Laptops :: How Much Memory And Hard Drive Really Necessary
Aug 28, 2009
I don't play comp. Games, don't store pictures on my comp., and I don't need a lot of software. So how much memory and hard drive do I really need for a Mac laptop?
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Aug 26, 2010
I have a iMac DV G3/500 (Special Edition) from summer 2000. Anyway, I am using Mac OS 10.2.8. Recently, my start up disk's memory has gone done from 1.2 GB available free space to 668MB (currently). I haven't saved anything on this disk so I can not understand why this memory has dissappeared. I have also had icons on the start up menu disappear. Could someone please tell me how I can restore the missing memory?
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Aug 9, 2010
I just put a Maxmedia 640 GB SATA HDD in my 2009 Macbook Pro and since then it's been acting wierd. From initial start-up it's really slow but gets faster over time, still there is a persistant lag that kicks in every now and then, mostly when Firefox is involved. I don't think the hard drive is acting up. I can hear the disk spinning and can hear it read and write. Like I said most of the lag is around Firefox but after a while of heavier use the whole system returns to normal.
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Oct 18, 2009
I have a Early 2008 White Macbook with a 160GB 5400RPM Fujitsu drive that is driving me mad. it is far too small and i have nowhere to store my RSS feeds and podcasts from iTunes anymore. also, it boots really slowly because of all the applications and HD podcasts on the drive. I am considering getting the Seagate Momentus ST9500420AS ( the one without G-Force Protection ) because it is a 7400RPM drive with a 500GB capacity. Has anybody had any problems with this drive in their macbooks or in general? Would the vibration/noise be an issue? I'm also considering the Scorpio Blue and Toshiba MK5055GSX because they're very power efficient, but at 5400RPM, they are slower. I'd love to see boot times in particular improve. There is already 2GB of RAM in the machine, so that isn't the problem.
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Jan 8, 2010
I have a MacBook Pro 15 (2006) 2 ghz core duo, 2 gigs ram, & 100 gig 7200 RPM hard drive. I would like to change the the hard drive out to a larger one, but I'm seeing all kind of reviews & I'm not sure which ones to put more weight on. I have been looking at a 320 Gig or the 500 Gig. Looked at the Seagate, WD, & the Hitachi. I want to stay with the 7200 RPM. I also know there can be an issue with the, shock or drop sensor on the hard drives not being compatible with the laptops shock sensor, as well as heat & noise issues. I will state that this is my first Mac since the late 80s. But that I have a several very good friends that are long time Mac users and that have done this type of switch out, so while I know that the switch out is more complicated than some I have good tech support on that side of this switch out.
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Apr 16, 2010
I recently inherited a Pismo, 400 mhz and a 6gb hard drive. Other than the tiny hard drive, the computer is in great shape and has a lot of service left in it. I was able to load Tiger on it, and it's working fine. I replaced the hard drive with a 100gb Seagate, but when I tried to format the disk,the new hard drive didn't show up during installation attempts. However, the volume was visible in the system profiler and the disk utility...I reinstalled the original hard drive, and that booted successfully so I guess that means I didn't damage the hard drive cable, which I had feared. Does anyone have an idea about this? So odd that that I could locate the drive in the disk utility but not at the installation screen.
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Sep 6, 2010
Just purchased a 2.4 GHz 13" MacBook Pro running OS 10.6.4.
Had run a data migration from a 2.13 White Macbook running OS 10.6.4, and all went well, every thing transferred, all running fine.
Today, the hard drive icon suddenly vanished from the desk top.
I went to the Finder, under "Devices" saw the iDisk and Hard Drive icons and transferred the Hard Drive icon to the vanished in a puff.
So, how much of an idiot am I, what is going on, and how do I get the Hard Drive Icon back?
I will leave this laptop running and in sleep until I log in and digest your wise suggestions.
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May 16, 2008
I have purchase a new hard drive for my MacBook Pro Intel 2 Core duo and know how to do it, but once it is installed in the machine, I want to know how to install the operating system. The computer now is almost empty (only a few photos I have backed up) so there is no need to transfer any data. Do I just use the discs that came with it? Please tell me how I restore the system with this new hard drive.
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Aug 11, 2009
There has been an ongoing issue with new MacBook and MacBook Pro computers where the system will pause for a second or two and make a clicking sound, and then continue functioning normally. This problem has to do with models containing a 7200RPM 500GB hard drive from Seagate, where the drive randomly stalls and beeps, causing a pause in the active system processes that can last up to 10 seconds. As reported in this CNET article, Apple is looking into the problem and a fix should be out shortly.
Both brand-new and slightly older models of the Unibody MacBook computers may be affected, and currently there does not appear to be a fix; however, if you are experiencing this problem, the best course of action is to wait for a fix from Apple. Some people have recommended reinstalling the operating system and performing PRAM and SMC resets, but this issue appears to be a firmware incompatibility so changing the operating system setup or firmware settings will not help.
Keep in mind that this behavior is not the same as when a hard drive is dying, where regular clicks and pauses happen, followed by spinning beach balls when the system cannot access the storage media. This AppleInsider article links to a couple of YouTube videos that show how this behavior manifests itself, so check them out if you think your system has this problem. When the fix is released, it should be in the form of a firmware update so keep an eye out for one in the near future. Read this Apple Support Discussions forum thread about beeping, clicking, and freezing hard drives.
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May 17, 2010
About to change the hard drive and have some great software but not the discs.
What is the best method to lift them off onto a disc or thumbdrive?
Go to Applications and lift onto the disc icon on the desktop?
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Jun 10, 2009
I'm sure all of you heard about the new mac book more specifically the 13 inch. I however have the original macbook 13 unibody laptop. I want to upgrade my hard drive but I want to make sure there isn't a max space which my laptop can handle. Does any one if there is a max and what the specifications of the hard drive size is like the size?
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Feb 22, 2010
I'm fairly new to macs and am having some problems. Here's the situation:
I've got a 3 year old 13" Macbook - 2.1 Intel Core 2 Duo, 1.83 Ghz, 512MB memory, 60 GB hard drive - I bought it from
Apple directly - it was a ""reconditioned"" one from the factory.
It has worked fine for 3 years, but lately has been getting slower and slower (most programs), and even the home screen has been acting weird, and loading up funny, if at all sometimes, and I get the "spinning beachball of death" much more often and/or for longer periods. I have all my files copied elsewhere, and I just figured I would start over and reinstall the 10.4 Tiger OS that came with it - I have the original grey install/restore DVDs.
In case it matters, the two install/restore DVDs read:
mac os version 10.4.8
AHT version 3AA18
disc version 1.0
So here's what I've tried so far:
-I booted up with the install/restore DVDs and have run the hardware checker several times. It says everything is fine.
-Also through the Utilities on the restore disk, i checked/repaired the disks and the "permissions" which showed up in the Disk Utility as the "Mac hard drive" or something like that, about 5 or 10 GB, and the main part of the drive, the "55.9 GB Fujitsu MHV2060BHPL". That all seemed to check out fine as far as the computer could tell me.
-I tried installing Tiger from the restore DVDs, the first time with the "archive and install" option. It seems like everything is working with the installation, and it gets through the second DVD, but when its done, it states that there are "software errors" and to try to install it again. (And no it won't boot up at all on its own...) I tried it again with another of the install options, I think it was "Erase and Install" - same thing. I also tried the "first time install option" too - same thing.
Next, since I got all my info off the computer already, I tried reformatting. First I used the function that writes zeroes over everything, for both the "Mac HD" and the "55.9 GB Fujitsu" drive too. Then I tried all three different install options again, starting with the "initial install" one. I also went into Disk Utility and used the format (and/or partition?) function and the drive has been redone with the mac os "extended journal" format, always with the same result as before. The whole thing (including the DVD test that it runs) seems to go fine with the install, but at the end it always says there are software errors and to try the install again... Is this possibly a hard drive problem (even though it "tests" fine)?
What if I ordered one of these:
Would that work in my macbook? Could I just replace the drive and go for another "first install"? Or is it likely something else?
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Oct 3, 2010
I'm thinkimg of buying the samsung ln46c670 tv, and already have a free agent go flex hard drive, with a mac laptop. I want to play movies from my hard drive on the tv with out my computer being in the way. My question is how do I do that, and is it necessary to buy the freeagent go flex tv media device to play it through. Or should I invest in a bluray player that is wirless ready, or if I even need the c670 model tv with the internet apps. Which combo package would be the best?
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Apr 11, 2010
My August 2007 MacBook runs OSX 10.4.10. It has performed flawlessly since my daughter bought it in 2007, and perfectly after I purchased it from her last september. The other night I was surfing the web while flying on a commercial airliner. (GoGoNet or something similar) Performance was kind of slow but I attributed that to the in-air wifi, which I had never used before. Then the browser started to hang with the spinning pinwheel. Option apple escape WOULD NOT force quit safari. After a few shutdowns using only the power button, the mac hung up on startup. I hear the chime, see the apple icon, the gear turns but it never goes past that point. It may be significant that the plane was flying through scary turbulence when my problems began.
When I boot up using the mac install disk 1, I can get it to start cleanly using the C key, the D key and NO keys. But when I run the hardware diagnostic, both short and long test, the mac comes up 100% clean. But i cannot see any test for the hard drive. When I try to run disk utility, the colored pinwheel arrives and it never goes away. When I go down the road of re-installing the system software, I cannot see the target drive.
When I put my ear on the deck, just to the right of the track-pad, I can hear the hard drive quietly spinning away with regular - not random - clicks.
I see that Apple is quietly replacing these hard-drives, but the affected computers seem to have a folder/question mark on the desktop on startup, not the apple/spinning gear.
I really would like to be able to recover my photos and some files if the hard drive is going to be swapped. But I am resigned to the situation that these un-backed-up files will be forever lost.
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Aug 23, 2014
My G drive External Hard disk is not recognised by windows laptops yet it works on my MacBook Air
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Jul 20, 2010
I have been running out of hard drive space and have deleted a whole bunch of files... even deleted all the languages i didn't need from all my applications... about a week ago i freed up around 2GB.... but without saving and downloading anything my free space is now 70MB!! All I have been doing is watching streamed videos and I notice this reduces the drive space as I'm watching it!! Even opening firefox and some websites drops my memory by 0.1MB. I can't find anywhere where temporary files might be so i can delete them.
I never used to have this problem but I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that I now use wireless internet through a phone provider and a USB modem rather than my previous WiFi via cable broadband. Can anybody shed some light on what is stealing my memory when browsing?
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Feb 15, 2010
I have a iMac DV G3/500 (Special Edition) from summer 2000. Anyway, I am using Mac OS 10.2.8. Recently, my start up disk's memory has gone done from 1.2 GB available free space to 668MB (currently). I haven't saved anything on this disk so I can not understand why this memory has disappeared. I have also had icons on the start up menu disappear. Could someone please tell me how I can restore the missing memory?
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Jun 1, 2012
Can you add more RAM and Hard Drive memory to a Mac Mini after you buy it? I'm pretty sure you can, but I am just making sure.
Info:iPhone 4, Windows7, iOS 4.3.5
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Jul 6, 2010
I have an A1226 15" MacBook pro with 2GB of RAM and 120GB hard drive. I'm busting at the seams! It's running very slow, with 110GB of hard drive used up. I need more hard drive for photos, etc. and more memory for speed. I'd rather not spend the money for an iMac, so I'm considering upgrading this MacBook Pro with 500GB hard drive and 2GB more RAM (total 4GB). Can anyone tell me the pros and cons? Am I fooling myself to think this is going to come close in performance to a new iMac with 4GB RAM and 500GB hard drive?
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Feb 11, 2012
How do I find out how much memory I have on my hard drive. I'm trying to upload Leopard and I don't have enough space.
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Jun 18, 2012
I noticed the new Macbook Pro with Retina display has flash memory instead of a Hard drive. I love the new features and I want to buy it but I'm very skeptical of this flash memory. Can someone please help explain it to me. Is it better than have a hard drive in your computer?
MacBook Pro with Retina display
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Mar 10, 2012
I have a 2011 MacBook Air and I love it but I am getting concerned that the hard drive is failing. The amount available keeps changing by a few will start the day with 10 or 11 GB available and then drop down to 9 or 10 GB and sometimes you can watch the amount available creep up in small increments every minute or so. It is not constantly fluxuating and of course I understand that if I move files on and off the computer, the space available will change. I have been using Macs for 20 years and I fear this is a sign my hard drive is going to fail. I am backing up the computer regularly.
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Jun 24, 2014
After deleting about 500 emails and going to erase deleted messages the memory available on my hard drive did not change. Should it? Do emails not take up any memory?
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Feb 19, 2009
I have word documents whihc suddenly will not opn.. it says not enuf memroy or disk space and there is plenty of space on the hardrive!
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Dec 2, 2010
which is faster & more efficient? to download photo & or video content from a memory card directly to an external hard drive? or to the computers main drive & then move to the external hard drive?
I am after faster transfer/download speeds with less hang ups
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Apr 9, 2010
My Macbook 1.83 GHz needs a replacement optical drive. Will the one from my iBook 800 MHz G4 work and fit in?
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Aug 11, 2009
I have a black Macbook that my son inserted a cd disc thinking it was a movie. I believe it was a CD from his mother's HP laptop computer. The disc icon does not show up on the desktop and the disc will not eject. How do I get this disc to eject? I have tried restarting my Macbook and have held down the eject button, but to no avail.
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Nov 13, 2009
I just purchased a MacBook Pro running the latest Leopard OS. I hooked up a Lacie external HD using FW 800 to backup a bootable system of my complete HD. I used Intego Personal Backup. All seemed to go well and the backup showed up on my startup screen in Preferences. Problem is it will not boot my sytem up. Tried twice and cleared my Lacie prior to backup. The Lacie also showed up as a startup disc when I did an Option startup. Never had such a problem with Tiger but I always used FW which the MacBook does not have. I am now trying Carbon Copy Cloner to make a backup but it is not complete. Does the MacBook using Leopard have any special requirements for a backup such as a particular cable cable to use?
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Feb 12, 2010
My 15" MacBook Pro has been randomly shutting down. I ran Apple Hardware Tools, but it found nothing. So, I ran TechTool Pro 5.0.6 and discovered a SMART drive failure. On the 'Temperature Changes' test, the black indicator is all the way to the right. What does this mean? What do I need to do?
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Sep 6, 2009
Today I went to plug in my Lacie 250 GB USB external hard drive into my 13 in. MacBook to get a shirt template for a design I am making. I discovered that the hard drive just would not mount and show on the desktop, and I remembered that this happened a few days before, but all I did was unplug it and plug it back in, and it worked... except that today, that didn't work at all. I tried the other USB port, and the hard drive showed up on the desktop for about a second, and then disappeared. I kept on replugging it back into both USB ports, but nothing happened.
Then I tried to see if it would work on the PC beside me, and it was recognized as an external device; however, a message came up telling me the drive was malfunctioning. I am guessing this is from ejecting it incorrectly (because I am in a hurry to head to my next classes...I use this laptop at school), but I have incorrectly disconnected it before in the past and this problem never happened to me before.
Every single project I have ever created for my design career is on that hard drive, and all I want now is to get my files back. All I need it to do is show up on the desktop for just the right amount of time for me to copy my files onto my computer.
I read online to put it into the freezer for a while and it should mount, but that didn't work. I tried using Disk Warrior, Data Rescue 3, and Tech Tool Deluxe, but the hard drive did not show up on any of those apps.I tried plugging the hard drive into an iMac as well, but it did not show up either.
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