Mac Mini :: Computer Says Install Boot Disk And Press Any Key
Mar 22, 2012
My mac mini is coming up install boot disk and press any key. Now i have just put a new 500gb hard drive in and put new memeory in which is 2 x1GB
But i cannot get it too work i have tried the original Apple discs but still no joy.
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Feb 18, 2010
I have been trying to install Windows 7 (yes, legit copy) to my Macbook Pro the whole day, but I keep on getting this error message saying "Press any key to boot from cd or dvd . . . ."
When I press any key on the keyboard, nothing happens. I know this copy works because I've tried this on VMWare 3. (I'm going to Boot Camp of BIOSHOCK!)
What I've Tried:
Deleted partition, recreate partition and choose the Windows 7 disk as startup disk.
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Nov 27, 2010
I always get this error when I try to boot up to my Windows on Bootcamp: No bootable device -- insert boot disk and press any key
I installed Windows 7 through Bootcamp and I got everything installed perfectly!
I partitioned my Mac's hard drive into 3 before the Windows installation:
-Mac OS
-Data For Windows
-System for Windows itself
It all worked fine and i could drag and drop anything into that Data Hard drive through Windows very easily. However, when I came back to my Mac OS and partitioned my Mac Hard Drive into 2 parts(Which makes 4 partition now) and tried booting back up to my Windows, it gave me that error. I then decided to re-partition it like before which was Mac, Data and Windows. Booted it back to Windows and it gives me the same error again. I have an attached Picture showing how my partitions look now. Does anyone know how to fix it? I think it's because what my Windows is booting from is the Data Hard Drive but not my Windows 7 Hard Drive with the OS on it. Is there a way to change it's place or to tell it which Hard Drive to boot from?
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Feb 28, 2012
I am getting " No bootable device insert boot disk and press any key".
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010)
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Aug 27, 2014
I have a mac mini. I used boot camp Assistant to install windows 7, and to make the partition screen stayed black and I get the following poster:Â "no bootable device- insert boot disk and press any key".
Windows 7, ipod 5º generation
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Sep 9, 2014
I have a Macbook pro and when I turn on the computer the message: "NO bootable devices, insert a boot disk and press any key" appears. I click the button "alt" and I choose the option Macintosh HD and the computer works. But I can't do this procedure always. This problem started after install the Paragon software to save my files on the external hd. How can I fix that?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Sep 1, 2014
Not only will holding Option while booting not work, but all of the other boot tricks (safe mode, single user mode, etc), will not work. I am at a loss. I also don't have an optical drive in this particular MBP. I have an SSD where it once was.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Apr 28, 2010
I got tiger install discs for my emac but I cant get it to run the install. I tried putting the disc in and clicking the restart button on the screen that says "Welcome to Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger", but when I click it it just restarts my computer and does nothing. I then tried the alternate install it did the same thing it did nothing but restarted my eMac. I then tried restarting my computer while holding c key nothing once again. Then I tried holding down apple, option, f , and o keys and then typed in cd boot and also tried cdrom boot nether of them worked so i restarted and tried dvd boot/dvdrom boot nothing worked on all the occasion i got a grey screen with a circle with a line through it. What do I need to do to get these install discs to work?
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Oct 3, 2010
So I restarted, hit option until "Macintosh HD" showed up. Then I hit "c" and "Mac OS X Install Disc" showed up. So far so good.
I then selected the CD, and hit enter. It started to boot up and my cd drive started to make whirring noises, so I knew it was all good. And then, it went into the grey screen with the Apple logo in the middle. However, with it taking a long time, I went for my usual jog (it was my jogging time anyways). But when I came back (over an hour later) it was still on the grey screen with the apple logo.
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Feb 26, 2012
I'm trying to install boot camp and I can't install until I update the BOOT ROM. I've downloaded the package macmini2011efiupdate.pkg and this corresponds with my 5.2 model identifier. I have already updated lion to 10.7.3 and I seem to think that maybe the boot rom update was intended for 10.7.2 and it won't let me install on 10.7.3 because it thinks it isn't compatible? The message I get when I try to install the Boot ROM update is this software is not supported by your system.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 1, 2012
I have a 6 yr old macbook pro that I want to give to my son.I cannot find the install disk that came with the computer, but I do have snow leopard.Can you help me erase my information and install SL?
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Jun 28, 2008
Ok, my WD Raptor is both getting too small, and too slow (long in the teeth) so I sunk down for 2xVelociraptors to use for my boot in RAID 0..
I know how to add drives and do RAID in terms of adding drives for storage, but how can I migrate my OS X, Applications, and Preferences to a new boot drive, much less a RAID 0?
do I need to first install the disks into my case and format them for RAID 0, then install OS X as a boot disk on them, the lastly copy over my Applications folder, Library and Users folder?
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May 6, 2009
Right now I am booted into the GParted live cd, and I am wondering if my computer will even be able to boot into the OS X install disc if I delete every single partition on my HDD. I am going through a roundabout way of removing ubuntu. Will I be able to boot into the OS X install disc and do an install if I delete every single partition, and leave my HDD completely blank and unformatted?
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Jun 10, 2010
I am unable to get my OS 10.4 Installer DVD to mount or boot my G4, currently running OS 10.4.11, though it mounts and boots other of my Macs and I am able to boot and mount a 10.1 DVD with my current Pioneer DVR-1060 drive. I would like to run a hardware test on my mac as I recently had one of my hard drives die and just want to check everything. So does not seem to be the drive and does not seem to be the DVDs. I zapped the pram, reset the open firmware and ran diagnostics using Applejack and everything checked out okay with my current internal drive.
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Jul 6, 2010
I need to boot into Disk Utility to repair my OS X partition but don't have my Snow Leopard install disc with me. I tried using a Leopard disc from my previous computer but got a gray screen when I tried it. Is there a way to create a new CD that will allow me to access Disk Utility from startup?
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Feb 18, 2012
So how would I boot up on a install disk for Lion because I got Lion from the Mac App Store not on disk. So how do I boot up from the disk...?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7)
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Aug 28, 2009
this isn't an isolated issue - there are threads about this over at Apple and InsanelyMac: I'm unable to install Snow Leopard. When I run the installer, it'll tell me that "Mac OS X cannot be installed on "Macintosh HD", because this disk cannot be used to start up your computer" (Macintosh HD being my OS X volume, obviously). I'm seeing this issue on a relatively new 1.8ghz Macbook Air with a 128gb SSD - however, as far as I can tell from the other threads, the problem also affects iMacs and Macbooks.
Some people apparently attributed the issue to a PGP installation they had on their harddrive. Others found a file called backup.backupdb in their root - deleting it fixed the problem. However, most people don't have any of that installed on their computers and the upgrade still won't work. - if anyone has found a solution to the issue, please let me know :-( I'm stuck here. I don't have an external drive for the MBA and booting from a network drive has never worked on this particular machine - so I can't do a clean install, either.
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Nov 3, 2009
I am going to install a new SSD drive on my MBP mid-2009. After it is installed, can I then start up computer and then insert the DVD Install operating system disk, or do I install the DVD install disk, then shut down computer and swap the HD drive? I know that I will reformat the disk when Installer begins, but I want to know if the computer will recognize the install disk with a new blank HD in place.
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Feb 11, 2012
I am trying to upgrade from leopard to snow leopard on my MacBook Pro. However, every time I insert the install disk, the machine whirs for a moment, and then ejects the disk with no error message. I tested my drive with a different dvd and it works just fine. All of my other software is up to date.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Feb 23, 2009
First timer here. I bought a used G4 MDD 1.25 dual FW800 recently. Was pre-loaded with 10.5.6. I thought that I would add a hard drive. After attempting to format, it rebooted to a gray screen with a MacMonitor icon. If I hit "option", I can get it to progress to a blue screen w/ padlock asking for a password. I only remember setting a user password. I believe this is asking for an admin password.
So, I thought that I'd get the 10.5.6 Install disk to reset the password. I can't seem to boot from the Install disk! I've tried holding down the "c" key at startup, (also the "option" key). No avail.
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Dec 27, 2009
I was excited to get my hands on our family's 'family' copy of Snow Leopard to install on my MacBook running Tiger 10.4.11... I'd checked out tutorials on youtube ( on how to clean install Snow leopard onto a blank hard disk, and was all set to bring my OS up to date...
I inserted the Snow Leopard DVD and restarted and immediately held down the 'c' key and then... 3 minutes or so of the loading icon ticking later and the DVD was rejected and I only had one button to click on, 'Macintosh HD' to start up from.
After re-trying several times I thought it was because I was trying to do it with Snow Leopard on my MacBook running Tiger so I tried restarting this time with disk 1 of the Tiger DVD. This was rejected too!
So currently I am not able to wipe my hard disk as far as I know because I can't get to this screen to start the process (unless it's possible to do from within Tiger and if it is then I'm just worried that if I wipe it and I can't restart from the DVDs then I'll be in even bigger trouble).
Has anyone encountered problems like these and does anyone know of a solution? I've never had any problems with my DVD drive in the past which leads me to suspect it's not because of that.
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Jun 20, 2012
had to reinstall my software on my mac mini, can't get my application install to disc.
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Dec 13, 2010
I have a friend who's oldish-Unibody MacBook Pro started giving him the folder with question mark-flashing symbol on boot-up. I guess it could be PRAM, but in any case, he wants to get his data off the hard drive. The computer wouldn't boot up from the install disk (holding 'c' on boot), all I have managed is to put it into Target Disk Mode, with my own MPB. The funny thing is, that it works, but all that mounts on my computer is the Install Disc (in his disk drive) and his hard drive shows up in my disk utility (see below), but it will not mount, and if I try to repair it, it gives me an error and DUPLICATES the original 'root' drive. Does this mean the hard drive itself is damaged and we need to go to a 'data specialist' to get everything off or is there anything else I could try?
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Sep 7, 2009
running OS X 10.5.8 on a MacBook Pro. Lately my mac has been buggy, and I'm not sure why. When a decent amount of information is processed by any given application, it crashes. These crashes have included Mail, Safari, Photoshop, Foxfire, etc.. even the entire computer has shut down. Using the reset option does not help. I ran Repair Disk Permissions and it always fails. I get messages like "The Underlying Task Reported Failure on Exit". I wanted to try to run repair disk through the install disk but I cannot access it. I have Disk 1 in (Maybe I'm supposed to use 2?).
When booting I tried pressing 'C' and would eventually would get the "must restart" gray screen. I then tried pressing "Option" instead, selected the Disk drive, but the loading screen with the apple just kept going for about 20 minutes and I finally gave up and restarted. There were no longer any disk attempt whirring sounds.
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Jun 18, 2010
i have read various threads about this but can't find a cure, here is what's happening:
1) Was running disk utility and said i have a corrupted disk
2) OSX runs fine but i can't reboot into startup disk in order to repair disk
3) Can only boot into OSX now by holding down Option key and selecting OSX
4) Can't use this method to boot into install disk or external drive.
Remedies, I have done the following:
1) Repaired permissions
2) SMC reset
3) PRAM reset
4) Wont allow me to safe boot
5) Won't allow me to boot from install disk
6) Won't install SL disk to try and repair install
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Dec 17, 2009
So I just bought Adobe Production Suite via Adobe's Education site. It doesn't run well on Snow Leopard at all. So what I decided to do was to use my Mac Mini to run AE in leopard. But the only disk for leopard I have is the one that came with my 13" MacBook Pro. Is it possible to install Leopard on my Mac Mini with the Install Disk that came with my MacBook Pro?
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Jul 22, 2010
I just got my MBP logic board replaced by Apple, and now it works fine, but when I press the power button, my computer freezes and this happens:
I'm probably bringing it to an Apple certified repair center, but I don't trust them as much as I do the Genius Bar, plus I'm pretty good at DIY stuff, so is it possible to fix this by myself?
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Nov 22, 2009
I've got a mac mini running SL and W7, but I only ever use W7 on it. Is it possible to have a single partition on it running only Windows 7? Is it even possible to boot from a Windows & install disk *without* going near boot camp? I ask because it's only a 320gb hdd and I'd like to maximise the disk space on it - this isn't a yawnsome debate of W7 v SL
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Oct 11, 2009
My Macbook is starting to get really slow. I've tried Onyx and it told me that the startup volume had to be fixed. But I can't boot my install DVD by pressing "C" in the startup.
Is there another way to repair the disk?
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Sep 24, 2009
I've got a Powermac G5 desktop. I recently purchased a used keyboard for it off of Ebay. The computer was working fine with just a mouse. Shortly after the keyboard was plugged in, I got a kernel panic, and had to restart. I restarted, and immediately got a message saying "you need to restart your computer", and followed by another kernel panic.
Now, I get a kernel panic and "restart your computer" message, even if the keyboard is unplugged.
I was planning to do a clean install of OS X anyway, and figured that since the computer is completely useless at this point, now would be a pretty good time to go ahead and do it. So I tried to boot from the install CD by inserting the CD and holding down the 'C' key. No result -- it doesn't show me the "boot menu", and instead proceeds as usual, to it's "Restart your computer" message and subsequent kernel panic.
So I then tried rebooting and holding down the "Option" key, and managed to get to the boot menu. I selected "Mac OS X Install Disc 1" and clicked the "--->" button ... kernel panic again.
I'm at a complete loss for what to do next. Any help with this would be much appreciated. All I want to do is reinstall OS X.
How can there be a kernel panic from the boot CD? Apple didn't make it where it tries to use the kernel from disk during install did they?
I'm coming from a Linux background, and am not at all familiar with OS X, so forgive me if I've left information out that I should have included. Please let me know if this is the case, and I'll do what I can to provide it for you.
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