OS X :: Leopard Or Tiger (Less Resources) Better For Pro Audio?
Mar 11, 2009
I'm picking up two laptops next week and am wondering if there will be much of a performance difference between leapord and tiger. One Laptop will be a G4 1.33ghz with 1gb of ram. I hope for this to run the midi tracks to control lights on stage and the backing audio tracks(roughly 15 audio files running at once). The other will be a macbook pro 2.0ghz (core duo) with 2gb of ram. This will run the live VST synthesizers(no more than 2 at a time) through my sequencer (cubase or maybe a mac alternative). I'm thinking it would be easier to just have leapord on both machines but I may need to squeeze everything I can get out of the G4. Is their a performance difference or does one OS take more resources?
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Nov 26, 2008
Question in the title - just wondering if I will need to upgrade to Leopard before Snow Leopard.
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Aug 26, 2009
I've got two Macs: one Tiger (iLife '06), and one Leopard (iLife '08) and I would like to upgrade both to Snow Leopard. I'm in the UK.I need help finding the best price/capability compromiseI have looked at the prices for doing this and come up with the following options:Most expensive optionBuy the 5-user Mac Box Set (Including OS X Snow Leopard, iLife 09, iWork 09) for 179This way I've got both machines running the latest everything.Next OptionBuy the Single User Leopard box set (including iLife/iWork 09) to upgrade the Mini to Leopard (?108.34) then buy the Snow Leopard family upgrade box to upgrade both machines to Snow Leopard (?39), total ?147.34. This way I have iLife/iWork 09 on the MacMini but not the MacBook.
Cheapest OptionBuy the Single User Leopard disc to upgrade the Mini to Leopard (?68.99) then buy the Snow Leopard family upgrade box to upgrade both machines to Snow Leopard (?39), total ?107.99.
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Sep 13, 2009
I am using Cisco's vpn client to connect to my work. It uses IPsec, UDP. Although I can connect to the VPN server at work, I can't access any other resources. I noticed that routing tables are not updated. I can continue to use internet and I think traffic is not being routed through the VPN connection at all. I tried adding a default route: route add default ip.vpn.at.office (ip.vpn.at.office is the static address of the work place vpn server) Doing this, I only lose my internet connection but do not get access to work place resources.
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Nov 30, 2008
So i finally got around to upgrading a couple of my powerbook g4's. Im upgrading a powerbook g4 from tiger to leopard. My question is how can i do a full reformat (not the archive install) and keep all the programs i have on it like ms office and adobe?
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Dec 10, 2009
What/where is a good resource for learning how to edit HD video via FCE 4.0. I am having my difficulties and end up back in iMovie, but I made an investment in the FCE and want to learn to use it.
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Dec 7, 2008
I recently installed the widget iStat Pro. When i did, i discovered that the (what i presume to be) drivers from my printer are using up all of my processes. In the processes tab, it can go anywhere from 90% to +100%. I have nothing in my login items but iTunes helper and absolutely nothing in the start items. I don't know what to do about this.
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Dec 21, 2008
When I'm running mail my fan started continuously running on high. I search google and found out that mail was using close to %100 of the system resources.
I can not find out how to correct this issues. I'm using a gmail account via pop.
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Aug 22, 2009
Is Spaces actually creating a larger virtual desktop or is it just a single desktop and hiding/showing apps based on the selected space?
What resources are being consumed, if anything, by adding spaces? Main memory? Video ram? Nothing?
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May 23, 2012
To reduce the signal to noise ratio,please do not respond to this post asking questions of why I want to do this or with opinions about the validity of the task.I have a mid-2010 MacBook Pro Core i5 and I am consistently enraged that a computer this powerful is always lurching along when I am trying to do multiple things at once.I would like to limit the amount of RAM/CPU available to applications on a systemwide basis.All mobile OSes institute this policy (except for Android and its runaway memory munching) and this is what makes those system react so quickly.I know about nice and freezer but these solutions require constant tweaking for each process run. I would like a solution that is applied to every process, systemwide, if that is possible.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Core i5 2.53, 4BG RAM
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Aug 25, 2008
When I attempt to upgrade my Tiger installation on my 24 inch iMac, when I get to the "Select a Destination Drive" screen during the install process, my hard drive doesn't show up.
I have disconnected any external USB drives, and I have repaired my main hard drive. Has any one had any similar problems? Any suggestions?
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May 14, 2009
I just got a Quad 2.5Ghz G5 and it has Leopard installed.I have certain software that I need to pay for an upgrade to make it work in LeopardI can't afford that at the moment and would like to downgrade to Tigerwhich all of the software will work just fine.The problem is that every time I try to do a clean install for Tiger (Retail DVD)it gives me a kernel panic every time.could anyone tell me the right way on how to downgrade to Tiger?
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Feb 4, 2010
I'm wondering if it is possible to install different MAC OS versions (for example, having Leopard and Tiger OS X) on the same computer, as you usually do with different versions of Windows just making some partitions. Is it possible? If yes... how?
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Dec 25, 2010
I got a G4 iMac with a 1ghz powerPC and 512MB ram for Christmas - it came with Leopard.
It's not horrible slow but you can tell it's trudging along quite choppily at times (when I try to load anything in flash or youtube it can't handle it).
Would I be better off going to Tiger? I've never used Tiger before - would my experience on Tiger be horrible compared to Leopard?
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Apr 25, 2008
I am planning on upgrading to Leopard soon, but I really hate the front row graphical interface of Leopard. Is there a way to get the Tiger's interface in Leopard?
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Nov 19, 2008
I'm not a conspiracy theorist by any stretch of the imagination, but I've had a chain of events that leave me wondering what's going on:
First let me tell you my system: Dual G5 1.8GHz 3.5GB RAM.
Last year I could download and watch 1080i HD quicktime videos ( trailers from Apple's site ) without problems, playing at full resolution with no noticable frame dropping.
Then after a quicktime update ( don't remember which ), the performance fell down horribly to just a few frames a second for HD movies ( lower res videos still played fine ).
The next quicktime bumped up the performance back to something reasonable where I could at least "kind of" watch an HD trailer, but still there were sluggish points on most videos.
So last week I finally pony up for Leopard. Now I can watch 1080i trailers again without any problems and not a single frame drop that I notice.
What the heck??? Is this because of Leopard supposedly offloading some of the work to the video card? I think I read that it does that right?
I have actually noticed better performance all around with Leopard but most obvious is the graphics performance ( minimizing windows, dashboard, webpages etc ).
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May 2, 2009
Recently my parents just bought a Macbook with Leopard on it. I own a three year old Macbook that runs Tiger. I saw this as a chance to upgrade to Leopard. I tried to install Leopard on my Macbook but it says that it can't install on my machine. I've searched various places but I've gotten vague answers. Is it because the disk is hardware specific (From what I've heard) or is it something else and I'm not getting it?
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Jul 23, 2009
I have switched from pc to mac now for about 1.5 years and I LOVE mac! I'm still learning a ton but i was wondering if I should switch from running tiger and install leopard. I mainly use photoshop and final cut and had heard that there were some problems with running photoshop with leopard. not sure if that's true though. I would do an erase and install and start completely fresh.
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Jan 21, 2010
If I upgrade from tiger to leopard, will the upgrade process remember my files and folders in tiger and integrate them into leopard? Including virtual pc for mac?
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Jun 9, 2010
anyone know how I can get that Upgrade disk? will rent or buy or trade or whatever.Just trying to up grade, step by step to Snow Leopard so I need that disk.Disk does not seem to be offered by apple anymore.
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Jun 24, 2010
I am having trouble installing Leopard over my 10.4 Tiger Mac, I am using "grey faced" dvd's that came with my 10.5 Leopard Macbook, to install Leopard on my Mac, but whenever it starts up the process of installing it, it gives me an error " Mac OS X can not be installed on this computer" It gives me 2 options, to restart or "ok", if i choose "OK" i can roam about in disk utility, password reset etc etc as you would" I am wondering if this is a computer/disk problem, or will I just need to go buy snow leopard from a retailer?
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Jul 28, 2010
So I went into an Apple store yesterday to play around with the Iphone 4 and it just so happned the store I was in had the phone in stock. After playing with it for about 20 min I decided to purchase one. I was obviously all excited on my drive home.
Once I get there and plug in my phone into my Macbook I get an error saying my operatin system needs to be version 10.5.8 or higher. I'm currently running 10.4.11. So now I have to update my software which Apple said would cost me $169 (I don't feel like spending that cash so I will be returning the phone today). As far as the antenna problem, I had my 3gs and 4g side by side all night and morning. The 3gs definitely has more bars in almost all locations.
With that said I never had a dropped calls or no service to make a call with either phone. The bars on the 4G fluctuate A LOT more than the 3gs but it still does the job. The build week is 30 on the Iphone4 and when I touch the bottom left corner I do lose 1 to 2 bars right away. This message is in no means trying to bash the iphone4, it's just simply an update for those guys/girls that are still on the fence on purchasing one.
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Feb 1, 2012
I use a Power Mac G4 (QuickSilver 2002) Dual, OS X 10.4.11 Tiger.
Is it possible to update to OS 10.5 Leopard? If so, how so.
Power Mac G4 (QuickSilver 2002) Dual, Mac OS X (10.4.11), I also use MacOS 9.2.2
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Jun 27, 2012
Found Snow Leopart 10.6 in Apple store but requires Leopard 10.5 to be installed first. 10.5 is not listed in Apple store. A response in one forum stated that Snow Leopard 10.6 can be installed directly over Tiger 10.4. Is that correct? If not where can I fine Leopard 10.5?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.11), Intel Core 2 Duo
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Oct 19, 2009
I have a new mac mini, 1gig ram, 2ghz processor, and finder is consistently using 65+ percent of cpu percentage, i checked my buddies computer and his finder uses 1%. Also my computer crawls and i assume this is the reason.
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Dec 14, 2009
So I've been helping this guy do stuff with his mac (MBP 3,1, 2.4GHz dual-core, 2GB DDR2 RAM w/667 bus) and lately he's had a problem where his computer freezes totally and you have to reboot. I was working with him today and it froze while I had address book (which had stopped responding) and finder open. He always has a second screen (one of the big apple monitors that uses the video port, a USB, and a firewire 400) and an external Firewire 800 harddrive, with external power-source, for backup always plugged in.
The machine is only like 2 years old and he has over 70 GB left on his harddrive. Is it possible that always having the external monitor and external disk is draining resources and making the computer run slower? If this is the case, will this model MBP hold more than 2GB, and if it does, does it come with two 1GB modules, or one 2GB module? The next time I see him I'm gonna install MenuMeters to see if his resources are being used a lot with the stuff plugged in.
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Jan 27, 2010
My friend was having some issues with an old mac of his, so he bought a new one. He said that when he connected the two macs to move files from the old one to the new one, something weird happened. Te new one found the processor and ram from the old one and used it as its own resources.
I have lost contact with this guy so i have no way to find out how this was done. I think he said he used a firewire cable between the two macs but am not sure
does anyone know how to do this? I dont think it was xgrid cause it worked with all programs and could see the processors in activity manager. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Sep 2, 2014
I was working on my Mac but is coming very slow sometimes so I found the problem is the kernel task.
Lex I already use the Clean My Mac and since the first time I delete a lot of things I don't even remember how many. Should I format my drive?
About the iCleanMemory so the system will clear the RAM by it self or should I do something different or use another program?
So here is the report: EtreCheck version: 1.9.15 (52)Report generated 2 de septiembre de 2014 16:58:23 GMT-4 Hardware Information: ? MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2013) (Verified) MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro10,2 1 3 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU: 2 cores 8 GB RAM Video Information: ? Intel HD Graphics 4000 - VRAM: (null) Color LCD 2560 x
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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May 28, 2008
I am currently running an Imac (white) with Tiger. I run pro tools and its not compatable with leopard yet. Im trying to figure out a way that I can get a new macbook and run both tiger and leapord so that I can run pro tools.
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Sep 18, 2010
Can a Macbook that runs on 10.4 Tiger be upgraded to 10.6 Leopard?
I bought a used Macbook. It has the following specs:
MacBook 2,1
Intel Core 2 Duo
2.16 GHz
4 GB Memory 667MHz
I reformated the Mac for a fresh start (20GB+ of the space were used up and the seller claimed that everything was erased)
However, the sad news is that the discs that the seller sent me appear to be 10.5.2 Tiger. In the auction, seller claimed that the OS is upgraded to 10.4 Tiger. When I tried to install, I get the error saying that "This software cannot be installed."
So... now it looks like I will have to buy an installation disk?
My question is will this laptop be able to run a 10.6 Leopard (I just put this example in because it seems to be the most popular one or something. I am new to Mac.)? Or will I receive the same error for that 10.5 Tiger?
Currently, this laptop has no OS installed.
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