyone out there with a big cach� HDD? should I try exchanging it for one with a smaller cach� or is there any setting I can access for this case? Or maybe is it simply defective?
while clearing up some HD space I noticed a strange folder located on the Macintosh HD. It appears to be named with a single Japanese or Chinese character (those being my best guesses, could definitely be something completely different) and reappears upon restart if deleted. I've attached a picture of what it looks like.
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View 6 Replies View Relatedas it says in the title my hard drive is nowhere to be found when I look at the desktop/finder screen. I can still access it by opening Machintosh HD but as far as I know there is no other way.How can I go about fixing this/getting the icon back?iMac G5 about 2-3 years old, Tiger 10.4.11
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've been having this weird issue for a few weeks. In my main user account I get 9 0 byte files that show up in my trash. If I open trash and click delete files it goes through the motions (makes empty trash sound, closes trash window) but the files remain. The only way to remove them is to do a get info on all of them which pops up the get info window for a fraction of a second, closes it and the file disappears. Trash lists the file type as alias. I can't drag them to the desktop or anywhere outside of trash. I tried doing a secure erase just in case they were remnants of old files or something. The file names are seemingly random symbols. The file names seem to be the same each time, although they seem to move in different locations (higher, lower in list). The creation date is the same for all, December 31, 1904 4:00 pm. I have a screen shot attached. This issue is only happening in my main non-admin account. My other admin account this isn't happening.
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View 2 Replies View RelatedMac starts up and then a blue screen appears and nothing else happens. After waiting 10 minutes the safeboot login comes up I put in my correct password but then it takes me back to the login again.
View 8 Replies View RelatedOS X 10.5.8. Since upgrading to Firefox 3.6, if I tell a link to open in a new tab, the new tab will appear next to the original tab, instead of at the end of the tab bar after all my other tabs. Is there a way to change this behaviour back to how it was in Firefox 3.5?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am running a show and have a computer in front of me and the second display is appearing on a large screen on stage where I cannot see it. When I click on a folder on the desktop it opens the window on the second screen instead of on the one on my computer. When I Mirror Displays it appears again on the computer, but when I turn it off (it has to be turned off when I run the show) the window opens in the second screen. I have restarted, reset the PRAM, don't know how to get the window to appear on the primary screen..
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a PPC MAC G5 desktop and recently broke down and installed Leopard 10.5.2 and installed all the upgrades to 10.5.6. I especially liked how all my photo jpeg icons and quicktime movies would instantly reappear with a photo of itself or the first frame of the movie. Now though, all the icons are appearing generic?!? My Quicktime movies and all my photos are all staying as a generic jpeg icon. Is there a specific problem that causes this.? I have two hard drives and the second drive is still operating normally. But my main drive has ceased converting every icon whenever I open a new window.
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Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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iMAC Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.5.2)
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