MacBook Pro :: Attaching Photo To Outlook. Crashes It And Sends MS Error Log?
May 7, 2012having issues with attaching a photo to outlook. Crashes each time.
having issues with attaching a photo to outlook. Crashes each time.
When I attempt to attach a file of a photo into Apple Mail I get the image instead of a file. I googled this and the suggestion about right-clicking in photo browser did not work.
View 3 Replies View RelatedJust upgraded from Mountain Lion to Mavericks 10.9.3 on a 2012 Mac Mini 4 core. When attempting to add an attachment to an email, both Mac Mail and Thunderbird start with the spinning beachball and never recover. Force Quit is the only option. Even after that, the Finder has strange screen artifacts left over from Mail (attach file dialog box) and Finder must be relaunched as well.
Dragging and dropping files works okay with Mac Mail. This option does not exist when using Thunderbird, so no workaround available for that App. Also, Mac Mail only gets stuck when attempting to attach files on the desktop. Files from other locations attach OK.
Already tried Repair Permissions, Repair Disk, Reinstalled Mavericks with no change. For now, I have gone back to Mountain Lion since this is a deal breaker, even though everything else seems to work ok (except for the occasional brief spinning beach ball).
I have a user who just switched from Mac Mail to Outlook 2011. Getting a strange issue when sending to users on Outlook 2010 PC.
When sending a message, users on Outlook 2011 and people viewing the message via web mail can see the message fine. It reports that it's a digitally signed message (just one sentence), and the certificates look fine. Via the web, the message appears fine. It says:
"This message has a digital signature. The digital signature could not be validated because the S/MIME control is not available." However, it comes up fine.
However, users on Outlook for PC (my version is 2010), cannot read it. I first get a preview pane error "This item cannot be displayed in the Reading Pane. Open the item to read its contents." And when I double-click on the message, I get a pop up window "Your Digital ID name cannot be found by the underlying security system."
Anyone can provide clues why other Outlook MAC users and via the web the message can be read, but just not PC Outlook users for now?
I keep getting a pop up when using OUTLOOK on my macbook pro, that tells me I am entering invalid credentials....over and over again.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.5)
When I'm running mail rules on my Exchange account in Outlook 2011, the app continually crashes. I've tried finding the offending mail rule, but the issue doesn't seem to associate with any single rule: it just appears to be an issue running Exchange-based rules (as opposed to local IMAP/POP rules).
When I turned off all my Excahnge-based rules, Outlook became stable. This also appears to be a carry over issue from Entourage 2008, where I began having the same problem, just before I updated.
Mac OS X 10.6.5
Microsoft Outlook 2011 (v14.0.1)
When I try to share a photo in iPhoto '11 on my Mac, the application stalls for a minute then crashes.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I am trying to set up my work computer with Outlook. When I am trying to do the exchange server for Entourage, I put in all the correct fields, but when I click the 'verify settings' icons to verify - it gives me a an error.
ERROR - 17900
I have the new 21.5" iMac with the ATI graphics card running Snow Leopard.
Can not send email in outlook due recovered account
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a Macbook with a GMA 950 video card, so the S-Video/Video out should work. I bought a mini-DVI to S-Video adapter, then tried connecting both S-Video, as well as composite cables to my television.
The Macbook detects the adapter (NTSC/PAL shows up in Display Preferences), but the television receives no signal. I've tested the television's input using another device and it's fine.
So there seem to be two possibilities:
I have a shoddy adapter. (I'm hoping this isn't true, because it's a pain to return. It is, however, brand new)
There is something wrong on the software end. Any suggestions?
I'm running Tiger 10.4.11. I'm unsure of the exact purchase date, but it's a Core Duo 1.8, so it should be around 2007.
Edit: SOLVED. I had to switch the setting from PAL to NTSC. Once I did that, it seems to now work with the composite cable. That said, it DOES not work with S-Video. This may be because my S-Video cable is shoddy or the port for the adapter does not work. That said, everything seems okay, now.
I was asked to install iTunes 10 on someone's computer running Vista. I ran the full install, launched iTunes 10, and it immediately crashes with CoreFoundation.dll error.
I then I tried uninstall every Apple-related software and tried reinstalling, still no go.
I used 7-Zip to extract all the install files from the iTunes install package. I tried installing each separate and came to the conclusion it was the Apple Application Support. Everytime I try to install it, it goes all the way and then crashes with a weird matrix_blahblah error (I apologize, I'll get the correct error for you tomorrow).
Did anyone else encounter this? I tried everything, even replacing the CoreFoundation.dll file and registering it with regsvr32.
I keep getting program crashes with the error - EXC Breakpoint - Sigtrap
What is the cause?
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I am using a 2009 27" iMac running Mavericks 10.9.4. Occasionally the OS freezes and the following message appears:
An Internal Messages error occurred.
There was a problem with Messages. You need to quit and open Messages again.
The mouse still moves, but the rest of the OS is totally frozen. I try to click on the Quit button in the error message dialog, but that does nothing.
There is no reaction to keyboard presses. The only solution is to hold down the Power button until the computer shuts off.
I have a Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 2070 monitor that I am trying to attach to a Macbook. The Macbook is aware of the monitor, I have tried mirror and non mirror display options, but the monitor remains blacked out with just a flashing yellow light. I have tried to match the resolution etc. but to no avail.
Can anyone cast any light on this dark monitor?
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View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I attach photos and some docs to an email they embed into the email rather than attach. I know that I can change to 'show as icon' and this does change but when the email is received by recipient the attachment is again embeded into the email and not an icon.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
I can't launch iMovie '08. When I try to run the app, the icon appears on the dock, but no screen or message error is shown. It just hangs, and I must do "force quit". This only happens with my user, as I've tested with other users on the same machine and iMovie seems to be running OK. I've cleaned my user cache in order to solve any problem with that, but it didn't work at all. I have installed the last actualization (iMovie 7.1.4). I doesn't seem to be an interference with iPhoto, as other users have experienced, since I've deleted and the problem still persists.
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View 24 Replies View RelatedNot sure if I am imagining this or I messed up something but when I go to a site to attach a file, whether it be tiny pic or gmail, when I do the icon view, the icons are extremely big. Not sure if there was a choice of shrinking them so I am wondering if anyone could check their comp for me. The option I am talking about is like when you open the finder, in the bottom right corner you have that slider that lets you adjust the size of the icons.
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MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), I use Mavericks 10.9.5
I used clean genius and i deleted old photo the iphoto, i want have again my photos?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I will be switching from Outlook 2007 to Office for Mac Outlook 2011 for my business email/calendar/contacts. I am pleased with Outlook 2007, but despise my PC otherwise. I will be using Microsoft Exchange as my email server. My concerns: Calendar Syncing, Accessing Archived PST files, Transitioning current mail folders.
I have a couple questions regarding this switch:
- Will Office for Mac Outlook 2011 accommodate by business needs and offer a comparable application as Office 2007 (PC version)?
- What roadblocks or issues should I be aware of when making this switch?
my son got on my computer, and now when i use expose, as soon as I release the buttons, the exposed windows zip off the screen. The whole perimeter of the screen is shaded as well. I have to click on the app in the dock to get the window back, or on the edge of the window. It is very annoying. I can't see any changes he could have made in preferences. (He is not even 2.)
Mac OS X 10.4.11
Mighty Mouse
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iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)