Mac Pro :: Mail Sends Before Finish Editing When Hit Spacebar
Jun 22, 2014
Something odd has happened to my mail. I have spell check on and when i click 'send' spell check gives me spelling options, I used to be able to go into the body of the email and edit it and now when I do that and I hit the spacebar it sends automatically,
I have not changed any settings or upgraded software or anything like that, why it would suddenly change? Its very annoying, I keep sending unfinished emails...
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Jul 2, 2012
I am using Mac Mail with three Gmail accounts. Very frequently, I'll send an email from one account and when the reply arrives, it comes to one of the other accounts. This is making it very hard to segregate personal and business emails.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 26, 2014
When you compose a Mail message, if you double-click the send button it sends TWO copies of the mail? I just sent someone a message, and my hand accidentally clicked the mouse twice when I hit send. I heard two whooshes and saw two message windows briefly appear. And sure enough, two copies listed in the Sent folder. I thought I'd sent an earlier draft which was sitting behind the first message. But no -- I tried it again with a new message to myself. And I received two mails.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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May 6, 2009
This is odd. Any mail I compose (in the standard Mac Mail app) goes directly to my outbox, and will not send. This is only true of my desktop computer. My laptop (using the same settings) sends mail easily. I can receive mail with no problem. Connection Doctor shows that I'm connecting to the server. Port settings, etc. are the same I've used for years with no problems whatsoever. Even when I use other mail servers with which I have accounts, the same thing happens, so it's an issue specific to my Mac and my Mail app, not the mail server. Dual2.7Ghz G5, 4.5 Gig Ram, System 10.4.11...
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Mar 28, 2012
Over the past several weeks, occasionally my computer emits 2-4 dongs and then the email sent sound, and then it does it again, and again until I either shut off the wireless connection or shut down Mail. There is nothing visible in my sent mail or nothing that I can see anyway. I have scanned my computer with VirusBarrier X6 with an uptodate definition list and it does not find anything.My console report during this time interval looks as follows... with the mail line at the end of the sequence when I reopened "Mail"
Mac OS X (10.7.2), Two Alu iMac and 1 MacBook Pro
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Feb 12, 2009
MBP, OS X 10.4.11, Mail v2.1.3.
I have more than one email account set up on Mail and the strangest thing happens and I can't find out how to stop it.
Here is the problem:
- I have 2 accounts, 'Account A' is for my partner & 'Account B' is for me.
- Someone sends an email to 'Account A' (my partner) and CCs 'Account B' (me) into the same eMail.
- If I click reply from 'Account B' it sends the eMail from 'Account A' which is my partner, when it should be from me.
I have worked out that this is because 'Account A' was originally sent the eMail in The 'To' field as opposed to the 'CC' field in composing the reply eMail. I know that I can manually change the 'From' field every time when replying to an eMail but it becomes an nuisance. I forget to do it when quickly replying as I consider Mail to reply from the account that I'm reading the email from.
I have gone to the compose section in the preferences and there is an option for changing this when composing a new email but nothing when replying.
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May 4, 2012
I use the mail app for my business and private e-mail account. In my business mail signature, there is the company logo, a facebook and twitter icon. Every time I send an e-mail, the recipient received these logos/icons as attachments, and also receives .htm files as attachments, showing the complete signature, previous related mails etc. Is there any way I can disable this, if I just send one attachment I want the recipient to get only that attachment, and not 7 or 8 attachments...
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 4, 2012
I have had this issue with my address book for a while in that it creates new entries with just an email address as the actual entry and then hundreds of other email addresses from address book as this entry's additional email addresses.
At the same time I had an issue with Apple Mail that I thought was unrelated but now I am not that sure anymore. When I turn Apple Mail on, it sends out emails that look like an endless chain of responses (spam) to the same email that advertises all kinds of stuff.
When I first noticed the issue I turned Mail off (a year ago). After updating to Lion I tried to use mail again but had the same issue and have not been using it since. But I appear to still find new entries in my address book all the time.
I ran some software (ClamX) but wasn't able to find any malware so far. I can't imagine someone hacking into my machine and doing all this my hand. For what?
So I am wondering whether anyone has had similar symptoms on their Mac?
iMac9,1, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
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Mar 10, 2009
I got the standard palmrest crack, took it to the apple store and they fixed it no problem. I am running into the issue now where my spacebar only works like 80% of the time. It's kind of a hassle in that it should work 100% of the time. Anyhow, do I have to take it back and let them deal with it or what would you suggest I do?
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Apr 1, 2010
I want to trigger a spacebar keystroke through the terminal or applescript.
I don't know if it is possible, maybe someone can tell me?
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Jan 22, 2010
I've just purchased a wired Apple keyboard for my mac mini. I'm moving from el cheapo to the wired keyboard.Its nice, the keys are silent but the space bar produces a clunk sound when depressed.Is that normal? As the other keys are silent.
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Jun 22, 2014
I'm having a problem with my mac (purchased in 2012) where it restarts the instant I press spacebar to preview a file in finder folder/desktop.
Macbook Pro 15 inch.(Serial Number C0*****V7L)
OS X Version 10.9.3.
Processor 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7
Memory 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
The following is the report:
Anonymous UUID: ACD9B01A-9174-55FE-B5FB-2370F5A48228
Sun Jun 22 15:34:19 2014
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff7f87167eaa): "AGC GPU REGISTER RESTORE FAILED : rdar://7254528, VendorID invalid"@/SourceCache/AppleGraphicsControl/AppleGraphicsControl-3.5.26/src/Appl eMuxControl/kext/AGCPowerManagement.cpp:1114
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Oct 22, 2010
I have a Macbook with a GMA 950 video card, so the S-Video/Video out should work. I bought a mini-DVI to S-Video adapter, then tried connecting both S-Video, as well as composite cables to my television.
The Macbook detects the adapter (NTSC/PAL shows up in Display Preferences), but the television receives no signal. I've tested the television's input using another device and it's fine.
So there seem to be two possibilities:
I have a shoddy adapter. (I'm hoping this isn't true, because it's a pain to return. It is, however, brand new)
There is something wrong on the software end. Any suggestions?
I'm running Tiger 10.4.11. I'm unsure of the exact purchase date, but it's a Core Duo 1.8, so it should be around 2007.
Edit: SOLVED. I had to switch the setting from PAL to NTSC. Once I did that, it seems to now work with the composite cable. That said, it DOES not work with S-Video. This may be because my S-Video cable is shoddy or the port for the adapter does not work. That said, everything seems okay, now.
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May 28, 2010
my son got on my computer, and now when i use expose, as soon as I release the buttons, the exposed windows zip off the screen. The whole perimeter of the screen is shaded as well. I have to click on the app in the dock to get the window back, or on the edge of the window. It is very annoying. I can't see any changes he could have made in preferences. (He is not even 2.)
Mac OS X 10.4.11
Mighty Mouse
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Aug 11, 2010
Whenever I click on a download from Safari (and maybe other browsers too), it sends me to the URL and doesn't download for me. Instead, i have to right click and use " Download Linked File". What can I do so I can click and download??
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Oct 29, 2008
Why am I having trouble receiving attachments from my husband's computer. He sends me an email with an attachment; when I open the email, the attachment is not there. It happens all the timer. Both of us are using OS X version 10.4.11.
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Feb 7, 2012
When I click on a link on any web page, a "bubble" travels across the screen and "enters" the history icon. I then have to open History to find the link and then click on it. It then moves to a tab under the bookmarks bar and I have to click on that in order to open the link. This problem started suddenly today, several weeks after I upgraded to OS X Lion. Everything was fine before. My Safari is version 5.1.3.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 20, 2010
When my ISP changed from Patmedia to Comcast I changed all my iCal notifications to my new email address. I deleted all references to my old address in Address Book on my computer and on the Mobil Me Address Book as well as deleting the address in Previous Recipients in Mail. I am getting mail from "" that it can't deliver mail to my old mail address. So iCal is still trying to send a reoccurring reminder to this addressfrom somewhere. How can I address this problem? PowerPC G5 Mac, OS 10.5.8, Mail 3.6, iCal 3.0.8
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May 14, 2012
We updated two systems to 10.7.4 over the weekend. Now, when we receive QT files via email that were converted using Apple Compressor, we get a message within the mail message that reads "Missing Plug-in".
Also, these files are not usable within Logic Pro 9. They cause severe issues with Logic. Files are unplayable, and/or cause the arrange window to change to a light-grey. We have a workaround for the moment that involves re-exporting the offending files in Quicktime Player 7 (using my old QT Pro Plug-in). That allows us to use in Logic.
Strangely, another video editor sends us files that DO work. Files that did not go through compressor, but instead were mastered with MPEG Streamclip work just fine! Anybody else experiencing this or similar things? Any solution availble or in the works?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 7, 2012
having issues with attaching a photo to outlook. Crashes each time.
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Jun 25, 2012
Shared canon usb printer on Mac sends a linefeed but no data. I'm using Bonjour on the PC(Windows 7) and the printer shows up in the list. I can use the printer setup window on the PC which shows if the ink is low etc. When I print I hear the Mac's hard drive operate but it just sends a sheet of paper through without any printing on it.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.1), Wireless k'brd and mouse
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Jan 20, 2010
I turned on my rev C MBA using the battery power. It booted properly but soon after I logged in, my MBA suddenly went off (as if I holded the power button for a few seconds).
Then, I've decided to power cycle it. Still the same thing: it shut downs unexpectedly. The moment it shuts down is quite random, but I cannot use the Air on battery for more than a few minutes (less than 5 minutes actually).
Hence, I decided to charge it overnight. This morning, to my surprise, the charging light on the adapter was amber (not green).
So, it seems like I cannot recharge my battery. I've reset the PMU and this doesn't help. Please note that I haven't used the MBA for a few weeks, leaving it unplugged.
I don't know whether it had some impact or not on the battery.
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Feb 23, 2012
I was installing the new Mac OSX 10.7 update for lion and also another update for my airport extreme base station. After an hour on the stage of the install that says it is installing components and moving components into place, it appeared to have frozen up. I held the power button down and started it up again and now it just makes the start up sound but never starts up. It just has a bright screen with the apple figure and the spinning clock like motion thing.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.2), Windows XP on an E Machine
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Jun 24, 2012
Invitations for external (not users on the server) is not working.All mails are handled by ISP, including the iCal servers account.The "Allow invitations using email addresses" is checked, and setup with a working mail account at the ISP. By looking in the logs for iCal Server I get this:[URL]This is leading me to think that the server must be trying to log in at the ISP with it's own credentials (given in the "Allow invitations..." setup) but trying to send with a users mailaddress as sender.This is of course not allowed by my ISP, since everyone could potentially send mails from each other, but how do I change iCal to send the invitations from iCals account?
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Apr 6, 2010
I have a white macbook core2 duo. The main battery is dead and I have been using it with the power brick.
Lately when I plug in and start up I have to go through the reset time and date etc.
I have heard that some of the newer laptops don't have the back up battery. Does this one, and how do I get to it to change it?
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Nov 23, 2008
I've had the Rev A 64SSD for about 4-6 weeks (brand new from Apple), and last night when it reached low battery with 18 minutes left I plugged in the charger.
A couple of hours later I unplugged it and it still only had 18 minutes remaining. That was bizarre because it was obviously plugged in and switched on (the screen goes brighter once the charger is plugged in).
I tried again this morning and the same thing It only stays on if it's plugged in!
Do I need to return it? Can I go into the Apple store if I bought it online? If it does have to be sent away, do they provide a replacement?
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Jan 3, 2010
It's in a white Macbook that is 44 months old. Is there any hope for my battery?
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Jun 23, 2010
Alright so I have a problem with iTunes, whenever I try to update or restore any iPhone or iTouch on my computer it will never finish restoring completely. It will get to about 95% progress and then stops and I leave it for hours and it never finishes. I have iTunes 9.2 and have reinstalled it but no luck. I have had to restore my iTouch on a second computer that has no problems.
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Nov 2, 2008
I have a battery from an older MacBook I'm trying to use as a backup with my new MacBook. They are both white, same size, both Intel Macs.
The battery certainly fits. The problem is, it shows no bars even after charging for a while. The percentage says zero and doesn't change even after 45 minutes or so.
Is this battery ruined, or needs to charge all night? Or could it be that it doesn't work with this computer, even though they seem to be interchangeable?
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Apr 26, 2012
It gets to only 8.87 kb and then freezes. I tried to find where it is downloading to to delete the partial file and start over but can't find it.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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