Mac Pro :: 2009 - Graphics Glitches / Freezing In Yosemite?
Dec 6, 2014
I have a 2009 Mac Pro that is running 10.10.1. It is using a Radeon 4870 still from the factory. I have had a mostly flawless experience in the last 5 years with the system, but it has lately been displaying graphical problems and then freezing completely. After the display does quirky stuff that I am attaching in the image, I can only move the cursor. No other actions can be performed, and the only option I have is a hard shutdown with the power button. Usually after I do this, the machine will boot with the chime, but no startup screen will ever appear. It just sets blank. The only way I have found around this is to hold the option key, then boot to my primary drive.
I notice this seems to happen after the computer has woken from sleep. But, the issue originally appeared for the first time after updating to the newest Logitech Control panel for my mouse. I thought it was that, so I removed it and am no longer using that at all. The issue still exists.
Here is an image of what the screen typically does.
Mac Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), (Nehalem)
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Aug 12, 2009
I have some serious problems with my iMac that I've been experiencing for a long time now, but they're really getting on my nerves now!
I have a 2006 20" iMac (the last revision of the white ones before the aluminum redesign), 2.16 GHz, 2 GB ram, 250 gig hard, 128MB ATI X1600 Mobility.
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Jun 5, 2014
My Mid 2009 MacBook Pro freezes regularly. There does not seem to be any pattern to when this happens. I do not get a grey screen, and it does not freeze for long. I have reinstalled Mavericks, and I have installed new RAM. Nothing I have tried as made a difference.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), Mid-2009
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Nov 3, 2009
Currently I have a GTX 285 in Slot 1, and a GT 120 in Slot 3. Slot 2 is the faster slot, which I would think would benefit the GT 120, but then it's closer to the GTX 285 that leads to overheating concerns. I'm going to run anything graphics intensive on the GTX 285-connected monitor, so any real drawback then to having the GT 120 in Slot 3?
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Mar 12, 2012
I think something might be wrong with the video card. The fan is very loud at all times and gets louder on flash or video sites. The fan speed is usually double the other fans.
Mac Pro (Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 10, 2012
So I have a 2009 iMac.Earlier this year, I upgraded to Lion. A little while after this upgrade I started running in to an issue that is now making my computer unusable. When working on graphic or labor intensive activities I am receiving Red Green and Blue pixels around my screen (see picture below) Shortly after this happens, my screen freezes and becomes unresponsive with these pixels still up OR it will completely glitch out, blinking and causing the whole screen to go crazy. Things I have tried so far, rebooting my system from scratch, replacing video card (not cheap )
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Late 2009
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Apr 7, 2012
Is there any way to upgrade the graphics card in the 2009 MacBook Pro?
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Sep 28, 2008
We're running an IMac G4, 700 Mhz, 768 Mb Ram with OSX 10.3.9. We have been having a problem with freezing/crashes for a long time, accompanied by distorted graphics and have been unable to get to the bottom of it. A screenshot of what happens is linked below. The pattern is that we will start working on something, then the graphics will become distorted in a small area. Then sometimes we'll get away with working for a bit longer, or sometimes it goes wrong right away. The graphics distortion spreads, and either the computer freezes and has to be restarted or we get the grey error box saying to restart. We've tried: adding more ram - it still crashes even with simple apps. using macaroni to schedule maintenance tasks unplugging hardware to see if there's a conflict. Have also tried clearing the PRAM on reboot, which seems to increase the chance of it working for a while.
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Oct 30, 2009
Would a Macbook Pros Graphics Card Support two monitors? If so what kind?
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Dec 11, 2014
I have installed Yosemite and it is hogging way too many resources to run applications efficiently. It appears that the system will not recognize previous install versions (ie. Mavericks). How to downgrade this system back to Mavericks without losing any files that were created in Yosemite? I'd even consider losing the files as not being able to work is beyond frustrating.
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Dec 4, 2014
My 2011 21.5 inch iMac keeps freezing. Strangely, the trackpad works but nothing on the screen reacts to moving the cursor around or clicking anywhere. requiring a restart (using the power button on the back).
When I then restart, I get an immediate error message saying "A graphics problem has been detected" and enables me to report the problem, which I do.
However, this happens several times a day and only since an upgrade to Yosemite and I have tried a software update.
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Dec 1, 2014
when i was on my laptop and i forgot to put it on charge so it went flat while i was watching a movie (not on the internet). I couldn't be bothered charging it so i just put it down and went to sleep. The next morning i turned it on and tried opening safari and it went extremely slow, i got the beach ball and when i clicked the apple on top left to try to force quit, after 2 seconds of clicking that froze. When i tried to force quit it from my dock i would click force quit and then my dock would freeze. At this point my mac was just about completely frozen. The brightness didn't change, sound nothing but only the mouse could move. I reset and the exact same thing happened. Google Chrome works so i am using this and i get no freezing problems. It is just when i use Safari.
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10)
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Dec 4, 2014
After updating to Yosemite 10.10.1, occasionally my Finder will freeze. I can continue to work in whatever program I am in, but I can't go anywhere else. When I force quit to try to relaunch the Finder, it doesn't respond. The only way to get it to work again is to shut off the computer using the on/off button. I have already tried deleting my Finder preferences.
iMac (24-inch Early 2009), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), 4GB memory
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Dec 3, 2014
I have had nothing but problems since I upgraded to Yosemite. My graphics programs crash and run impossibly slow. I have to restart constantly to clear maxed out memory. My internet speed drags to a crawl, and I constantly have to repair permissions to open files THAT I CREATED. I can't open file attachments from Outlook either (I will NOT use Apple Mail - my clients use Outlook, so I have to as well).
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Dec 7, 2014
Product Name - MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012)
Processor - 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7
Memory - 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Graphics - NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 1024 MB
Serial Number - C02J1192DKQ4
OS - OSX 10.10 .1(Yosemite)
Problem - It happened couple of time, earlier it happened when I was opening "" (I know, it was Black Friday time ) and it happened yesterday again, while opening When the problem occurs, machine hangs and after some time I can move cursor, but can't do anything. I have to hard restart the machine. after machine restarts, it shows a popup saying that a graphics problem detected and do you want to report it.
I suggested switching off "graphics switching" from energy menu in system preferences. even that crashed the machine first time when I tried that. So I have graphics switching off for now. Don't know for sure if it is OSX bug, Chrome/Browser bug or something else.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
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Jan 5, 2010
I have tried many permutations: different settings on the AirPort Express, different configurations of Ethernet cables and Wifi, you name it. In every case, there are at least occasional patches of silence lasting 0.5-5 seconds (playback does not pause during this silence). My findings: If the AirPort Express is not plugged into the Ethernet, but instead forced to use the Wifi coming out of my AirPort Extreme nearby, then the glitches are almost constant. It is so terrible, during five minutes of "playback" there might be thirty seconds of actual sound.
If the AirPort Express is plugged into the Ethernet, it doesn't matter whether my MacBook Pro is plugged in. There will be occasional glitches. At least some of these glitches are coming from the MacBook-end, because they sometimes coincide with Time Machine backups or processor-intensive tasks. What the hell? Is AirTunes just bad? Or is it my MacBook Pro, is it overloaded or does it have some errant process stepping on the AirTunes' toes?
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Oct 9, 2010
MacBook Pro started giving me terrible glitches, Where 1) Applications will quit unexpectedly and 2) I will get the gray cover over the screen with text saying I need to restart my computer.
This is happening quite often and I would really like it to stop..
I noticed it all started happening after I installed ProTools LE.
I've already erased my internal hard drive and reinstalled snow leopard, then put my necessary files back.
I have also upgraded my RAM and HDD, about 3 months ago and it's been working flawless until I installed ProTools LE.
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Jun 24, 2009
If I use the arrow-key shortcut (no matter how they are setup in Systems Preferences) whilst holding an App's title-bar, to switch it between spaces, the HUD showing which Space the app has been moved to only shows up sporadically. I've tried changing Spaces settings, turning it on and off, restarted etc. and it still does it. If I use the number key shortcuts it displays fine now matter how quickly I move an app between spaces. If I use the drag method it's also fine... but you can only do that slowly.
If I use the titlebar & arrow keys method very slowly and wait for the HUD to fade out before switching to another space its fine. (i.e move from 1 to 2, HUD shows, wait until it fades out, then move it to space 4, HUD shows). But if I flick an app between spaces quickly the HUD only shows sporadically after the first switch. Sometimes the desktop image will flicker in front of everything for a fraction of a second. I have an Alu MacBook and I can achieve these results after a restart with only the Finder running.
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Sep 5, 2009
So turned on the computer today after installing Snow Leopard yesterday and first the menubar had graphical glitches but it disappeared when I clicked the icons. Went to my desktop sometime later and I saw this Bug or is my display giving up?
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Oct 28, 2009
I'm looking to buy Snow Leopard for my early 2007 intel 24" white imac before the end of the year. It currently has Tiger on it. So are SL's glitches being fixed and will all the issues be cleared up before the end of the year?
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Feb 16, 2010
A while after I installed Snow Leopard I started to notice odd glitches I can't think how to describe them. They appear randomly and don't follow anything specific. Anyway has anyone else experienced these? They only started appearing once I had snow leopard installed. I have an early 2008 Macbook 2.4 GHz with an Intel GMA X3100.
Here are some screenshots so you can see what I'm on about.
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Sep 15, 2010
I've had my 27" iMac (3.06GHz) for a few weeks now and yesterday I noticed some weird artifacts appearing on the screen, very randomly.
They will pop up all over the screen but if I "Show desktop", they will go away for a bit but sometimes reappear again in different areas of the screen. I restarted the computer but that only temporarily fixed the problem.
Anyone know what's causing this and how to fix it?
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Feb 8, 2009
I've never really had a problem with my macbook, but for the last two weeks or so, I can't watch any Flash videos like YouTube. It'll work for about fifteen or so seconds and then the whole thing will start skipping and the whole computer acts choppy. Firefox (or Safari) CPU usage spikes, and the computer gets really hot. Then I'll have to wait for a minute or so for the macbook to cool off before I can use it. I've tried downgrading from Flash 10 to Flash 9 -- no better.
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Jul 13, 2009
Has anyone else with the Alum MacBook loaded Vista and experienced sound glitches when playing any sounds? My machine will have sound stuttering lasting 3-5 sec occuring every 2-3 min. Works fine in OS_X but never in Vista. I,m trying to decide if I need to return or exchange the machine. AppleCare is clueless on the problem other than blaming the drivers. I have reloaded Vista Home prem 32bit, BootCamp 2.0, Updated 2.1 BootCamp drivers, changed the realtek driver in Vista, updated to 1 month old realtek new driver, and lastly disabled the onboard audio and installed a new Creative external USB sound card ALL to NO Avail. I have 5 days left to return the notebook, but otherwise I love the new MacBook.
MacBook Alum
Mac OS X (10.5.5)
OS X/Vista
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Aug 14, 2009
an update that requires a restart on the computer, and after I have completed that update, the computer runs slow. Even with 4GB of RAM and a 2.66GHz C2D Processor - Finder, Numbers, and some games run slow.
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Mar 13, 2012
when i move documents to desktop my screen glitches and the screen goes really weird. will apple cover it. it is only 6 months old.
MacBook Air
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Apr 8, 2012
I have just had my logic board replaced by apple via the extended warranty covering the nvida issue. I use the machine to run some audio applications and have noticed since the replacement board was added the machine is now prone to audio glicthes and drop out of some audio.
MacBookPro 2.4GHz, 2G RAM, Penryn - MacBookPro4,1, MB133B/A, Mac OS X (10.5.2)
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Jun 17, 2014
I got my Mac Pro halway through 2012 and recently it's been really slow but what really annoys me is when it glitches and stalls when I try to watch a movie on VLC or iTunes how can I fix this?????
Mac Pro
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Sep 6, 2010
I have an early 2008 Imac with an Nividia 8800 GS graphics card. It apparently failed two weeks ago, and I just got the machine back after the Apple Store replacing the card.The only graphical glitches I had on the Imac, was the faint line that would run across the screen that you could see on a white background if I left a program's window opened to long; and when using Safari, while encoding a dvd, trying to open up a new tab I would get images of whatever I was encoding in the new safari tab for half a second. Then it would correct itself and bring a blank safari page.
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Apr 14, 2010
Apple on Wednesday afternoon issued a number of updates, addressing high processor usage and other glitches in its 27-inch iMac, as well as various security updates for Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard and Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard.
27-inch iMac updates
Two updates released Wednesday address issues with the 27-inch big screen iMac, released in October 2009.
"27-inch iMac EFI FW Update 1.0" is recommended for all systems with quad-core Intel Core i5 and Core i7 processors. The update resolves an issue that caused high processor utilization when playing audio through the headphone output, and fixes a problem that prevented the display backlight from turning on after powering on the iMac.
The 2.1MB update is available for download from Apple. It requires Mac OS X 10.6.3 or later.
"27-inch iMac SMC Firmware Update 1.0" fixes Target Display Mode compatibility issues on the 27-inch desktop iMac. The 397KB update also requires Mac OS X 10.6.3 or later.
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