Mac OS X Lion Server :: Binding To Multiple Directories?
May 7, 2012
I am having difficulty binding clients to multiple open directory servers. All clients are running Lion. This issue did not occur under Snow Leopard. The servers are both Mac OS X Servers running Open Directory. There are two domains to which the client is successfully bound (DomainA and DomainB). If a user attempts to login using credentials from DomainB, they log in successfully but home folders are "not in the expected location" - so no data is present. If I unbind the client from DomainA and then attempt to login using credentials from DomainB, the issue is resolved. Is there a way to set a priority for how the client binds?Â
I am running an open directory/active directory network. Authentication is from the Windows server 2003 active directory. It has worked fine until the last month. Now clients stop authenticating & when I check the AD plugin it says network accounts are not available. I can force the server to unbind, then renew the binding & everything works great.Is there any work around or fix for this other than upgrading the windows server to 2008?Â
I have a macpro setup with two partitions.Originally one partition assigned to Snow Leopard.I log in using a network user (using OSX server) and that user has local Admin rights.I setup a new instance of Snow Leopard on the secondary Partition and logged in using the network user.This had the effect of using the partition 1 Home directory for this user and I can't get the secondary partition to use itself for storing the users home directory.The workaround I have is to log in to Partition 2 snow leopard with a local admin user then temporarily rename the Users folder on partition 1. Next login to partition 2 as the network user, then everything gets created on partition 2 as expected.Finally rename the Partition 1 Users folder back.Now I can log in to either partitoin with the same user and have different local home setups.
Anyone else had this or is there a better procedure for setting up multiple partitions? The same happens with LION. I need to keep a snowleoapard partition with all the setup I currently have, but start a new LION partition.I don't want any cross contamination, hence the requirement for separation.
We're fed up with portable home directories and the constant sync errors they throw up. Can I just turn off PHD to make it function as it did before? How best to go about this?
I have a small business with 4 computers. I'm wondering if I can keep all the user directories and shared files on a Mini with OS X server and also have the users share the applications that are on OS X server? Is this possible or can you only share the actual files, not the use of programs? I don't quite get why you'd have the user directories on the server rather than each computer.
Is it possible to create more than one email address for the same user? I want to be able to distinguish between emails originating from my website, or an email client as well as to identify different tasks for the same user - one for office administration, general information, etc...Â
I'd prefer to avoid creating non-existant "users" to represent tasks, if possible.
I am using Workgroup Manager to set the CatalogURL for software updates. Can I set multiple url's for software updates so if one address is not reachable the client will look for the next URL?
I'm looking at OS X Server as a possible email server upgrade from an OLD Linux box. On our current server we have aliases setup to archive all incoming and outgoing email to another account. That one account then checks email via POP and then it is archived on another client computer for record keeping and CYA. It looks like this:Â
I'm trying to setup a macmini server with four different firewire drives (has this working in 10.6.8 working great) however in lion server you can only have ONE timemachine backup put an Share items/Backups folder with a file in it. and set permissions to a group However i can't dublicate this setup and have the system accept an extra folder on another drive.Â
I'm attempting to use 'round robin' DNS to load balance between the two ethernet adapters of an Xserve.Both ethernet adapters are connected to the same LAN and have static IP addresses of and DNS zone for the server's local domain/host (macserver.private) has a machine record with both IP addresses (set up in the Lion Server UI).Having read up on round robin DNS, I would have expected DNS requests for 'macserver. private' to be answered with the two IP addresses ordered at random, achiving my aim of requests being served at random via each ethernet adapter.
However this doesn't seem to be the case. Doing a 'nslookup' from any of the network clients results in the two IP addresses being listed in the same order everytime. And pinging 'macserver.private' only ever results in a response from the same address.Does anyone know why this is the case? Does Lion Server use a non-standard DNS configuration? Are there any additional settings I need to configure in Lion's DNS server to make adopt a round robin approach to responding to requests?
It shows an example of excluding /system and /applications In the online documentation for time machine. I am also running Parallels, but am not using it much at the moment. Perhaps I should exclude Parallels, also
I have a Mac G4 that I am attempting to bind to AD. When I attempt to bind I get error: "An invalid domain and Forest combination was specified. You should enter a fully qualified DNS name for the domain and forest." DHCP is providing IP and and a HP switch is providing the routing. In Network connection setup I pointed to the client to DNS server to use. NTP is coming from the same server as DNS. I have also set the time server on the machine. I have no problems pinging the IP to these servers, but ping to hostname fails. If I do an NSLookup from that machine using the hostname, I will get a return with the IP.
It would seem the reason I am not able to connect to AD is because the domain name can not be resolved. OS on the Mac is 10.4.11 DHCP is being provided by a Mac OS X server 10.4.8 DHCP routing is provided by an HP Proliant Switch DNS is provided by Win2003R2 Domain Controller
I'm a new Mac user and was just reading about "Automator" My question is would it be possible to create a workflow etc, to save an excel or word file to two different locations or directories?
I have a server in our DMZ that connects to Active Directory LDAP server (non-ssl over 389) but no objects actually show up in the directory editor. I get a green light in my Network Account Server, but queries against LDAP return no results. My end goal is to be able to dictate to Profile Manager what LDAP groups are allowed to enroll devices. I tested on our internal network on a test server and get the same results. Anyone have any luck connecting a Lion Server to LDAP and actually being able to view and utilize users and groups?
Well I am building a file server/hackintosh. I want to run OS X and linux and possible windows. Is it better to just use separate smaller HDs are split a larger HD into thirds with a partition? Or does it even matter?
I'm having trouble setting up multiple web sites on my new xserve. I've read the documentation, and it all seems pretty simple, but doesn't seem to work. Here's what I have done:
-Got everything up and running, and could see the default page for the web server. -Set up my name server to point at it with it's name, and I could see the default page there.
That's when the first problem crept up. I'm migrating for a linux server running 200+ sites. I took one site that didn't get much traffic and moved all the files over to the new server, changed the document path to reflect it correctly, made the appropriate IP address changes in my name server, pointing that domain name at the new xserve. I enabled the web site, saved it, restarted the web server, and instead of the site showing up, the default page showed up....................
I'm new mac fan who has bought a macbook pro and thrown BG & MS out of my life, almost. The transition has been a little tough. I am finding some Mac things so easy. And other so hard. Apple Mail is giving me fits. In outlook express, I have 3 email accounts for various levels of privacy. All using verizon's outgoing mail server to send email. So, same username, pw & settings & outgoing Pop are the same on all 3 accounts. No problem in Outlook Express.
Mail says you cannot have the same username & pw& pop in 2 separate accounts whether it is outgoing or incoming pops/servers. On 2 accounts I have started using their own pop to send mail out. I still cannot get 1 account to email out. For 2 accounts I use onlymyemail to filter spam and then I download it from their incoming pop. So, these 2 accounts must have the same username and password and pop to download the filtered email. It seems like this whole thing is reversed. This should be a MS problem, and Mail should allow the same usname & pw on all accounts.
I recently took a position where the previous person didn't leave much in the way of processes or instruction. There are several existing domains, purchased from GoDaddy, hosted locally on our server. I am working on adding a new site and purchased the domain below. I have changed all the zone settings in GoDaddy's DNS manager and have duplicated an existing *.conf fie in the Apache2 folder making the changes within the file to the directory and the domain name. I have also added the directory and set it to be a sharepoint as well as adjusted the permissions.Â
I recently started a position where the previous person left me very little information. I am not familiar with hosting locally as I have always used GoDaddy.  There are several sites set up, so I have some "template" to go off of, but I need the basics. If i purchase the domain somewhere and the multiple sites are hosted on a single IP, how can I direct to a specific folder? Do I just create a folder within the volume all others are then make it a shared folder? Set the protocol options to match one that is alread there?Is there a beginers guide to this, and all the settings and options available somewhere?Â
Is it possible to backup multiple computers to a single external drive connected to an Xserve using Time machine? We have a Six TB external drive that we are connecting to an Xserve that has three drives. We want to backup the entire
I have installed Lion Server with Web and Profile Manager services. When I log into the profile manager web page I receive the message "Not Found The requested URL /wiki was not found on this server."Â
I recently updated my Server running 10.7.0 to version 10.7.3 and single-sign-on no longer works for my users. The 10.7.3 Lion Server System is bound to our Active Directory Server running on Win2003 R2 Server. I tried un-binding and rebinding the system but.. no luck. When a user now tries to login to our shares via AFP with SSO credentials they recieve the message Â
I can run the id command from terminal on the OS X server and it is seeing AD users. Unfortunately, no one can log into the server shares via AFP with an AD user.Â
I am desperate for help because whatever I do I cannot get my own certificates to work. When I first set up Lion Server a so-called Intermediate CA and a corresponding SSL server certificate was automatically installed and that works fine. Now, I wanted to create my own Certificate Authority (CA) and a leaf SSL server certificate.[URL]First I created my own CA, and then I created a new certificate with the Server App (ID type "leaf", certificate type "SSL server". (see screenshots below), and I had it signed by my own CA. When I checked the certificate it said "valid".Next, I exported the certificate from the keychain (as .p12) and then I went to Server App's "Import a certificate identity" to drag and drop the certificate onto the window. So far so good.
When I opened the list of certificates (Server App -> Hardware -> SSL -> Edit ) the new certificate showed up once, and after the Server App had tried to install the certificate it simply did not show up any more. I have copied the important parts of the certificate below (private parts have been cropped).The common name and the DNS name are "myserver.domain.private", and yes, DNS is working fine.(I stopped started services and re-booted in between creating and importing the new certificate.)Â
I don't understand how it happened, but a school I work with has had the SUS rip through 80Gig in a few days (Snow Leopard Server 10.6.8). Same as with my home server (Lion Server 10.7.3).
Since installing Filemaker Server 12 on our Lion Server 10.7.3, the Webmail is no longer working. I know with previous installations of Filemaker Server I have been asked whether I wanted to keep the system version of PHP or install PHP which comes with Filemaker Server, but I don't recall being prompted about it on this occasion. Previously I had always opted to retain the system PHP.
And from the WAN I get just a screen saying webmail is turned off and that I can turn it on by using the Server app on the server (It is already checked in the server app).Â
Info: Mac mini Server (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
With any Unix machine, one can run at the command line:- apachectl -S This will show all virtual servers configured in Apache, and will break if there are any obvious problems in the httpd .conf files. It's very handy for testing a new configuration before restarting the server. With Mac OS X Server though, this doesn't work properly. Sure, I can run that command and see a virtual server or two, but with the introduction of the server Apache wrappers, the command line tools read a very different configuration than the `serveradmin` tool does.
e.g. Wrappers like:-<IfDefine MACOSXSERVER> .... </IfDefine> or <IfDefine WEBSERVICE_ON>
ps. Running `sudo serveradmin stop web && sudo serveradmin start web` really compared to `apachectl graceful`; it's painfully slow and doesn't provide a way to test a custom configuration before attempting to restart.