Mac Pro :: Cannot Startup Holding C Key From OS X 10.5.1 Install Disk
Aug 27, 2014Cannot startup holding c key form OS 10.5.1 Install disk. My 2009 MAC PRO ejects the disk. Why?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
Cannot startup holding c key form OS 10.5.1 Install disk. My 2009 MAC PRO ejects the disk. Why?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
So I bought a "new" PowerMac G4. I have two already.
The guy said it was running os 9 but now it wouldn't boot. I figured it needed an OS and the guy was wrong. I try to boot it up...
flashing ? folder
So I go thru all hell trying to install os x and what not.
It won't boot to the install CD. I finally got it to boot from my other Powermac's HD with OS X on it, but I can't seem to install OS X on this other HD, but that's not really what I'm asking here...
When I startup the PM and hold Option, nothing happens with either HD installed!!! No boot menu comes up.
Also when I hold down C, nothing happens at least nothing different. It doesn't boot to the CD.
Why is this?
Sometimes it seems to boot to my HD OS X and sometimes it boots to the CD on it's own. I can't choose what I want it to boot to unless I start the OS X and select it from there.
My computer has a kernel panic problem. And I'd like to fix it by booting as safe boot. I hold the shift key after the tone, and release it when the apple and loading gear appear. But, the bar that indicates that safe mode is loading never appears. It'll just boot on regular boot.
View 2 Replies View Relatedso i have my two disks to redo the hard drive so i did that and i wanted the hard drive erased so i chose that option i put the first disk in it checked the disk then installed then asked for the second checking just an error message that i should check the disk and the internet connection ok well internet is fine checked the disk called apple and verified that i had the right disk and not my imac lost and kinda need my laptop i have a leopard disk i tryed - put it in turned the computer off turned it back on pressing c installed it and after it said sucsessful instalation we need to restart bam the restart page was please insert disk 2 for the sake of trying again i did ta da error message -sigh-
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow do I clean my start up disk for more space? I have I cloud but don't really use it.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I want to run Disk utilities on my mac. Have done this before using system disk and holding C etc. Since upgrading to Snow Leopard from Leopard it no longer sees my system disk. Restart holding down C with system disk installed...and mac just boots-up normally! Ultimately I want to run the disk utility to check that the Hard Drive is healthy after install.
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2x3 Ghz Dual-Core Intel Xeon
I've used the bootcamp assistant to create a 200 GB partition for Windows. I installled windows 7 x64 on this partition, everything is going well so far. I'm able to press the option key after installation and run windows and perform some updates (note, I couldn't install the required software IN windows from the snow leopard disk, let's hope this is not the source of my problem).
Everything went well so I booted back to OSX and I noticed that I needed some more partitions, so I've split my Macintosh HD further into a Media and a School partition. I didn't touch the windows partition though.
After experiencing (before) with hackintosh computers I know that i have to rewrite the boot configuration of the harddrive. Because now I'm not seeing the Windows HD anymore while holding the option key at startup and therefore unable to boot into Windows anymore. Even parallels can't discover the Windows partition.
I've tried repairing permissions, and nothing. I've tried to use the repair option on the Windows 7 disk which states it can't be done.
What can I do? Do I have to repartition it again in an different order (bootcamp states that it can only create a Windows partition if there's only 1 partition in the harddrive, so it's logical to repartition the drive after bootcamp created the Windows HD or even after the installation of Windows itself). Perhaps I need to rewrite the boot config of the mac, which I don't have a clue about.
Being 64 bit windows is not an issue, because it worked at first (before repartitioning)
Yesterday I switched on my macbook (Leopard) and got the flashing question mark. Ran all the resets and booted with disk utility which encountered an 'Invalid B-tree Node' when attempting to repair the disk. Additionally, the SMART status was verified.
I ran DW 4 last night, and performed the hardware tests which reported that the disk was operating like normal. The majority of my media files and additional work is backed up to my Time Capsule but I still have a folder of papers that are relatively new, and wanted to retrieve. While DW managed to reconstruct the majority of my drive (there seemed to be 15g missing - but it's just music files) including this folder, it couldn't replace the disk, as it encountered 'Serious Disk Malfunctions'.
So, via the Disk Preview I want to transfer my saved folders to my TC, but I don't appear to be able to locate it (via ethernet) through DW - even if it's connected when I boot up in DW. So, first request is: Can I connect to my TC to transfer across in DW's preview?
Second is: What are my options if DW can't replace? Do I need to take it into Apple and get a new HD (it's out of warranty)? It's possibly worth noting that I'm a student and have absolutely no money - so cost effective options are a bonus!
I get this question mark along with a folder when starting up. I tried holding down the option key when turning on the power and then I get an internet recovery along with a globe. I click on the arrow below it and it takes maybe 15 minutes to start up. Then i get this disk utilities screen. I'm now unable to do anything. When going into disk utility, disk 0 shows with Mac OS X base system underneath it. All the clickable buttons are faded out. Is there something wrong with the hardrive? and where could i get this fixed? There isn't a warranty on it.
View 1 Replies View Related I'm trying to repair my hard drive. I restarted from the OS X Mac Mini install CD (holding down the letter C when I heard the chime), opened Disk Utility from the Utilities folder, selected my hard drive image, but the "verify disk" and "repair disk" options are grayed out. I'm at a loss as to how to proceed.
Mac Mini
Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I have 2 internal Serial-ATA disks:
Both were checked (with Disk Utility and DiskWarrior) and are OK. But only one of the two disks shows in the Startup Disk list in System Preferences->Startup Disk.
PowerMac G5 / OS X (V.10.4.11)
3GB memory
Every time I try to restart my computer on my Hard Drive I get this message "Startup disk could not gather enough information on the selected disk". As of right now I am running my whole computer off of a 16GB flash drive that is quickly running out of memory. How do I fix my Hard Drive without losing all 150GB worth of data. I am running off of OS X 10.6.8 and have another iMac that is working fine. Â
View 2 Replies View RelatedI ran installer then went to disk utility and pushed disk repair. it ran and indicated in green that no repairs were necessary. i then went to startup disk and only the Diks and network startup showed up but no hard drive. i also open computer to make sure was not wet muddy due to leak in cooling system but all was dry
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am getting this warning. Not sure what to do or how to do it. Couldn't find any information on freeing space without erasing important files.
Mac Mini, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
I've got an old powerbook g4 that I'm looking to sell, however before I do I want to clear everything off it. Unfortunately the disk drive is broken so I'm unable to erase disk using the installation disc which I know would be the easiest way... does anyone else know of an effective way to clear everything in this case? As I know that there will still be things left even after I've cleared all of my documents.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow do I launch disk utility from the Snow Leo install disk?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI searched for a while trying to find the answer but did not find it. I just installed Vista Business via Bootcamp. I am not able to access the internet or anything. If I read the help stuff right I need to use the OSX install disk to install the drivers. The problem is, I don't have the install disk. Is there any other way to get the drivers? Or am I just missing something easier?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a dual 2ghz G5 that i wanted to clean off and start fresh. I wiped the drive with disk utility and tried to install os from tiger install dvd. G5 keeps hanging at install and also at disk utility. I've swapped both the osX install dvd disk and the entire dvd drive, but still hangs at os load or utility.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI got tiger install discs for my emac but I cant get it to run the install. I tried putting the disc in and clicking the restart button on the screen that says "Welcome to Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger", but when I click it it just restarts my computer and does nothing. I then tried the alternate install it did the same thing it did nothing but restarted my eMac. I then tried restarting my computer while holding c key nothing once again. Then I tried holding down apple, option, f , and o keys and then typed in cd boot and also tried cdrom boot nether of them worked so i restarted and tried dvd boot/dvdrom boot nothing worked on all the occasion i got a grey screen with a circle with a line through it. What do I need to do to get these install discs to work?
View 9 Replies View RelatedSearched the archives but no luck so far. My old PB G4 is running 10.4.11. When I installed the OS, I chose not to install iPhoto and iMovie because I didn't think I'd need them on this machine. I'd now like to add them, but am not sure how to do it without wiping the hard drive and starting completely from the beginning. There's got to be an easier way...right?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI need to do repair my disk on my 10.6.4 machine but am wondering if I can do so with my 10.5 Install DVD or if I need to wait until I get home and do it with my 10.6 upgrade dvd?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have recently done a Time machine back up of my MB Pro 15" then wiped my hard drive trying to clean it up so I could install Windows 7 with Boot Camp. I had my original Install Disk which I forgot was Tiger, Having used one of my brothers company licenses to upgrade to Leopard but that disk is now with him in another country. So now I can not restore from my Time Machine backup. I have a Leopard Install disk for a Macbook Pro 13" which I also own. Is it possible to use this disk to re-install Leopard on my 15"?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was attempting to gain access to an old external harddrive, so I downloaded a live CD. I changed the startup disk in the system preferences and restarted my computer. To my knowledge this was a one time change, meaning it would only target my DVD drive for one boot. So I used the live CD and I can't seem to eject it from my computer. Also, I can't force it to boot from my harddrive. I know keystrokes can initiate a different boot but nothing seems to work.
* While turning on the computer....
* option key
* C
* eject button
* Allowing the mac to boot into the live disk and attempting to eject the disk that way
i have a small ssd disk ( 80 gb ) on my macbook pro and i suddenly found that i only have 2,5 gb left on it. How can i effectively make more space on it?/ find junk that i can delete? I mostly have only apps on it not much anything else.Whats the best way to do this, are there any good apps for it=?
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy MacBook pro keeps telling me my startup disk is full. I've tried searching and browsing to figure out where my startup disk is so I can figure out how it got full and delete stuff... but I can't find it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have this some what old Power Mac G5 rig here with a busted cd drive. Trying to upgrade it to leopard os x. Searched all over the place and found the best way to do this is to create an image file (.dmg) and restore it onto an external harddrive.. I have an 8gb microsd that I am using to do this via usb thumbdrive reader.
Now here is where the problem is..
When I go into Startup Disk on this desktop (Tiger) the USB simply does not show up! I cannot figure out why.. I've restored the USB using both APM (apple partition map) and GUID.. both still unable to be seen in the Startup Disk list of options.
Now, I take my USB with the leopard dvd install on it and plug it into my buddy's MacBookPro which is already running leopard.. I pull up startup disk and BAM, there it is! I was even able to boot into it like a normal install..
Does anyone have any idea why this is not working on my Desktop running Tiger?
my mac gives me the message that the startup disk is almost full, what can i do?
MacBook Air
I was surfing this site a couple of days ago when my MacBook suddenly froze up. I couldn't Force-Quit anything or do a soft restart, so I decided to just power-cycle restart (pressing the power button until it shut down, then pressing it again to start up). When I did so, my startup disk wouldn't mount.
I should give you a little background: Mine is a MacBook White early 2009, with upgraded 4GB RAM & 500GB 5400rpm Fujitsu HDD. I took the HDD from an off-the-shelf 2.5" external HDD. It has served me well for slightly over a year, and is only now giving me this problem.
I have since replaced the original HDD (which I was keeping as a emergency backup, phew) and put the problem HDD in an external FW enclosure.
I have run Disk Utility on it to try & rectify the problem. Disk First Aid says the disk is fine, but I just couldn't get it to mount. I thought I'd try to erase it and restore from my TM backup, but after I erased the disk, it still couldn't mount. What's worse, now the disk is apparently not writeable, and I can't even erase it. Disk First Aid is still telling me the disk is fine.
I've also tried booting from my SL install disk, but it won't mount the disk to install SL. It is still visible in Disk Utility, but greyed out.
Can anyone advise what I can do to recover the disk?
I can't really bring it in for a warranty exchange, cos I ripped this disk out of the original enclosure, so the enclosure is now completely busted, and obviously the warranty won't be honored. (Buying the external was cheaper than buying just the internal, and Fujitsu had a pretty OK reputation for their harddisks at that point. Could you blame me?)
So any software or hardware (or combination) solution would be great. Worst case scenario is to get a new HDD, but I'd still like to recover the use of this disk somehow.
I got an OCZ Vertex 2 120GB SSD and it runs fine and it's fast when using the computer. But the boot up time is so ridicules slow, slower then my old 500GB 7200RPM drive. My boot up time is around 37 sec with the SSD. The Apple logo came's up and the spinning wheel spinning forever!.
I think I know what the problem is, it's searching for like 25 sec for the first boot drive, and it can't find my SSD. Other people I know here on Macrumors just checked the SSD in the "Start up" in System Preferences and reboot, then they getting fast boot time. When I check my SSD and press reboot, it's still slow and when I later check the Start Up disk, none disk is selected (neither the SSD or "Network startup"...
Here is how it always look like when going in to System Preferences -> Startup Disk after a reboot, none is selected... (sorry for the Swedish language, I hope you will understand)
What should I do to fix this problem? (I've tried to reset NVRAM, PRAM and SMC, but with no luck).
So I've been getting the "Your startup disk is almost full" warning notice pretty frequently for about a couple months now, and I just keep deleting files and applications. It's gotten to the point now that I have nothing else to do delete because I basically use most of the stuff I have on my computer, unless there is something I'm missing. I was thinking, there has to be an easier way to clean out your startup disk, I just don't know how.
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