Laptops :: Light Spillage On MBP Duo - Right Speaker Damaged

Sep 30, 2009

My MBP 15" Duo 2.33 A1211 received light spillage. The apparent damage was limited to loss of the keyboard backlight on 3/4 of the panel and, of greater concern, effective loss of the right speaker. Audio does pass, though far too faint and distorted to be useful. The left speaker/channel functions as per normal. Last night I successfully replaced the combined speaker assembly yet the same symptoms remain with no change. My knowledge of the guts of my machine is slight though growing. Where should I go next up the signal chain to trouble shoot? Is there a dedicated audio amp onboard between the logic board & the speakers? Outside of my stated problem, all other hardware/processes have functioned without issue since the accident.

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Laptops :: Can MBP Polymer Battery Be Damaged Through Overcharged

Dec 14, 2010

i know that its generally recommended to not overcharge batteries. i have e.g. seen several cellphone batteries going kaput within a few months since people leave their phones on 'overnight' i am wondering if the same applies for the polymer batteries in my MBP ?however, if i am not mistaken apple uses some kind of sophisticated electronic monitoring to keep a tab on the state of charge or discharge of the battery.

does this mean that there is no chance of the battery getting damaged through overcharging ?basically, what good practises can i use to ensure that the polymer battery lasts me a long time ?

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MacBook :: Speaker Icon Grayed Out - Red Light Omitting From Headphone Port

Apr 4, 2012

I've had my macbook connected to my speakers for much of the last couple of days. I reckon I last had sound from my actual macbook speak the day before yesterday - No nothing! The speaker icon in the menu bar is greyed out and in system prefs, all is normal and not muted. When I use the volume keys, the window comes up but the volume indicators don't move up or down and there is the forbidden/ no entry icon underneath the volume indicator bar. There is also a new red light omitting from the headphone port. (I'm using Lion 10.7.3)

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Mbook 08, iPhone4, 5th Gen ipod

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Laptops :: Magsafe Adapter Light Off?

Jun 17, 2010

I wonder if somebody has a similar problem. MacBook pro 2008 (15", 2.2 GHz, 2 GB RAM) has the Magsafe adapter light off when fully charged. When disconnected-reconnected, it starts glowing green again.

History: about 6 months ago, the screen wiring and video card were replaced by Apple. The battery was replaced a long time ago. Symptoms after card replacement (not necessarily related to it) included spontaneous wake from sleep when the lid was closed, although the "wake from sleep at Ethernet activity" was disabled. In the Apple store they reset the power management unit and the unwanted wake up stopped. The computer is always plugged into the wall outlet when at home but travels often during the day and is on battery power then.

Two other laptops (2007 and 2009) always have the adapter green light on when the battery is fully charged. The "abnormal" one now has a replacement adapter plugged in and for several days the light was on when charged. Today it turned off again. Apple does not list that option and only vaguely states that when fully charged, the adapter light is green. Anything to do with the power port contacts? If yes, how can one diagnose or repair it? Will Apple hardware test do it? Or is this within normal behavior? Also, I am not sure whether this is serious or not since the battery charges...

I did not find any answers on the web, so I am posting it here.

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MacBook Pro :: Mid 2010 Had Accidental Liquid Spillage But Still Turns On But The Screen Is Black?

May 26, 2012

It was just an accidental liquid spill, but however my macbook pro has been acting up before all this mishap with the graphics. I thought is was just nothing so I didn't care to bring it to an apple store but when I had to bring it and check it out using the Nvidia video test it presumed a failed video card. The genuius said it will take 2 weeks to be fix until several days later I recieved a call saying it can not be fix due to a foreseen amount of liquid damage. I've spilt other liquid items but wiped it off the keyboard quickly and it still worked. I'm using my MBP right now with an external monitor, it still works fine but with the issue of the screen being pitch black.

MacBook Pro

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Mac Pro :: Tower Speaker Doesn't Cut And Have To Hook Up 5.1 Locitech Speaker System

Oct 2, 2008

The tower speaker just doesn't cut it and I want to hook up my 5.1 Locitech speaker system. I couldn't find any Mac sound cards on newegg and am having trouble finding results anywhere else. What card is recommended by most Mac Pro users? My professions isn't in audio so it doesn't have to be perfect, just something to play games, music, and movies.

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IMac :: External Speaker Sound Only Coming Out Of One Speaker?

Dec 21, 2009

I have a 2.1 Logitech Z4 setup, and the sound is only coming out of the left speaker. I have checked the wires, they are fine, and both speakers do work - but it could be the socket that's the problem. It's plugged into the line-in socket, I have put the output in System Preferences to Headphones, and everything is inserted correctly.

What do I do?

EDIT: My sound system is plugged into the headphones jack. I have tried putting headphones into the headphone jack and the sound also only comes out of the left earbud.

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MacBook Pro :: Right Speaker Louder Than Left Speaker?

Nov 13, 2008

Mine sounds muffled on the left when compared to the right speaker.

Its very noticeable when you play around in your balance settings (max left or max right) that the volumes are different.

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MacBook Pro :: Light Humming And Light Vibrating?

Nov 16, 2010

When I am in a quiet room, I notice a light humming coming from my macbook pro and also a light vibration on the right side. Is this just the hd spinning or something to be concerned about? it is 2 weeks old.

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MacBook Pro :: Hdd Damaged After Turning Off?

Oct 5, 2010

I have an external hard drive attached to my MacBook Pro. Today my MacBoor Pro freezed and I had to turn it off pressing and holding the power button. After turning it on the external hard drive didn't appear in desktop. I checked the disk utility that comes with mac and it shows the HD but I can't mount it.

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OS X :: Damaged System Files

Feb 4, 2009

I noticed that some system files are damaged. They are owned by strange groups/owners and the file size is zero. Here are some examples:

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 133312 20 sep 09:37 launchctl
-r-xr-xr-x@ 44093 root 8629311 0 4 mei 2008 link
-r-xr-xr-x@ 44093 8629310 wheel 0 4 mei 2008 ln
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel 73696 12 nov 02:51 ls

I repaired my HD and fixed some chain links, any idea to fix these files?

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MacBook Pro :: Getting Hot While Working - Fan Damaged?

Mar 17, 2010

I was browsing the internet for a couple of hours when I noticed the computer started getting super hot. The fans are going full blast, and the keyboard is also hot. The scary thing is, I'm not running anything but safari. I'm afraid that given where the fall happened (the back of the computer) that I have damaged one of the fans, because one side of the computer (the left) is burning hot and the right is just normal. What should I do? I dunno how much a new fan costs but I'm guessing not cheap.

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OS X :: Any Way To Mount Damaged SD Card?

May 16, 2010

I have an A-Data brand 16 gig SDHC card which became corrupted/damaged in my Canon S90 (it looks like a lot of people are having problems with this card). When I put the card into the card reader attached to my Mac Pro, the volume does not show up on the desktop, or appear at all under Disk Utility. No error message of any kind pops up. If I look in Console, I see the following messages:

USBF:28693.905AppleUSBUHCI[0x11f5b000]::Found a transaction which hasn't moved in 5 seconds on bus 0x1d, timing out! (Addr: 0, EP: 0)
USBF:28696.637[0x12238100] The IOUSBFamily is having trouble enumerating a USB device that has been plugged in. It will keep retrying. (Port 1 of Hub at 0x1d000000)
USBF:28696.637[0x12238100] The IOUSBFamily was not able to enumerate a device. USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 000000009451 0x5e3 0x723 0x9451
USBF:28719.906AppleUSBEHCI[0x1208e800]::Found a transaction past the completion deadline on bus 0xfd, timing out! (Addr: 5, EP: 1)
USBF:28725.906AppleUSBEHCI[0x1208e800]::Found a transaction which hasn't moved in 5 seconds on bus 0xfd, timing out! (Addr: 5, EP: 0)
The last two continue to repeat.

I have tried a variety of card recovery programs on my Mac, and on the Windows side booted under VMWare. But since the card is not mounting at all, none of these programs can see the card to try to recover anything. I really would like to recover these photos.

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OS X :: Volume Wrapper Damaged - Need To Be Repaired

Jan 11, 2010

I have a G5 running Leopard that I have a 2nd hard drive on. It had b-tree node issues, but now Disk Warrior says "the directory cannot be rebuilt, original too severely damaged, error code 2156,-57. The volume wrapper is damaged and needs to be repaired." Disk Warrior doesn't seem to fix it, how I can get my data back?

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 LCD Damaged After Drop

May 6, 2007

Our family iBook G4 1.42 MHz was dropped from the arm of a chair onto the carpet (two feet) by one of our children. The display is shown in the picture. I've taken the LCD off and then replaced it thinking a cable might have come loose, but it didn't fix the problem. Does anyone have an opinion as to what is damaged? Is it the LCD? The circuit board in the display housing, or something in the main case? I've not taken the main case apart, but I will try that next.

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PowerPC :: What Part Of My Powerbook Is Damaged?

Nov 9, 2007

My powerbook G4 aluminum was dropped about 18 inches. The display is now hosed. Thus far I have found *nothing* wrong with the laptop except for the internal display only shows gray horizontal lines with black snow/static intermixed (still in horizontal lines).

What I'm thinking is that the display is probably actually fine and there is some little logic board in the display casing that is bad.

Here is what I've proven:

1. external monitor still works fine (means vid card is fine?)

2. swapped internal displays with another powerbook and was fully functional (means it's something in my display casing or my display itself)

3. backlight works fine (on my munged display)

4. i can see movement in the grayness when i move the mouse pointer around almost like the pointer was as wide as the screen and 90% translucent (i.e. there is a horizontal shaded bar i can move up and down with the trackpad)

I've already thought about upgrading to the 1440x960 display and being done with it. But then I started thinking it is probably a $40-50 part if I could just narrow it down.... And that would be the smart thing, rather than spending $300+

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MacBook :: AirPort Freezes - Is It Damaged

Nov 22, 2008

I have new MacBook Aluminum, it's totally cool. But there is one problem that i worry about. I can't tour on AirPort. when i hold "tour on" button, MacBook just freezes and then i can't do anything, just shut it down by pressing shutdown button for 5 seconds. i can't find out what is a problem? it's Mac X OS, or AirPort card problem? what should i do? will reinstalling of the OS ?

i even thought that it could be problem of my Mac X installation DVD, could it be damaged?

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IMac :: DVD Drive Maybe Damaged - How To Check

Feb 12, 2009

I have a 20" Alu imac, bought September 2008.

A week ago I've been watching a movie with my girlfriend, and the CD suddenly got stuck. Now at first I tried to get it out by poking around in there with a credit card (yes, idiot I know) and I'm afraid my drive might be slightly damaged. Is there any way the iMac can scan if the drive if functioning 100% as intended?

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OS X :: System Preferences Damaged - Repair?

Dec 6, 2009

My dad bought a macbook pro a few days ago and he deleted some things; iphoto and photobooth to name a few. I told him to go to system preferences and he gets an error message saying something about 'system preferences may be damaged' And it does not open. Is there a way to fix this? He has the snow leopard installation disks etc.

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Mac Mini :: Fan Damaged - Suitable Replacement?

Dec 27, 2009

Over the christmas holidays I decided to re-install my good old PowerPC Mac mini. Over this procedure by accident I attached the power cable from the Mac mini C2D (2007 model) to the PPC mini. Suddenly I noticed a hard humming noise coming from inside the Mac mini that didn't vanished after some shutdowns. I opened the Mac mini and noticed that the noise was coming from the fan. I cleaned it as good as possible but the noise ist still there. All other components are acting quite usual. But the fan is still making this newly humming noise.

So I think I have damaged the fan somehow and now I'm looking for a suitable replacement. Maybe you have any idea which fan's are good and silent?

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OS X :: ITunes Making More And More Damaged Libraries

Mar 24, 2010

Whenever I open ITunes, it gives me a message saying that my library is corrupt, and that it is creating a new library, the new library has nothing on it, so i must then copy all my music and movies back into ITunes. How can I stop ITunes from making more and more (damaged) libraries? I just want my old, "corrupted" one back!

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OS X :: Damaged System Pref File

May 22, 2010

i was attempting to change the icon of my system pref. the way I have in past OS. This was the first time I had attempted to do it in Snow Lep. Well my method is make a copy duplicate of the system pref application change the icon delete the original remove the word copy from the new one and viola it works perfect. However this time it did not work and now my system pref application will not open at all it says "it is damaged or incomplete"

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mail Index Has Been Damaged?

Mar 28, 2012

Upgraded to 10.7.3 and mail says that 'Mail index has been damaged?' It goes through the importing of new mailboxes and then says import failed. I've fiddled, deleting the envelope files and soome other bits and now it's not working at all.  

How can I delete this and reinstall MAIL?  

I use googlemail for my email account. iMac 27" Mid 2011Processor  3.4 GHz Intel Core i7Memory  16 GB 1333 MHz DDR3Graphics  AMD Radeon HD 6970M 2048 MBSoftware  Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3 (11D50)

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MacBook Pro :: How To Delete A Damaged Application

Apr 18, 2012

Whenever I try and delete an application on my mac, the finder just freezes. It isn't able to delete any of the appliction.

When I clicked on the appliction a 'You can't open the application Spotify because it may be damaged or incomplete.' box appears. 

Does anyone know a way of either restoring the application or deleting it so I can redownload? 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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PowerPC :: Post Damaged But Working Powerbook

Feb 19, 2009

just wanted to see how these machines handle abuse. I don't plan on abusing mine, but I am thinking about giving my brother one, and he is careful, but sometimes slips. I know the aluminum bodies aren't that strong, I've bumped my 12" into my car door, and it got a dent. Now I'm very very careful with it. Anybody else got stories or pics?

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Applications :: ITunes Crashed And Library Damaged

Feb 25, 2009

I recently opened up iTunes to update some of my podcasts. Since my MacBook can keep a charge for about 1 minute (I'm not kidding), it shut down while new podcasts were downloading since I forgot to plug in the charger. No big deal, I think. This has happened to be before. Except when I try to open up iTunes after turning the computer on again, I'm told that something happened to my library, and some file was renamed itunes library(damaged).itl.

Huge problem: there is absolutely no damaged itunes library anywhere on my computer. I'm missing about 2k songs, all of my audiobooks, and all of my podcast subscriptions. Where in the hell could the damaged library have gone? I've read that simply renaming that one and reimporting it brings everything back to normal, but I have no damaged file to do this with. Where does it typically go when something like this happens?

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Applications :: ITunes Library - XML Files Damaged

May 15, 2009

I'm using OS X 10.4.11 and iTunes 8.1.1. I'm not very computer literate. When I started iTunes today, I went straight to copy some files into it from another folder. I got an error message about the .xml file and then told files were damaged (I think). I think iTunes started rebuilding the folders but I stopped it and ended up with only 30-something gb of tunes instead of almost 100 gb. All my music is still there in the iTunes/Music folder (I also have 30 back-up DVDs of the library), but I really, really want to be able to keep the Date Added information as this is how I view the music, as well as all the artwork I've manually added. The iTunes Library (Damaged) file is there, as are several Previous iTunes Libraries file.

After a web search, I did the following:
i. Quit iTunes and copied the most recent "Previous iTunes Library" file to the desktop.
ii. I trashed the iTunes Library.xml and iTunes Library (with the logo) files at the top of the folder structure.
iii. I then dragged the copied Previous iTunes Library file into the iTunes/iTunes Music folder and launched iTunes. Should it be dragged into the top-level iTunes folder or where?

It opens, but with absolutely nothing in it. I've tried dragging the Previous iTunes Library file everywhere I can think of (trashing the existing .xml and Library file each time), but still no joy. This latest Previous iTunes Library file is only a couple of months old and I'd much, much rather re-do the last two months music than lose the Date Added and all Playlists etc.

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OS X :: How Can I Make A Precise Copy Of A Damaged HFS+ Volume

Sep 11, 2009

I have a damaged HFS+ volume on a storage appliance (Drobo). It does not mount in the Finder but it is visible with Disk Utility and Data Rescue II, and I've copied quite a bit of data off of it using Data Rescue II. However, because of a separate issue everything on the Drobo is currently read-only.

I would like to copy the damaged volume (about 1.1 TB) as-is to a fresh 2 TB hard drive so that I can then attempt to repair the volume using Disk Utility or other utilities. There is no other way for me to overcome the read-only status of the Drobo. I'm looking for the best way to do a sector-by-sector, block-by-block, or byte-by-byte copy of the damaged volume... whichever of those might be the correct term for what I'm describing.

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard Get Damaged If Pushes Key Too Hard?

Sep 23, 2009

I've noticed, that on some of my unibody's macbook pro keys are feeling as if they are wearing out. For example, if i press on the "S" key for a long time, push it up and back, I can feel it squeeck or scratch. The keys do work, but this just gets me concerned if it is beginning to get damaged. Is this normal? Also, can the keyboard get damaged if someone pushes a key too hard?

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Applications :: Damaged ITunes Files - Starting Over

Oct 9, 2009

So the last couple of days iTunes has been hell for me. Couple of days ago, when I opened iTunes like any other time, I was presented with an error message saying my itunes library was damaged. Anyway, long story short, I've started over and created a new one and imported all my songs, podcasts, videos etc in. That all worked well, but I was still missing my precious play counts and ratings, though I was able to import my playlists. So what I did was import one of the itunes database files from the "previous itunes libraries" option. What happened then was that it removed all the files that I purchased after the date in which the database file was created. Annoying as I can't remember every song I've purchased.

The 2 main problems at the moment is that the files I purchased are already in my iTunes media folder, I found that out by just searching some songs I remember, but the matter of remembering each one is impossible. I contemplated the idea of "Add to library" but I think all that does is import everything again into the library rather than find any ones that aren't already in it. Is there anyway to get iTunes to automatically find the files that aren't already my library and just add those? Second problem is I have is the dreaded '!' next to many of my songs, again I am sure that I have these files in my media folder (I've checked), iTunes has just (for some reason) not found those files. Again, is there a way for iTunes to automatically find those files? As opposed to me finding and clicking on everyone of those '!'s and locating the files manually?

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