Mac Pro :: 1st Generation - New Graphics Card - Bad - Pixels / Lines / System Hangs
Aug 1, 2009
My 1st gen mac pro's radion 1900 is getting really bad - pixels /lines / system hangs etc.... I was going to update the card a couple of months back to an 8800gt - but you can't get them on the store anymore! have a spare 8800gt kicking around!
Some Motion and color
Logic Pro
I want also to be reasonably confident that the new card will work in Snow Leopard.
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Jan 22, 2010
I have a friend who's first gen Mac Pro's graphics card died. (It's the 8800gt) I was looking at replacements for him and wanted to check and see if this card will work: [URL] I read online that the 3870 is compatible, but I just wanted to double check.
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Oct 5, 2008
After reading through several pages of post's on here I am still at a stand still on upgrading my original macpro 2.66ghz quad core. The reason I am upgrading the stock card is I cant handle the grainy look on my photos after using my same moniter with my new macbook pro. Also I am going to be using my bootcamp vista side to play bluray and hd dvds. I recently purchased the new buffalo dual external drive but the images are blury and after a hd video test my graphics card failed misserably. Can someone point me in the right direction. I want to spend around 275-300 shipped. My lcd display supports hdmi and all recent standards.
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May 30, 2010
I recently bought the 8core Mac pro . It came with the Nvidia card. I am looking for the best graphics card that can handle extream gaming and some 3d modeling work. I am aware of the Quadro but I was told that it doesnt performs that well with gaming. Is there a way to SLI cards like on PC on Mac?
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Dec 29, 2009
What would show more immediate quality of graphics and faster on-line refresher rates, a graphics card with more ram or double the memory? Im debating whether to get the 512mb ATI Card or an additional 4 gig or Memory with my new iMac.does Apple not offer the really high end ATI Cards with 1 gig of ram?
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Mar 25, 2008
Is it possible to run the a MacPro under bootcamp all the time using a high end Nvidia or ATI graphics card?I would like to use the MacPro as a gaming PC.
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Jun 4, 2009
I use an Intel white iMac 2.0gHz as my primary computer. So far, it has given me no trouble. However, lately I woke the computer to discover a yellow line of dead pixels all the way to the right of the screen. It was discouraging but since the line was out of the way, it wasn't a great deal. However again, later today, I woke the display to find another line running down the middle of the computer. Oh gosh! Anyone know what is going on? Is it the display or the graphics card?
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May 2, 2009
Given the latest releases, none of which are compatible with the 1st Generation Mac Pro, is it time for me to settle for the 8800?
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Jun 5, 2012
I purchased a late 2006 intel core duo iMac 20'' with an upgrade to os Lion. I've been using it for less than 24 hours, and it has managed to freeze up on me twice, with a followed appearance of pixel abnormalities, horizontal lines, etc. I did my research and it seems to be a graphics card problem, which is a Raedon ati x1600 ,256 mb.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Late '06 iMac/2.16ghzICD/2gb
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Jun 13, 2008
So, its now the 3870 vs. the 8800. As someone who plays games on the Windows and uses iLife '08 on the Mac side (not many games though), which card is looking better?
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Oct 1, 2010
So I have a macbook pro old model.Recent Problems:graphics card failedsystem crashed had to reinstall system crashed again and would be stuck on apple logo
now after i reinstalled SL after the stuck on logo problem my mac was fine.3 weeks later which is now it started to lag,slow,unresponsive.So i tried repairing disk utility and FAILED then i tried reinstalling osx FAILEDthen i had to delete my whole harddrive :*( and reformated the harddrive.FAILED AGAIN.calling apple is a no because i already called alot before so now they want to charge.So did i reformat wrong? something?
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Nov 2, 2009
Over the past month I have encountered a number of bugs with Snow Leopard on my MacBook Pro (mid 2006). Ever once in a while, usually during high performance task (like watching flash or encoding with handbrake) the temperature of my cpu will spike to 85-90 degrees celsius and then the system freezes.
During this freeze, I can still move my mouse, but I am unable to click on anything on the dock or any program. Moving the mouse over the dock does not invoke the magnification either. I have to do a hard reset to fix the problem.
Also every once in a while, a long blue horizontal line will appear in on the screen. (sometimes their in iChat windows, sometimes safari, and sometimes the desktop as shown in the photo).
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Dec 10, 2010
New to forums. Just purchased a first gen(2006) mac pro off ebay and found out it had a x1900 for a video card, I have a 8800gt in my old comp(hackintosh) but tried removing the ati card and installing 8800gt and no luck. Could anyone reccomend me a video card that would work maybe out of the box and that isnt too expensive, really wanna spend 100$-150$ max.
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Jan 26, 2010
I just purchased my first Mac... a used Mac Pro...2 x2.66 dual core with 8 gb of ram and a 7300GT video card. (built Aug 2007) I want to upgrade the video card. I have tried to follow earlier postings, but need a bit more clarification... It appears that the 8800GT mac version is the only recommended card, but Apple no longer sells them. I can still find these 1st gen cards on eBay for approx $250-280. I have also read where others of you have installed new cards, such as the 4870, in your 1st gen mac, but using these newer cards seems to require some "flashing" of the card or other such tweaks--which, unfortunately, I am not that familiar with. With the 8800GT, it seems you can just swap out the cards, update the drivers and you are good to go... am I wrong in thinking that the newer cards are more difficult to get up and running?
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Mar 29, 2012
Need a relacement video card for my first gen macpro quad, anybody find a working quality card currently available?
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Nov 26, 2008
Apple is investigating two separate graphics issues with its new line of MacBook and MacBook Pros, and is reported to be preparing a software update to remedy at least one of them.The first issue, which some are calling "the black screen of death," manifests itself on unibody MacBook Pros during game play. Users report that their screens go black after just a few minutes of gaming, while the system locks up and the audio enters into an infinite loop.Once the systems lock up, users say they lose control of their cursor and are left with no other option but to restart their Macs through a hard reset. The issue exists under both Windows and Mac OS X, affecting a wide range of titles that include Call of Duty 4, World of Warcraft, Ages of Empire III, Command and Conquer, Oblivion, Company of Heroes, and others.
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Aug 11, 2009
I want to add a Airport Extreme card to my first generation (2006) Mac Pro. My serial number is G86380EKUPZ. Which Model #/Part # card would I need and where can I find them? I called my local Apple store and they told me that they could install it for me but they aren't allowed to order the part...? Weird. Also, while I'm asking, I'm interested in upgrading my graphics card. I read somewhere that the ATI Radeon HD 3870 will work. Is there anything else you guys could recommend? I'm gonna be working in Final Cut Pro, After Effects, Photoshop, etc.
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Dec 7, 2014
Product Name - MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012)
Processor - 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7
Memory - 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Graphics - NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 1024 MB
Serial Number - C02J1192DKQ4
OS - OSX 10.10 .1(Yosemite)
Problem - It happened couple of time, earlier it happened when I was opening "" (I know, it was Black Friday time ) and it happened yesterday again, while opening When the problem occurs, machine hangs and after some time I can move cursor, but can't do anything. I have to hard restart the machine. after machine restarts, it shows a popup saying that a graphics problem detected and do you want to report it.
I suggested switching off "graphics switching" from energy menu in system preferences. even that crashed the machine first time when I tried that. So I have graphics switching off for now. Don't know for sure if it is OSX bug, Chrome/Browser bug or something else.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
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Mar 23, 2009
This is my first post on the site! Anyway, I have about 3 dead pixels on my 13" MacBook 2.16 GHz. My computer is still under Applecare, would Apple replace the display for free?
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May 29, 2010
I have an '06 Mac Pro and my Nvidia 7300 just sucks, so I'm looking to buy a new card. I saw this, which uses ATI Radeon 4870. How safe is this, and where can I use any Radeon card for this?
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Oct 26, 2009
I've just been up to my local electronics store to buy the new base 21.5" iMac. I noticed the display model had a dead pixel in the centre of the screen so I asked once I had paid for it if I could open it and check the iMac before leaving, the store said that was fine.I opened it up and it had 3 dead pixels! So they swapped it over for another and that had another 2! (It's either dead pixels, or dirt behind the glass, either is unaccepted in my eyes). So I just got a refund as they said they wouldn't open anymore.
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Feb 11, 2010
A friend accidently spilled water on her Macbook and now when she turns on the laptop, it will start and as soon as it goes to the home screen it will shut off. What exactly could the water have damaged?
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Feb 13, 2010
for the last week or so my MBA has been showing a ~3 inch bar running vertically along the middle-left of the display. Until today, the area looked just like blurry pixels (some things like graphics would still appear, so I don't believe the problem is with the pixels themselves). Now the area has become a gray bar of pixels.
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May 14, 2010
So after waiting 4 weeks my High-res Glossy MBP FINALLY arrived...I was so happy. Got home switched it on and WOW it really is a beautiful machine...After using it for about 30 mins however i noticed a small dot to the lower right half of the screen... I looked closer and realized it was either a dead or stuck pixel( I dont exactly know the difference). I did a few test on it, and its ONLY visible when a light color is on the screen (White, Gray etc) However when the screen is DARK blue, Dark green or black it cant be seen at all...
It kind of looks like a TINY speck of water or liquid the size of 1 pixel stuck under the glass... I noticed that it does get lighter and darker when i adjust the brightness of the screen. Can anybody give me some tips? Anything i can do to fix it? Is it in fact a dead or a stuck pixel? I tried the JSscreen fix which is basically a online tool that opens up a flashing screen...Ive had it on for about 30 mins...but no luck
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Jan 5, 2011
I've been reading this site for a while now, first time I'm posting. I recently purchased 8 GB of RAM for my 2010 13" MBP. There are two 4 GB DDR3 PC3-10500 1333mhz sticks. When I install them in the laptop my computer does not get past the apple logo boot screen (the spinning disc freezes). However, I can boot into Windows (boot camp) without issues.
Also, when I pair either of the 4 GB sticks with one of my old 2 GB stock sticks the laptop boots up fine in OS X. The system profiler registers it as 6 GB of 1067 mhz RAM (the stock sticks are 1067 mhz)
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Apr 23, 2009
I bought an early 2008 Mac Pro, and I am wondering if it will have the 802.11G or 802.11N graphics card, is there a way to tell?
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May 1, 2009
I replaced my macbook pro last week with a MacPro 8 core.
For the last few days the GT120 graphics card was connected to two 24" dell monitors (2407 and 2408).
The 2407 is my main display and was connected via the display port to a display port to DVI-D adaptor and then to the DVI-D port on the screen. The 2408 was connected using the DVI-D on the graphics card straight to the monitor. This setup was great as I couldn't even tell if my mac was on or off because I couldn't hear any off the fans.
The only problem was that when running full screen video (EyeTV/Quicktime), the picture would sometimes stutter. After looking at the apple store website, a new GT120 was �99 for students so I picked one up yesterday.
The original GT120 is in slot 1 and is connected to my 2407 (main display) via DVI-D, the second GT120 is in slot 2 and connect to my 2408 via DVI -D. Now the problem is noise! I can now hear my mac whirring away all night (MacPro in my bedroom).
Any idea what the problem could be? When i run iTunes visualizer, both displays average at about 63fps and there is no stuttering of the picture. One thing I have noticed (using hardware monitor) is that when play itunes visualizer on full screen the GT120 in slot one uses 22% and the GT120 in slot two uses 99%.
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May 3, 2009
Like is having a higher end GPU only good if you play games? Will it still boost the computers performance even if I do stuff that doesn't involve videogames?
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Jun 17, 2009
I have two issues with my present X1900: it's not going to be OpenGL compliant come September, and more pressingly on a day to day basis, for some reason Eve Online, the game I'm rather addicted to, doesn't like me using two video cards - a stock GeForce 7300 and the Radeon.
I haven't been able to troubleshoot my way to confirming why I have the issue (and I've posted on Eve online forums - no one else seems to have the issue) but I get really odd graphics glitches when I have more than 2 screens 'detected'. Rather, when I have screens on more than 1 video card. I think it has to do with an ATI/nVidia conflict while running a Mac port of the Linux Port of Eve.
So I was hoping to get the 8800 perhaps, but they're getting pretty hard to find. Any other suggestions? Performance-wise I've been happy with the X1900, don't really *need* to upgrade, but I'd like to maximize OpenGL and solve this confilct issue so I'm not constantly climbing in behind my desk to unplug and replug DVI cables - I now run 3x monitors and a projector.
Price counts for me, I'd like to keep this upgrade as cheap as possible - don't use 'Pro' apps. I'm not afraid to flash a PC card if there's decent instructions around somewhere. This is actually a PC X1900 with a custom fan/heatsink fitted (Xcellero X2 or something? It's been a while).
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Nov 23, 2009
I have a 7300 gt in my Mac Pro 1,1 and I am looking to upgrade. I am planning on getting a pc card and flashing it but am wondering what is the best card the Mac Pro 1,1 can handle. Should I just stick with the Ati 4870 or can I go bigger.
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