Laptops :: Macbook Air HD Upgrade To 120 GB
Aug 17, 2009
for all running out of space,I have replaced the Harddrive on my macbook air Prozessortyp:Intel Core 2 Du Prozessorgeschwindigkeit:1.8 GH Anzahl der Prozessoren:1Gesamtzahl der Kerne:2L2-Cache:4 MBSpeicher:2 GBBusgeschwindigkeit:800 MHzthe sparepart Hard Drive i used
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Jan 8, 2010
I have a macbook pro of 8months old.The machine is fitted with 4gb ram, 2 x 2, but is able to be fitted with 8 gb.I bought 2 x 4gb of the same type of ram: 1067 MHz DDR3When it was fitted, the computer performed great, Autocad was flying.
Alas, after a few hours the computer went berserk and started to behave odd, refused to open a prog, refused to stop and finally refused to re-start.
When I removed the new ram modules and re-fitted the old ones, I found out that my hdd was not mountable. I did resolve the issue but lost some data in the process.
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Sep 3, 2009
o I took the plunge and giddily purchased Mac OS 10.6 aka Snow Leopard the day it was made available. Usually, I have very little worries being an early adopter to new OS releases considering the successful upgrade experiences I've had through the years of being a Mac user.
After upgrading to Snow Leopard from 10.5.8, my MacBook Pro 17" (2.6 GHz, 4GB RAM, 200GB @7200 RPM HDD, non-unibody) would consistently drop it's internet connection whether it was via Ethernet (wired) or through AirPort (wired and wireless are using DHCP). I've applied several supposed fixes suggested everywhere on the Googled web with limited success:* Reset Network settings, deleted "Automatic" settings and created a new setting (called untitled)
* Zap the PRAM (hold Command+Option+P+R on restart)
* Flush the DNS cache(using: dscacheutil -flushcache on the Terminal)
These 'fixes' worked only for a few minutes, and the internet connection would eventually drop again. NOTE: Although other computers and drives were visible on my network, and Instant Messaging via Adium is still functional, which is weird, I could not connect to the internet through a browser, or connect or even to the iTunes store.
Tired and frustrated at this point, I decided to finally call Apple Support (Case #134733179) and was suggested to try the following steps:* Shutdown the MacBook Pro, remove battery, disconnect the power, and then hold the Power Key for 15 seconds. After which I was told to replace the battery, reconnect power and zap PRAM and wait for 2 chimes before letting the keys go.
I was able to get connection for a while but lost it again after a few minutes of usability.And so I called again and was told this time to try:* Trash the SystemConfiguration folder (~/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration) and all of it's contents... then reboot.
The above suggestion seemed logical as it would obliterate any existing preferences that may be corrupted and affecting the connection setup. The system would then recreate a fresh preference file free of any lingering old settings. This again worked for a while, but sadly, my wired and wireless connection both drops within a few minutes of usage. It is also worth noting that simply restarting the MacBook Pro regains connectivity as well but drops after a few minutes on both Ethernet and Airport settings.
So today has been an unproductive day considering I spent all my efforts troubleshooting Snow Leopard (10.6) on the MacBook Pro, and couple that with the inability to use several key functionality such as SynergyKM to sync all three machines I have with one keyboard/mouse (not to mention the unpredictable behavior Adobe CS3 has been displaying (especially InDesign losing menus and drawing blank palettes!) and the loss of Letterbox's (plugin) features on and I am now forced to downgrade back to 10.5.8 via Time Machine Restore until Apple resolves or acknowledges this problem (or some knowledgable individual throws this dog a bone and help me out of this misery).In the meantime, I need to get work done and something as fundamental as a stable internet connection should have been high on Apple's "must work" priority list.
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Apr 20, 2010
I'm going to be upgrading my powerbook G4. I have an external 750 hard drive that is up to date with my system. What I would like to know is, should I do a clean install to Leopard(can't go snow intel. right?)and later add my pictures & music back from backup? And what is the best way to do that. I also am adding 1 g to the 512. I'm thinking I'm not going full memory for now. I'm just trying to make this wonderful laptop a few more yrs. Please can anybody tell me how you upgraded and why.
Machine Name: PowerBook G4 17"
Machine Model: PowerBook5,5
CPU Type: PowerPC G4 (1.1)
Number Of CPUs: 1
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Feb 7, 2010
I would like to know if there is a CPU / Processor upgrade option for my laptop. I am max'd out 640 MB of RAM and the processor is heating up often. I am running Leopard 10.5.8
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Nov 8, 2010
i have just started my phd and am looking for a portable laptop. my requirements are pretty basic - lots of word processing, music, movies, and of course internet. maybe some photo editing. now first, i am a little mixed up if i should go for the macbook pro (basic 13 inch) or the newly launched macbook air (13 inch basic). pro is more powerful and cheaper than air. but then air is lighter and also has the faster flash memory! on the other hand, i am tempted to go for an SSD option with the pro. the price goes up of course by 315 $ or so. but in a way then the system could last me for a very long time given that the new polymer batteries last 3 times than normal ones. and its really the batteries/HDD that get worn out first.
on the other hand i am a little wary of SSD technology. it seems that the old HDD's are not that bad, and have some advantages over the SSD's. an internet search reveals that the 1st generation SSD's had a lot of problems. so does apple now use 1st generation ones or newer ones? moreover, is the SSD option more reliable or the flash drive one (with air)? basically am ready to invest a big amount provided i am assured that the system will last me for a long time to come.
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Aug 24, 2009
I have a MacBook Pro that is approximately 2 years old. It has always worked fine without any issues at all. Tonight I was installing some scanner software for a Fujitsu S300M scanner. After installing the software it asked me to reboot so I had reboot. At that time I came back a minute later to see just a black screen. I then after a couple more minutes decided to hold down the power button and turn off the power since nothing was happening.
I then pressed the button again and I saw the light turn on on the button that opens the screen but that is all. There was no startup chime, nothing. All I could hear is at the same time the light came on the optical drive makes it's noise that it makes at bootup. I have tried repeatly to start the computer. I have pulled both the AC Power and Battery for several minutes with still no luck. As I said just the light comes on and the optical drive makes noise and that's it, no startup chime, nothing. I don't think this should be related to scanner software and I'm assuming it was a coincidence that it happened then but any idea what could be causing this and can I fix it without a trip to the genius bar?
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Dec 22, 2009
I have an aging mac. (macbook pro 15.4" core duo (2006)) I would like ot breath life into the machine by upgrading the ram. I am thinking of upgrading to 2 gigs from 1. What kind of a performance upgrade am I going to see?
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Nov 24, 2010
I have so far had a few instances of this phenomenon w/ my 15 mo. old Mac. First, when charging my Mac at night in off-mode, it will occasionally turn itself on at some point evidenced by the power-on when it's opened. Then,I have had one instance of a shut-down by itself during use. It restarted w/ no problem. Next, the computer turned itself on with the cover closed and the computer had been off all night. I heard it start up, so I am sure. I do have AppleCare if I need to take it in.
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Aug 22, 2008
I have a macbook that was given the ol beer in the keyboard treatment and went dark with a ghost image, before I bought it, leading me to believe that it was the inverter board had blown, I bought one online and replaced it but to no avail. The previous owner obviously had very little knowledge as they left a few screws out on reassembly but I don't think they should matter a lot. I could of course use it with an external monitor but kind of defeats the purpose of a laptop. So would like to get the display working without having to buy a new display. I cannot seem to find out if it is possible to replace the backlight, if this is the problem, or to find one for sale online, even on the excellent ifixit site. It is a 2Ghz intel core 2 duo.
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Sep 11, 2008
I have an Intel based Macbook pro. I have an old Thinkpad T20 with XP Pro acting as a print server. My printer is an HP PSC 1350. I also have another laptop with XP on it. My wife uses her PC laptop and I'm using the Mac. She can print wirelessly to the PSC1350 no problem. I have downloaded and installed the hpjis, Foomatic-RIP, and Ghostscript in order to get the driver for the HP printer. The 1350 isn't on the list, but the 1300 and the 1400 is so probably close enough. I can see my printer on the network from the MacBook and I load it, etc...
When I go to print, the file goes into the queue, the printer fires up, prepares to take the paper, and then stops. Going to the XP laptop acting as the server - the file is shown in the queue and says Printing, but it's stopped. I have to manually remove the file from the queue from the spool directory to clear it. Has anyone ever been able to get the HP PSC 1350 to print from a MacBook through an XP server?
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Oct 10, 2008
One that no one would be able to get in at all? I've read where someone could use the install disc and set a new password. There's no way at all to make my computer totally safe from someone getting into it?
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Jan 16, 2009
I have a small problem with a MacBook. With OSX 10.5.6. I ran BootCamp on it to create a second partition for Windows XP SP3. When it's time to put in the Windows XP disc on the reboot, the MacBook gets stuck with a black screen and a flashing indicator in the top left corner. Supposely it must show a message that the CD is about to boot for the windows installation. But that flashing indicator just stayes there. Nothing happens.
I tried recreating the partition using bootcamp about 3 times, I made sure that the partition was working as I could see it on the OSX desktop. Tried about 4 different Windows CD's, vista included, but nothing changes.
I am now about to reinstall the Mac OS to see if that will help. I am stuck with this as I never had a problem like this and tried everything I could think of except for the reinstalling of OS X.
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Sep 29, 2009
My daughter has a 3 year old 13" MacBook. We are upgrading the HD and would like to get an exterior enclosure for the old HD from this laptop. Would any 2.5" SATA enclosure work for this or are there other specifications I should be aware of?
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Oct 2, 2009
I'm looking for a good ergo keyboard and mouse for my new work laptop, a mac book pro. I tried the split keyboard and don't like it. My preference would be a curved keyboard - currently using a Microsoft for my dell. Also looking for a joystick mouse - currently using a 3M and love it but it will not work on my personal mac.
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Oct 26, 2009
The cursor often does not advance when my spacebar is depressed. I have a white macbook with 2.2Ghz Intel Core Duo running OS 10.5.8. The keyboard has been replaced three times without success. Sometimes while in Excel all the keys just freeze up. Has anyone come across this problem?
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Dec 29, 2009
I have seen this question answered before but can't find it in the archives. Almost immediately after starting to use the laptop the fan starts running and doesn't quit until you put it back to sleep or turn it off. Any ideas on why this is happening and is it harmful to the computer in the long run?
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Jan 28, 2010
I've got a late '06 Macbook Pro, running OS 10.4.11, 2GB RAM, 2.16GHz processor. The battery recently died, but that's not a problem as I run it via the power adapter when at home.
Problem is, since the battery packed up, the computer itself is running slower than when the battery was installed. Is this usual?
It's a dualcore processor, and was previously fast enough to watch HD movies, but now HD movies are jerky, and the whole overall operating system seems noticeably more sluggish.
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Feb 16, 2010
I'm going to be testing a 1.83 GHz Macbook with a bad hard drive and optical drive offered for sale. How can I boot from a USB flashdisk? I have a retail version of OS 10.4 on a DVD, but obviously I can't use it on this machine because of the bad DVD drive. I can, however, copy the contents of the DVD to a USB flashdisk using another Mac.
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Feb 20, 2010
Does anyone know if there would be an issue if I play a DVD on an upside down MacBook? I plan to mount the MacBook upside down under the kitchen cabinet to watch videos while doing kitchen work.
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Feb 21, 2010
I have a Late 2008, White 13" 2.1 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 4 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM, Bus Speed: 800 MHz Boot ROM Version: MB41.00C1.B00 SMC Version (system): 1.31f0 Serial Number (system): W8839RQ**** Hardware UUID:C60537**-
Apple Bluetooth Software Version:2.2.4f3
I would LOVE to pair a decent Bluetooth headset to the laptop for DVDs, iTunes while I surf/Facebook/etc. However, whenever I look on the Apple or CNET websites for Bluetooth headsets, all I can find are headsets for iPhones, MP3 players, etc, but none that indicate use with a MacBook or a laptop. Can someone tell me if I can get a Bluetooth set for this purpose and what modifications or upgrades, if necessary, are needed? More tech data related to my system are shown below in case it helps answer questions I'm not smart enough to ask.
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Apr 21, 2010
My 2.33GHz C2D MacBook Pro running 10.6.3 has suddenly decided it doesn't have an optical drive installed!
If I put a CD or DVD in the drive it will pull it in, spin but fail to recognise the disc. It is impossible to eject the inserted disc by any means - except by using a piece of cardboard to stop it spinning after a restart. I have tried data, audio and video CDs/DVDs.
System Profiler says I only have a hard drive attached to Serial-ATA and have no Disc Burning devices installed.
Has the optical drive failed? If so why does it still spin up if the computer doesn't know the drive is there? Does the fault lie elsewhere?
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May 23, 2010
I upgraded my MBP 15" (model MacBookPro5,4) from2X 2Gb to 2X 4Gb HYPERVELOCITY DDR3-1066 MHZ everything runs as per normal but under"About this Mac" it states that I only have 1Gb DDR3 -1067 Mhz, and under "more info"~ memory ity states Bank 0/DIMM0 4GB DDR3 1067 MHZ OK Bank 1/DIMM0 4GB DDR3 1067 MHZ OK
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Jul 16, 2010
I have a macbook pro, 2.4 ghz, 2 gb ram, graphics nvidia geforce 8600 - it's about 3 years old.
The problem is that my mac is becoming slower and slower, sometimes it becomes unresponsive with simple tasks such as loading several tabs in the browser (i normally use firefox). And it happens too with photoshop, illustrator and basically any software.
The worst, is running 3D software in it. Some few months ago i could work fluently on a 3D project, now i just can't make anything that it just breaks down or crashes. Even scrolling windows is a pain in the b*tt.
I know that 3D software might be way too heavy for a 2gb ram and my graphics ain't the best... but i'm sure something is wrong with my computer because it was working fine some months ago...
I've been making software updates, i use Onyx like once a week to run the scripts, i've made a SMART hardware checkup and it says it's everything ok...
The harddrive is 160 gb and it has 20gb free space. It doesn't have much space left, but i don't think this could be the source of the problem.
Could it be a graphics card problem? i've been looking for drivers update in nvidia website, i can't find them for mac.
Or maybe some more extra ram could resolve the problem. But i don't know if i want to take the risk of spending 200 euros on + 4gb for nothing..
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Aug 15, 2010
When I made the switch to the Mac world with a MacBook Pro, I needed to replace my old Microsoft Money for simple small business functions. I tried a number of Mac programs, and all were lacking. Fortora came close, but definitely no cigar. So I installed Windows 7 to permit me to run Quicken. Despite all the strong negative reviews, this program works well and is far ahead of all Mac financial software. Since I use Windows only for Quicken and for Audible Site, since iTunes does not play nice with my Sansa Clip.
I didn't want to divide up my 4 MB of RAM using virtualization software. So I use Boot Camp, and this solution works well for me. What was immediately obvious was that my Mac Book runs very hot when using Windows, where I do little more than use Quicken. So hot that I dare not set my machine on my lap. As soon as I reboot to the Mac OS, the machine cools down. My impression, although I have not really tested this, is that the battery also runs down faster on the Windows side.
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Oct 28, 2010
so i was just wondering people's opinions on macbook pro with SSD, im thinking about getting a macbook pro but im not sure if i should get a 250 GB HDD or the 128GB SSD. it will be for college and i have a TB too (external HDD) so i dont think it will be too bad for me.. 128 does seem like a lot, and my desktop is the one that will get movies and all so yeah. so what do you think get a macbook pro with/ without SSD like what are the pros/cons of SSD? also should i get the Air instead?? i dont like the air's battery life though soo yeah..
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Nov 8, 2010
i am going to buy the new macbook pro with the i5 card and I was wondering what would be the best option for me because i will use the laptop more often for graphic design then for video editing.
1. to get the macbook with 5400rpm hd, this way my laptop wont over-heat and will be sufficient for graphic softwares such as photoshop. when i will want to use the laptop for video editing i will hook it to a portable hd through firewire cable for maximum data transference speed.
2. other option is to get the 7200rpm hd, but i'm afraid for the well being of my laptop because it will already get quite hot with the fast i5 processor. and the great graphic card.
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Apr 29, 2012
If a MacBook Pro 15 is your only computer, can it use a remote keyboard? I find that I would rather use the ergonomic keyboards as opposed to the keyboard that is found on the laptop itself. I can type considerably faster with more accuracy and getting to the mouse rather than using the touch pad is also quicker and less time consuming.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 04/2010-15" and 06/2011-13"
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Jun 20, 2012
does apple plan to implement the app for laptops/desktops in the future?
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Nov 17, 2010
Looking at getting a 13" MPB to replace my aging Macbook. I am aware of the imminent arrival of the next gen next year, but still seriously considering getting a current gen.
Anyway, I am debating between getting the 2.66GHz version with 4GB RAM and the 2.4GHz version with 8GB RAM. I already have a 500GB 7200rpm HDD which I will transplant into it. Some stage in the next year or so I will look into getting an SSD and optibay for it.
I know that if I get the faster processor I can upgrade the RAM at a later date, but is the faster processor worth the money, or would I be better spending on RAM?
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