Mac Pro :: 1st Generation Quad Video Card Replacement?
Mar 29, 2012Need a relacement video card for my first gen macpro quad, anybody find a working quality card currently available?
View 1 RepliesNeed a relacement video card for my first gen macpro quad, anybody find a working quality card currently available?
View 1 RepliesNew to forums. Just purchased a first gen(2006) mac pro off ebay and found out it had a x1900 for a video card, I have a 8800gt in my old comp(hackintosh) but tried removing the ati card and installing 8800gt and no luck. Could anyone reccomend me a video card that would work maybe out of the box and that isnt too expensive, really wanna spend 100$-150$ max.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just purchased my first Mac... a used Mac Pro...2 x2.66 dual core with 8 gb of ram and a 7300GT video card. (built Aug 2007) I want to upgrade the video card. I have tried to follow earlier postings, but need a bit more clarification... It appears that the 8800GT mac version is the only recommended card, but Apple no longer sells them. I can still find these 1st gen cards on eBay for approx $250-280. I have also read where others of you have installed new cards, such as the 4870, in your 1st gen mac, but using these newer cards seems to require some "flashing" of the card or other such tweaks--which, unfortunately, I am not that familiar with. With the 8800GT, it seems you can just swap out the cards, update the drivers and you are good to go... am I wrong in thinking that the newer cards are more difficult to get up and running?
View 9 Replies View Relatedive searched around a lot and only found topics talking about the AGP PM (which the x800xt sounds like its the best card) but iam looking for the best card for the Quad 2.5 DC DP.
Ive got an older NV silencer also hanging around from an old gpu fan swap, so thats available for the upgrade aswell.
I have a Dual G5 1.8 Powermac with what I think is a bad Geforce 5200 card. Sometimes it will not boot and if I pull out and reseat the video card it will then boot again.
Can I use ANY MAC AGP card? How about PCi cards? Or do I have to use a Geforce 5200? I just want to get it up and running again at a reasonable minimum of cost.
I've been trying to find a definite answer, but I've found some conflicting opinions. I have the first generation macbook, and my hard drive finally died. I want to replace it with a bigger hard drive. Can I put ANY 2.5" SATA hard drive in my 1st gen macbook? Can I put a 3.0gb/s or will only a 1.5gb one work? I think I read that the 1st macbook only supports 1.5gb, but I was wondering if the 3gb would still work.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a friend who's first gen Mac Pro's graphics card died. (It's the 8800gt) I was looking at replacements for him and wanted to check and see if this card will work: [URL] I read online that the 3870 is compatible, but I just wanted to double check.
View 4 Replies View RelatedAfter reading through several pages of post's on here I am still at a stand still on upgrading my original macpro 2.66ghz quad core. The reason I am upgrading the stock card is I cant handle the grainy look on my photos after using my same moniter with my new macbook pro. Also I am going to be using my bootcamp vista side to play bluray and hd dvds. I recently purchased the new buffalo dual external drive but the images are blury and after a hd video test my graphics card failed misserably. Can someone point me in the right direction. I want to spend around 275-300 shipped. My lcd display supports hdmi and all recent standards.
View 24 Replies View RelatedMy 1st gen mac pro's radion 1900 is getting really bad - pixels /lines / system hangs etc.... I was going to update the card a couple of months back to an 8800gt - but you can't get them on the store anymore! have a spare 8800gt kicking around!
Some Motion and color
Logic Pro
I want also to be reasonably confident that the new card will work in Snow Leopard.
I want to add a Airport Extreme card to my first generation (2006) Mac Pro. My serial number is G86380EKUPZ. Which Model #/Part # card would I need and where can I find them? I called my local Apple store and they told me that they could install it for me but they aren't allowed to order the part...? Weird. Also, while I'm asking, I'm interested in upgrading my graphics card. I read somewhere that the ATI Radeon HD 3870 will work. Is there anything else you guys could recommend? I'm gonna be working in Final Cut Pro, After Effects, Photoshop, etc.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI want to buy this item:
The bluetooth/airport extreme card for my PCI-e Dualcore 2.0ghz G5. I'm happy to install it myself. However I am leaving to go back to the UK on jan 31st, and sweetwater don't actually stock the item, and it will take a while to get it to me unless they expedite it from Apple and charge an extra $42 or so, which is too much for me. Anyone know who might actually stock the item and be able to send it out quickly?
I need a new/best card for a G5 quad 2.5. I know it's old (4 years) but it's still used quite a bit - mainly for Photoshop work. The card needs to run 2 x 23" Cinema Displays. I'm not sure if it makes any difference but it has 16GB memory (twice as much as our new 2.93 Quad can take - there's something not quite right there...)
View 12 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know what sound card the quad cores come with? Is it integrated into the motherboard?
View 5 Replies View RelatedOk so I have a old Mac Performa 640CD/Dos that I am trying to to get up and running again. I had a monitor for it but it fell off the couch and broke. So I thought maybe I can use an adapter with it in order to use PC VGA monitor. Well after getting the first adapter and trying it, no luck, then I tried one that had dip switches on it. Tried 640 x 480, 800 x 600, almost all the dip switch combination with no luck on getting anything on the screen. Could it be that I might have a bad video card and it needs replaced? Or is this particular model not compatible with PC VGA monitors?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a Mac Pro 3,1 (2008) 2 x 2.8 Quad core with ATI Radeon 2600 XT Dual DVI. I would like to replace this Card with something that has at least 1 HDMI out port that supports audio. I want to be able to use download/ iview features to watch TV shows on my HD LCD TV but sourced by the Macs browser. The Current card only has DVI ports and does not support any audio so when connected to the TV I get picture, but no sound.I see that the cards on the Apple store don't have HDMI out.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
I just picked up my iMac g5 20" (2.0 GHz PPC) from the Apple Store for having the power supply replaced. Now I've lost all traces of the built-in Airport Extreme Card: When I click on the now hollow diamond-shaped Airport icon, I get a grayed-out prompt stating "No Airport card installed". Any record of an Airport Card under System Profile comes up with "No information found". My Airport Express does not show up in Network settings either.
Airport Express works fine in my Macbook Pro, so I know it's not something wrong with my Airport Express. I tried installing the "Login & Keychain Update", but can't: "You cannot install Login & Keychain Update on this volume. This volume does not meet the requirements for this update". Ran Disk Utility and came up with errors and unable to repair disk. The iMac was fine going in - except, of course, for the random shut-downs from a failing power supply.
I've got a 27" iMac quad-core i7 running Lion and a Sony VPL-CX5 video projector. The projector is no longer support by Sony and Lion doesn't have an included driver to make it recognize the projector as a display device. I'm trying to find some sort of adaptor that the iMac will recognize as a display that will send a video or s-video (or even vga) signal to the projector.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have a 2007 Macbook Pro with the Nvidia 8600M card, and my screen went out. I had my logic board replaced, but my computer just doesn't feel the same. Should I be worried of any other issues?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWell I got rid of the quicksilvers since they died. Power supplys gave out and took the motherboards, So I sold what was left on EBAY.
My G4 Ethernet was sold to a co-worked and he is quite happy.
And I got this off ebay today:
Dual 1.8GHz PowerPC G5Procs
Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-117D
Samsung HD160JJ/P 160GB SATA HDD (not apple labeled, not original to this system)
(1) Power Cord
pci106b,9 PCI Ethernet Controller
Well I didnt' read the fine print and BAZINGA! I noticed that it comes without a video card.
So For video editing, watching hulu and youtube and netflix What do you guys recommend.
I do have a PCI GEforce at home with 512 megs for PC and I was wondering if I could flash it and if so, does anyone know of a good walkthrough?
i have a powermac g4 sawtooth. it stutters on youtube videos and other videos so i was wandering whats a decent video card thats compatible with it?
View 14 Replies View Relatedtrying to watch show on got this message. What the heck?
Your computer's video card is unable to render the video and controls.
I see here that my Mac Pro (Early 2008) is compatable with:
ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT
NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT
NVIDIA Quadro FX 5600
ATI Radeon HD 4870
It looks like in many cases there's two versions, and the mac version costs about 10x as much on ebay and in stores. Is that accurate, or is one of these models mac and pc compatable, and therefore the laws of supply and demand work in my favour?
(fyi: I just want the cheapest one, I don't do heavy GPU work)
I noticed that this hasnt been asked on any thread as everyone is too busy debating on 3.2GHz vs. the 3.3GHz 6 core models.
View 4 Replies View Relatedis it possible to take my old 2600 XT from my Mac Pro and stick it in a PC?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have a 2008 intel 8 core mac pro with a NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT 512MB with 2x 30 inch cinema displays.
I want to add 2 smaller displays, what is the best card to add ? Find the same Nvidia Geforce 8800GT ? Or can I buy another one ?
Do i have to buy it specially for mac or are the pc video cards off the shelve working on the mac ?
I'm going to be buying a new Mac Pro soon.
I have 2 30" Cinema Displays (the older ones with DVI plugs) and I'm looking for the right video card to go in the new box. Currently, I have one nVidia GeForce 8800Gt with 1/2 Gb RAM. Video refreshes are a little tardy.
SO: Do I go with the 1 Gb. ATI card that Apple sells as stock with the new Pro's, or is there an nVidia or other unit that will give me better performance?
I know I could use 2 of the ATIs, but if I'm gonna do that, I'd rather do the nVidia Quadro FX 4800. I just happen to prefer nVidia, but it looks like their offerings in the Mac side are limited.
I'm not doing a lot of video, but I will be virtualizing with Win7 for some medical visual applications.
So I was given a first gen Mac Pro (2.66 dual dual-core "quad") which has taken a beating cosmetically, but hardware wise it's fine, just bulging caps on the video card: GeForce 7300GT.
This is going to be my testing and OS restore server once I get it up and going, assuming I can do that for less than the cost of a Mini Server.
On GSX the system is listed as "Ver3" so I assume that means it's a later revision that has the PCI-E 2.0 slots.
I need a new video card that will work with this system. Doesn't need to be anything special, I won't be gaming with it. Cheap is always good too. Mac OS X Server's going to cost $500, so if the price goes over $1,000 total, it's probably just cheaper to get a Mini Server. I already need to get an Airport and BT card which is about $150 total.
Apple's TSPS was completely useless at helping with this one, so hoping someone out there will maybe be a bit more helpful. So far I can only really pin down the GeForce 7300GT, GeForce 8800GT, Radeon HD 2600XT and Radeon HD 4870 as being compatible. None of which are very easy to find... At a reasonable price anyway.
So, looking for video cards compatible with Mac OS X, and the first gen Mac Pro. ATI or nVidia makes no difference, preferably sub-$150. I have searched in vain for some kind of list, and wouldn't be posting here if I had any luck, but if someone has better luck with Google than me,
Got 6GB RAM on 2009 2.66 Mac Pro with 4870. The upcoming 5870 is $450. 12 GB (3x4GB) is $320 and 16 GB (4x4GB) is $425, and finally 24 GB (3x8GB) is $820. Which purchase or combo of purchase is best for video edit on Final Cut Pro? BTW, any additional benefits of getting the 5870? Gaming would be better (I game a little; X-Plane & Call of Duty), but wouldn't some apps off load to the GPU to make the CPU faster, though I don't know what those apps would be. I could run 2 displays with 5870 with ease, not sure if the 4870 can handle 2 displays.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've been reading, researching, etc like crazy on flashing PC video cards for mac. Cindori's Post: The Golden Guide to Flashing Graphic Cards [URL]. This guide is GOLDEN!! And Rew's post: Step by Step: How to flash a PC 4870 1 Gig Video Card for your 2006 Mac Pro (1,1) [URL]. Have been really helpful. Only my ATI Radeon HD 2600XT stock card in my 2008 mac pro, totally fried/died out. So I have zero video card (I'm using a PC laptop now). And the tutorials on how to flash a PC cards requires plugging in both the old card (using it while dumping the ROM) and new card. I was looking into buy a Sapphire 4870 1G and I don't want to pay the $300 and plus already used flashed cards on eBay. The 4870 are cheaper compared to the 5870 at $400 plus. I was wondering if anybody got to flashing the 4870 using just the one video card on a mac pro 2008 (3.1)? I need a good video card to do 3D modeling in Maya and Mudbox. But don't want to pay double the price, or lesser choice for 'apple' approved hardware?
View 14 Replies View RelatedIs it possiable to get a off-the-shelf video card for the 2008 MP? I've seen that the MP uses the same graphics card as other PC computers (i.e. PCI-E)
or, do I have to get the Apple Nvidia 8800?