Mac Pro :: Changing Hard Drive Display Preferences?
Jun 14, 2012
I just installed a Mercury Accelsior RAID drive in a PCI slot in my Mac Pro. It appears on the desktop, but I don't want it to. In Finder > Preferences I have "Hard Disks" unchecked, and "External Drives" checked. Does the Mac Pro see this as an external drive?Apparently so. Is there a way to specify that this one particular external drive shouldn't display on the desktop?
I have trided to upgrade the hard drive on my G4 15" powerbook. The ribon conector from the drive to the board has come free from the board and I don't know how to refasten it.
So I have this really weird issue that isn't a real problem as much as a nuisance, but it is quite irksome. In the the sidebar of the Finder window, the icons for my hard drive (along with the windows partition) will change randomly and without my involvement. Sometimes they show up as the windows entourage logo, sometimes this other weird icon I can't recognize. Has anyone seen this before / know why this is happening?
i will change my HD in my MBP 13" 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Memory 4GB. The standard HD is a 150GB but i want to change to a 500GB 7200RPM, my only concern is how can i transfer all the data from the 150GB to the new 500GB?
Hi. What do I select for # of partitions on a MacBook Pro 15 inch? I haven't started yet, but I was hoping to understand what this means before I take it apart.
Any other advice before I start? I saw a good YouTube video that seems to make is easy to do.
I'm going to change hard drive on my macbook to an ssd drive. Is it possible to move all programs and setting I have on this hard drive so I don't have to re-install everything? First thought was time machine, but will this work? I mean, if it worked with time machine on a new hard drive it would be very easy to share shareware program with friends. Is it possible somehow? To get all the programs/settings to my new hard drive without having to re-install anything? (except the operating system),without having to re-activate serials etc etc.
I want to change the internal hard drive in my MacBook Pro 15, for a bigger and faster one but i am concerned because i have many softwares licenses (like Logic studio, Pro Tools, Kontakt, few sample libraries like EWSOgold or Motu products) and i wonder if changing the hard drive is going to create trouble with them.
I intend to create an image of my drive in my external hard drive and then exchange it for the new one and copy everything back in. I have tried unsuccessfully to do the image but i'll keep on trying.
i would like to replace my stock 250gb hd with a 750gb drive. i can't seem to find any guides on doing this. ive been working on pc's for years and im sure i can do this if i had a guide. if anyone has one please let me know.
I just recently realized that my Seagate external HD is under Mac OS extended (journaled) and not Mac OS extended. I only want to use this device for storage/backup and don't want to run anything off of it. Is there any non-destructive way to change it to just extended? If not, what are some of my alternatives?
My computer's hard drive space keeps changing. For exaomple, there are 50 GB free space, and then a few hrs later I will check the info again and it will read 47 GB free, 45 GB free, etc. It keeps changing throughout the day. I have not downloaded anything, not added any files, just browsed the web. Why does it keep chaning like that? Usually when I restart the computer, it reads what it normally should, eg. 50 GB free.
Info: 21.5" iMac 4GB memory 3.06 GHz Intel Core i3, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
So i opened up my mid 2007 iMac and changed the hard drive and cpu, and its all up and running correctly with a clean install of Lion, except that my wifi seems to be slow! It connects to the network and loads webpages slowly, and doing a system update it says it'll take 700hours to download the 1.5gb combined update... I then tilted back the screen and the connection speed improved and i managed to download the update in a couple of hours... so still a poor speed... Im guessing I either left the wifi card poorly connected or got the main and aux antenna cables wrong way round, does anyone know where the white and black cable go? Or which is which? Also, what do these cables connect to (the end not connected to the wifi card)?
I want to copy all of my mail and preferences from an old OS X Lion hard drive to a new one. In order to do that I need to be able to see my user library on the old hard drive. Is there anyway to do that without using Terminal commands? Also, what files will I need to copy to the new hard drive?
I have a 2011 MacBook Air and I love it but I am getting concerned that the hard drive is failing. The amount available keeps changing by a few will start the day with 10 or 11 GB available and then drop down to 9 or 10 GB and sometimes you can watch the amount available creep up in small increments every minute or so. It is not constantly fluxuating and of course I understand that if I move files on and off the computer, the space available will change. I have been using Macs for 20 years and I fear this is a sign my hard drive is going to fail. I am backing up the computer regularly.
I have iMac (2011) with OS X Lion 10.7.4, and I noticed that name of my hard drive has been changing on strange letters or some words chosen by random. It's quite strange. I have other apple computers and I have never experienced such things. I can't find any logical explanation of this "activity". Sometimes it happens after sleeping mode, sometimes there is no activity from my side or from OS. This is definitely not because of "accidentally pressed an icon of my HD and then pressed some keys" issue.
I recently purchased a new (to me) iBook Clamshell off eBay running Os 9.1. This is my first Mac, It has a 6 gig HD and the HD seems like its spinning really loud and it makes chirping sounds whenever I change the screen saver
Does this Mean the HD is failing? Should I get a new HD
I've noticed that my main hard drive is filling up fast with videos, and I'd like to move my libraries on to a separate hard drive. Is this possible without losing any links or preferences? Is it as simple as moving the libraries in the finder, and if so will all the links follow the library to the new location?
Info: OS X Yosemite (10.10), 2009 Mac Pro quad 2.66, iphone 6+
I have a WD external hard drive that I got for the holiday's last year.Here lately I've been using it as my iTunes library. A great way to free up some space on my Powerbook g4. Question is, why does iTunes keep changing my library folder after I'd already changed it when I initially set up the hard drive as my iTunes library destination?
Another question is how do I make sure that all my music files automatically go to the folder on the external hard drive when I download music. For example I may snag a free song from a website and will double click it after downloading and it plays in itunes. I want that file to be saved on my external hard drive as well (yes it's plugged up and plugged in).
I only have an 8g ipod so I have to constantly check and uncheck songs that I want to hear, so I want to be sure they are all in the same locale. And one way I know that certain files are on my internal and not external is when i unplug my external those files still play when they shouldn't unless it's plugged up.
So I have Windows 7 installed with bootcamp, and of course OS X. But, when I turn on my computer, if I do not hold down the option key, my MBP automatically loads Windows. Is there a way to change it so that it will automatically load Mac OS X if I do not hold the option key?
Based upon my inability to update my iPad2 with its latest iOS 5.0.1, I was encouraged to and did change my DSN preferences in system preferences to the two Google ones ( and I think what I replaced were the original preferences put in place by my Internet provider, Are there adverse consequences of changing the DSN, and should I change them back to those placed there originally?
Info: Mac OS X (10.6.8), Safari 5.1.2, iPhoto 9.2, iTunes 10
My internet starts slowing or quits, when I go into Networks in Prefs, it has changed to a different network (usually a neighbor that shows up). I reset the network and use the lock. But I have to do this several times a day?
This issue has probably when addressed in the past but I am having a problem with it now and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Currently, whenever I try to access Apple Mail (OS X 10.6.4), I get the spinning ball and I find that mail is not responding. Does anyone have any idea of what is going on or how I can reinstall mail?
My Flash Player preferences (in the preferences pane) keep returning to the default settings after i have made changes to the settings. It seems to take about a week between the time i set the preferences till they return back to the default settings. As an example, about a week ago i set the "Storage" tab to "Block all sites from storing information on this computer." Last night i checked the preferences and this same tab had been changed back to the default choice, "Allow sites from storing information on this computer." Same thing for the "Camera and Mic" tab, i check the "block all sites", then in a week or so it goes back to "Ask me." This is occuring across all the tabs in the Flash Player preferences.Â
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7), 2.2 Ghz Intel Core i7
I would like to know whether it is possible to change the smart folders preferences in what to search by default. What I mean is in the "window" spotlight, when you search on it, by default is searches on "This mac" and on "Content", my question is whether this is changeable. I hope you understand what I was talking about, if not please ask.
I had a Windows based PC a couple of years ago that had crashed. So recently i tried to put the files from my old hard drive from my Windows computer to my Mac. In order to keep track of what i have copied and what I haven't i thought it would be good to delete the stuff of my windows hard drive once it was copied. However, it doesn't let me delete anything of the Windows drive since it is set to read only. Is there a way around this? i've tried everything i can think of, but haven't found a soluti
I have an iMac OS X 10.7.3 (purchased in late 2010) with all updates current. I use AirPort to connect to my Linksys router with a WPA2 password.
Nearly everytime I wake my computer from sleep, my wireless router is disconnected, even when I have set my settings and clicked on the lock to prevent further changes. My router always shows on the list of available connections with full strength, but it is more often than not extremely difficult to get it connected again. It says "Could not join "myRouter". A connection time out occured."Â I usually have to use the assistant and go through the steps, which usually includes re-typing my password four to five times before it agrees that I know my own password (which is fairly simple to type, I can't possibly be entering it incorrectly that many times).
I downloaded and installed an update [URL] that quote: "resolves an issue that may cause an iMac to not automatically connect to a known Wi-Fi network after waking from sleep. It is recommended for all iMac (Late 2009 or newer) users running 10.7.3." Â
I tried setting a new location, and set the DHCP setting under TCP/IP to be manual. I was successful in connecting to the internet that time, and locked the settings to prevent further changes, yet the first time my computer woke from a sleep, the lock was unchecked and the settings were changed back to automatic. And I was disconnected yet again.Â
This has been going on for months, but in the last couple weeks I have found I am now unable to lock the lock to prevent changes, no matter if my Location is set to automatic or one that I have created. Really looking for resolution as this is wasting so much time, I am on and off the computer multiple times a day.Â
I recently changed my apple ID password and now I can't log in to the icloud system preferences on my iMac or the App Store on my iMac. Everything else is fine with the new password;, itunes, ipad, iphone, MacBook Air. Have tried creating a new user account but get the same messages which vary from "unrecognized user or password" to "problem communicating with icloud, try again later."