OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Disabling Portable Home Directories? (network Wide)
Mar 26, 2012
We're fed up with portable home directories and the constant sync errors they throw up. Can I just turn off PHD to make it function as it did before? How best to go about this?
I have a macpro setup with two partitions.Originally one partition assigned to Snow Leopard.I log in using a network user (using OSX server) and that user has local Admin rights.I setup a new instance of Snow Leopard on the secondary Partition and logged in using the network user.This had the effect of using the partition 1 Home directory for this user and I can't get the secondary partition to use itself for storing the users home directory.The workaround I have is to log in to Partition 2 snow leopard with a local admin user then temporarily rename the Users folder on partition 1. Next login to partition 2 as the network user, then everything gets created on partition 2 as expected.Finally rename the Partition 1 Users folder back.Now I can log in to either partitoin with the same user and have different local home setups.
Anyone else had this or is there a better procedure for setting up multiple partitions? The same happens with LION. I need to keep a snowleoapard partition with all the setup I currently have, but start a new LION partition.I don't want any cross contamination, hence the requirement for separation.
I was using until recently a PowerPC running Mac OS X 10.4.11. Since I maintain my directories synchronized all the time between Linux running on another machine and this PowerPC, I created a link: /home -> /Users so that all my scrpits and links (like /home/....) would work properly under both systems. I acquired recently an iMac running under Mac OS 10.5.3 and discovered that there exists already a directory called "/home" which has a rather strange behaviour: not even the user 'root' is allowed to write into it or to modify it in any way, orv to remove it! This breaks many of my scripts.
Of course I can go the opposite way and create under my Linux a link: /Users->/home, but some of my scripts create automatically links like "/home/..." because they expand "~/..." and these would give me troubles on the iMac. I wrote a script which goes through my directory and changes all my links, but it does not seem to be the right way.
We are using Mac OS X 10.6.8 in a classroom. Hard drive has two partitions, one for OS and apps, the other for student's files. Computers are bind to the Active Directory. Unfortunately, local home folders are on the boot parition. Over a time when apps FCP and Avid are frequently used, the boot partition gets filled with files and finally it's full. With zero kb available, users cannot even login anymore. Manually deleting files by admin is cumbersome and time-consuming task.
I'm looking for a way to keep /Users folder clean. Putting user's home folders to server is not an option, because of latency issues etc. Unfortunately the local home folder is the default saving place when user issues the Save As command. I've tried to tinker with the User Template to lock the Documents folder but apps like Microsoft Word and Final Cut Pro go crazy when they cannot save there. Forwarding /Users to other partition does not solve the problem, it just moves the problem to another place. Logout Hook to automatically purging the files could be an solution, but there's always one hapless soul who saves his or hers files to wrong place and loses them. Or maybe a script which looks at the modfication date and deletes old files.
I had a network account 'sharedmail' on my server. I made some mistake with OpenDirectory and it disappeared from accounts in Workgroup Manager. The directory still exists with all its data.How can I recover this account (make it appear in Workgroup Manager)? This account only contains emails : if it can't be recovered, how can I import emails into a new account? All my users' account appear on login screen (yes, it is not safe but my network is private). This 'sharedmail' account also appears but I would like it to be invisible. I tried to lower its ID under 500 but it does not work : is there a way to hide this account?
We have two suites of apple mac's and we have an apple server (mac mini) They are all running Mac OSX SL 10.6.8 Basically I'd like the server to add an icon to a network share onto each dock so that I don't have to visit each and everyone manually. The guy who used to admin the mac's has left so I'm left to learn everything mac and at present I can only basically use a mac (i'm keen and learning). He used to copy a link over manually somehow I don't know, but the file is a .app file which I believe he placed into the applications folder and ran it like that. I've tried this and it doesnt work. Also he has somehow locked the desktops down so that all the menus are greyed out. The "Go" menu is completely greyed out. He's left instructions on how to unrestrict by using a specific username and password. Even under administrator they are unrestricted.
In the system preferences I would like to set the date and time to ebay UK time?I thought a quick google would be bring up the server and I can't find it.At the bottom of every ebay page there is a link to official ebay time. But its not a live feed of time to get it to the second. I want it to be accurate so that I can use applescript to snipe bargains.
In a scenario where a machine is setup for multiple logins: If you attempt to log two network users in on that machine, the second user will not be allowed to log in until the first users logs out.
I've got networked clients logging in and occasionally having problems, especially with shared logons. I bet changing the location of temporary files from the home folder (on the server) to the local machine would fix a lot of issues.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), i5 with Thunderbolt
When I try to connect to a remote server over SSH from my home network, I get this error:
ssh: connect to host XXXXX.com port 22: Operation timed out
I can't connect to any servers on port 22. Other networking services (like HTTP) are working fine. Also, I can connect to the SSH servers on port 22 from other networks using this same machine.
I suspect it's a problem with my Airport configuration. What should I do?
I have been unsuccessful in figuring out how to view iCal between computers at home. Can it be set so that updates on one can be viewed automatically on the other? I am wanting it so that it is running unified and not separately between computers. And/ or so that when DH logs in, he sees updates I've made from when I logged in? We have a new iMac (Leopard) and Mac OSX 10.4.11 laptop.
It seems the cure is worse than the cold. I read to prevent Flashback from entering my system I need to disable Java. Only now posting comments on people's pictures stops working the moment I hit return, and posting photos complains about a storage error. So far the tests reveal no Flashback virus from Etresoft's tester on this 10.6.2 Macbook Pro.
Info: 10.7.1 iMac 5,1 MacBook Pro 3,1, Mac OS X (10.7.3), - * Links to my pages may give me compensation.
Just a quick question about FileVault. We all know about Firefox and Safari's caches. Are they stored in the users home directory? If a laptop is stolen and the home directory is encrypted, I want to make sure somebody can't look in the cache and get whatever information is sitting there unencrypted. When a user shuts down and FV is enabled, what (if anything) is not encrypted for that user?
My home network setup is pretty weird and I am having problems connecting between my G4 with Leopard and my MBP with SL. Basically I have a static ip with a zyntex or something ADSL modem, then I have a switch and after the switch i got a 10Mbps Brack Firewall router and today I bought an Airport Express to get internet at places. I dont want to lay down cables. So anyway I noticed once I hooked up I can see my G4 but I cant connect to it. If I use a cable tho it work. Btw the airport is connected to the switch so is the G4, all the PCs are connected thru the brack router.
I a Macbook pro 15" running OS 8.5, and want to join my home network with computers running windows 7. I can't see the windows computers on the network, and want to be able to share files etc. The Macbook accesses the network wirelessly, where the rest are both wired and wireless.
I am having difficulty binding clients to multiple open directory servers. All clients are running Lion. This issue did not occur under Snow Leopard. The servers are both Mac OS X Servers running Open Directory. There are two domains to which the client is successfully bound (DomainA and DomainB). If a user attempts to login using credentials from DomainB, they log in successfully but home folders are "not in the expected location" - so no data is present. If I unbind the client from DomainA and then attempt to login using credentials from DomainB, the issue is resolved. Is there a way to set a priority for how the client binds?
I can not seem to sync my mac or enable "back to my mac" because I am being told that "I may have more than one device on my network providing Network Address Translation. Well, this is news to me. I have a Time capsule running my network and an Airport Express with Airtunes dvice and they have been hooked up for more than two years. I have been abloe to sync my network up until recently and I do not recall making any changes to any network configurations so I am clueless as to why things suddenly stopped working in this regard.
THe error message tells me to disable Network Address Translation on one of the devices but does not tell me how to do that. Nor can I find any information related to Network Address Translation on the help database.
i have a domain controller and active directory based policy win 2003, one xserve running mac os x server 10.6.8 and alot of macs workstations. How can i push login script on all macs without adding it in login items? The script i want to store on smb or afp share disk, and will be edited from time to time. I've tried to add it on xserve from WGM, but it threw an error that current directory schema doesn't store desktop settings.So how can i solve this?
I run 10.6.8 server in a VM with Parallels Server for Mac. Lithium pinged me early Monday morning to tell me that my calendar server wasn't reachable. I found it had kernel panicked. After resetting it and verifying the directory structure and permissions, it booted fine. But availability or free/busy wasn't working for all users! The events were all there. Invites could be sent and received but when a user checks for availability when creating events. they see the daily work hours grayed out but not anything corresponding to a scheduling conflict.
Things I have Tried:
- bounced ical server
- Rebooted the server
- checked the owners and permissions for the data store hierarchy. (_calendar:_calendar 750)
- checked for xattrs on .ics files in several calendars
- deleted .db.sqlite for several users in several dir in their calendar stores
- in the past I have found that some iTIP invitations seem to get "stuck' causing problems with an individual users free/busy and deleting the inbox resolves this so I deleted several inboxes
-I moved a copy of the data store to a test server and pointed several clients at it.
The issue persisted in all of these cases without any change in behavior with one exception; somewhere (i lost track of where) during this process users also lost their delegation preferences. I'd love to find out how and where that is stored so that it can be restored in the future. It seems pretty fragile...
I found one way to restore the functionality; copying a users __uid__/<GUID>/calendar out. . Moving all the folders under <GUID> out of the way and dropping the .ics files into ical with their account configured in that instance. Although this worked for selected users, I have many, many users and calendars so this solution would be suboptimal.
my problem is that on a restart of one of my 10.6.8 Servers parts of the Serveradmin configs are gone while some of them persists. The lost configs are everytime the same: VPN (complete) and iChat (a secondary but very important Host-Domain). Of course a can restore them from a backup but that shouldn't the standard procedure after a restart....
I am running an open directory/active directory network. Authentication is from the Windows server 2003 active directory. It has worked fine until the last month. Now clients stop authenticating & when I check the AD plugin it says network accounts are not available. I can force the server to unbind, then renew the binding & everything works great.Is there any work around or fix for this other than upgrading the windows server to 2008?